コード例 #1
 // The Add method for a Protocol Droid. The parameters passed in match those needed for a protocol droid
 public bool Add(string Material, string Color, int NumberOfLanguages)
     // If there is room to add the new droid
     if (lengthOfCollection < (droidCollection.Length - 1))
         // Add the new droid. Note that the droidCollection is of type IDroid, but the droid being stored is
         // of type Protocol Droid. This is okay because of Polymorphism.
         droidCollection[lengthOfCollection] = new ProtocolDroid(Material, Color, NumberOfLanguages);
         // Increase the length of the collection
         // Return that it was successful
     // Else, there is no room for the droid
         // Return false
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Public method to Sort the droids into categories using a modified bucket sort
        /// </summary>
        public void SortIntoCategories()
            // Create a generic stack for each type of droid, and pass in the droid type as the generic that will
            // come through on the stack class as T.
            GenericStack <ProtocolDroid>  protocolStack  = new GenericStack <ProtocolDroid>();
            GenericStack <UtilityDroid>   utilityStack   = new GenericStack <UtilityDroid>();
            GenericStack <JanitorDroid>   janitorStack   = new GenericStack <JanitorDroid>();
            GenericStack <AstromechDroid> astromechStack = new GenericStack <AstromechDroid>();

            // Create a queue to hold the droids as we pop them off the stack.
            GenericQueue <IDroid> categorizedDroidQueue = new GenericQueue <IDroid>();

            // For each IDroid in the droidCollection
            foreach (IDroid droid in this.droidCollection)
                // If the droid is not null we want to process it. If it is null we will go to the else
                if (droid != null)
                    // The testing of the droids must occur in this order. It must be done in the order of
                    // most specific droid to least specific.

                    // If we were to test a droid that IS of type Astromech against Utility BEFORE we test against
                    // Astromech, it would pass and be put into the Utility stack and not the Astromech. That is why it
                    // is important to test from most specific to least.

                    // If the droid is an Astromech, push it on the astromech stack
                    if (droid is AstromechDroid)
                    // Else if it is a JanitorDroid, push it on the janitor stack
                    else if (droid is JanitorDroid)
                    // Do for Utility
                    else if (droid is UtilityDroid)
                    // Do for Protocol
                    else if (droid is ProtocolDroid)
                // The droid we are trying to consider is null, break out of the loop.

            // Now that the droids are all in thier respective stacks we can do the work
            // of poping them off of the stacks and adding them to the queue.
            // It is required that they be popped off from each stack in this order so that they have
            // the correct order going into the queue.

            // This is a primer pop. It gets the first droid off the stack, which could be null if the stack is empty
            AstromechDroid currentAstromechDroid = astromechStack.Pop();

            // While the droid that is popped off is not null
            while (currentAstromechDroid != null)
                // Add the popped droid to the queue.
                // Pop off the next droid for the loop test
                currentAstromechDroid = astromechStack.Pop();

            // See above method for Astromech. It is the same except for Janitor
            JanitorDroid currentJanitorDroid = janitorStack.Pop();

            while (currentJanitorDroid != null)
                currentJanitorDroid = janitorStack.Pop();

            // See above method for Astromech. It is the same except for Utility
            UtilityDroid currentUtilityDroid = utilityStack.Pop();

            while (currentUtilityDroid != null)
                currentUtilityDroid = utilityStack.Pop();

            // See above method for Astromech. It is the same except for Protocol
            ProtocolDroid currentProtocolDroid = protocolStack.Pop();

            while (currentProtocolDroid != null)
                currentProtocolDroid = protocolStack.Pop();

            // Now that the droids have all been removed from the stacks and put into the queue
            // we need to dequeue them all and put them back into the original array.

            // Set a int counter to 0.
            int counter = 0;

            // This is a primer dequeue that will get the first droid out of the queue.
            IDroid iDroid = categorizedDroidQueue.Dequeue();

            // While the dequeued droid is not null.
            while (iDroid != null)
                // Add the droid to the droid collection using the int counter as the index
                this.droidCollection[counter] = iDroid;
                // Increment the counter
                // Dequeue the next droid off the queue so it can be used in the while condition
                iDroid = categorizedDroidQueue.Dequeue();

            // Set the length of the collection to the value of the counter. It should be the same, but in case it changed.
            this.lengthOfCollection = counter;