コード例 #1
        /// Initialization based on passing two vectors (point + dir) on the
        /// two bodies, they will represent the X axes of the two frames (Y and Z will
        /// be built from the X vector via Gram Schmidt orthonormalization).
        /// Use the other ChLinkMateGeneric::Initialize() if you want to set the two frames directly.
        public virtual void Initialize(ChBodyFrame mbody1,    //< first body to link
                                       ChBodyFrame mbody2,    //< second body to link
                                       bool pos_are_relative, //< true: following pos. are relative to bodies.
                                       ChVector mpt1,         //< origin of slave frame 1, for 1st body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
                                       ChVector mpt2,         //< origin of master frame 2, for 2nd body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
                                       ChVector mnorm1,       //< X axis of slave plane, for 1st body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
                                       ChVector mnorm2        //< X axis of master plane, for 2nd body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
            Debug.Assert(mbody1 != mbody2);

            this.Body1 = mbody1;
            this.Body2 = mbody2;
            // this.SetSystem(mbody1.GetSystem());

            this.mask.SetTwoBodiesVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());

            ChVector            mx   = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChVector            my   = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChVector            mz   = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChVector            mN   = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChMatrix33 <double> mrot = new ChMatrix33 <double>();

            ChFrame <double> mfr1 = new ChFrame <double>();
            ChFrame <double> mfr2 = new ChFrame <double>();

            if (pos_are_relative)
                mN = mnorm1;
                mN.DirToDxDyDz(ref mx, ref my, ref mz, new ChVector(0, 1, 0));
                mrot.Set_A_axis(mx, my, mz);

                mN = mnorm2;
                mN.DirToDxDyDz(ref mx, ref my, ref mz, new ChVector(0, 1, 0));
                mrot.Set_A_axis(mx, my, mz);
                ChVector temp = ChVector.VECT_Z;
                // from abs to body-rel
                mN = this.Body1.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(mnorm1);
                mN.DirToDxDyDz(ref mx, ref my, ref mz, temp);
                mrot.Set_A_axis(mx, my, mz);

                mN = this.Body2.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(mnorm2);
                mN.DirToDxDyDz(ref mx, ref my, ref mz, temp);
                mrot.Set_A_axis(mx, my, mz);

            this.frame1 = mfr1;
            this.frame2 = mfr2;
コード例 #2
        /// Multiplies this ChMatrix33 matrix and another ChMatrix33 matrix.
        /// Performance warning: a new object is created.
        public static ChMatrix33 <double> operator *(ChMatrix33 <Real> matbis, ChMatrix33 <Real> matbis2)
            ChMatrix33 <double> result = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);

            result.nm.matrix.MatrMultiply(matbis.nm.matrix, matbis2.nm.matrix);
コード例 #3
        /// Computes and returns an Adt matrix (-note: prefer using
        /// Compute_Adtdt() directly for better performance)
        public ChMatrix33 <Real> GetA_dtdt()
            ChMatrix33 <Real> res = new ChMatrix33 <Real>(0);

            Compute_Adtdt(ref res);
コード例 #4
 /// Callback used to report contact points already added to the container.
 /// If it returns false, the contact scanning will be stopped.
 public abstract bool OnReportContact(
     ChVector pA,                     //< contact pA
     ChVector pB,                     //< contact pB
     ChMatrix33 <double> plane_coord, //< contact plane coordsystem (A column 'X' is contact normal)
     double distance,                 //< contact distance
     double eff_radius,               //< effective radius of curvature at contact
     ChVector react_forces,           //< react.forces (if already computed). In coordsystem 'plane_coord'
     ChVector react_torques,          //< react.torques, if rolling friction (if already computed).
     ChContactable contactobjA,       //< model A (note: some containers may not support it and could be nullptr)
     ChContactable contactobjB        //< model B (note: some containers may not support it and could be nullptr)
コード例 #5
        /// Computes the time derivative of rotation matrix, mAdt.
        public void Compute_Adt(ref ChMatrix33 <Real> mA_dt)
            //  [A_dt]=2[dFp/dt][Fm]'=2[Fp(q_dt)][Fm(q)]'
            //ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> Fpdt = new ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four>(0); //ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Four, IntInterface.Four>.NMNULL3_4;
            // ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> Fm = new ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four>(0);
            ChFrame <Real> .SetMatrix_Fp(ref Fpdt, coord_dt.rot);

            ChFrame <Real> .SetMatrix_Fm(ref Fm, this.coord.rot);

            mA_dt.nm.matrix.MatrMultiplyT(Fpdt.matrix, Fm.matrix);
コード例 #6
        /// Get the link coordinate system, expressed relative to Body2 (spherical side).
        /// This represents the 'main' reference of the link: reaction forces
        /// and reaction torques are reported in this coordinate system.
        public override ChCoordsys GetLinkRelativeCoords()
            ChVector            pos1 = Body2.TransformPointParentToLocal(Body1.TransformPointLocalToParent(m_pos1));
            ChMatrix33 <double> A    = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);

            ChVector u = (m_pos2 - pos1).GetNormalized();
            ChVector w = Body2.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(Body1.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_dir1));
            ChVector v = ChVector.Vcross(w, u);

            A.Set_A_axis(u, v, w);

            return(new ChCoordsys(pos1, A.Get_A_quaternion()));
コード例 #7
 /// This function transforms a point from the local reference
 /// frame to the parent reference frame. The relative attitude of
 /// the local reference frame with respect to the parent reference frame
 /// is given by the 'origin' translation and the 'alignment' rotation matrix.
 /// Since the function is static, you do not need a ChTransform object. For example,
 /// use it as: mresult=ChTransform<>::TransformLocalToParent(mloc, morig, malign).
 /// This function is optimized for fast execution.
 /// \return The point in the parent reference frame, as parent = origin + [A]*(local)
 public static ChVector TransformLocalToParent(
     ChVector local,             //< point to transform, given in local coordinates
     ChVector origin,            //< origin of frame respect to parent, in parent coords,
     ChMatrix33 <Real> alignment //< rotation of frame respect to parent, in parent coords.
     return(new ChVector(((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 0)) * local.x) + ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 1)) * local.y) +
                         ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 2)) * local.z) + origin.x,
                         ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 0)) * local.x) + ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 1)) * local.y) +
                         ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 2)) * local.z) + origin.y,
                         ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 0)) * local.x) + ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 1)) * local.y) +
                         ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 2)) * local.z) + origin.z));
コード例 #8


        /// This function transforms a point from the parent coordinate
        /// system to a local coordinate system, whose relative position
        /// is given by the 'origin' translation and 'alignment' rotation matrix.
        ///  Since the function is static, you do not need a ChTransform object, for example
        /// use it as: mresult=ChTransform<>::TransformParentToLocal(mpar, morig, malign)
        ///  This function is optimized for fast execution.
        /// \return The point in local coordinate, as local=[A]'*(parent-origin)
        public static ChVector TransformParentToLocal(
            ChVector parent,            //< point to transform, given in parent coordinates;
            ChVector origin,            //< location of local frame with respect to parent, expressed in parent ref frame;
            ChMatrix33 <Real> alignment //< rotation of local frame with respect to parent, expressed in parent coords.
            double mx = parent.x - origin.x;
            double my = parent.y - origin.y;
            double mz = parent.z - origin.z;

            return(new ChVector(((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 0)) * mx) + ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 0)) * my) +
                                ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 0)) * mz),
                                ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 1)) * mx) + ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 1)) * my) +
                                ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 1)) * mz),
                                ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 2)) * mx) + ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 2)) * my) +
                                ((alignment.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 2)) * mz)));
コード例 #9
        /// Computes the 2nd time derivative of rotation matrix, mAdtdt.
        public void Compute_Adtdt(ref ChMatrix33 <Real> mA_dtdt)
            //  [A_dtdt]=2[Fp(q_dtdt)][Fm(q)]'+2[Fp(q_dt)][Fm(q_dt)]'
            //  ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> ma = new ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four>(0);
            //  ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> mb = new ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four>(0);
            // ChMatrix33<double> mr = new ChMatrix33<double>(0);

            ChFrame <Real> .SetMatrix_Fp(ref ma, coord_dtdt.rot);

            ChFrame <Real> .SetMatrix_Fm(ref mb, this.coord.rot);

            mr.nm.matrix.MatrMultiplyT(ma.matrix, mb.matrix);
            ChFrame <Real> .SetMatrix_Fp(ref ma, coord_dt.rot);

            ChFrame <Real> .SetMatrix_Fm(ref mb, coord_dt.rot);

            mA_dtdt.nm.matrix.MatrMultiplyT(ma.matrix, mb.matrix);
コード例 #10
        /// Fast inversion of small matrices. Result will be in 'matra'.
        /// \return Returns the determinant.
        public double FastInvert(ChMatrix33 <Real> matra)
            double det;
            double sdet0, sdet1, sdet2;

            sdet0 = +(this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 1) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 2)) -
                    (this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 1) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 2));
            sdet1 = -(this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 2)) +
                    (this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 2));
            sdet2 = +(this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 1)) -
                    (this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 1));

            det = sdet0 * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 0) + sdet1 * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 1) + sdet2 * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 2);

            matra.nm.matrix.Set33Element(0, 0, sdet0 / det);
            matra.nm.matrix.Set33Element(1, 0, sdet1 / det);
            matra.nm.matrix.Set33Element(2, 0, sdet2 / det);
            matra.nm.matrix.Set33Element(0, 1, (-(this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 1) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 2)) +
                                                (this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 1) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 2))) /
            matra.nm.matrix.Set33Element(1, 1, (+(this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 2)) -
                                                (this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 2))) /
            matra.nm.matrix.Set33Element(2, 1, (-(this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 1)) +
                                                (this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(2, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 1))) /
            matra.nm.matrix.Set33Element(0, 2, (+(this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 1) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 2)) -
                                                (this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 1) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 2))) /
            matra.nm.matrix.Set33Element(1, 2, (-(this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 2)) +
                                                (this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 2))) /
            matra.nm.matrix.Set33Element(2, 2, (+(this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 1)) -
                                                (this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(1, 0) * this.nm.matrix.Get33Element(0, 1))) /

コード例 #11
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Draw a spring in 3D space, with given color.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void drawSpring(double radius,
                                      ChVector start,
                                      ChVector end,
                                      int mresolution,
                                      double turns)
            ChMatrix33 <double> rel_matrix = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
            ChVector            dist       = end - start;
            ChVector            Vx         = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChVector            Vy         = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChVector            Vz         = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            double   length = dist.Length();
            ChVector dir    = ChVector.Vnorm(dist);

            ChVector.XdirToDxDyDz(dir, ChVector.VECT_Y, ref Vx, ref Vy, ref Vz);
            rel_matrix.Set_A_axis(Vx, Vy, Vz);
            ChQuaternion Q12  = rel_matrix.Get_A_quaternion();
            ChCoordsys   mpos = new ChCoordsys(start, Q12);

            double phaseA  = 0;
            double phaseB  = 0;
            double heightA = 0;
            double heightB = 0;

            for (int iu = 1; iu <= mresolution; iu++)
                phaseB  = turns * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI * (double)iu / (double)mresolution;
                heightB = length * ((double)iu / mresolution);
                ChVector V1 = new ChVector(heightA, radius * Math.Cos(phaseA), radius * Math.Sin(phaseA));
                ChVector V2 = new ChVector(heightB, radius * Math.Cos(phaseB), radius * Math.Sin(phaseB));
                Gizmos.color = new Color(255, 255, 0);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(new Vector3((float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V1).x, (float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V1).y, (float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V1).z),
                                new Vector3((float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V2).x, (float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V2).y, (float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V2).z));
                phaseA  = phaseB;
                heightA = heightB;
コード例 #12
        public override void update(double mytime, bool update_assets)
            // Inherit parent class:
            base.update(mytime, update_assets);

            // Override the rotational jacobian [Cq] and the rotational residual C,
            // by assuming an additional hidden frame that rotates about frame2:

            if (this.Body1 != null && this.Body2 != null)
                ChFrame <double> aframe1 = ChFrame <double> .BitShiftRight(this.frame1, (this.Body1));

                ChFrame <double> aframe2 = ChFrame <double> .BitShiftRight(this.frame2, (this.Body2));

                ChFrame <double> aframe12 = new ChFrame <double>();
                aframe2.TransformParentToLocal(aframe1, aframe12);

                ChFrame <double> aframe2rotating = new ChFrame <double>();

                double aux_rotation;

                if (this.avoid_angle_drift)
                    aux_rotation = this.aux_dt + this.rot_offset;
                    // to have it aligned to current rot, to allow C=0.
                    aux_rotation = aframe12.GetRot().Q_to_Rotv().z;

                aframe2rotating.SetRot(aframe2.GetRot() * ChQuaternion.Q_from_AngAxis2(aux_rotation, ChVector.VECT_Z));

                // TODO this needs to be addressed, with it it causes rotation problems, seems to work fine without the TransformParentToLocal?
                ChFrame <double> aframe12rotating = new ChFrame <double>();
                // aframe2rotating.TransformParentToLocal(aframe1, aframe12rotating);

                ChMatrix33 <double> Jw1    = new ChMatrix33 <double>();
                ChMatrix33 <double> Jw2    = new ChMatrix33 <double>();
                ChMatrix33 <double> mtempM = new ChMatrix33 <double>();
                ChMatrix33 <double> mtempQ = new ChMatrix33 <double>();

                ChMatrix33 <double> abs_plane_rotating = aframe2rotating.GetA();

                Jw1.nm.matrix.MatrTMultiply(abs_plane_rotating.nm.matrix, Body1.GetA().nm.matrix);
                Jw2.nm.matrix.MatrTMultiply(abs_plane_rotating.nm.matrix, Body2.GetA().nm.matrix);


                // TODO this also needs to be addressed, with it it causes rotation problems/

                // Premultiply by Jw1 and Jw2 by  0.5*[Fp(q_resid)]' to get residual as imaginary part of a quaternion.

                /* mtempM.Set_X_matrix((aframe12rotating.GetRot().GetVector()) * 0.5);
                 * mtempM[0, 0] = 0.5 * aframe12rotating.GetRot().e0;
                 * mtempM[1, 1] = 0.5 * aframe12rotating.GetRot().e0;
                 * mtempM[2, 2] = 0.5 * aframe12rotating.GetRot().e0;
                 * mtempQ.MatrTMultiply(mtempM, Jw1);
                 * Jw1 = mtempQ;
                 * mtempQ.MatrTMultiply(mtempM, Jw2);
                 * Jw2 = mtempQ;*/

                int nc = 0;

                if (c_x)
                if (c_y)
                if (c_z)
                if (c_rx)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe12rotating.GetRot().e1;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw1.nm.matrix, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw2.nm.matrix, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                if (c_ry)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe12rotating.GetRot().e2;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw1.nm.matrix, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw2.nm.matrix, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                if (c_rz)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe12rotating.GetRot().e3;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw1.nm.matrix, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw2.nm.matrix, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
コード例 #13
        /// Updates motion laws, marker positions, etc.
        public override void UpdateTime(double mytime)
            // First, inherit to parent class

            ChFrame <double> abs_shaft1 = ChFrame <double> .FNULL; //new ChFrame<double>();
            ChFrame <double> abs_shaft2 = ChFrame <double> .FNULL; //new ChFrame<double>();

            ((ChFrame <double>)Body1).TransformLocalToParent(local_shaft1, abs_shaft1);
            ((ChFrame <double>)Body2).TransformLocalToParent(local_shaft2, abs_shaft2);

            ChVector dcc_w = ChVector.Vsub(Get_shaft_pos2(), Get_shaft_pos1());

            // compute actual rotation of the two wheels (relative to truss).
            ChVector md1 = abs_shaft1.GetA().MatrT_x_Vect(dcc_w);

            md1.z = 0;
            md1   = ChVector.Vnorm(md1);
            ChVector md2 = abs_shaft2.GetA().MatrT_x_Vect(dcc_w);

            md2.z = 0;
            md2   = ChVector.Vnorm(md2);

            double periodic_a1 = ChMaths.ChAtan2(md1.x, md1.y);
            double periodic_a2 = ChMaths.ChAtan2(md2.x, md2.y);
            double old_a1      = a1;
            double old_a2      = a2;
            double turns_a1    = Math.Floor(old_a1 / ChMaths.CH_C_2PI);
            double turns_a2    = Math.Floor(old_a2 / ChMaths.CH_C_2PI);
            double a1U         = turns_a1 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1 + ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;
            double a1M         = turns_a1 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1;
            double a1L         = turns_a1 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1 - ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;

            a1 = a1M;
            if (Math.Abs(a1U - old_a1) < Math.Abs(a1M - old_a1))
                a1 = a1U;
            if (Math.Abs(a1L - a1) < Math.Abs(a1M - a1))
                a1 = a1L;
            double a2U = turns_a2 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2 + ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;
            double a2M = turns_a2 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2;
            double a2L = turns_a2 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2 - ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;

            a2 = a2M;
            if (Math.Abs(a2U - old_a2) < Math.Abs(a2M - old_a2))
                a2 = a2U;
            if (Math.Abs(a2L - a2) < Math.Abs(a2M - a2))
                a2 = a2L;

            // correct marker positions if phasing is not correct
            double m_delta = 0;

            if (checkphase)
                double realtau = tau;

                m_delta = a1 - phase - (a2 / realtau);

                if (m_delta > ChMaths.CH_C_PI)
                    m_delta -= (ChMaths.CH_C_2PI);  // range -180..+180 is better than 0...360
                if (m_delta > (ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0))
                    m_delta = (ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0);  // phase correction only in +/- 45°
                if (m_delta < -(ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0))
                    m_delta = -(ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0);

            // Move markers 1 and 2 to align them as pulley ends

            ChVector d21_w = dcc_w - Get_shaft_dir1() * ChVector.Vdot(Get_shaft_dir1(), dcc_w);
            ChVector D21_w = ChVector.Vnorm(d21_w);

            shaft_dist = d21_w.Length();

            ChVector U1_w = ChVector.Vcross(Get_shaft_dir1(), D21_w);

            double gamma1 = Math.Acos((r1 - r2) / shaft_dist);

            ChVector Ru_w = D21_w * Math.Cos(gamma1) + U1_w * Math.Sin(gamma1);
            ChVector Rl_w = D21_w * Math.Cos(gamma1) - U1_w * Math.Sin(gamma1);

            belt_up1  = Get_shaft_pos1() + Ru_w * r1;
            belt_low1 = Get_shaft_pos1() + Rl_w * r1;
            belt_up2  = Get_shaft_pos1() + d21_w + Ru_w * r2;
            belt_low2 = Get_shaft_pos1() + d21_w + Rl_w * r2;

            // marker alignment
            ChMatrix33 <double> maU = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
            ChMatrix33 <double> maL = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);

            ChVector Dxu = ChVector.Vnorm(belt_up2 - belt_up1);
            ChVector Dyu = Ru_w;
            ChVector Dzu = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(Dxu, Dyu));

            Dyu = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(Dzu, Dxu));
            maU.Set_A_axis(Dxu, Dyu, Dzu);

            // ! Require that the BDF routine of marker won't handle speed and acc.calculus of the moved marker 2!

            ChCoordsys newmarkpos = new ChCoordsys();

            // move marker1 in proper positions
            newmarkpos.pos = this.belt_up1;
            newmarkpos.rot = maU.Get_A_quaternion();
            marker1.Impose_Abs_Coord(newmarkpos);  // move marker1 into teeth position
                                                   // move marker2 in proper positions
            newmarkpos.pos = this.belt_up2;
            newmarkpos.rot = maU.Get_A_quaternion();
            marker2.Impose_Abs_Coord(newmarkpos);  // move marker2 into teeth position

            double phase_correction_up  = m_delta * r1;
            double phase_correction_low = -phase_correction_up;
            double hU = ChVector.Vlength(belt_up2 - belt_up1) + phase_correction_up;
            double hL = ChVector.Vlength(belt_low2 - belt_low1) + phase_correction_low;

            // imposed relative positions/speeds
            deltaC.pos      = new ChVector(-hU, 0, 0);
            deltaC_dt.pos   = ChVector.VNULL;
            deltaC_dtdt.pos = ChVector.VNULL;

            deltaC.rot      = ChQuaternion.QUNIT; // no relative rotations imposed!
            deltaC_dt.rot   = ChQuaternion.QNULL;
            deltaC_dtdt.rot = ChQuaternion.QNULL;
コード例 #14
        /// Updates motion laws, etc. for the impose rotation / impose speed modes
        public override void UpdateTime(double mytime)
            // First, inherit to parent class

            if (!IsActive())

            // DEFAULTS compute rotation vars...
            // by default for torque control..

            motion_axis    = ChVector.VECT_Z; // motion axis is always the marker2 Z axis (in m2 relative coords)
            mot_rot        = relAngle;
            mot_rot_dt     = ChVector.Vdot(relWvel, motion_axis);
            mot_rot_dtdt   = ChVector.Vdot(relWacc, motion_axis);
            mot_rerot      = mot_rot / mot_tau;
            mot_rerot_dt   = mot_rot_dt / mot_tau;
            mot_rerot_dtdt = mot_rot_dtdt / mot_tau;

            // nothing more to do here for torque control
            if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_TORQUE)

            // If LEARN MODE, just record motion
            if (learn)
                deltaC.pos      = ChVector.VNULL;
                deltaC_dt.pos   = ChVector.VNULL;
                deltaC_dtdt.pos = ChVector.VNULL;
                if (!(limit_Rx.Get_active() || limit_Ry.Get_active() || limit_Rz.Get_active()))
                    deltaC.rot      = ChQuaternion.QUNIT;
                    deltaC_dt.rot   = ChQuaternion.QNULL;
                    deltaC_dtdt.rot = ChQuaternion.QNULL;

                if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_ROTATION)
                    if (rot_funct.Get_Type() != ChFunction.FunctionType.FUNCT_RECORDER)
                        rot_funct = new ChFunction_Recorder();

                    // record point
                    double rec_rot = relAngle;  // ***TO DO*** compute also rotations with cardano mode?
                    if (impose_reducer)
                        rec_rot = rec_rot / mot_tau;
                    ChFunction_Recorder rec = (ChFunction_Recorder)rot_funct;
                    rec.AddPoint(mytime, rec_rot, 1);  // x=t

                if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_SPEED)
                    if (spe_funct.Get_Type() != ChFunction.FunctionType.FUNCT_RECORDER)
                        spe_funct = new ChFunction_Recorder();

                    // record point
                    double rec_spe = ChVector.Vlength(relWvel);  // ***TO DO*** compute also with cardano mode?
                    if (impose_reducer)
                        rec_spe = rec_spe / mot_tau;
                    ChFunction_Recorder rec = (ChFunction_Recorder)spe_funct;
                    rec.AddPoint(mytime, rec_spe, 1);  //  x=t

            if (learn)
                return;  // no need to go on further...--.>>>
            // Impose relative positions/speeds

            deltaC.pos      = ChVector.VNULL;
            deltaC_dt.pos   = ChVector.VNULL;
            deltaC_dtdt.pos = ChVector.VNULL;

            if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_ROTATION)
                if (impose_reducer)
                    mot_rerot      = rot_funct.Get_y(ChTime);
                    mot_rerot_dt   = rot_funct.Get_y_dx(ChTime);
                    mot_rerot_dtdt = rot_funct.Get_y_dxdx(ChTime);
                    mot_rot        = mot_rerot * mot_tau;
                    mot_rot_dt     = mot_rerot_dt * mot_tau;
                    mot_rot_dtdt   = mot_rerot_dtdt * mot_tau;
                    mot_rot        = rot_funct.Get_y(ChTime);
                    mot_rot_dt     = rot_funct.Get_y_dx(ChTime);
                    mot_rot_dtdt   = rot_funct.Get_y_dxdx(ChTime);
                    mot_rerot      = mot_rot / mot_tau;
                    mot_rerot_dt   = mot_rot_dt / mot_tau;
                    mot_rerot_dtdt = mot_rot_dtdt / mot_tau;
                deltaC.rot      = ChQuaternion.Q_from_AngAxis2(mot_rot, motion_axis);
                deltaC_dt.rot   = ChQuaternion.Qdt_from_AngAxis(deltaC.rot, mot_rot_dt, motion_axis);
                deltaC_dtdt.rot = ChQuaternion.Qdtdt_from_AngAxis(mot_rot_dtdt, motion_axis, deltaC.rot, deltaC_dt.rot);

            if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_SPEED)
                if (impose_reducer)
                    mot_rerot_dt   = spe_funct.Get_y(ChTime);
                    mot_rerot_dtdt = spe_funct.Get_y_dx(ChTime);
                    mot_rot_dt     = mot_rerot_dt * mot_tau;
                    mot_rot_dtdt   = mot_rerot_dtdt * mot_tau;
                    mot_rot_dt     = spe_funct.Get_y(ChTime);
                    mot_rot_dtdt   = spe_funct.Get_y_dx(ChTime);
                    mot_rerot_dt   = mot_rot_dt / mot_tau;
                    mot_rerot_dtdt = mot_rot_dtdt / mot_tau;
                deltaC.rot = ChQuaternion.Qnorm(GetRelM().rot); // just keep current position, -assume always good after integration-.
                ChMatrix33 <double> relA = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                relA.Set_A_quaternion(GetRelM().rot);           // ..but adjust to keep Z axis aligned to shaft, anyway!
                ChVector displaced_z_axis = relA.Get_A_Zaxis();
                ChVector adjustment       = ChVector.Vcross(displaced_z_axis, ChVector.VECT_Z);
                deltaC.rot      = ChQuaternion.Q_from_AngAxis2(ChVector.Vlength(adjustment), ChVector.Vnorm(adjustment)) % deltaC.rot;
                deltaC_dt.rot   = ChQuaternion.Qdt_from_AngAxis(deltaC.rot, mot_rot_dt, motion_axis);
                deltaC_dtdt.rot = ChQuaternion.Qdtdt_from_AngAxis(mot_rot_dtdt, motion_axis, deltaC.rot, deltaC_dt.rot);
コード例 #15
        public override void update(double mytime, bool update_assets)
            // Inherit parent class:
            base.update(mytime, update_assets);

            // Override the rotational jacobian [Cq] and the rotational residual C,
            // by assuming an additional hidden frame that rotates about frame2:

            if (this.Body1 != null && this.Body2 != null)
                ChFrame <double> aframe1 = this.frame1.BitShiftRight(this.Body1);
                ChFrame <double> aframe2 = this.frame2.BitShiftRight(this.Body2);

                ChFrame <double> aframe12 = new ChFrame <double>();// ChFrame<double>.FNULL;
                aframe2.TransformParentToLocal(aframe1, aframe12);

                ChFrame <double> aframe2rotating = new ChFrame <double>();// ChFrame<double>.FNULL;

                double aux_rotation;

                aux_rotation = m_func.Get_y(mytime) + rot_offset;

                aframe2rotating.SetRot(aframe2.GetRot() * ChQuaternion.Q_from_AngAxis2(aux_rotation, ChVector.VECT_Z));

                ChFrame <double> aframe12rotating = new ChFrame <double>();
                // aframe2rotating.TransformParentToLocal(aframe1, aframe12rotating);

                ChMatrix33 <double> Jw1 = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0), Jw2 = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                ChMatrix33 <double> mtempM = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0), mtempQ = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);

                ChMatrix33 <double> abs_plane_rotating = aframe2rotating.GetA();

                Jw1.nm.matrix.MatrTMultiply(abs_plane_rotating.nm.matrix, Body1.GetA().nm.matrix);
                Jw2.nm.matrix.MatrTMultiply(abs_plane_rotating.nm.matrix, Body2.GetA().nm.matrix);


                // Premultiply by Jw1 and Jw2 by  0.5*[Fp(q_resid)]' to get residual as imaginary part of a quaternion.

                /*  mtempM.Set_X_matrix((aframe12rotating.GetRot().GetVector()) * 0.5);
                 * mtempM.nm.matrix[0, 0] = 0.5 * aframe12rotating.GetRot().e0;
                 * mtempM.nm.matrix[1, 1] = 0.5 * aframe12rotating.GetRot().e0;
                 * mtempM.nm.matrix[2, 2] = 0.5 * aframe12rotating.GetRot().e0;
                 * mtempQ.nm.matrix.MatrTMultiply(mtempM.nm.matrix, Jw1.nm.matrix);
                 * Jw1 = mtempQ;
                 * mtempQ.nm.matrix.MatrTMultiply(mtempM.nm.matrix, Jw2.nm.matrix);
                 * Jw2 = mtempQ;*/

                int nc = 0;

                if (c_x)
                if (c_y)
                if (c_z)
                if (c_rx)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe12rotating.GetRot().e1;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw1.nm.matrix, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw2.nm.matrix, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                if (c_ry)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe12rotating.GetRot().e2;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw1.nm.matrix, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw2.nm.matrix, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                if (c_rz)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe12rotating.GetRot().e3;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw1.nm.matrix, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw2.nm.matrix, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
コード例 #16
 /// Construct from a coordsys
 public ChFrame(ChCoordsys mc)
     coord   = new ChCoordsys(mc);
     Amatrix = new ChMatrix33 <Real>(mc.rot);
コード例 #17
 /// Copy constructor, build from another frame
 public ChFrame(ChFrame <Real> other)
     coord   = other.coord;
     Amatrix = other.Amatrix;
コード例 #18
 /// Default constructor, or construct from pos and rot (as a quaternion)
 public ChFrame(ChVector mv,
                ChQuaternion mq)
     coord   = new ChCoordsys(mv, mq);
     Amatrix = new ChMatrix33 <Real>(mq);
コード例 #19
 /// Construct from pos and rotation (as a 3x3 matrix)
 public ChFrame(ChVector mv, ChMatrix33 <Real> ma)
     coord   = new ChCoordsys(mv, ma.Get_A_quaternion());
     Amatrix = new ChMatrix33 <Real>(ma);
コード例 #20
        // public static ChMatrix33<double> MNULL = new ChMatrix33<double>(0);


        /// Default constructor builds a 3x3 matrix with zeroes.

        /* public ChMatrix33() {
         * }*/

        /// Copy constructor
        public ChMatrix33(ChMatrix33 <Real> msource)
            nm        = new ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Three>(0);
            nm.matrix = new ChMatrix();
コード例 #21
 /// Impose the rotation as a 3x3 matrix.
 /// Note: the rotation matrix must be already orthogonal!
 public virtual void SetRot(ChMatrix33 <Real> mA)
     coord.rot = mA.Get_A_quaternion();
コード例 #22

        /// Override _all_ time, jacobian etc. updating.
        public override void update(double mytime, bool update_assets = true)
            // Inherit time changes of parent class (ChLink), basically doing nothing :)
            base.update(mytime, update_assets);

            if (this.Body1 != null && this.Body2 != null)
                this.mask.SetTwoBodiesVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());

                ChFrame <double> aframe = ChFrame <double> .BitShiftRight(this.frame1, (this.Body1));

                ChVector         p1_abs  = aframe.GetPos();
                ChFrame <double> aframe2 = ChFrame <double> .BitShiftRight(this.frame2, (this.Body2));

                ChVector         p2_abs = aframe2.GetPos();
                ChFrame <double> bframe = new ChFrame <double>();
                (this.Body2).TransformParentToLocal(aframe, bframe);
                this.frame2.TransformParentToLocal(bframe, aframe);
                // Now 'aframe' contains the position/rotation of frame 1 respect to frame 2, in frame 2 coords.
                //***TODO*** check if it is faster to do   aframe2.TransformParentToLocal(aframe, bframe); instead of two transforms above

                ChMatrix33 <double> Jx1    = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                ChMatrix33 <double> Jx2    = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                ChMatrix33 <double> Jr1    = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                ChMatrix33 <double> Jr2    = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                ChMatrix33 <double> Jw1    = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                ChMatrix33 <double> Jw2    = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                ChMatrix33 <double> mtempM = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                ChMatrix33 <double> mtempQ = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);

                ChMatrix33 <double> abs_plane = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                abs_plane.nm.matrix.MatrMultiply(Body2.GetA().nm.matrix, frame2.GetA().nm.matrix);


                Jw1.nm.matrix.MatrTMultiply(abs_plane.nm.matrix, Body1.GetA().nm.matrix);
                Jw2.nm.matrix.MatrTMultiply(abs_plane.nm.matrix, Body2.GetA().nm.matrix);

                Jr1.nm.matrix.MatrMultiply(Jw1.nm.matrix, mtempM.nm.matrix);

                Jr2.nm.matrix.MatrMultiply(Jw2.nm.matrix, mtempM.nm.matrix);

                ChVector p2p1_base2 = (Body2.GetA()).MatrT_x_Vect(ChVector.Vsub(p1_abs, p2_abs));
                mtempQ.nm.matrix.MatrTMultiply(frame2.GetA().nm.matrix, mtempM.nm.matrix);


                // Premultiply by Jw1 and Jw2 by  0.5*[Fp(q_resid)]' to get residual as imaginary part of a quaternion.
                // For small misalignment this effect is almost insignificant cause [Fp(q_resid)]=[I],
                // but otherwise it is needed (if you want to use the stabilization term - if not, you can live without).
                mtempM.Set_X_matrix((aframe.GetRot().GetVector()) * 0.5);
                mtempM.nm.matrix[0, 0] = 0.5 * aframe.GetRot().e0;
                mtempM.nm.matrix[1, 1] = 0.5 * aframe.GetRot().e0;
                mtempM.nm.matrix[2, 2] = 0.5 * aframe.GetRot().e0;
                mtempQ.nm.matrix.MatrTMultiply(mtempM.nm.matrix, Jw1.nm.matrix);
                Jw1 = mtempQ;
                mtempQ.nm.matrix.MatrTMultiply(mtempM.nm.matrix, Jw2.nm.matrix);
                Jw2 = mtempQ;

                int nc = 0;

                if (c_x)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe.GetPos().x;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jx1.nm.matrix, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jr1.nm.matrix, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jx2.nm.matrix, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jr2.nm.matrix, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                if (c_y)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe.GetPos().y;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jx1.nm.matrix, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jr1.nm.matrix, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jx2.nm.matrix, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jr2.nm.matrix, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                if (c_z)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe.GetPos().z;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jx1.nm.matrix, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jr1.nm.matrix, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jx2.nm.matrix, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jr2.nm.matrix, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                if (c_rx)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe.GetRot().e1;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw1.nm.matrix, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw2.nm.matrix, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                if (c_ry)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe.GetRot().e2;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw1.nm.matrix, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw2.nm.matrix, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                if (c_rz)
                    this.C.matrix.ElementN(nc) = aframe.GetRot().e3;
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_a().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw1.nm.matrix, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
                    this.mask.Constr_N(nc).Get_Cq_b().PasteClippedMatrix(Jw2.nm.matrix, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
コード例 #23
 /// Set the inertia matrix
 public void SetBodyInertia(ChMatrix33 <double> minertia)
コード例 #24
        // Updates motion laws, marker positions, etc.
        public override void UpdateTime(double mytime)
            // First, inherit to parent class

            // Move markers 1 and 2 to align them as gear teeth

            ChMatrix33 <double> ma1        = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
            ChMatrix33 <double> ma2        = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
            ChMatrix33 <double> mrotma     = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
            ChMatrix33 <double> marot_beta = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
            ChVector            mx;
            ChVector            my;
            ChVector            mz;
            ChVector            mr;
            ChVector            mmark1;
            ChVector            mmark2;
            ChVector            lastX;
            ChVector            vrota;
            ChCoordsys          newmarkpos = new ChCoordsys(new ChVector(0, 0, 0), new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));

            ChFrame <double> abs_shaft1 = ChFrame <double> .FNULL; // new ChFrame<double>();
            ChFrame <double> abs_shaft2 = ChFrame <double> .FNULL; //new ChFrame<double>();

            ((ChFrame <double>)Body1).TransformLocalToParent(local_shaft1, abs_shaft1);
            ((ChFrame <double>)Body2).TransformLocalToParent(local_shaft2, abs_shaft2);

            ChVector vbdist = ChVector.Vsub(Get_shaft_pos1(), Get_shaft_pos2());
            // ChVector Trad1 = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(Get_shaft_dir1(), ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(Get_shaft_dir1(), vbdist))));
            // ChVector Trad2 = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(Get_shaft_dir2(), vbdist)), Get_shaft_dir2()));

            double dist = ChVector.Vlength(vbdist);

            // compute actual rotation of the two wheels (relative to truss).
            ChVector md1 = abs_shaft1.GetA().MatrT_x_Vect(-vbdist);

            md1.z = 0;
            md1   = ChVector.Vnorm(md1);
            ChVector md2 = abs_shaft2.GetA().MatrT_x_Vect(-vbdist);

            md2.z = 0;
            md2   = ChVector.Vnorm(md2);

            double periodic_a1 = ChMaths.ChAtan2(md1.x, md1.y);
            double periodic_a2 = ChMaths.ChAtan2(md2.x, md2.y);
            double old_a1      = a1;
            double old_a2      = a2;
            double turns_a1    = Math.Floor(old_a1 / ChMaths.CH_C_2PI);
            double turns_a2    = Math.Floor(old_a2 / ChMaths.CH_C_2PI);
            double a1U         = turns_a1 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1 + ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;
            double a1M         = turns_a1 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1;
            double a1L         = turns_a1 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1 - ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;

            a1 = a1M;
            if (Math.Abs(a1U - old_a1) < Math.Abs(a1M - old_a1))
                a1 = a1U;
            if (Math.Abs(a1L - a1) < Math.Abs(a1M - a1))
                a1 = a1L;
            double a2U = turns_a2 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2 + ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;
            double a2M = turns_a2 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2;
            double a2L = turns_a2 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2 - ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;

            a2 = a2M;
            if (Math.Abs(a2U - old_a2) < Math.Abs(a2M - old_a2))
                a2 = a2U;
            if (Math.Abs(a2L - a2) < Math.Abs(a2M - a2))
                a2 = a2L;

            // compute new markers coordsystem alignment
            my = ChVector.Vnorm(vbdist);
            mz = Get_shaft_dir1();
            mx = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(my, mz));
            mr = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(mz, mx));
            mz = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(mx, my));
            ChVector mz2, mx2, mr2, my2;

            my2 = my;
            mz2 = Get_shaft_dir2();
            mx2 = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(my2, mz2));
            mr2 = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(mz2, mx2));

            ma1.Set_A_axis(mx, my, mz);

            // rotate csys because of beta
            vrota.x = 0.0;
            vrota.y = beta;
            vrota.z = 0.0;
            marot_beta.nm.matrix.MatrMultiply(ma1.nm.matrix, mrotma.nm.matrix);
            // rotate csys because of alpha
            vrota.x = 0.0;
            vrota.y = 0.0;
            vrota.z = alpha;
            if (react_force.x < 0)
                vrota.z = alpha;
                vrota.z = -alpha;
            ma1.nm.matrix.MatrMultiply(marot_beta.nm.matrix, mrotma.nm.matrix);


            // is a bevel gear?
            double be       = Math.Acos(ChVector.Vdot(Get_shaft_dir1(), Get_shaft_dir2()));
            bool   is_bevel = true;

            if (Math.Abs(ChVector.Vdot(Get_shaft_dir1(), Get_shaft_dir2())) > 0.96)
                is_bevel = false;

            // compute wheel radii so that:
            //            w2 = - tau * w1
            if (!is_bevel)
                double pardist = ChVector.Vdot(mr, vbdist);
                double inv_tau = 1.0 / tau;
                if (!epicyclic)
                    r2 = pardist - pardist / (inv_tau + 1.0);
                    r2 = pardist - (tau * pardist) / (tau - 1.0);
                r1 = r2 * tau;
                double gamma2;
                if (!epicyclic)
                    gamma2 = be / (tau + 1.0);
                    gamma2 = be / (-tau + 1.0);
                double al = ChMaths.CH_C_PI - Math.Acos(ChVector.Vdot(Get_shaft_dir2(), my));
                double te = ChMaths.CH_C_PI - al - be;
                double fd = Math.Sin(te) * (dist / Math.Sin(be));
                r2 = fd * Math.Tan(gamma2);
                r1 = r2 * tau;

            // compute markers positions, supposing they
            // stay on the ideal wheel contact point
            mmark1     = ChVector.Vadd(Get_shaft_pos2(), ChVector.Vmul(mr2, r2));
            mmark2     = mmark1;
            contact_pt = mmark1;

            // correct marker 1 position if phasing is not correct
            if (checkphase)
                double realtau = tau;
                if (epicyclic)
                    realtau = -tau;
                double m_delta;
                m_delta = -(a2 / realtau) - a1 - phase;

                if (m_delta > ChMaths.CH_C_PI)
                    m_delta -= (ChMaths.CH_C_2PI);  // range -180..+180 is better than 0...360
                if (m_delta > (ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0))
                    m_delta = (ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0);  // phase correction only in +/- 45°
                if (m_delta < -(ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0))
                    m_delta = -(ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0);

                vrota.x = vrota.y = 0.0;
                vrota.z = -m_delta;
                mrotma.Set_A_Rxyz(vrota);  // rotate about Z of shaft to correct
                mmark1 = abs_shaft1.GetA().MatrT_x_Vect(ChVector.Vsub(mmark1, Get_shaft_pos1()));
                mmark1 = mrotma.Matr_x_Vect(mmark1);
                mmark1 = ChVector.Vadd(abs_shaft1.GetA().Matr_x_Vect(mmark1), Get_shaft_pos1());
            // Move Shaft 1 along its direction if not aligned to wheel
            double   offset = ChVector.Vdot(Get_shaft_dir1(), (contact_pt - Get_shaft_pos1()));
            ChVector moff   = Get_shaft_dir1() * offset;

            if (Math.Abs(offset) > 0.0001)
                local_shaft1.SetPos(local_shaft1.GetPos() + Body1.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(moff));

            // ! Require that the BDF routine of marker won't handle speed and acc.calculus of the moved marker 2!

            // move marker1 in proper positions
            newmarkpos.pos = mmark1;
            newmarkpos.rot = ma1.Get_A_quaternion();
            marker1.Impose_Abs_Coord(newmarkpos);  // move marker1 into teeth position
                                                   // move marker2 in proper positions
            newmarkpos.pos = mmark2;
            newmarkpos.rot = ma2.Get_A_quaternion();
            marker2.Impose_Abs_Coord(newmarkpos);  // move marker2 into teeth position

            // imposed relative positions/speeds
            deltaC.pos      = ChVector.VNULL;
            deltaC_dt.pos   = ChVector.VNULL;
            deltaC_dtdt.pos = ChVector.VNULL;

            deltaC.rot      = ChQuaternion.QUNIT; // no relative rotations imposed!
            deltaC_dt.rot   = ChQuaternion.QNULL;
            deltaC_dtdt.rot = ChQuaternion.QNULL;
コード例 #25

        /// Perform the update of this joint at the specified time: compute jacobians
        /// and constraint violations, cache in internal structures
        public override void update(double time, bool update_assets = true)
            // Inherit time changes of parent class

            // Express the joint frames in absolute frame
            ChFrame <double> frame1_abs = m_frame1.BitShiftRight(Body1);
            ChFrame <double> frame2_abs = m_frame2.BitShiftRight(Body2);

            // Calculate violations of the spherical constraints
            m_C.matrix.SetElement(0, 0, frame2_abs.coord.pos.x - frame1_abs.coord.pos.x);
            m_C.matrix.SetElement(1, 0, frame2_abs.coord.pos.y - frame1_abs.coord.pos.y);
            m_C.matrix.SetElement(2, 0, frame2_abs.coord.pos.z - frame1_abs.coord.pos.z);

            // Compute Jacobian of the spherical constraints
            //    pos2_abs - pos1_abs = 0
                ChMatrix33 <double> tilde1 = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                ChMatrix33 <double> tilde2 = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                ChMatrix33 <double> Phi_pi1 = Body1.GetA() * tilde1;
                ChMatrix33 <double> Phi_pi2 = Body2.GetA() * tilde2;

                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(0) = -1;
                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(0) = +1;
                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(1) = 0;
                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(1) = 0;
                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(2) = 0;
                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(2) = 0;
                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(3) = Phi_pi1.nm.matrix[0, 0];
                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(3) = -Phi_pi2.nm.matrix[0, 0];
                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(4) = Phi_pi1.nm.matrix[0, 1];
                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(4) = -Phi_pi2.nm.matrix[0, 1];
                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(5) = Phi_pi1.nm.matrix[0, 2];
                m_cnstr_x.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(5) = -Phi_pi2.nm.matrix[0, 2];

                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(0) = 0;
                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(0) = 0;
                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(1) = -1;
                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(1) = +1;
                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(2) = 0;
                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(2) = 0;
                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(3) = Phi_pi1.nm.matrix[1, 0];
                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(3) = -Phi_pi2.nm.matrix[1, 0];
                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(4) = Phi_pi1.nm.matrix[1, 1];
                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(4) = -Phi_pi2.nm.matrix[1, 1];
                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(5) = Phi_pi1.nm.matrix[1, 2];
                m_cnstr_y.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(5) = -Phi_pi2.nm.matrix[1, 2];

                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(0) = 0;
                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(0) = 0;
                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(1) = 0;
                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(1) = 0;
                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(2) = -1;
                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(2) = +1;
                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(3) = Phi_pi1.nm.matrix[2, 0];
                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(3) = -Phi_pi2.nm.matrix[2, 0];
                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(4) = Phi_pi1.nm.matrix[2, 1];
                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(4) = -Phi_pi2.nm.matrix[2, 1];
                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(5) = Phi_pi1.nm.matrix[2, 2];
                m_cnstr_z.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(5) = -Phi_pi2.nm.matrix[2, 2];

            // Calculate violation of the dot constraint
            ChVector u1 = frame1_abs.GetA().Get_A_Xaxis();
            ChVector v2 = frame2_abs.GetA().Get_A_Yaxis();

            m_C.matrix.SetElement(3, 0, ChVector.Vdot(u1, v2));

            // Compute Jacobian of the dot constraint
            //    dot(u1_abs, v2_abs) = 0
                ChMatrix33 <double> mat1    = Body1.GetA() * m_u1_tilde;
                ChMatrix33 <double> mat2    = Body2.GetA() * m_v2_tilde;
                ChVector            Phi_pi1 = mat1.MatrT_x_Vect(v2);
                ChVector            Phi_pi2 = mat2.MatrT_x_Vect(u1);

                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(0) = 0;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(1) = 0;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(2) = 0;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(3) = -Phi_pi1.x;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(4) = -Phi_pi1.y;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(5) = -Phi_pi1.z;

                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(0) = 0;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(1) = 0;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(2) = 0;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(3) = -Phi_pi2.x;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(4) = -Phi_pi2.y;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(5) = -Phi_pi2.z;
コード例 #26
 /// Construct from pos and rotation (as a 3x3 matrix)
 public ChFrameMoving(ChVector mv, ChMatrix33 <Real> ma) : base(mv, ma)
     coord_dt.rot = coord_dtdt.rot = new ChQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);