public static void SendPasswordResetEmail(IUserBasicDetail to, string newPass) { string toEmail = to.Email; SMTP.PostSingleMail(new cfEmail( "Your Climbfind password has been reset", "Your new password is: " + newPass + "<br /><br />Once logged in your can change your password at", new MailAddress(toEmail, to.FullName), Stgs.MailMan)); }
public static void SendCommentEmail(IUserBasicDetail to, IUserBasicDetail by, Guid postID, string commentMessage) { string toEmail = to.Email; SMTP.PostSingleMail(new cfEmail( string.Format("{0} made a comment", by.FullName), HtmlBodyGenerator.GetCommentBody(postID, by.ID, "climber/" + by.ID, by.FullName, by.Avatar, commentMessage), new MailAddress(toEmail, to.FullName), Stgs.MailMan)); }
public static void SendUserMessageEmail(IUserBasicDetail to, IUserBasicDetail from, string messageContent) { string toEmail = to.Email; SMTP.PostSingleMail(new cfEmail( string.Format("{0} sent you a message", from.FullName), HtmlBodyGenerator.GetMessageBody(from.ID, "climber/" + from.ID, from.FullName, from.Avatar, messageContent), new MailAddress(toEmail, to.FullName), Stgs.MailMan)); }
public static void SendPartnerCallEmail(IUserBasicDetail to, IUserBasicDetail by, CfCacheIndexEntry place, PartnerCall pc, string matchingSubscriptionPlaces) { string toEmail = to.Email; SMTP.PostSingleMail(new cfEmail( string.Format("{0}'s PartnerCall for {1}", by.FullName, place.Name), HtmlBodyGenerator.GetPartnerCallBody(pc.ID, by.ID, "climber/" + by.ID, by.FullName, place.SlugUrl, place.Name, pc.StartDateTime, by.Avatar, pc.Comment, matchingSubscriptionPlaces), new MailAddress(toEmail, to.FullName), Stgs.MailMan)); }
public static void SendAppEvent(TraceCode type, string eventDescription, string linkedToUsersEmail, Guid linkedToUserID, string receiverEmail, bool replyToUser) { string subject = string.Format("[{0}] {1} {2}", CfTrace.Current.Name, type, DateTime.Now); string body = string.Format("User: <a href='{2}'>{0}</a><br /><br />{1}", linkedToUsersEmail, eventDescription, linkedToUserID); var subscribers = GetEventTypeSubsribers(TraceCode.Exception); if (replyToUser == false) { SMTP.SendAppEvent(subject, body, subscribers); } else { SMTP.SendAppEvent(subject, body, subscribers, linkedToUsersEmail); } }
public static void SendAppException(Exception ex) { var mailBody = string.Empty; var machine = Environment.MachineName; HttpRequest currentRequest = null; //-- We have to try assign this inside try/catch because using the Request //-- get Accessor throws an exception if the Request is not available try { currentRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; } catch { } if (currentRequest == null) { mailBody = string.Format("Occurred: {0}<br />OnMachine: {1}<br />No HttpContext... <br /><b>Exception:</b><br/><div style='font-size:11px'>{2}</div><br />", DateTime.Now, machine, ex.ToString()); } else //-- If the request is available we can do some more detailed stuff { var browser = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser; var user = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; if (browser.Crawler) { user = "******" + browser.Type + "]"; } else if (cf.Identity.CfIdentity.IsAuthenticated) { user += "[" + cf.Identity.CfIdentity.UserID + "]"; } var host = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; var url = currentRequest.Url.ToString(); var refer = (currentRequest.UrlReferrer == null) ? "none" : currentRequest.UrlReferrer.ToString(); var httpMethod = currentRequest.HttpMethod; var httpVars = currentRequest.GetRequestQueryAndFormNameValuePairString(); var sessionID = (((HttpContext.Current != null) && (HttpContext.Current.Session != null)) ? HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID : string.Empty); const string emailBodyFormat = @"User: {0}<br /> RequestUrl: {1}<br /> ReferUrl: {2}<br /> HttpMethod: {3}<br /> HttpVars: {4}<br /> Browser: {5}<br /> Occurred: {6}<br /> Host: {7}<br /> Machine: {8}<br /> RequestID: {9}<br /> SessionID: {10}<br /> Message: {11}<br /> <b>ExceptionStackTrace:</b><br/><div style='font-size:11px'>{12}</div><br />" ; var requestID = new Guid(); mailBody = string.Format(emailBodyFormat, user, url, refer, httpMethod, httpVars, browser.Type, DateTime.Now, host, machine, requestID, sessionID, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } string subject = string.Format("[{0}] {1} {2}", CfTrace.Current.Name, ex.GetType(), DateTime.Now); var subscribers = GetEventTypeSubsribers(TraceCode.Exception); try { SMTP.SendAppEvent(subject, mailBody, subscribers); } catch (Exception failedSendEx) { string msg = string.Format("ExceptionEmailAndLoggingTraceListener failed to send email : {0}. Check configuration.", mailBody); throw new Exception(failedSendEx.Message); } }