コード例 #1
        public static void RunExample()
             * Definition
             * Pass by reference = pass by a new copy
             * Pass by value = pass by current address

            // Pass By Reference (copy) VS Pass By Value (address)
            int someInteger  = 0;
            int addedInteger = PassByReferenceVsPassByValue.AddOneTo(someInteger);

            Console.WriteLine(addedInteger); // output: 1 `addedInteger` is the new copy
            Console.WriteLine(someInteger);  // output: 0 `someInteger` does not change

            PassByReferenceVSPassByValueObject temp = new PassByReferenceVSPassByValueObject();


            AddOneTo(temp);                     // `temp.SomeNumber is now 1` because we are directly changing the value by its address.
            AddOneTo(temp);                     // `temp.SomeNumber is now 2` because we are directly changing the value by its address.
            AddOneTo(temp);                     // `temp.SomeNumber is now 3` because we are directly changing the value by its address.

            Console.WriteLine(temp.SomeNumber); // output: 3
コード例 #2
 public static void AddOneTo(PassByReferenceVSPassByValueObject obj)
     obj.SomeNumber += 1;