public static void add_news(int bugid, string desc, string action, Security security) { if (btnet.Util.get_setting("EnableWhatsNewPage","0") == "1") { long seconds = DateTime.Now.Ticks / ten_million; if (seconds == prev_seconds) { seconds++; // prevent dupes, even if we have to lie. } prev_seconds = seconds; BugNews bn = new BugNews(); bn.seconds = seconds; bn.seconds_string = Convert.ToString(seconds); bn.bugid = Convert.ToString(bugid); bn.desc = desc; bn.action = action; bn.who = security.user.username; lock(mylock) { HttpApplicationState app = (HttpApplicationState)HttpRuntime.Cache["Application"]; List<BugNews> list = (List<BugNews>) app["whatsnew"]; // create the list if necessary if (list == null) { list = new List<BugNews>(); app["whatsnew"] = list; } // Add the newest item list.Add(bn); // Trim the old items int max = Convert.ToInt32(btnet.Util.get_setting("WhatsNewMaxItemsCount","200")); while (list.Count > max) { list.RemoveAt(0); } } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void send_notifications(int insert_or_update, int bugid, Security security, int just_to_this_user_id) { send_notifications(insert_or_update, bugid, security, just_to_this_user_id, false, // status changed false, // assigend to changed 0); // prev assigned to }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void print_bug (HttpResponse Response, DataRow dr, Security security, bool include_style, bool images_inline, bool history_inline, bool internal_posts) { int bugid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["id"]); string string_bugid = Convert.ToString(bugid); if (include_style) // when sending emails { Response.Write("\n<style>\n"); // If this file exists, use it. string map_path = (string) HttpRuntime.Cache["MapPath"]; string css_for_email_file = map_path + "\\custom\\btnet_css_for_email.css"; try { if (System.IO.File.Exists(css_for_email_file)) { Response.WriteFile(css_for_email_file); Response.Write("\n"); } else { css_for_email_file = map_path + "\\btnet_base.css"; Response.WriteFile(css_for_email_file); Response.Write("\n"); css_for_email_file = map_path + "\\custom\\" + "btnet_custom.css"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(css_for_email_file)) { Response.WriteFile(css_for_email_file); Response.Write("\n"); } } } catch (Exception e) { btnet.Util.write_to_log("Exception trying to read css file for email \"" + css_for_email_file + "\":" + e.Message); } // underline links in the emails to make them more obvious Response.Write("\na {text-decoration: underline; }"); Response.Write("\na:visited {text-decoration: underline; }"); Response.Write("\na:hover {text-decoration: underline; }"); Response.Write("\n</style>\n"); } Response.Write ("<body style='background:white'>"); Response.Write ("<b>" + btnet.Util.capitalize_first_letter(btnet.Util.get_setting("SingularBugLabel","bug")) + " ID: <a href=" + btnet.Util.get_setting("AbsoluteUrlPrefix","") + "edit_bug.aspx?id=" + string_bugid + ">" + string_bugid + "</a><br>"); Response.Write ("Short desc: <a href=" + btnet.Util.get_setting("AbsoluteUrlPrefix","") + "edit_bug.aspx?id=" + string_bugid + ">" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode((string)dr["short_desc"]) + "</a></b><p>"); // start of the table with the bug fields Response.Write ("\n<table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>"); Response.Write("\n<tr><td>Last changed by<td>" + format_username((string)dr["last_updated_user"],(string)dr["last_updated_fullname"]) + " "); Response.Write("\n<tr><td>Reported By<td>" + format_username((string)dr["reporter"],(string)dr["reporter_fullname"]) + " "); Response.Write("\n<tr><td>Reported On<td>" + btnet.Util.format_db_date_and_time(dr["reported_date"]) + " "); if (security.user.tags_field_permission_level > 0) Response.Write("\n<tr><td>Tags<td>" + dr["bg_tags"] + " "); if (security.user.project_field_permission_level > 0) Response.Write("\n<tr><td>Project<td>" + dr["current_project"] + " "); if (security.user.org_field_permission_level > 0) Response.Write("\n<tr><td>Organization<td>" + dr["og_name"] + " "); if (security.user.category_field_permission_level > 0) Response.Write("\n<tr><td>Category<td>" + dr["category_name"] + " "); if (security.user.priority_field_permission_level > 0) Response.Write("\n<tr><td>Priority<td>" + dr["priority_name"] + " "); if (security.user.assigned_to_field_permission_level > 0) Response.Write("\n<tr><td>Assigned<td>" + format_username((string)dr["assigned_to_username"],(string)dr["assigned_to_fullname"]) + " "); if (security.user.status_field_permission_level > 0) Response.Write("\n<tr><td>Status<td>" + dr["status_name"] + " "); if (security.user.udf_field_permission_level > 0) if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowUserDefinedBugAttribute","1") == "1") { Response.Write("\n<tr><td>" + btnet.Util.get_setting("UserDefinedBugAttributeName","YOUR ATTRIBUTE") + "<td>" + dr["udf_name"] + " "); } // Get custom column info (There's an inefficiency here - we just did this // same call in get_bug_datarow...) DataSet ds_custom_cols = btnet.Util.get_custom_columns(); // Show custom columns foreach (DataRow drcc in ds_custom_cols.Tables[0].Rows) { string column_name = (string) drcc["name"]; if (security.user.dict_custom_field_permission_level[column_name] == Security.PERMISSION_NONE) { continue; } Response.Write("\n<tr><td>"); Response.Write (column_name); Response.Write ("<td>"); if ((string)drcc["datatype"] == "datetime") { object dt = dr[(string)drcc["name"]]; Response.Write (btnet.Util.format_db_date_and_time(dt)); } else { string s = ""; if ((string)drcc["dropdown type"] == "users") { object obj = dr[(string)drcc["name"]]; if (obj.GetType().ToString() != "System.DBNull") { int userid = Convert.ToInt32(obj); if (userid != 0) { string sql_get_username = "******"; s = (string) btnet.DbUtil.execute_scalar(sql_get_username.Replace("$1", Convert.ToString(userid))); } } } else { s = Convert.ToString(dr[(string)drcc["name"]]); } s = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(s); s = s.Replace("\n","<br>"); s = s.Replace(" "," "); s = s.Replace("\t"," "); Response.Write (s); } Response.Write (" "); } // create project custom dropdowns if ((int)dr["project"] != 0) { string sql = @"select isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown1,0) [pj_enable_custom_dropdown1], isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown2,0) [pj_enable_custom_dropdown2], isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown3,0) [pj_enable_custom_dropdown3], isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_label1,'') [pj_custom_dropdown_label1], isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_label2,'') [pj_custom_dropdown_label2], isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_label3,'') [pj_custom_dropdown_label3] from projects where pj_id = $pj"; sql = sql.Replace("$pj", Convert.ToString((int)dr["project"])); DataRow project_dr = btnet.DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); if (project_dr != null) { for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if ((int)project_dr["pj_enable_custom_dropdown" + Convert.ToString(i)] == 1) { Response.Write("\n<tr><td>"); Response.Write (project_dr["pj_custom_dropdown_label" + Convert.ToString(i)]); Response.Write ("<td>"); Response.Write (dr["bg_project_custom_dropdown_value" + Convert.ToString(i)]); Response.Write (" "); } } } } Response.Write("\n</table><p>"); // end of the table with the bug fields // Relationships if (btnet.Util.get_setting("EnableRelationships", "0") == "1") { write_relationships(Response, bugid); } // Tasks if (btnet.Util.get_setting("EnableTasks", "0") == "1") { write_tasks(Response, bugid); } DataSet ds_posts = get_bug_posts(bugid, security.user.external_user, history_inline); write_posts ( ds_posts, Response, bugid, 0, false, /* don't write links */ images_inline, history_inline, internal_posts, security.user); Response.Write ("</body>"); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static string get_buglist_paging_string(DataView dv, Security security, bool IsPostBack, string new_page, ref int this_page) { // format the text "page N of N: 1 2..." this_page = 0; if (IsPostBack) { this_page = Convert.ToInt32(new_page); HttpContext.Current.Session["page"] = this_page; } else { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["page"] != null) { this_page = (int)HttpContext.Current.Session["page"]; } } // how many pages to show all the rows? int total_pages = (dv.Count - 1) / security.user.bugs_per_page + 1; if (this_page > total_pages - 1) { this_page = 0; HttpContext.Current.Session["page"] = this_page; } string paging_string = ""; if (total_pages > 1) { // The "<" if (this_page > 0) { paging_string += "<a href='javascript: on_page(" + Convert.ToString(this_page - 1) + ")'><b> << </b></a> "; } // first page is "0", second page is "1", so add 1 for display purposes paging_string += "page " + Convert.ToString(this_page + 1) + " of " + Convert.ToString(total_pages) + " "; // The ">" if (this_page < total_pages - 1) { paging_string += "<a href='javascript: on_page(" + Convert.ToString(this_page + 1) + ")'><b> >> </b></a>"; } paging_string += " "; int left = this_page - 16; if (left < 1) { left = 0; } else { paging_string += "<a href='javascript: on_page(0)'>[first]</a>... "; } int right = left + 32; if (right > total_pages) { right = total_pages; } for (int i = left; i < right; i++) { if (this_page == i) { paging_string += "[" + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + "] "; } else { paging_string += "<a href='javascript: on_page(" + Convert.ToString(i) + ")'>" + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + "</a> "; } } if (right < total_pages) { paging_string += " ...<a href='javascript: on_page(" + Convert.ToString(total_pages - 1) + ")'>[last]</a>"; } } return paging_string; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void display_bugs( bool show_checkbox, DataView dv, HttpResponse Response, Security security, string new_page_val, bool IsPostBack, DataSet ds_custom_cols, string filter_val ) { int this_page = 0; string paging_string = get_buglist_paging_string( dv, security, IsPostBack, new_page_val, ref this_page); string bug_count_string = get_buglist_bug_count_string(dv); Response.Write("<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr><td align=left valign=top>"); Response.Write(paging_string); Response.Write("<td align=right valign=top><span class=smallnote>clicking while holding Ctrl key toggles \"NOT\" in a filter: \"NOT project 1\"</span></table>"); Response.Write("\n<table class=bugt border=1 ><tr>\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // headings /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int db_column_count = 0; int description_column = -1; int search_desc_column = -1; int search_source_column = -1; int search_text_column = -1; foreach (DataColumn dc in dv.Table.Columns) { if (db_column_count == 0) { // skip color/style if (show_checkbox) { Response.Write("<td class=bugh><font size=0>sel</font>"); } } else if (dc.ColumnName == "$SCORE") { // don't display the score, but the "union" and "order by" in the // query forces us to include it as one of the columns } else { Response.Write("<td class=bugh>\n"); // sorting string s = "<a href='javascript: on_sort($col)'>"; s = s.Replace("$col", Convert.ToString(db_column_count - 1)); Response.Write(s); if (dc.ColumnName == "$FLAG") { Response.Write("flag"); } else if (dc.ColumnName == "$SEEN") { Response.Write("new"); } else if (dc.ColumnName.ToLower().IndexOf("desc") == 0) { // remember this column so that we can make it a link description_column = db_column_count; // zero based here Response.Write(dc.ColumnName); } else if (dc.ColumnName == "search_desc") { search_desc_column = db_column_count; Response.Write("desc"); } else if (dc.ColumnName == "search_text") { search_text_column = db_column_count; Response.Write("context"); } else if (dc.ColumnName == "search_source") { search_source_column = db_column_count; Response.Write("text source"); } else { Response.Write(dc.ColumnName); } Response.Write("</a>"); Response.Write("\n"); } db_column_count++; } Response.Write("\n<tr>"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// filter row //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (ds_custom_cols == null) { ds_custom_cols = Util.get_custom_columns(); } db_column_count = 0; string udf_column_name = Util.get_setting("UserDefinedBugAttributeName", "YOUR ATTRIBUTE"); foreach (DataColumn dc in dv.Table.Columns) { // skip color if (db_column_count == 0) { if (show_checkbox) { Response.Write("<td class=bugf> "); } } else if (dc.ColumnName == "$SCORE") { // skip } else { Response.Write("<td class=bugf> "); if (dc.ColumnName == "$FLAG") { display_filter_select(Response, filter_val, "[$FLAG]", "red|green"); } else if (dc.ColumnName == "$SEEN") { display_filter_select(Response, filter_val, "[$SEEN]", "yes|no"); } else if (dc.ColumnName == "project" || dc.ColumnName == "organization" || dc.ColumnName == "category" || dc.ColumnName == "priority" || dc.ColumnName == "status" || dc.ColumnName == "reported by" || dc.ColumnName == "assigned to" || dc.ColumnName == udf_column_name) { string string_vals = get_distinct_vals_from_dataset( (DataTable)HttpContext.Current.Session["bugs_unfiltered"], db_column_count); display_filter_select( Response, filter_val, "[" + dc.ColumnName + "]", string_vals); } else { bool with_filter = false; foreach (DataRow drcc in ds_custom_cols.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dc.ColumnName == (string)drcc["name"]) { if ((string)drcc["dropdown type"] == "normal" || (string)drcc["dropdown type"] == "users") { with_filter = true; string string_vals = get_distinct_vals_from_dataset( (DataTable)HttpContext.Current.Session["bugs_unfiltered"], db_column_count); display_filter_select( Response, filter_val, "[" + (string)drcc["name"] + "]", string_vals); } break; } } if (!with_filter) { Response.Write(" "); } } Response.Write("\n"); } db_column_count++; } Response.Write("\n"); string class_or_color = "class=bugd"; string col_one; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // data /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int rows_this_page = 0; int j = 0; foreach (DataRowView drv in dv) { // skip over rows prior to this page if (j < security.user.bugs_per_page * this_page) { j++; continue; } // do not show rows beyond this page rows_this_page++; if (rows_this_page > security.user.bugs_per_page) { break; } DataRow dr = drv.Row; Response.Write("\n<tr>"); if (show_checkbox) { Response.Write("<td class=bugd><input type=checkbox name="); Response.Write(Convert.ToString(dr[1])); Response.Write(">"); } for (int i = 0; i < dv.Table.Columns.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { col_one = Convert.ToString(dr[0]); if (col_one == "") { class_or_color = "class=bugd"; } else { if (col_one[0] == '#') { class_or_color = "class=bugd bgcolor=" + col_one; } else { class_or_color = "class=\"" + col_one + "\""; } } } else { if (dv.Table.Columns[i].ColumnName == "$SCORE") { // skip } else if (dv.Table.Columns[i].ColumnName == "$FLAG") { int flag = (int)dr[i]; string cls = "wht"; if (flag == 1) cls = "red"; else if (flag == 2) cls = "grn"; Response.Write("<td class=bugd align=center><span class=" + cls + " onclick='flag(this, " + Convert.ToString(dr[1]) + ")'> </span>"); } else if (dv.Table.Columns[i].ColumnName == "$SEEN") { int seen = (int)dr[i]; string cls = "old"; if (seen == 0) { cls = "new"; } else { cls = "old"; } Response.Write("<td class=bugd align=center><span class=" + cls + " onclick='seen(this, " + Convert.ToString(dr[1]) + ")'> </span>"); } else { string datatype = dv.Table.Columns[i].DataType.ToString(); if (Util.is_numeric_datatype(datatype)) { Response.Write("<td " + class_or_color + " align=right>"); } else { Response.Write("<td " + class_or_color + " >"); } // write the data if (dr[i].ToString() == "") { Response.Write(" "); } else { if (datatype == "System.DateTime") { // Some columns we'd like both date and time, some just date, // so let's be clever and if the time is exactly midnight, space it out Response.Write(Util.format_db_date_and_time(dr[i])); } else { if (i == description_column) { // write description as a link Response.Write("<a onmouseover=on_mouse_over(this) onmouseout=on_mouse_out() href=edit_bug.aspx?id=" + Convert.ToString(dr[1]) + ">"); Response.Write(HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(dr[i].ToString())); Response.Write("</a>"); } else if (i == search_desc_column) { // write description as a link Response.Write("<a onmouseover=on_mouse_over(this) onmouseout=on_mouse_out() href=edit_bug.aspx?id=" + Convert.ToString(dr[1]) + ">"); Response.Write(dr[i].ToString()); // already encoded Response.Write("</a>"); } else if (i == search_source_column) { string val = dr[i].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) { Response.Write(" "); } else { string[] parts = btnet.Util.split_string_using_commas(val); if (parts.Length < 2) { Response.Write(val); } else { Response.Write("<a href=edit_bug.aspx?id="); Response.Write(Convert.ToString(dr[1])); // bg_id Response.Write("#"); Response.Write(parts[1]); // bp_id, the post id Response.Write(">"); Response.Write(parts[0]); // sent, received, comment Response.Write(" #"); Response.Write(parts[1]); Response.Write("</a>"); } } } else if (i == search_text_column) { Response.Write(dr[i].ToString()); // already encoded } else { Response.Write(HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(dr[i].ToString()).Replace("\n", "<br>")); } } } } Response.Write(""); } } Response.Write("\n"); j++; } Response.Write("</table>"); Response.Write(paging_string); Response.Write(bug_count_string); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void display_you_dont_have_permission(HttpResponse Response, Security security) { Response.Write("<link rel=StyleSheet href=btnet.css type=text/css>"); security.write_menu(Response, btnet.Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel", "bugs")); Response.Write("<p> </p><div class=align>"); Response.Write("<div class=err>You are not allowed to view this " + btnet.Util.get_setting("SingularBugLabel", "bug") + "</div>"); Response.Write("<p><a href=bugs.aspx>View " + btnet.Util.capitalize_first_letter(btnet.Util.get_setting ("PluralBugLabel", "bugs")) + "</a>"); Response.End(); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static int get_bug_permission_level(int bugid, Security security) { /* public const int PERMISSION_NONE = 0; public const int PERMISSION_READONLY = 1; public const int PERMISSION_REPORTER = 3; public const int PERMISSION_ALL = 2; */ // fetch the revised permission level string sql = @" declare @bg_org int select isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl), bg_org from bugs left outer join project_user_xref on pu_project = bg_project and pu_user = $us where bg_id = $bg"; ; sql = sql.Replace("$dpl", Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel", "2")); sql = sql.Replace("$bg", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.Replace("$us", Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); DataRow dr = btnet.DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); if (dr == null) { return Security.PERMISSION_NONE; } int pl = (int)dr[0]; int bg_org = (int)dr[1]; // maybe reduce permissions if (bg_org != { if (security.user.other_orgs_permission_level == Security.PERMISSION_NONE || security.user.other_orgs_permission_level == Security.PERMISSION_READONLY) { if (security.user.other_orgs_permission_level < pl) { pl = security.user.other_orgs_permission_level; } } } return pl; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static DataRow get_bug_datarow( int bugid, Security security) { DataSet ds_custom_cols = btnet.Util.get_custom_columns(); return get_bug_datarow(bugid, security, ds_custom_cols); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void add_attachments(SharpMimeMessage mime_message, int bugid, int parent_postid, Security security) { if (mime_message.IsMultipart) { foreach (SharpMimeMessage part in mime_message) { if (part.IsMultipart) { // recursive call to this function add_attachments(part, bugid, parent_postid, security); } else { string filename = determine_part_filename(part); if (filename != "") { add_attachment(filename, part, bugid, parent_postid, security); } } } } else { string filename = determine_part_filename(mime_message); if (filename != "") { add_attachment(filename, mime_message, bugid, parent_postid, security); } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); security = new Security(); security.check_security(HttpContext.Current, Security.ANY_USER_OK); if (security.user.is_admin || security.user.can_search) { // } else { Response.Write("You are not allowed to use this page."); Response.End(); } titl.InnerText = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "search"; show_udf = (Util.get_setting("ShowUserDefinedBugAttribute", "1") == "1"); use_full_names = (Util.get_setting("UseFullNames", "0") == "1"); ds_custom_cols = Util.get_custom_columns(); dt_users = Util.get_related_users(security, false); if (!IsPostBack) { load_drop_downs(); project_custom_dropdown1_label.Style["display"] = "none"; project_custom_dropdown1.Style["display"] = "none"; project_custom_dropdown2_label.Style["display"] = "none"; project_custom_dropdown2.Style["display"] = "none"; project_custom_dropdown3_label.Style["display"] = "none"; project_custom_dropdown3.Style["display"] = "none"; // are there any project dropdowns? string sql = @" select count(1) from projects where isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown1,0) = 1 or isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown2,0) = 1 or isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown3,0) = 1"; int projects_with_custom_dropdowns = (int)btnet.DbUtil.execute_scalar(sql); if (projects_with_custom_dropdowns == 0) { project.AutoPostBack = false; } } else { // get the project dropdowns string sql = @" select pj_id, isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown1,0) pj_enable_custom_dropdown1, isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown2,0) pj_enable_custom_dropdown2, isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown3,0) pj_enable_custom_dropdown3, isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_label1,'') pj_custom_dropdown_label1, isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_label2,'') pj_custom_dropdown_label2, isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_label3,'') pj_custom_dropdown_label3, isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_values1,'') pj_custom_dropdown_values1, isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_values2,'') pj_custom_dropdown_values2, isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_values3,'') pj_custom_dropdown_values3 from projects where isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown1,0) = 1 or isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown2,0) = 1 or isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown3,0) = 1"; DataSet ds_projects = btnet.DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_projects.Tables[0].Rows) { BtnetProject btnet_project = new BtnetProject(); ProjectDropdown dropdown; dropdown = new ProjectDropdown(); dropdown.enabled = Convert.ToBoolean((int)dr["pj_enable_custom_dropdown1"]); dropdown.label = (string)dr["pj_custom_dropdown_label1"]; dropdown.values = (string)dr["pj_custom_dropdown_values1"]; btnet_project.map_dropdowns[1] = dropdown; dropdown = new ProjectDropdown(); dropdown.enabled = Convert.ToBoolean((int)dr["pj_enable_custom_dropdown2"]); dropdown.label = (string)dr["pj_custom_dropdown_label2"]; dropdown.values = (string)dr["pj_custom_dropdown_values2"]; btnet_project.map_dropdowns[2] = dropdown; dropdown = new ProjectDropdown(); dropdown.enabled = Convert.ToBoolean((int)dr["pj_enable_custom_dropdown3"]); dropdown.label = (string)dr["pj_custom_dropdown_label3"]; dropdown.values = (string)dr["pj_custom_dropdown_values3"]; btnet_project.map_dropdowns[3] = dropdown; map_projects[(int)dr["pj_id"]] = btnet_project; } // which button did the user hit? if (project_changed.Value == "1" && project.AutoPostBack == true) { handle_project_custom_dropdowns(); } else if (hit_submit_button.Value == "1") { handle_project_custom_dropdowns(); do_query(); } else { dv = (DataView)Session["bugs"]; if (dv == null) { do_query(); } call_sort_and_filter_buglist_dataview(); } } hit_submit_button.Value = "0"; project_changed.Value = "0"; if (security.user.is_admin || security.user.can_edit_sql) { } else { visible_sql_label.Style["display"] = "none"; visible_sql_text.Style["display"] = "none"; } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); security = new Security(); security.check_security(HttpContext.Current, Security.ANY_USER_OK); titl.InnerText = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel", "bugs"); if (!IsPostBack) { load_query_dropdown(); if (Session["just_did_text_search"] == null) { do_query(); } else { Session["just_did_text_search"] = null; dv = (DataView)Session["bugs"]; } } else { // posting back a query change? // posting back a filter change? // posting back a sort change? if (actn.Value == "query") { qu_id_string = Convert.ToString(query.SelectedItem.Value); reset_query_state(); do_query(); } else { // sorting, paging, filtering, so don't go back to the database dv = (DataView)Session["bugs"]; if (dv == null) { do_query(); } else { if (actn.Value == "sort") { new_page.Value = "0"; } } } } select_query_in_dropdown(); call_sort_and_filter_buglist_dataview(); actn.Value = ""; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static DataTable get_related_users(Security security, bool force_full_names) { string sql = ""; if (Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel","2") == "0") { // only show users who have explicit permission // for projects that this user has permissions for sql = @" /* get related users 1 */ select us_id, case when $fullnames then case when len(isnull(us_firstname,'') + ' ' + isnull(us_lastname,'')) > 1 then isnull(us_firstname,'') + ' ' + isnull(us_lastname,'') else us_username end else us_username end us_username, isnull(us_email,'') us_email, us_org, og_external_user into #temp from users inner join orgs on us_org = og_id where us_id in (select pu1.pu_user from project_user_xref pu1 where pu1.pu_project in (select pu2.pu_project from project_user_xref pu2 where pu2.pu_user = $user.usid and pu2.pu_permission_level <> 0 ) and pu1.pu_permission_level <> 0 ) if $og_external_user = 1 -- external and $og_other_orgs_permission_level = 0 -- other orgs begin delete from #temp where og_external_user = 1 and us_org <> $ end $limit_users select us_id, us_username, us_email from #temp order by us_username drop table #temp"; } else { // show users UNLESS they have been explicitly excluded // from all the projects the viewer is able to view // the cartesian join in the first select is intentional sql= @" /* get related users 2 */ select pj_id, us_id, case when $fullnames then case when len(isnull(us_firstname,'') + ' ' + isnull(us_lastname,'')) > 1 then isnull(us_firstname,'') + ' ' + isnull(us_lastname,'') else us_username end else us_username end us_username, isnull(us_email,'') us_email into #temp from projects, users where pj_id not in ( select pu_project from project_user_xref where pu_permission_level = 0 and pu_user = $user.usid ) $limit_users if $og_external_user = 1 -- external and $og_other_orgs_permission_level = 0 -- other orgs begin select distinct a.us_id, a.us_username, a.us_email from #temp a inner join users b on a.us_id = b.us_id inner join orgs on b.us_org = og_id where og_external_user = 0 or b.us_org = $ order by a.us_username end else begin select distinct us_id, us_username, us_email from #temp left outer join project_user_xref on pj_id = pu_project and us_id = pu_user where isnull(pu_permission_level,2) <> 0 order by us_username end drop table #temp"; } if (Util.get_setting("LimitUsernameDropdownsInSearch","0") == "1") { string sql_limit_user_names = @" select isnull(bg_assigned_to_user,0) keep_me into #temp2 from bugs union select isnull(bg_reported_user,0) from bugs delete from #temp where us_id not in (select keep_me from #temp2) drop table #temp2"; sql = sql.Replace("$limit_users",sql_limit_user_names); } else { sql = sql.Replace("$limit_users",""); } if (force_full_names || Util.get_setting("UseFullNames", "0") == "1") { // true condition sql = sql.Replace("$fullnames", "1 = 1"); } else { // false condition sql = sql.Replace("$fullnames", "0 = 1"); } sql = sql.Replace("$user.usid",Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); sql = sql.Replace("$",Convert.ToString(; sql = sql.Replace("$og_external_user",Convert.ToString(security.user.external_user ? 1 : 0)); sql = sql.Replace("$og_other_orgs_permission_level",Convert.ToString(security.user.other_orgs_permission_level)); return btnet.DbUtil.get_dataset(sql).Tables[0]; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string alter_sql_per_project_permissions(string sql, Security security) { string project_permissions_sql; string dpl = Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel","2"); if (dpl == "0") { project_permissions_sql = @" (bugs.bg_project in ( select pu_project from project_user_xref where pu_user = $user and pu_permission_level > 0)) "; } else { project_permissions_sql = @" (bugs.bg_project not in ( select pu_project from project_user_xref where pu_user = $user and pu_permission_level = 0)) "; } if (security.user.can_only_see_own_reported) { project_permissions_sql += @" and bugs.bg_reported_user = $user "; } else { if (security.user.other_orgs_permission_level == 0) { project_permissions_sql += @" and bugs.bg_org = $ "; } } project_permissions_sql = project_permissions_sql.Replace("$",Convert.ToString(; project_permissions_sql = project_permissions_sql.Replace("$user",Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); // Figure out where to alter sql for project permissions // I've tried lots of different schemes over the years.... int alter_here_pos = sql.IndexOf("$ALTER_HERE"); // places - can be multiple - are explicitly marked if (alter_here_pos != -1) { return sql.Replace("$ALTER_HERE", "/* ALTER_HERE */ " + project_permissions_sql); } else { string bug_sql; int where_pos = sql.IndexOf("WhErE"); // first look for a "special" where, case sensitive, in case there are multiple where's to choose from if (where_pos == -1) where_pos = sql.ToUpper().IndexOf("WHERE"); int order_pos = sql.IndexOf("/*ENDWHR*/"); // marker for end of the where statement if (order_pos == -1) order_pos = sql.ToUpper().LastIndexOf("ORDER BY"); if (order_pos < where_pos) order_pos = -1; // ignore an order by that occurs in a subquery, for example if (where_pos != -1 && order_pos != -1) { // both WHERE and ORDER BY clauses bug_sql = sql.Substring(0, where_pos + 5) + " /* altered - both */ ( " + sql.Substring(where_pos + 5, order_pos - (where_pos + 5)) + " ) AND ( " + project_permissions_sql + " ) " + sql.Substring(order_pos); } else if (order_pos == -1 && where_pos == -1) { // Neither bug_sql = sql + " /* altered - neither */ WHERE " + project_permissions_sql; } else if (order_pos == -1) { // WHERE, without order bug_sql = sql.Substring(0, where_pos + 5) + " /* altered - just where */ ( " + sql.Substring(where_pos + 5) + " ) AND ( " + project_permissions_sql + " )"; } else { // ORDER BY, without WHERE bug_sql = sql.Substring(0, order_pos) + " /* altered - just order by */ WHERE " + project_permissions_sql + sql.Substring(order_pos); } return bug_sql; } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static DataSet get_all_tasks(Security security, int bugid) { string sql = "select "; if (bugid == 0) { sql += @" bg_id as [id], bg_short_desc as [description], pj_name as [project], ct_name as [category], bug_statuses.st_name as [status], bug_users.us_username as [assigned to],"; } sql += "tsk_id [task<br>id], tsk_description [task<br>description] "; if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowTaskAssignedTo","1") == "1") { sql += ", task_users.us_username [task<br>assigned to]"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPlannedStartDate","1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_planned_start_date [planned start]"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowTaskActualStartDate","1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_actual_start_date [actual start]"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPlannedEndDate","1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_planned_end_date [planned end]"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowTaskActualEndDate","1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_actual_end_date [actual end]"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPlannedDuration","1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_planned_duration [planned<br>duration]"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowTaskActualDuration","1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_actual_duration [actual<br>duration]"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowTaskDurationUnits","1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_duration_units [duration<br>units]"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPercentComplete","1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_percent_complete [percent<br>complete]"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowTaskStatus","1") == "1") { sql += ", task_statuses.st_name [task<br>status]"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowTaskSortSequence","1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_sort_sequence [seq]"; } sql += @" from bug_tasks inner join bugs on tsk_bug = bg_id left outer join projects on bg_project = pj_id left outer join categories on bg_category = ct_id left outer join statuses bug_statuses on bg_status = bug_statuses.st_id left outer join statuses task_statuses on tsk_status = task_statuses.st_id left outer join users bug_users on bg_assigned_to_user = bug_users.us_id left outer join users task_users on tsk_assigned_to_user = task_users.us_id where tsk_bug in ("; if (bugid == 0) { sql += btnet.Util.alter_sql_per_project_permissions("select bg_id from bugs", security); } else { sql += Convert.ToString(bugid); } sql += @" ) order by tsk_sort_sequence, tsk_id"; DataSet ds = btnet.DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); return ds; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void send_notifications(int insert_or_update, int bugid, Security security) { send_notifications(insert_or_update, bugid, security, 0, // just to this false, // status changed false, // assigend to changed 0); // prev assigned to }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void add_attachment(string filename, SharpMimeMessage part, int bugid, int parent_postid, Security security) { Util.write_to_log("attachment:" + filename); string missing_attachment_msg = ""; int max_upload_size = Convert.ToInt32(Util.get_setting("MaxUploadSize", "100000")); if (part.Size > max_upload_size) { missing_attachment_msg = "ERROR: email attachment exceeds size limit."; } string content_type = part.Header.TopLevelMediaType + "/" + part.Header.SubType; string desc; MemoryStream attachmentStream = new MemoryStream(); if (missing_attachment_msg == "") { desc = "email attachment"; } else { desc = missing_attachment_msg; } part.DumpBody(attachmentStream); attachmentStream.Position = 0; Bug.insert_post_attachment( security, bugid, attachmentStream, (int)attachmentStream.Length, filename, desc, content_type, parent_postid, false, // not hidden false); // don't send notifications }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This used to send the emails, but not now. Now it just queues // the emails to be sent, then spawns a thread to send them. public static void send_notifications(int insert_or_update, // The implementation int bugid, Security security, int just_to_this_userid, bool status_changed, bool assigned_to_changed, int prev_assigned_to_user) { // If there's something worth emailing about, then there's // probably something worth updating the index about. // Really, though, we wouldn't want to update the index if it were // just the status that were changing... if (btnet.Util.get_setting("EnableLucene", "1") == "1") { MyLucene.update_lucene_index(bugid); } bool notification_email_enabled = (btnet.Util.get_setting("NotificationEmailEnabled", "1") == "1"); if (!notification_email_enabled) { return; } // MAW -- 2006/01/27 -- Determine level of change detected int changeLevel = 0; if (insert_or_update == INSERT) { changeLevel = 1; } else if (status_changed) { changeLevel = 2; } else if (assigned_to_changed) { changeLevel = 3; } else { changeLevel = 4; } string sql; if (just_to_this_userid > 0) { sql = @" /* get notification email for just one user */ select us_email, us_id, us_admin, og.* from bug_subscriptions inner join users on bs_user = us_id inner join orgs og on us_org = og_id inner join bugs on bg_id = bs_bug left outer join project_user_xref on pu_user = us_id and pu_project = bg_project where us_email is not null and us_enable_notifications = 1 -- $status_change and us_active = 1 and us_email <> '' and case when us_org <> bg_org and og_other_orgs_permission_level < 2 and og_other_orgs_permission_level < isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) then og_other_orgs_permission_level else isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) end <> 0 and bs_bug = $id and us_id = $just_this_usid"; sql = sql.Replace("$just_this_usid", Convert.ToString(just_to_this_userid)); } else { // MAW -- 2006/01/27 -- Added different notifications if reported or assigned-to sql = @" /* get notification emails for all subscribers */ select us_email, us_id, us_admin, og.* from bug_subscriptions inner join users on bs_user = us_id inner join orgs og on us_org = og_id inner join bugs on bg_id = bs_bug left outer join project_user_xref on pu_user = us_id and pu_project = bg_project where us_email is not null and us_enable_notifications = 1 -- $status_change and us_active = 1 and us_email <> '' and ( ($cl <= us_reported_notifications and bg_reported_user = bs_user) or ($cl <= us_assigned_notifications and bg_assigned_to_user = bs_user) or ($cl <= us_assigned_notifications and $pau = bs_user) or ($cl <= us_subscribed_notifications)) and case when us_org <> bg_org and og_other_orgs_permission_level < 2 and og_other_orgs_permission_level < isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) then og_other_orgs_permission_level else isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) end <> 0 and bs_bug = $id and (us_id <> $us or isnull(us_send_notifications_to_self,0) = 1)"; } sql = sql.Replace("$cl", changeLevel.ToString()); sql = sql.Replace("$pau", prev_assigned_to_user.ToString()); sql = sql.Replace("$id", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.Replace("$dpl", btnet.Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel", "2")); sql = sql.Replace("$us", Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); DataSet ds_subscribers = btnet.DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); if (ds_subscribers.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { bool added_to_queue = false; // Get bug html DataRow bug_dr = btnet.Bug.get_bug_datarow(bugid, security); string from = btnet.Util.get_setting("NotificationEmailFrom", ""); // Format the subject line string subject = btnet.Util.get_setting("NotificationSubjectFormat", "$THING$:$BUGID$ was $ACTION$ - $SHORTDESC$ $TRACKINGID$"); subject = subject.Replace("$THING$", btnet.Util.capitalize_first_letter(btnet.Util.get_setting("SingularBugLabel", "bug"))); string action = ""; if (insert_or_update == INSERT) { action = "added"; } else { action = "updated"; } subject = subject.Replace("$ACTION$", action); subject = subject.Replace("$BUGID$", Convert.ToString(bugid)); subject = subject.Replace("$SHORTDESC$", (string)bug_dr["short_desc"]); string tracking_id = " ("; tracking_id += btnet.Util.get_setting("TrackingIdString", "DO NOT EDIT THIS:"); tracking_id += Convert.ToString(bugid); tracking_id += ")"; subject = subject.Replace("$TRACKINGID$", tracking_id); subject = subject.Replace("$PROJECT$", (string)bug_dr["current_project"]); subject = subject.Replace("$ORGANIZATION$", (string)bug_dr["og_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$CATEGORY$", (string)bug_dr["category_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$PRIORITY$", (string)bug_dr["priority_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$STATUS$", (string)bug_dr["status_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$ASSIGNED_TO$", (string)bug_dr["assigned_to_username"]); // send a separate email to each subscriber foreach (DataRow dr in ds_subscribers.Tables[0].Rows) { string to = (string)dr["us_email"]; // Create a fake response and let the code // write the html to that response System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter(); HttpResponse my_response = new HttpResponse(writer); my_response.Write("<html>"); my_response.Write("<base href=\"" + btnet.Util.get_setting("AbsoluteUrlPrefix", "") + "\"/>"); // create a security rec for the user receiving the email Security sec2 = new Security(); // fill in what we know is needed downstream sec2.user.is_admin = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["us_admin"]); sec2.user.external_user = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_external_user"]); sec2.user.tags_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_category_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.category_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_category_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.priority_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_priority_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.assigned_to_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_assigned_to_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.status_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_status_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.project_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_project_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.org_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_org_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.udf_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_udf_field_permission_level"]; DataSet ds_custom = Util.get_custom_columns(); foreach (DataRow dr_custom in ds_custom.Tables[0].Rows) { string bg_name = (string)dr_custom["name"]; string og_name = "og_" + (string)dr_custom["name"] + "_field_permission_level"; object obj = dr[og_name]; if (Convert.IsDBNull(obj)) { sec2.user.dict_custom_field_permission_level[bg_name] = Security.PERMISSION_ALL; } else { sec2.user.dict_custom_field_permission_level[bg_name] = (int) dr[og_name]; } } PrintBug.print_bug( my_response, bug_dr, sec2, true, // include style false, // images_inline true, // history_inline true); // internal_posts // at this point "writer" has the bug html sql = @" delete from queued_notifications where qn_bug = $bug and qn_to = N'$to' insert into queued_notifications (qn_date_created, qn_bug, qn_user, qn_status, qn_retries, qn_to, qn_from, qn_subject, qn_body, qn_last_exception) values (getdate(), $bug, $user, N'not sent', 0, N'$to', N'$from', N'$subject', N'$body', N'')"; sql = sql.Replace("$bug",Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.Replace("$user",Convert.ToString(dr["us_id"])); sql = sql.Replace("$to", to.Replace("'","''")); sql = sql.Replace("$from", from.Replace("'","''")); sql = sql.Replace("$subject", subject.Replace("'","''")); sql = sql.Replace("$body", writer.ToString().Replace("'","''")); btnet.DbUtil.execute_nonquery_without_logging(sql); added_to_queue = true; } // end loop through ds_subscribers if (added_to_queue) { // spawn a worker thread to send the emails System.Threading.Thread thread = new System.Threading.Thread(threadproc_notifications); thread.Start(); } } // if there are any subscribers }
public static Security get_synthesized_security(SharpMimeMessage mime_message, string from_addr, string username) { // Get the btnet user, which might actually be a user that corresonds with the email sender, not the username above DataRow dr = MyMime.get_user_datarow_maybe_using_from_addr(mime_message, from_addr, username); // simulate a user having logged in, for downstream code Security security = new Security(); security.context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current; security.user.username = username; security.user.usid = (int)dr["us_id"]; security.user.is_admin = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["us_admin"]); = (int)dr["us_org"]; security.user.other_orgs_permission_level = (int)dr["og_other_orgs_permission_level"]; security.user.forced_project = (int)dr["us_forced_project"]; return security; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static DataRow get_bug_datarow( int bugid, Security security, DataSet ds_custom_cols) { string sql = @" /* get_bug_datarow */"; if (btnet.Util.get_setting("EnableSeen", "0") == "1") { sql += @" if not exists (select bu_bug from bug_user where bu_bug = $id and bu_user = $this_usid) insert into bug_user (bu_bug, bu_user, bu_flag, bu_seen, bu_vote) values($id, $this_usid, 0, 1, 0) update bug_user set bu_seen = 1, bu_seen_datetime = getdate() where bu_bug = $id and bu_user = $this_usid and bu_seen <> 1"; } sql += @" declare @svn_revisions int declare @git_commits int declare @hg_revisions int declare @tasks int declare @related int; set @svn_revisions = 0 set @git_commits = 0 set @hg_revisions = 0 set @tasks = 0 set @related = 0"; if (btnet.Util.get_setting("EnableSubversionIntegration", "0") == "1") { sql += @" select @svn_revisions = count(1) from svn_affected_paths inner join svn_revisions on svnap_svnrev_id = svnrev_id where svnrev_bug = $id;"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("EnableGitIntegration", "0") == "1") { sql += @" select @git_commits = count(1) from git_affected_paths inner join git_commits on gitap_gitcom_id = gitcom_id where gitcom_bug = $id;"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("EnableMercurialIntegration", "0") == "1") { sql += @" select @hg_revisions = count(1) from hg_affected_paths inner join hg_revisions on hgap_hgrev_id = hgrev_id where hgrev_bug = $id;"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("EnableTasks", "0") == "1") { sql += @" select @tasks = count(1) from bug_tasks where tsk_bug = $id;"; } if (btnet.Util.get_setting("EnableRelationships", "0") == "1") { sql += @" select @related = count(1) from bug_relationships where re_bug1 = $id;"; } sql += @" select bg_id [id], bg_short_desc [short_desc], isnull(bg_tags,'') [bg_tags], isnull(ru.us_username,'[deleted user]') [reporter], isnull(ru.us_email,'') [reporter_email], case rtrim(ru.us_firstname) when null then isnull(ru.us_lastname, '') when '' then isnull(ru.us_lastname, '') else isnull(ru.us_lastname + ', ' + ru.us_firstname,'') end [reporter_fullname], bg_reported_date [reported_date], datediff(s,bg_reported_date,getdate()) [seconds_ago], isnull(lu.us_username,'') [last_updated_user], case rtrim(lu.us_firstname) when null then isnull(lu.us_lastname, '') when '' then isnull(lu.us_lastname, '') else isnull(lu.us_lastname + ', ' + lu.us_firstname,'') end [last_updated_fullname], bg_last_updated_date [last_updated_date], isnull(bg_project,0) [project], isnull(pj_name,'[no project]') [current_project], isnull(bg_org,0) [organization], isnull(bugorg.og_name,'') [og_name], isnull(bg_category,0) [category], isnull(ct_name,'') [category_name], isnull(bg_priority,0) [priority], isnull(pr_name,'') [priority_name], isnull(bg_status,0) [status], isnull(st_name,'') [status_name], isnull(bg_user_defined_attribute,0) [udf], isnull(udf_name,'') [udf_name], isnull(bg_assigned_to_user,0) [assigned_to_user], isnull(asg.us_username,'[not assigned]') [assigned_to_username], case rtrim(asg.us_firstname) when null then isnull(asg.us_lastname, '[not assigned]') when '' then isnull(asg.us_lastname, '[not assigned]') else isnull(asg.us_lastname + ', ' + asg.us_firstname,'[not assigned]') end [assigned_to_fullname], isnull(bs_user,0) [subscribed], case when $this_org <> bg_org and userorg.og_other_orgs_permission_level < 2 and userorg.og_other_orgs_permission_level < isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) then userorg.og_other_orgs_permission_level else isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) end [pu_permission_level], isnull(bg_project_custom_dropdown_value1,'') [bg_project_custom_dropdown_value1], isnull(bg_project_custom_dropdown_value2,'') [bg_project_custom_dropdown_value2], isnull(bg_project_custom_dropdown_value3,'') [bg_project_custom_dropdown_value3], @related [relationship_cnt], @svn_revisions [svn_revision_cnt], @git_commits [git_commit_cnt], @hg_revisions [hg_commit_cnt], @tasks [task_cnt], getdate() [snapshot_timestamp] $custom_cols_placeholder from bugs inner join users this_user on us_id = $this_usid inner join orgs userorg on this_user.us_org = userorg.og_id left outer join user_defined_attribute on bg_user_defined_attribute = udf_id left outer join projects on bg_project = pj_id left outer join orgs bugorg on bg_org = bugorg.og_id left outer join categories on bg_category = ct_id left outer join priorities on bg_priority = pr_id left outer join statuses on bg_status = st_id left outer join users asg on bg_assigned_to_user = asg.us_id left outer join users ru on bg_reported_user = ru.us_id left outer join users lu on bg_last_updated_user = lu.us_id left outer join bug_subscriptions on bs_bug = bg_id and bs_user = $this_usid left outer join project_user_xref on pj_id = pu_project and pu_user = $this_usid where bg_id = $id"; if (ds_custom_cols.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols_placeholder", ""); } else { string custom_cols_sql = ""; foreach (DataRow drcc in ds_custom_cols.Tables[0].Rows) { custom_cols_sql += ",[" + drcc["name"].ToString() + "]"; } sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols_placeholder", custom_cols_sql); } sql = sql.Replace("$id", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.Replace("$this_usid", Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); sql = sql.Replace("$this_org", Convert.ToString(; sql = sql.Replace("$dpl", Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel", "2")); return btnet.DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void display_buglist_tags_line(HttpResponse Response, Security security) { if (security.user.category_field_permission_level == Security.PERMISSION_NONE) { return; } Response.Write("\n<p>Show only rows with the following tags: "); Response.Write("<input class=txt size=40 name=tags_input id=tags_input onchange='javascript:on_tags_change()' value='"); Response.Write(HttpContext.Current.Request["tags"]); Response.Write("'>"); Response.Write("<a href='javascript:show_tags()'> select tags</a>"); Response.Write("<br><br>\n"); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static NewIds insert_bug( string short_desc, Security security, string tags, int projectid, int orgid, int categoryid, int priorityid, int statusid, int assigned_to_userid, int udfid, string project_custom_dropdown_value1, string project_custom_dropdown_value2, string project_custom_dropdown_value3, string comment_formated, string comment_search, string from, string cc, string content_type, bool internal_only, SortedDictionary<string,string> hash_custom_cols, bool send_notifications) { if (short_desc.Trim() == "") { short_desc = "[No Description]"; } if (assigned_to_userid == 0) { assigned_to_userid = btnet.Util.get_default_user(projectid); } string sql = @"insert into bugs (bg_short_desc, bg_tags, bg_reported_user, bg_last_updated_user, bg_reported_date, bg_last_updated_date, bg_project, bg_org, bg_category, bg_priority, bg_status, bg_assigned_to_user, bg_user_defined_attribute, bg_project_custom_dropdown_value1, bg_project_custom_dropdown_value2, bg_project_custom_dropdown_value3 $custom_cols_placeholder1) values (N'$short_desc', N'$tags', $reported_user, $reported_user, getdate(), getdate(), $project, $org, $category, $priority, $status, $assigned_user, $udf, N'$pcd1',N'$pcd2',N'$pcd3' $custom_cols_placeholder2)"; sql = sql.Replace("$short_desc", short_desc.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$tags", tags.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$reported_user", Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); sql = sql.Replace("$project", Convert.ToString(projectid)); sql = sql.Replace("$org", Convert.ToString(orgid)); sql = sql.Replace("$category", Convert.ToString(categoryid)); sql = sql.Replace("$priority", Convert.ToString(priorityid)); sql = sql.Replace("$status", Convert.ToString(statusid)); sql = sql.Replace("$assigned_user", Convert.ToString(assigned_to_userid)); sql = sql.Replace("$udf", Convert.ToString(udfid)); sql = sql.Replace("$pcd1", project_custom_dropdown_value1); sql = sql.Replace("$pcd2", project_custom_dropdown_value2); sql = sql.Replace("$pcd3", project_custom_dropdown_value3); if (hash_custom_cols == null) { sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols_placeholder1", ""); sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols_placeholder2", ""); } else { string custom_cols_sql1 = ""; string custom_cols_sql2 = ""; DataSet ds_custom_cols = btnet.Util.get_custom_columns(); foreach (DataRow drcc in ds_custom_cols.Tables[0].Rows) { string column_name = (string) drcc["name"]; // skip if no permission to update if (security.user.dict_custom_field_permission_level[column_name] != Security.PERMISSION_ALL) { continue; } custom_cols_sql1 += ",[" + column_name + "]"; string datatype = (string) drcc["datatype"]; string custom_col_val = btnet.Util.request_to_string_for_sql( hash_custom_cols[column_name], datatype); custom_cols_sql2 += "," + custom_col_val; } sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols_placeholder1", custom_cols_sql1); sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols_placeholder2", custom_cols_sql2); } sql += "\nselect scope_identity()"; int bugid = Convert.ToInt32(btnet.DbUtil.execute_scalar(sql)); int postid = btnet.Bug.insert_comment( bugid, security.user.usid, comment_formated, comment_search, from, cc, content_type, internal_only); btnet.Bug.auto_subscribe(bugid); if (send_notifications) { btnet.Bug.send_notifications(btnet.Bug.INSERT, bugid, security); } return new NewIds(bugid, postid); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void display_bug_not_found(HttpResponse Response, Security security, int id) { Response.Write("<link rel=StyleSheet href=btnet.css type=text/css>"); security.write_menu(Response, btnet.Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel", "bugs")); Response.Write("<p> </p><div class=align>"); Response.Write("<div class=err>"); Response.Write(btnet.Util.capitalize_first_letter(btnet.Util.get_setting("SingularBugLabel", "bug"))); Response.Write(" not found: " + Convert.ToString(id) + "</div>"); Response.Write("<p><a href=bugs.aspx>View "); Response.Write(btnet.Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel", "bug")); Response.Write("</a>"); Response.End(); }