コード例 #1
 private void setParents(astNode parent)
     foreach (astNode child in parent.children)
         child.parent = parent;
コード例 #2
ファイル: compiler.cs プロジェクト: kevinmiles/rc24
        public void compilerError(astNode node, string message)
            //for now throw first error
            //  TODO log a number of errors before throwing
            var e = new Exception(message);

            e.Data.Add("line", node.line);
            throw e;
コード例 #3
        private void popFunction(Stack <astNode> outp, Stack <astNode> opStack)
            astNode t = opStack.Pop();
            //       if (t.type == "OP" && t.name == "") return;
            astNode n = new astNode()
                name = t.name, type = "FN", line = t.line

            if (t.type == "OP")
                for (int i = 0; i < ops[t.name].nParams; i++)
                    n.children.Insert(0, outp.Pop());
                //maybe zero parameters
                astNode param = null;// new astNode() { name = "PARAM" };
                while (outp.Peek().name != "FN_START")
                    if (outp.Peek().name == ",")
                        n.children.Insert(0, param);
                        param = new astNode()
                            name = "PARAM"
                    if (param == null)
                        param = new astNode()
                            name = "PARAM"
                    if (outp.Peek().type == "PARAMNAME")
                        param.val = outp.Pop().val;
                        param.children.Insert(0, outp.Pop());
                if (param != null)
                    n.children.Insert(0, param);
コード例 #4
ファイル: compiler.cs プロジェクト: kevinmiles/rc24
 public void compileChildren(astNode n, bluntFunction fn, int idx, Dictionary <String, bluntVar> locals, Dictionary <String, bluntLabel> labels)
     if (n.children != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < n.children.Count; i++)
             compile(n.children[i], fn, i, locals, labels);
コード例 #5
ファイル: compiler.cs プロジェクト: kevinmiles/rc24
        // pass 1
        public void getMethods(astNode n)
            //get declared function signatures and local stack space
            if (n.type == "FN DECL")
                int nParams = (n.children.Count - 2) / 2 + 1;

                bluntParam[] pTypes = new bluntParam[nParams];
                //return type
                pTypes[0] = getParam(n.children[0]);
                bluntFunction lf = new bluntFunction(n.name, pTypes, -1);

                for (int p = 1; p < nParams; p++)
                    astNode ptype = n.children[(p << 1) - 1];
                    pTypes[p] = getParam(ptype);

                    astNode param = n.children[(p << 1)];
                    pTypes[p].name = param.name;
                    lf.locals.Add(param.name, new bluntVar(p - 1, pTypes[p].ptype, ptype.name)
                        typename = pTypes[p].objectType
                getLabels(n, lf.labels);
                lf.locals.Add("@@ret_addr_place_holder", new bluntVar(nParams - 1, vtype.num, null));
                lf.locals.Add("@@stack_frame_place_holder", new bluntVar(nParams, vtype.num, null));
                lf.locals.Add("@@function_frame_place_holder", new bluntVar(nParams + 1, vtype.num, null));

                //find stack usage for local vars
                getLocals(n.children[n.children.Count - 1], lf);

                lf.localStackUsage = lf.locals.Count - (nParams - 1);
                lf.functionType    = fType.SCRIPT;
                if (functions.ContainsKey(lf.mangledName))
                    compilerError(n, "function " + n.name + " with same parameters already declared");
                n.context = lf;
            else if (n.children != null)
                foreach (var child in n.children)
コード例 #6
ファイル: compiler.cs プロジェクト: kevinmiles/rc24
 public void getLabels(astNode node, Dictionary <String, bluntLabel> labels)
     if (node.type == "LABEL")
         labels.Add(node.name, new bluntLabel());
     if (node.children != null)
         foreach (var child in node.children)
             getLabels(child, labels);
コード例 #7
ファイル: compiler.cs プロジェクト: kevinmiles/rc24
 *      public static void fixDotNotation(astNode n)
 *      {
 *          //probably could be done in parser
 *          //convert dot function to function call or property getter/setter
 *          if (n.children == null) return;
 *          if (n.name == "=" && n.children[0].name == ".")
 *    //      if (n.name == "=" && n.children[0].type == "FN")
 *          {
 *              //setter or
 *              // a.getArrayItem(10)=23
 *              // setArrayItem(a,10,23)
 *              var dot = n.children[0];
 *              var fn = dot.children[1];
 *              //replace = node with function
 *              var val = n.children[1];
 *              n.children.Clear();
 *              n.children.Add(dot.children[0]); //object param
 *              for (int c = 1; c < fn.children.Count; c++) n.children.Add(fn.children[c]);
 *              n.children.Add(val); //value param
 *              if (dot.children[1].type == "FN") n.name = fn.name.Replace("get", "set");//array
 *              else n.name = "set" + fn.name;//property setter
 *          }
 *          for (int i = 0; i < n.children.Count; i++)
 *          {
 *              var child = n.children[i];
 *              if (child.name == ".")
 *              {
 *                  //replace node with right of dot as function with left of dot as first parameter
 *                  if (child.children[1].type == "FN")//method call
 *                  {
 *                      var fn = child.children[1];
 *                      fn.children.Insert(0, child.children[0]);//add object as first parameter
 *                      //replace dot node with function
 *                      n.children[i] = fn;
 *                      child = fn;
 *                  }
 *                  else
 *                  {
 *                      //getter
 *                      var fn = child.children[1];
 *                      fn.children.Insert(0, child.children[0]);//add object as first parameter
 *                      //replace dot node with function
 *                      fn.name = "get" + fn.name;
 *                      fn.type = "FN";
 *                      n.children[i] = fn;
 *                      child = fn;
 *                  }
 *              }
 *              fixDotNotation(child);
 *          }
 *      }

        public static void fixDotNotation(astNode n)
            //probably could be done in parser
            //convert dot function to function call or property getter/setter
            //children first to cope with nested dots
            if (n.children != null)
                //this can change children but not the number
                for (int i = 0; i < n.children.Count; i++)
            //.(a,b())=> b(a)
            //.(a,b)=> getb(a)
            if (n.name == ".")
                var fn  = n.children[1];
                var obj = n.children[0];

                fn.children.Insert(0, obj);
                if (fn.type == "ID")
                    fn.type = "FN";
                    fn.name = "get" + fn.name;

                int i = n.parent.children.IndexOf(n);
                n.parent.children.Insert(i, fn);
            //getx(a)=b => setx(a,b)
            if (n.name == "=")
                if (n.children[0].type == "FN")
                    //=(getx(tx),Value) => setx(tx,value)
                    //build setter
                    var fn = n.children[0];
                    fn.name = fn.name.Replace("get", "set");

                    int i = n.parent.children.IndexOf(n);
                    n.parent.children.Insert(i, fn);
コード例 #8
        public astNode parse()
            astNode cu = new astNode()
                type = "CompilationUnit"
            int idx = 0;

            while (idx < src.Length)
                cu.children.Add(parseFunctionDecl(ref idx));
                idx = eatSpace(idx);
コード例 #9
        private astNode parseFunctionDecl(ref int idx)
            astNode fndef = new astNode()
                type = "FN DECL"
            Token t = getToken(ref idx);

            if (t.type != Token.ttype.ID)
                throw new Exception("return type expected for function declaration");
            fndef.children.Add(new astNode()
                type = "ID", name = t.name
            t          = getToken(ref idx);
            fndef.name = t.name;
            t          = getToken(ref idx);
            if (t.name != "(")
                throw new Exception("( expected for function declaration");

            while ((t = getToken(ref idx)).name != ")")
                if (t.name != ",")
                    fndef.children.Add(new astNode()
                        type = "ID", name = t.name
            t = getToken(ref idx);
            if (t.name != "{")
                throw new Exception("{ expected for function body declaration");

            // now create node for fn body
            astNode fnBody = toRPN(ref idx);


コード例 #10
        public astNode parse()
            astNode cu = new astNode()
                type = "CompilationUnit"

            tokens = getTokens();
            int idx = 0;

            while (idx < tokens.Count)
                cu.children.Add(parseFunctionDecl(ref idx));
コード例 #11
ファイル: compiler.cs プロジェクト: kevinmiles/rc24
 public void getLocals(astNode n, bluntFunction fn)
     //get local stack space
     if (n.type == "ID" && fn.locals != null)
         if (!fn.labels.ContainsKey(n.name) && !fn.locals.ContainsKey(n.name))
             fn.locals.Add(n.name, new bluntVar(fn.locals.Count, vtype.num, null));
     else if (n.children != null)
         foreach (var child in n.children)
             getLocals(child, fn);
コード例 #12
ファイル: compiler.cs プロジェクト: kevinmiles/rc24
        private bluntParam getParam(astNode node)
            bluntParam ret = new bluntParam();

            if (node.name == "code")
                ret.ptype = vtype.code;
            else if (ret.name == "num")
                ret.ptype = vtype.num;
                ret.ptype = vtype.obj;
            ret.objectType = node.name;
コード例 #13
ファイル: compiler.cs プロジェクト: kevinmiles/rc24
        public void compile(astNode n, bluntFunction fn, int idx, Dictionary <String, bluntVar> locals, Dictionary <String, bluntLabel> labels)
            if (n.type == "CompilationUnit")
                compileChildren(n, fn, idx, locals, labels);
            else if (n.type == "ID")//load id on stack
                // if external var put different op codes to get val or ptr
                // how does assign know to call setter
                // special case for assign

                if (!locals.ContainsKey(n.name))
                    //   locals.Add(n.name, new bluntVar(locals.Count, vtype.num,null));
                if (fn != null && fn.fparams[idx + 1].ptype == vtype.vref)
                    prog[pc++] = opCodes["@push var ref"].opCode;
                    prog[pc++] = locals[n.name].offset; //reference to var on stack
                    prog[pc++] = opCodes["@push var val"].opCode;
                    prog[pc++] = locals[n.name].offset; //var value on stack
            else if (n.type == "CONST")
                prog[pc++] = opCodes["@push immediate"].opCode;
                prog[pc++] = int.Parse(n.val);  //val on stack
            else if (n.type == "LABEL")
                labels[n.name].address = pc;
            else if (n.type == "ARRAY")//load id on stack
                // stack should have array ptr then index
                // should know size of array items
                compileChildren(n, fn, idx, locals, labels);
                prog[pc++] = opCodes["@get_array_item"].opCode;
            else if (n.type == "STRING")
                //store string constant somewhere avoiding duplicates
                if (!StringConstants.ContainsKey(n.val))
                    StringConstants.Add(n.val, new List <int>());
                prog[pc++] = opCodes["@push immediate"].opCode;
                // save pc for linking stage when location of string is known
            else if (n.type == "FN")
                //get param names and call in correct order
                //and combine duplicates to arrays for varags stuff
                //if single item and not array put it in one
                //if already correct type eg code[] leave as is

                //should become list of fnpc/id/const/label
                List <bluntLabel> opParams = new List <bluntLabel>();
                //list of unamed
                List <astNode> unNamedParams = new List <astNode>();
                Dictionary <String, List <astNode> > namedParams = new Dictionary <String, List <astNode> >();

                if (n.children != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < n.children.Count; i++)
                        astNode parameter = n.children[i];
                        if (parameter.name == null || parameter.name == "")
                            if (!namedParams.ContainsKey(parameter.name))
                                namedParams.Add(parameter.name, new List <astNode>());

                bluntFunction fnn;
                if (functions.ContainsKey(n.name))
                    fnn = functions[n.name];
                    compilerError(n, "Unknown function " + n.name);

                if (fnn.name == "return")
                    compileChildren(n, fnn, idx, locals, labels);
                    prog[pc++] = functions["@ret user fn"].opCode;
                    prog[pc++] = fn.fparams.Length - 1;

                int nparams = 0;
                if (n.children != null)
                    nparams = n.children.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < n.children.Count; i++)
                        astNode paramNode = n.children[i];
                        //if param should be a lambda
                        if (fnn.fparams[i + 1].ptype == vtype.code)
                            //bodge to check for lambda ptr
                            astNode pNode = paramNode.children[0];
                            //if parameter is already lambda ptr - just copy ptr

                            if (pNode != null && pNode.type == "ID" && locals[pNode.name].type == vtype.code)
                                compile(paramNode, fnn, i, locals, labels);
                                prog[pc++] = opCodes["@push lambda ptr"].opCode; //put ptr to lambda on stack
                                prog[pc++] = pc + 2;                             //put stack base here as well - not known at compile time
                                prog[pc++] = opCodes["@jump"].opCode;            //jump
                                int lenPc = pc++;
                                //  prog[pc++]=0;//no stack used for locals - could this be used for something else?
                                compile(paramNode, fnn, i, locals, labels);
                                prog[pc++]  = opCodes["@ret user fn"].opCode; //return
                                prog[pc++]  = 0;                              //TODO allow for anon functions with parameters
                                prog[lenPc] = pc - lenPc;
                        else if (fnn.fparams[i + 1].ptype == vtype.label)
                            //always part of op code
                            string labelName = paramNode.getLeftBottomLeaf().name;

                            if (!labels.ContainsKey(labelName))
                                labels.Add(labelName, new bluntLabel(0));
                            compile(paramNode, fnn, i, locals, labels);
                if (fnn.functionType == fType.SCRIPT)
                    prog[pc++] = opCodes["@call user fn"].opCode;
                    fnn.callees.Add(pc);//allow forward function declarations
                    prog[pc++] = fnn.opCode;
                    prog[pc++] = nparams;
                    prog[pc++] = fnn.localStackUsage;
                    prog[pc++] = fnn.opCode;
                    //add any opcode parameters
                    foreach (bluntLabel l in opParams)

                //ideally pick version of op with or without return as reqd
                if (!fnn.retEmptyStack)
                    if (n.parent.type == "CompilationUnit" || n.parent.type == "FN DECL" || n.parent.type == "BLOCK")
                        prog[pc++] = opCodes["@dec sp"].opCode;                                                                                              //clear stack
                    if (!(n.parent.type == "CompilationUnit" || n.parent.type == "FN DECL" || n.parent.type == "BLOCK"))
                        prog[pc++] = opCodes["@inc sp"].opCode;                                                                                                 //leave value on stack
            else if (n.type == "FN DECL")
                int           stackLocals = pc; //start of code block
                bluntFunction lf          = (bluntFunction)n.context;
                lf.opCode = stackLocals;

                //create code block
                compile(n.children[n.children.Count - 1], lf, idx, lf.locals, lf.labels);
                //             lf.localStackUsage = fnLocals.Count - nParams;
                //	prog[pc++]=0;//return
                prog[pc++] = opCodes["@ret user fn"].opCode;
                prog[pc++] = lf.fparams.Length - 1;

                foreach (bluntLabel label in lf.labels.Values)
                    foreach (int addr in label.callees)
                        prog[addr] = label.address - addr;
                compileChildren(n, fn, idx, locals, labels);

            //update all label references - highly non optimal place to do it !!
コード例 #14
        private astNode toRPN(ref int idx)
            // shunting yard
            Stack <astNode> outp    = new Stack <astNode>();
            Stack <Token>   opStack = new Stack <Token>();

            Token sentinel = new Token()
                type = Token.ttype.OP, name = ""

            sentinel.op = new Op()
                precidence = 0

            Token top;
            Token t = null;
            Token last;

            while (idx < src.Length)
                last = t;
                t    = getToken(ref idx);

                if (t.type == Token.ttype.EOF || t.name == "}")
                    while (opStack.Count > 1)
                        popFunction(outp, opStack);
                //handle unary - op. subtraction op can't follow op or ( or ,
                if (last != null && t.name == "-" && (last.name == "(" || last.name == "," || last.op != null))
                    t.op   = ops["neg"];
                    t.name = "neg";
                    //if next op is a numeric constant, negate it and replace token to save negation operation
                    Token next = peekToken(idx);
                    if (next != null && next.type == Token.ttype.NUMBER)
                        t      = getToken(ref idx);
                        t.name = "-" + t.name;

                //detect end of statement avoiding the need for ;

                //new expression starts with ID or function or label and end with ) or const or id or label
                if (last != null && (t.type == Token.ttype.ID || t.type == Token.ttype.FUNCTION || t.type == Token.ttype.LABEL) && (last.type == Token.ttype.ID || last.type == Token.ttype.NUMBER || last.type == Token.ttype.LABEL || last.name == ")"))
                    while (opStack.Count > 1 && opStack.Peek().name != "(")
                        popFunction(outp, opStack);
                if (t.type == Token.ttype.ID)
                    outp.Push(new astNode()
                        type = "ID", name = t.name, line = t.line
                else if (t.type == Token.ttype.STRING)
                    outp.Push(new astNode()
                        type = "STRING", val = t.name, line = t.line
                else if (t.type == Token.ttype.NUMBER)
                    outp.Push(new astNode()
                        type = "CONST", val = t.name, line = t.line
                else if (t.type == Token.ttype.LABEL)
                    outp.Push(new astNode()
                        type = "LABEL", name = t.name, line = t.line
                else if (t.type == Token.ttype.PARAMNAME)
                    outp.Push(new astNode()
                        type = "PARAMNAME", name = t.name, line = t.line
                else if (t.type == Token.ttype.FUNCTION)
                    outp.Push(new astNode()
                        name = "FN_START"
                else if (t.type == Token.ttype.OP)
                    if (t.name == ",")
                        while (opStack.Peek().name != "(")
                            popFunction(outp, opStack);
                        outp.Push(new astNode()
                            name = ","
                    else if (t.name == "(")
                    else if (t.name == ")")
                        while (opStack.Peek().name != "(")
                            popFunction(outp, opStack);
                        if (opStack.Peek().type == Token.ttype.FUNCTION)
                            popFunction(outp, opStack);
                        top = opStack.Peek();
                        while (top.type == Token.ttype.OP && top.op != null && ((t.op.leftAssociative && t.op.precidence <= top.op.precidence) || (!t.op.leftAssociative && t.op.precidence < top.op.precidence)))
                            popFunction(outp, opStack);
                            top = opStack.Peek();
            astNode ret = new astNode();

            ret.name = "BLOCK";
            ret.type = "BLOCK";
            while (outp.Count > 0)
                ret.children.Insert(0, outp.Pop());

コード例 #15
ファイル: compiler.cs プロジェクト: kevinmiles/rc24
        public int[] compile(astNode n, Dictionary <String, bluntFunction> externalFunctions)
            foreach (var f in opCodes.Keys)
                functions.Add(f, opCodes[f]);
            foreach (var f in externalFunctions.Values)
            //entry point is main

            pc += 6;

            inferTypes(n, null, null);

            compile(n, null, 0, rootlocals, new Dictionary <String, bluntLabel>());
            //prog[0] = rootlocals.Count;
            //call main function - could really be avoided by calling directly
            //but entry point needs to be stored somewhere
            prog[0] = 0;
            prog[1] = opCodes["@call user fn"].opCode;

            //call main function, assume only one
            var main = functions.Values.First(t => t.name == "main");

            prog[2] = main.opCode;
            prog[3] = main.fparams.Length - 1;
            prog[4] = main.localStackUsage;
            prog[5] = opCodes["@ret"].opCode;

            //update addresses for forward declared functions
            foreach (var f in functions.Values)
                foreach (int i in f.callees)
                    prog[i] = f.opCode;

            //link in string constants
            foreach (string s in StringConstants.Keys)
                // link all references to string
                foreach (int location in StringConstants[s])
                    prog[location] = pc;
                //for now store as UTF-8, maybe change to more efficient packing
                byte[] sbytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);
                //write string byte length
                int nbytes = sbytes.Length;
                prog[pc++] = nbytes;
                //pack into int[] - a bit silly
                int i = 0;
                while (i < nbytes)
                    byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
                    bytes[3] = sbytes[i++];
                    if (i < nbytes)
                        bytes[2] = sbytes[i++];
                    if (i < nbytes)
                        bytes[1] = sbytes[i++];
                    if (i < nbytes)
                        bytes[0] = sbytes[i++];

                    prog[pc++] = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);

            int[] ret = new int[pc];
            System.Array.Copy(prog, 0, ret, 0, pc);
コード例 #16
        private astNode toTree(ref int idx)
            // shunting yard
            Stack <astNode> outp    = new Stack <astNode>();
            Stack <astNode> opStack = new Stack <astNode>();

            astNode sentinel = new astNode()
                type = "OP", name = ""


            astNode top;
            astNode t = null;
            astNode last;

            while (idx < tokens.Count)
                last = t;
                t    = tokens[idx++];

                if (t.type == "EOF" || t.name == "}")
                    while (opStack.Count > 1)
                        popFunction(outp, opStack);
                //handle unary - op. subtraction op can't follow op or ( or ,
                if (last != null && t.name == "-" && (last.name == "(" || last.name == "," || last.type == "OP"))
                    t.name = "neg";
                    //if next op is a numeric constant, negate it and replace token to save negation operation
                    var next = tokens[idx];
                    if (next != null && next.type == "CONST")
                        t      = tokens[idx++];
                        t.name = "-" + t.name;
                        t.val  = "-" + t.val;

                //detect end of statement avoiding the need for ;

                //new expression starts with ID or function or label and end with ) or const or id or label
                if (last != null && (t.type == "ID" || t.type == "FN" || t.type == "LABEL") && (last.type == "ID" || last.type == "CONST" || last.type == "LABEL" || last.name == ")"))
                    while (opStack.Count > 1 && opStack.Peek().name != "(")
                        popFunction(outp, opStack);
                if (t.type == "ID")
                else if (t.type == "STRING")
                else if (t.type == "CONST")
                else if (t.type == "LABEL")
                else if (t.type == "PARAMNAME")
                else if (t.type == "FN")
                    outp.Push(new astNode()
                        name = "FN_START"
                else if (t.type == "OP")
                    if (t.name == ",")
                        while (opStack.Peek().name != "(")
                            popFunction(outp, opStack);
                        outp.Push(new astNode()
                            name = ","
                    else if (t.name == "(")
                    else if (t.name == ")")
                        while (opStack.Peek().name != "(")
                            popFunction(outp, opStack);
                        if (opStack.Peek().type == "FN")
                            popFunction(outp, opStack);
                        top = opStack.Peek();
                        Op topop = null;
                        if (ops.ContainsKey(top.name))
                            topop = ops[top.name];

                        var cop = ops[t.name];
                        while (top.type == "OP" && topop != null && ((cop.leftAssociative && cop.precidence <= topop.precidence) || (!cop.leftAssociative && cop.precidence < topop.precidence)))
                            popFunction(outp, opStack);
                            top = opStack.Peek();
                            if (ops.ContainsKey(top.name))
                                topop = ops[top.name];
                                topop = null;
            astNode ret = new astNode();

            ret.name = "BLOCK";
            ret.type = "BLOCK";
            while (outp.Count > 0)
                ret.children.Insert(0, outp.Pop());

コード例 #17
        private astNode getToken(ref int idx)
            idx = eatSpace(idx);
            if (idx == src.Length)
            var           ret   = new astNode();
            StringBuilder token = new StringBuilder();

            ret.line = line;
            char c = src[idx];

            if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '@')
                while ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '@')
                    c = src[idx];
                if (c == '#')
                    ret.type = "LABEL";
                else if (c == ':')
                    ret.type = "PARAMNAME";

                else if (peekChar(idx) == "(")
                    ret.type = "FN";
                    ret.type = "ID";
            else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
                while ((c == '.') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'))
                    c = src[idx];
                ret.type = "CONST";
                ret.val  = token.ToString();
            else if (c == '"')
                //strings can cross lines and " is escaped by "" rather like c# @"
                //maybe strip whitespace up to tab position of first line to keep source indented
                c = src[idx];
                while (true)
                    if (c == '"')
                        if (src[++idx] != '"')
                    c = src[idx];
                ret.type = "STRING";
                ret.val  = token.ToString();
                ret.type = "OP";
                //for now do simple ops
                string dt = null;
                if (src.Length > idx + 1)
                    dt = src.Substring(idx, 2);
                if (dt != null && ops.ContainsKey(dt))
                else if (ops.ContainsKey(token.ToString()))
            ret.name = token.ToString();
コード例 #18
ファイル: compiler.cs プロジェクト: kevinmiles/rc24
        //pass 2 get types
        public void inferTypes(astNode n, Dictionary <String, bluntVar> locals, Dictionary <String, bluntLabel> labels)
            switch (n.type)
            case "ID":
                if (labels.ContainsKey(n.name))
                    n.typename = "label";
                else if (locals.ContainsKey(n.name))
                    n.typename = locals[n.name].typename;
                if (n.typename == null)
                    compilerError(n, "Variable " + n.name + " used without being assigned");

            case "CONST": n.typename = "num"; break;

            case "STRING": n.typename = "string"; break;

            case "LABEL": n.typename = "label"; break;

            case "FN":
                if (n.name == "=")    //assignments are where type is defined
                    string  varname = n.children[0].name;
                    astNode valNode = n.children[1];
                    inferTypes(valNode, locals, labels);
                    //check type is not changed if var already defined
                    if (locals[varname].typename != null)
                        if (locals[varname].typename != valNode.typename)
                            compilerError(n.children[0], "Variable type changed");
                        locals[varname].typename = n.children[1].typename;
                    n.typename = n.children[1].typename;
                    //assign needs some thought
                    n.name = "=__num_vref_num";
                    //get types of all parameters
                    if (n.children != null)
                        foreach (var child in n.children)
                            inferTypes(child, locals, labels);
                    // now find matching function and hence return type
                    // the parser can't tell the difference between a 'code' parameter and any other type
                    // so we can't simply look up mangled name
                    bluntFunction func = null;
                    bool          functionNameFound = false;
                    foreach (bluntFunction fn in functions.Values)
                        if (fn.name == n.name)     //&& fn.fparams.Length - 1 == n.children.Count)
                            functionNameFound = true;
                            bool match     = true;
                            int  constants = 0;
                            for (int i = 1; i < fn.fparams.Length; i++)
                                var p = fn.fparams[i];
                                if (p.ptype == vtype.constant)
                                if (n.children.Count < i - 1 - constants - 1)
                                    match = false;
                                if (p.typeName == "code" || p.typeName == n.children[i - 1 - constants].typename)
                                    match = false;
                            if (fn.fparams.Length - 1 != n.children.Count + constants)
                                match = false;
                            if (match)
                                func = fn;
                                for (int i = 1; i < fn.fparams.Length; i++)
                                    if (fn.fparams[i].ptype == vtype.constant)
                                        astNode cons = new astNode()
                                            val = fn.fparams[i].constantValue.ToString(), type = "CONST", typename = "const"
                                        n.children.Insert(i - 1, cons);
                    if (func == null)
                        if (functionNameFound)
                            compilerError(n, "Wrong parameters for function " + n.name);
                            compilerError(n, "Unknown function " + n.name);
                        n.typename = func.fparams[0].typeName;
                        n.name     = func.mangledName;

                     * if (functions.ContainsKey(n.name))
                     * {
                     *  bluntFunction fn = functions[n.name];
                     *  if (fn.fparams.Length - 1 != n.children.Count) compilerError(n, "Wrong number of function parameters for function " + n.name);
                     *  for (int i = 1; i < fn.fparams.Length; i++)
                     *  {
                     *      var p = fn.fparams[i];
                     *      if (p.typeName == "code" || p.typeName == n.children[i-1].typename)
                     *      {
                     *      }
                     *      else compilerError(n, "Wrong type of parameter "+i +" for function " + n.name);
                     *  }
                     *  n.typename = fn.fparams[0].typeName;
                     *  n.name = fn.mangledName;
                     * }
                     * else compilerError(n, "Unknown function "+ n.name);

            case "FN DECL":
                //process body of function
                inferTypes(n.children[n.children.Count - 1], ((bluntFunction)n.context).locals, ((bluntFunction)n.context).labels);


                if (n.children != null)
                    foreach (var child in n.children)
                        inferTypes(child, locals, labels);
                    n.typename = n.children[0].typename;