コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the raw data from craigslist by hitting 
        /// http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/search/sss?query=bike+kona+dawg&srchType=A&format=rss
        /// then breaks down the individual links and hits those concurrently parsing out the relevant details
        /// I cannot find a paging paramter for this RSS feed
        /// The start at parameter is &s=75
        /// You only get 25 items on a page and have no clue in the RSS feed of how many matching 
        /// items there are in total. The non rss version of the page has a page count / total 
        /// matching items count
        /// See also another piece of software that does this stuff too : 
        /// http://www.zentastic.com/blog/zencash/
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cityName"></param>
        /// <param name="stolenDate"></param>
        /// <param name="itemDescription"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<CraigslistInfo[]> GetCraigslistInfoByRSS(string cityName, string stolenDate, int pageNumber, string itemDescription)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); //* create an xml document object.
            xmlDoc.Load(String.Format("http://{0}.en.craigslist.ca/search/sss?query={1}&srchType=A&format=rss&s={2}", cityName, itemDescription, pageNumber * RSS_RESULTS_PAGE_FEED_PAGE_SIZE));

            // Again a bit of fragile code here, but whaddaya gonna do!
            if (xmlDoc.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[13].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                if (xmlDoc.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[13].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes.Count < RSS_RESULTS_PAGE_FEED_PAGE_SIZE)
                    //* Get elements.
                    XmlNodeList items = xmlDoc.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[13].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes;

                    // This multitaking stuff is a bit of a basard
                    // used this link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10806951/how-to-limit-the-amount-of-concurrent-async-i-o-operations and also
                    // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/vstudio/hh300224.aspx    
                    // and especially http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh556530.aspx
                    return await GetAllUrlsAsync(items);
                    // Break all the rest rules - which say the error message should be in the statusText header
                    // see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1077340/best-way-to-return-error-messages-on-rest-services
                    // instead do it wrong and return an error disguised as the object
                    CraigslistInfo cockupTooManyresults = new CraigslistInfo();
                    cockupTooManyresults.DescriptionHTML = "Error";
                    cockupTooManyresults.Title = String.Format("More than {0} results returned, please be more selective", RSS_RESULTS_PAGE_FEED_PAGE_SIZE);
                    cockupTooManyresults.DodgyScore = 0;
                    CraigslistInfo[] results = new CraigslistInfo[1];
                    results[0] = cockupTooManyresults;
                    return results;

                // Break all the rest rules - which say the error message should be in the statusText header
                // see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1077340/best-way-to-return-error-messages-on-rest-services
                // instead do it wrong and return an error disguised as the object
                // Oh yeah and breech the Dont reeat Yoursefl principle too!
                CraigslistInfo cockupTooManyresults = new CraigslistInfo();
                cockupTooManyresults.DescriptionHTML = "Error";
                cockupTooManyresults.Title = "No results returned, alter your search terms";
                cockupTooManyresults.DodgyScore = 0;
                CraigslistInfo[] results = new CraigslistInfo[1];
                results[0] = cockupTooManyresults;
                return results;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses data from an HTML node for a listing items to populate most of the data into a craigslistInfo object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CraigslistInfo transformSummaryHTMLNodeIntoCraigslistInfo(HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode item)
            CraigslistInfo craigslistInfo = new CraigslistInfo();            
            // the node is a block of HTml that looks like this
            //<p class="row" data-latitude="" data-longitude="">
            //            <span class="ih" id="images:3Ee3K43m25Ne5K95Hecbmc8b000ac1a0e1376.jpg">&nbsp;</span>
            //            <span class="itemdate"> Dec 11</span>
            //            <span class="itemsep"> - </span>
            //            <a href="http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/pml/ctd/3427888027.html">2003 HYUNDAI TIBURON GT</a>
            //            <span class="itemsep"> - </span>
            //            <span class="itemph"></span>
            //            <span class="itempp"> $6595</span>
            //            <span class="itempn"><font size="-1"> (MISSION)</font></span>
            //            <span class="itemcg" title="ctd"> <small class="gc"><a href="/ctd/">cars & trucks - by dealer</a></small></span>
            //            <span class="itempx"> <span class="p"> pic</span></span>
            //            <br class="c">
            //        </p>
            // First of all parse the date : Dec 11
            // .:TODO:. this is not working and throwing the exception every time - and using the output in jscript breaks the page!
            string[] formats = { " MMM dd" };
                craigslistInfo.DatePostedReal = DateTime.ParseExact(item.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='itemdate']").InnerText.Substring(0, formats[0].Length), formats, null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal);
            catch (FormatException)
                craigslistInfo.DatePostedReal = DateTime.MinValue;
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert '{0}' to a date.", item.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='itemdate']").InnerText);

            // Next the Price
            craigslistInfo.Price = item.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='itempp']").InnerText.Trim();
            craigslistInfo.SaleArea = item.SelectSingleNode("//font").InnerText;
            craigslistInfo.LinkURL = item.ChildNodes[7].Attributes["href"].Value;
            craigslistInfo.ShortTitle = item.ChildNodes[7].InnerText;
            craigslistInfo.Category = item.ChildNodes[17].SelectSingleNode("//a").InnerText;
            craigslistInfo.DatePostedParsed = craigslistInfo.DatePostedReal.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss");
            return craigslistInfo;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// The actions from the foreach loop are moved to this async method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="url"></param>
 /// <param name="client"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static async Task<CraigslistInfo> ProcessURL(string url, HttpClient client)
     // The detail page is not available in RSS, so have to parse the HTML for it (much harder than the nice XML you get frmo RSS feed)
     // to kae this easier use a special gizmo called the HTMl agility pack that parses the 
     // HTMl into a document tree (and fixes errors etc in the HTMl) - this allows us to traverse the page safely
     HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
     // There are various options, set as needed
     // Here I just want any errors tidied up to make a valid Docuemtn Tree so we can parse with confidence
     htmlDoc.OptionFixNestedTags = true;
     htmlDoc.Load((await (client.GetStreamAsync(url))), true);
     // Now ots of magic to parse the data from all the HTML
     CraigslistInfo currentListing = new CraigslistInfo();
     currentListing.updateCraigslistInfoFromFullItemDetailsPage(htmlDoc, url);
     return currentListing;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the raw data from craigslist by hitting 
        /// http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/search/sss?query=bike+kona+dawg&srchType=A
        /// then breaks down the individual links and hits those concurrently parsing out the relevant details
        /// We use the HTmll page not the RSS feed since the RSS feed doe not do paging correctly
        /// which makes things crap
        /// The start at parameter is &s=75
        /// See also another piece of software that does this stuff too : 
        /// http://www.zentastic.com/blog/zencash/
        ///         /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cityName"></param>
        /// <param name="stolenDate"></param>
        /// <param name="pageNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="itemDescription"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<CraigslistInfo[]> GetCraigslistInfo(string cityName, string stolenDate, int pageNumber, string itemDescription)
            List<CraigslistInfo> listings = new List<CraigslistInfo>();
            // The search result page is available in RSS, but that page does not have paging so try to use the HTML 
            // version instead (much harder to parse than the nice XML you get from RSS feed)
            // to make this easier use a special gizmo called the HtmlAgilityPack that parses the 
            // HTMl into a document tree (and fixes errors etc in the HTML) - this allows us to traverse the 
            // page strucvture safely
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            // There are various options, set as needed
            // Here I just want any errors tidied up to make a valid Document Tree so we can parse with confidence
            // Note: We get this first URl synchronously, but call up the fine detail for each item within it 
            // by calling it's details URL asynchronoursly (and concurrently) for speed purposes
            htmlDoc.OptionFixNestedTags = true;
            System.Net.WebRequest webReq = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(String.Format("http://{0}.en.craigslist.ca/search/sss?query={1}&srchType=A&s={2}", cityName, itemDescription, pageNumber * HTML_RESULTS_PAGE_FEED_PAGE_SIZE));
            System.Net.WebResponse webRes = webReq.GetResponse();
            System.IO.Stream mystream = webRes.GetResponseStream();
            if (mystream != null)
            // Use XPAth queries (see http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/xpath_syntax.asp)
            // to parse the DOm the HtmlAgilityPack has made us
            //HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode pageCountNode = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//h4/b[2]");
            //string searchMatchCount = pageCountNode.InnerText.Substring(pageCountNode.InnerText.IndexOf("Found: "),pageCountNode.InnerText.IndexOf(" Displaying:") - pageCountNode.InnerText.IndexOf("Found: "));

            // Get the inodvidual items for sales
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection itemNodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//p[@class='row']");
            if (itemNodes != null)
                if (itemNodes.Count < MAX_RESULTS_WARN)
                    foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode item in itemNodes)
                        CraigslistInfo craigslistInfo = CraigslistInfo.transformSummaryHTMLNodeIntoCraigslistInfo(item);
                    // Break all the rest rules - which say the error message should be in the statusText header
                    // see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1077340/best-way-to-return-error-messages-on-rest-services
                    // instead do it wrong and return an error disguised as the object
                    CraigslistInfo cockupTooManyresults = new CraigslistInfo();
                    cockupTooManyresults.DescriptionHTML = "Error";
                    cockupTooManyresults.Title = String.Format("More than {0} results returned, please be more selective", MAX_RESULTS_WARN);
                    cockupTooManyresults.DodgyScore = 0;
                    CraigslistInfo[] results = new CraigslistInfo[1];
                    results[0] = cockupTooManyresults;
                    return results;
                // Break all the rest rules - which say the error message should be in the statusText header
                // see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1077340/best-way-to-return-error-messages-on-rest-services
                // instead do it wrong and return an error disguised as the object
                // Oh yeah and breech the Dont reeat Yoursefl principle too!
                CraigslistInfo cockupTooManyresults = new CraigslistInfo();
                cockupTooManyresults.DescriptionHTML = "";
                cockupTooManyresults.Title = "No results returned, alter your search terms";
                cockupTooManyresults.DodgyScore = 0;
                CraigslistInfo[] results = new CraigslistInfo[1];
                results[0] = cockupTooManyresults;
                return results;
            return await UpdateAllListItemsWithDetailsFromTheirDetailPageAsync(listings);