static List <ParseWorker> StartParseWorkers(BuildConf conf) { var parse_workers = new List <ParseWorker>(); int files_per_worker = conf.files.Count < conf.max_threads ? conf.files.Count : (int)Math.Ceiling((float)conf.files.Count / (float)conf.max_threads); int idx = 0; int wid = 0; while (idx < conf.files.Count) { int count = (idx + files_per_worker) > conf.files.Count ? (conf.files.Count - idx) : files_per_worker; ++wid; var pw = new ParseWorker(); = wid; pw.self_file = conf.self_file; pw.start = idx; pw.inc_path.Add(conf.inc_dir); pw.count = count; pw.use_cache = conf.use_cache; pw.cache_dir = conf.tmp_dir; pw.check_deps = conf.check_deps; pw.files = conf.files; parse_workers.Add(pw); pw.Start(); idx += count; } return(parse_workers); }
static bool CheckArgsSignatureFile(BuildConf conf) { var tmp_args_file = conf.tmp_dir + "/" + Path.GetFileName(conf.res_file) + ".args"; bool changed = !File.Exists(tmp_args_file) || (File.Exists(tmp_args_file) && File.ReadAllText(tmp_args_file) != conf.args); if (changed) { File.WriteAllText(tmp_args_file, conf.args); } return(changed); }
int DoExec(BuildConf conf) { var res_dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(conf.res_file); if (res_dir.Length > 0) { Directory.CreateDirectory(res_dir); } Directory.CreateDirectory(conf.tmp_dir); var args_changed = CheckArgsSignatureFile(conf); if (conf.use_cache && !args_changed && !BuildUtil.NeedToRegen(conf.res_file, conf.files) ) { Console.WriteLine("BHL no need to re-build"); return(0); } var ts = conf.ts; if (ts == null) { ts = new Types(); } conf.userbindings.Register(ts); var parse_workers = StartParseWorkers(conf); var compiler_workers = StartAndWaitCompileWorkers(conf, ts, parse_workers); var tmp_res_file = conf.tmp_dir + "/" + Path.GetFileName(conf.res_file) + ".tmp"; if (!WriteCompilationResultToFile(conf, compiler_workers, tmp_res_file)) { return(ERROR_EXIT_CODE); } if (File.Exists(conf.res_file)) { File.Delete(conf.res_file); } File.Move(tmp_res_file, conf.res_file); conf.postproc.Tally(); return(0); }
public int Exec(BuildConf conf) { var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); int code = DoExec(conf); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("BHL build done({0} sec)", Math.Round(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f, 2)); return(code); }
bool WriteCompilationResultToFile(BuildConf conf, List <CompilerWorker> compiler_workers, string file_path) { using (FileStream dfs = new FileStream(file_path, FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write)) { var mwriter = new MsgPack.MsgPackWriter(dfs); mwriter.Write(ModuleLoader.COMPILE_FMT); mwriter.Write(FILE_VERSION); int total_modules = 0; foreach (var w in compiler_workers) { if (w.error == null) { CheckUniqueSymbols(w); } //NOTE: exit in case of error if (w.error != null) { if (conf.err_file == "-") { Console.Error.WriteLine(ErrorUtils.ToJson(w.error)); } else { File.WriteAllText(conf.err_file, ErrorUtils.ToJson(w.error)); } return(false); } total_modules += w.file2path.Count; } mwriter.Write(total_modules); //NOTE: we'd like to write file binary modules in the same order they were added for (int file_idx = 0; file_idx < conf.files.Count; ++file_idx) { var file = conf.files[file_idx]; foreach (var w in compiler_workers) { if (file_idx >= w.start && file_idx < w.start + w.count) { var path = w.file2path[file]; var compiled_file = w.file2compiled[file]; mwriter.Write((byte)conf.module_fmt); mwriter.Write(; if (conf.module_fmt == ModuleBinaryFormat.FMT_BIN) { mwriter.Write(File.ReadAllBytes(compiled_file)); } else if (conf.module_fmt == ModuleBinaryFormat.FMT_LZ4) { mwriter.Write(EncodeToLZ4(File.ReadAllBytes(compiled_file))); } else if (conf.module_fmt == ModuleBinaryFormat.FMT_FILE_REF) { mwriter.Write(compiled_file); } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported format: " + conf.module_fmt); } break; } } } return(true); } }
static List <CompilerWorker> StartAndWaitCompileWorkers(BuildConf conf, Types ts, List <ParseWorker> parse_workers) { var compiler_workers = new List <CompilerWorker>(); var cache = new Cache(); //1. waiting for parse workers to finish foreach (var pw in parse_workers) { pw.Join(); //let's create the shared interim result foreach (var kv in pw.file2interim) { cache.file2interim.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value); } } bool had_errors = false; foreach (var pw in parse_workers) { var cw = new CompilerWorker(); =; cw.cache = cache; cw.inc_dir = conf.inc_dir; cw.cache_dir = pw.cache_dir; cw.ts = ts; cw.files = pw.files; cw.start = pw.start; cw.count = pw.count; cw.postproc = conf.postproc; //passing parser error if any cw.error = pw.error; if (pw.error != null) { had_errors = true; } compiler_workers.Add(cw); } //2. starting workers which now actually compile the code // if there were no errors if (!had_errors) { foreach (var w in compiler_workers) { w.Start(); } foreach (var w in compiler_workers) { w.Join(); } } return(compiler_workers); }
public void Run(string[] args) { var files = new List <string>(); string src_dir = ""; string res_file = ""; string tmp_dir = ""; bool use_cache = true; string err_file = ""; string postproc_dll_path = ""; string userbindings_dll_path = ""; int max_threads = 1; bool check_deps = true; bool deterministic = false; bool debug = false; ModuleBinaryFormat module_fmt = ModuleBinaryFormat.FMT_LZ4; var p = new OptionSet() { { "dir=", "source dir", v => src_dir = v }, { "files=", "source files list", v => files.AddRange(File.ReadAllText(v).Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None)) }, { "result=", "result file", v => res_file = v }, { "tmp-dir=", "tmp dir", v => tmp_dir = v }, { "C", "don't use cache", v => use_cache = v == null }, { "N", "don't check import deps", v => check_deps = v == null }, { "postproc-dll=", "posprocess dll path", v => postproc_dll_path = v }, { "bindings-dll=", "bindings dll path", v => userbindings_dll_path = v }, { "error=", "error file", v => err_file = v }, { "deterministic=", "deterministic build", v => deterministic = v != null }, { "threads=", "number of threads", v => max_threads = int.Parse(v) }, { "d", "debug version", v => debug = v != null }, { "module-fmt=", "binary module format", v => module_fmt = (ModuleBinaryFormat)int.Parse(v) } }; var extra = new List <string>(); try { extra = p.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { Usage(e.Message); } files.AddRange(extra); if (!Directory.Exists(src_dir)) { Usage("Root source directory is not valid"); } src_dir = Path.GetFullPath(src_dir); if (res_file == "") { Usage("Result file path not set"); } if (tmp_dir == "") { Usage("Tmp dir not set"); } if (err_file == "") { Usage("Err file not set"); } if (File.Exists(err_file)) { File.Delete(err_file); } IUserBindings userbindings = new EmptyUserBindings(); if (userbindings_dll_path != "") { var userbindings_assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(userbindings_dll_path); var userbindings_class = userbindings_assembly.GetTypes()[0]; userbindings = System.Activator.CreateInstance(userbindings_class) as IUserBindings; if (userbindings == null) { Usage("User bindings are invalid"); } } IFrontPostProcessor postproc = new EmptyPostProcessor(); if (postproc_dll_path != "") { var postproc_assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(postproc_dll_path); var postproc_class = postproc_assembly.GetTypes()[0]; postproc = System.Activator.CreateInstance(postproc_class) as IFrontPostProcessor; if (postproc == null) { Usage("User postprocessor is invalid"); } } if (files.Count == 0) { Build.AddFilesFromDir(src_dir, files); } for (int i = files.Count; i-- > 0;) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(files[i])) { files.RemoveAt(i); } } if (deterministic) { files.Sort(); } Console.WriteLine("BHL total files: {0}(debug: {1}, cache: {2})", files.Count, debug, use_cache); var conf = new BuildConf(); conf.args = string.Join(";", args); conf.module_fmt = module_fmt; conf.use_cache = use_cache; conf.self_file = GetSelfFile(); conf.check_deps = check_deps; conf.files = files; conf.inc_dir = src_dir; conf.max_threads = max_threads; conf.res_file = res_file; conf.tmp_dir = tmp_dir; conf.err_file = err_file; conf.userbindings = userbindings; conf.postproc = postproc; conf.debug = debug; var build = new Build(); int err = build.Exec(conf); if (err != 0) { Environment.Exit(err); } }