public void ShowTip(Point pt, BGE bge) { string s = bge.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yy ") + bge.Date.ToString("t", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); s += "\nReading: " + bge.Reading.ToString(); s += "\nCarbs in 4 Hours: " + bge.CarbsIn4.ToString(); int nHours = bge.MinutesSinceCarbs / 60; int nMinutes = bge.MinutesSinceCarbs - nHours * 60; s += "\nTime Since Carbs: " + nHours.ToString() + ":" + nMinutes.ToString("0#"); if (bge.Carbs > 0) s += "\nCarbs: " + bge.Carbs.ToString(); if (bge.InterpReading) s += "\n**** INTERPOLATED ****\n" + bge.Comment; else if (bge.Comment.Length > 0) s += "\nComment: " + bge.Comment; m_sTip = s; Graphics gr = m_pbxTip.CreateGraphics(); SizeF szf = gr.MeasureString(s, m_hFont); Size sz = new Size((int)Math.Floor(szf.Width), (int)Math.Floor(szf.Height)); this.Show(); this.SetBounds(pt.X - sz.Width / 2, pt.Y - sz.Height, sz.Width + 4, sz.Height + 4, BoundsSpecified.All); }
public bool FMatch(BGE bge) { if (bge.Date >= dttmCutoff && bge.Date <= dttmCutoffLast) return true; return false; }
/* U P D A T E C A R B L I S T */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: UpdateCarbList %%Qualified: bg._bg.UpdateCarbList %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private int UpdateCarbList(BGE bgeCur, ref SortedList slbge) { // retire all the items at the beginning of the list while (slbge.Count > 0) { BGE bgeFirst = (BGE)slbge.GetByIndex(0); if (bgeFirst.Date.AddHours(4.0) > bgeCur.Date) break; // nothing left to retire slbge.RemoveAt(0); } // now, if bgeCur has carbs, then add it to the list if (bgeCur.Carbs > 0) slbge.Add(bgeCur.Key, bgeCur); int nCarbs = 0; for (int i = 0, iLast = slbge.Count; i < iLast; i++) { BGE bge = (BGE) slbge.GetByIndex(i); if (bge.Date != bgeCur.Date) nCarbs += bge.Carbs; } return nCarbs; }
public void SetTo(BGE bge) { m_type = bge.Type; m_dttm = bge.Date; m_nBg = bge.Reading; m_nCarbs = bge.Carbs; m_sComment = bge.Comment; m_sMeal = bge.Meal; }
/* C O M P A R E */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: Compare %%Qualified: bg.BGE.Compare %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static public int Compare(BGE bge1, BGE bge2, CompareType type) { switch (type) { case CompareType.Type: return (int)bge1.Type - (int)bge2.Type; case CompareType.Reading: return bge1.Reading - bge2.Reading; case CompareType.Date: return DateTime.Compare(bge1.Date, bge2.Date); case CompareType.Carbs: return bge1.Carbs - bge2.Carbs; case CompareType.Comment: return String.Compare(bge1.FullComment, bge2.FullComment); default: return 0; } }
/* P T F F R O M B G E A V G */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: PtfFromBgeAvg %%Qualified: bg.SBGE.PtfFromBgeAvg %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PointF PtfFromBgeAvg(DateTime dayFirst, BGE bge, double dxQuarter, double dyBg) { float x = XFromDate(dayFirst, bge.Date, dxQuarter); float y = YFromReading(bge.WgtAvg, dyBg); // now we've got the number of quarters. figure out the bge return new PointF(x,y); }
int NGetForDttm(SortedList slbge, BGE bgeRef, DateTime dttmNext, double dMinToleranceBack, double dMinToleranceForward) { int iFirst = 0; int iKey = 0; BGE bge = null; iKey = iFirst = slbge.IndexOfKey(bgeRef.Key); for ( ; iFirst >= 0; iFirst--) { bge = (BGE)slbge.GetByIndex(iFirst); if (bge.Reading <= 0 || bge.Type == BGE.ReadingType.Control) { continue; } if (bge.Date >= dttmNext.AddMinutes(-dMinToleranceBack) && bge.Date <= dttmNext.AddMinutes(dMinToleranceForward)) { return bge.Reading; } if (bge.Date < dttmNext.AddMinutes(-dMinToleranceBack)) break; } // no luck finding it going back; now look going forward for (iFirst = iKey; iFirst < slbge.Count; iFirst++) { bge = (BGE)slbge.GetByIndex(iFirst); if (bge.Reading <= 0 || bge.Type == BGE.ReadingType.Control) { continue; } if (bge.Date >= dttmNext.AddMinutes(-dMinToleranceBack) && bge.Date <= dttmNext.AddMinutes(dMinToleranceForward)) { return bge.Reading; } if (bge.Date> dttmNext.AddMinutes(dMinToleranceForward)) break; } return 0; }
void AddBgeToSearch(BGE bge) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); lvi.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); lvi.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); lvi.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); m_lvMeals.Items.Add(lvi); lvi.SubItems[3].Text = bge.FullComment; if (bge.Carbs != 0) lvi.SubItems[2].Text = bge.Carbs.ToString(); lvi.SubItems[1].Text = bge.Date.ToString(); lvi.SubItems[0].Text = m_idGroupCur.ToString(); lvi.Tag = bge; }
/* A D D E N T R Y C O R E */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: AddEntryCore %%Qualified: bg._bg.AddEntryCore %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void AddEntryCore(BGE bge, bool fFromDevice) { BGE bgeCurrent = m_bgeCurrent; if (fFromDevice) { int iKey = m_slbge.IndexOfKey(bge.Key); if (iKey >= 0) { bgeCurrent = (BGE)m_slbge.GetByIndex(iKey); if (bgeCurrent.Reading == bge.Reading) // readings match as does the date; nothing to do return; MessageBox.Show("Conflicting entry read from device! bgeOld.Reading = " + bgeCurrent.Reading.ToString() + "("+bgeCurrent.Date.ToString("s")+"), bgeNew.Reading = " + bge.Reading.ToString()); return; } // no match yet...look for a "close" match DateTime dttm = new DateTime(bge.Date.Year, bge.Date.Month, bge.Date.Day, bge.Date.Hour, bge.Date.Minute, 0); iKey = m_slbge.IndexOfKey(dttm.ToString("s")); if (iKey >= 0) { //ooh a match. update this one if the readings match bgeCurrent = (BGE)m_slbge.GetByIndex(iKey); if (bgeCurrent.Reading != bge.Reading) { MessageBox.Show("Conflicting entry read from device! bgeOld.Reading = " + bgeCurrent.Reading.ToString() + "("+bgeCurrent.Date.ToString("s")+"), bgeNew.Reading = " + bge.Reading.ToString()); return; } // otherwise, fallthrough and do the update bge.Comment = bgeCurrent.Comment; bge.Meal = bgeCurrent.Meal; bge.Type = bgeCurrent.Type; } } XmlNode nodeReading = m_dom.CreateElement("", "reading", ""); XmlNode nodeBg = m_dom.CreateElement("", "bg", ""); XmlNode nodeDate = m_dom.CreateElement("", "date", ""); XmlNode nodeTime = m_dom.CreateElement("", "time", ""); XmlNode nodeComment = null; XmlNode nodeMeal = null; XmlNode nodeCarbs = null; if (m_ebCarbs.Text.Length > 0) nodeCarbs = m_dom.CreateElement("", "carbs", ""); if (m_ebComment.Text.Length > 0) nodeComment = m_dom.CreateElement("", "comment", ""); if (m_cbxMeal.Text.Length > 0) nodeMeal = m_dom.CreateElement("", "meal", ""); nodeBg.InnerText = bge.Reading.ToString(); nodeDate.InnerText = bge.Date.ToString("d"); nodeTime.InnerText = bge.Date.ToString("T", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); nodeReading.AppendChild(nodeDate); nodeReading.AppendChild(nodeTime); nodeReading.AppendChild(nodeBg); if (nodeCarbs != null) { nodeCarbs.InnerText = bge.Carbs.ToString(); nodeReading.AppendChild(nodeCarbs); } if (nodeComment != null) { nodeComment.InnerText = bge.Comment; nodeReading.AppendChild(nodeComment); } if (nodeMeal != null) { nodeMeal.InnerText = bge.Meal; nodeReading.AppendChild(nodeMeal); } nodeReading.Attributes.Append(m_dom.CreateAttribute("type")); nodeReading.Attributes["type"].Value = BGE.StringFromReadingType(bge.Type); if (bgeCurrent == null) { int iKey; if ((iKey = m_slbge.IndexOfKey(bge.Key)) >= 0) { if (!fFromDevice) { MessageBox.Show("Duplicate entry detected!"); return; } BGE bgeOld = (BGE)m_slbge.GetByIndex(iKey); if (bgeOld.Reading == bge.Reading) { // readings match, so does date, do nothing return; } MessageBox.Show("Conflicting entry read from device! bgeOld.Reading = " + bgeOld.Reading.ToString() + ", bgeNew.Reading = " + bge.Reading.ToString()); return; } AddBge(bge); m_slbge.Add(bge.Key, bge); m_dom.SelectSingleNode("/b:bg", m_nsmgr).AppendChild(nodeReading); m_dom.Save("c:\\docs\\bg.xml"); } else { XmlNode node = m_dom.SelectSingleNode("/b:bg/b:reading[b:date='"+bgeCurrent.Date.ToString("d")+"' and b:time='"+bgeCurrent.Date.ToString("T", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)+"']", m_nsmgr); XmlNode nodeRoot = m_dom.SelectSingleNode("/b:bg", m_nsmgr); nodeRoot.RemoveChild(node); nodeRoot.AppendChild(nodeReading); // we need to edit the current item. bgeCurrent.SetTo(bge); // this takes care of m_slbge ListViewItem lvi = null; // try to add it to the list of available meals try { if (bge.Meal.Length > 0) { AddMeal(bge.Meal); } } catch { } if (bgeCurrent != m_bgeCurrent) { lvi = LviFindBge(bgeCurrent); if (lvi == null) MessageBox.Show("Couldn't find matching LVI for BGE"); } else lvi = m_lvHistory.SelectedItems[0]; UpdateBge(bgeCurrent, lvi); // this handles updating the listbox if (fFromDevice) lvi.BackColor = Color.LightBlue; m_dom.Save("c:\\docs\\bg.xml"); } m_fDirtyStats = true; }
ListViewItem LviFindBge(BGE bge) { foreach (ListViewItem lviT in m_lvHistory.Items) { if (((BGE)lviT.Tag) == bge) return lviT; } return null; }
/* A D D B G E */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: AddBge %%Qualified: bg._bg.AddBge %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void AddBge(BGE bge) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); lvi.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); lvi.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); lvi.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); lvi.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); if (bge != null && bge.Type == BGE.ReadingType.New) lvi.BackColor = Color.Yellow; m_lvHistory.Items.Add(lvi); UpdateBge(bge, lvi); }
/* U P D A T E B G E */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: UpdateBge %%Qualified: bg._bg.UpdateBge %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void UpdateBge(BGE bge, ListViewItem lvi) { lvi.Tag = bge; if (bge == null) { lvi.SubItems[0].Text = "* (New Entry)"; } else { lvi.SubItems[4].Text = bge.FullComment; if (bge.Carbs != 0) lvi.SubItems[3].Text = bge.Carbs.ToString(); lvi.SubItems[2].Text = bge.Reading.ToString(); lvi.SubItems[1].Text = BGE.StringFromReadingType(bge.Type); lvi.SubItems[0].Text = bge.Date.ToString(); if (bge.Type == BGE.ReadingType.New) lvi.BackColor = Color.Yellow; else lvi.BackColor = m_lvHistory.BackColor; } }
/* L O A D B G D A T A */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: LoadBgData %%Qualified: bg._bg.LoadBgData %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void LoadBgData() { XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument(); InitReadings(); dom.Load("c:\\docs\\bg.xml"); XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(dom.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("b", ""); XmlNodeList nodes = dom.SelectNodes("//b:reading", nsmgr); if (nodes != null && nodes.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlNode nodeT in nodes) { BGE bge; string sDate, sTime, sType, sComment, sMeal; int nBg, nCarbs; BGE.ReadingType type; int iChild = 0; sDate = nodeT.ChildNodes[iChild++].InnerText; sTime = nodeT.ChildNodes[iChild++].InnerText; nBg = 0; nCarbs = 0; if (iChild < nodeT.ChildNodes.Count && String.Compare(nodeT.ChildNodes[iChild].LocalName, "bg") == 0) { string sBg = nodeT.ChildNodes[iChild].InnerText; if (sBg.Length > 0) nBg = Int32.Parse(sBg); iChild++; } if (iChild < nodeT.ChildNodes.Count && String.Compare(nodeT.ChildNodes[iChild].LocalName, "carbs") == 0) { string sCarbs = nodeT.ChildNodes[iChild].InnerText; if (sCarbs.Length > 0) nCarbs = Int32.Parse(sCarbs); iChild++; } if (iChild < nodeT.ChildNodes.Count && String.Compare(nodeT.ChildNodes[iChild].LocalName, "comment") == 0) { sComment = nodeT.ChildNodes[iChild].InnerText; iChild++; } else { sComment = ""; } if (iChild < nodeT.ChildNodes.Count && String.Compare(nodeT.ChildNodes[iChild].LocalName, "meal") == 0) { sMeal = nodeT.ChildNodes[iChild].InnerText; iChild++; } else { sMeal = ""; } sType = nodeT.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type", "").Value; // sDate = nodeT.SelectSingleNode("b:date", nsmgr).InnerText; // sTime = nodeT.SelectSingleNode("b:time", nsmgr).InnerText; // sType = nodeT.SelectSingleNode("@type").Value; // try // { // sComment = nodeT.SelectSingleNode("b:comment", nsmgr).InnerText; // } catch { sComment = ""; }; // try // { // sMeal = nodeT.SelectSingleNode("b:meal", nsmgr).InnerText; // } catch { sMeal = ""; }; // try // { // nCarbs = Int32.Parse(nodeT.SelectSingleNode("b:carbs", nsmgr).InnerText); // } catch { nCarbs = 0; }; type = BGE.ReadingTypeFromString(sType); bge = new BGE(sDate, sTime, type, nBg, nCarbs, sComment, sMeal); m_slbge.Add(bge.Key, bge); } } foreach (BGE bge in m_slbge.Values) { AddBge(bge); try { if (bge.Meal.Length > 0) { AddMeal(bge.Meal); } } catch { } } m_dom = dom; m_nsmgr = nsmgr; }
public BGE(BGE bge) { m_dttm = bge.m_dttm; m_nBg = bge.m_nBg; m_type = bge.m_type; m_nCarbs = bge.m_nCarbs; m_sComment = bge.m_sComment; m_sMeal = bge.m_sMeal; m_fInterp = bge.m_fInterp; m_nMinutesSinceLastCarb = bge.m_nMinutesSinceLastCarb; m_nCarbsInLast4Hours = bge.m_nCarbsInLast4Hours; m_nWgtAvg = bge.m_nWgtAvg; }
/* A D D I N T E R P O L A T E D B G E */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: AddInterpolatedBge %%Qualified: bg._bg.AddInterpolatedBge %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void AddInterpolatedBge(SortedList slbge, DateTime dttmEst, int nEst, string sComment) { BGE bgeEst = new BGE(dttmEst.ToString("d"), dttmEst.ToString("T"), BGE.ReadingType.SpotTest, (int)nEst, 0, "interpolated: " + sComment, ""); int cTries = 0; bgeEst.InterpReading = true; while (cTries < 4) // we allow attempts to miss a duplicate item { try { slbge.Add(bgeEst.Key, bgeEst); // if (bgeEst.Date.Month == 6) // Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(" AddInterp {0}", bgeEst.ToString())); return; // we succeeded! } catch { dttmEst = dttmEst.AddMinutes(1.0); bgeEst = new BGE(dttmEst.ToString("d"), dttmEst.ToString("T"), BGE.ReadingType.SpotTest, (int)nEst, 0, "interpolated: " + sComment, ""); bgeEst.InterpReading = true; } cTries++; } throw(new Exception("Too many BGE conflicts on interp add")); }
/* R E A D F R O M D E V I C E */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: ReadFromDevice %%Qualified: bg._bg.ReadFromDevice %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void ReadFromDevice(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ArrayList pls = GetReadingsFromDeviceReal(); foreach (string s in pls) { int iFirst = 0, iNext; if (s.Substring(0, 2) != "P ") continue; string sDay = SGetNextQuotedField(s, iFirst, out iNext); string sDate = SGetNextQuotedField(s, iFirst = iNext, out iNext); string sTime = SGetNextQuotedField(s, iFirst = iNext, out iNext); string sReading = SGetNextQuotedField(s, iFirst = iNext, out iNext); if (sReading.Substring(0,1) == "C") continue; BGE bge = new BGE(sDate, sTime, BGE.ReadingType.New, Int32.Parse(sReading), 0, "", ""); AddEntryCore(bge, true); } }
/* C O M P A R E T O */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: CompareTo %%Qualified: bg.BGE.CompareTo %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public int CompareTo(BGE bge, CompareType type) { return Compare(this, bge, type); }
SortedList SlbgeGetMealSubset(BGE bge) { int iMeal = m_slbge.IndexOfKey(bge.Key); int iFirst = iMeal; int iLast = iMeal + 1; while (iFirst >= 0) { BGE bgeT = (BGE)m_slbge.GetByIndex(iFirst); if (bgeT.Reading != 0 && bgeT.Type != BGE.ReadingType.Control) break; iFirst--; } if (iFirst == -1) return null; while (iLast < m_slbge.Count) { BGE bgeT = (BGE)m_slbge.GetByIndex(iLast); if (bgeT.Carbs > 0) break; iLast++; } if (iLast == m_slbge.Count) iLast--; SortedList slbge = new SortedList(); for ( ; iFirst <= iLast; iFirst++) { BGE bgeT = (BGE)m_slbge.GetByIndex(iFirst); slbge.Add(bgeT.Key, bgeT.Clone()); } return slbge; }
/* A D D E N T R Y */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: AddEntry %%Qualified: bg._bg.AddEntry %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void AddEntry(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int nCarbs = m_ebCarbs.Text.Length > 0 ? Int32.Parse(m_ebCarbs.Text) : 0; BGE bge = new BGE(m_ebDate.Text, m_ebTime.Text, BGE.ReadingTypeFromString(m_cbxType.Text), Int32.Parse(m_ebReading.Text), nCarbs, m_ebComment.Text, m_cbxMeal.Text); AddEntryCore(bge, false); }
/* A D D M E A L */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: AddMeal %%Qualified: bg._bg:MP.AddMeal %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void AddMeal(SortedList slbge, SortedList slbgeRef, BGE bgeMeal) { if (m_sDescription == null) m_sDescription = bgeMeal.Meal; m_plslbgeMeals.Add(slbge); int n; n = NGetForDttm(slbgeRef, bgeMeal, bgeMeal.Date, 90.0, 0.0); if (n != 0) { m_mpmptnMealSum[(int)MPT.Hour0] += n; m_mpmptcMeals[(int)MPT.Hour0]++; } n = NGetForDttm(slbgeRef, bgeMeal, bgeMeal.Date.AddMinutes(60), 15.0, 15.0); if (n != 0) { m_mpmptnMealSum[(int)MPT.Hour1] += n; m_mpmptcMeals[(int)MPT.Hour1]++; } n = NGetForDttm(slbgeRef, bgeMeal, bgeMeal.Date.AddMinutes(120), 30.0, 30.0); if (n != 0) { m_mpmptnMealSum[(int)MPT.Hour2] += n; m_mpmptcMeals[(int)MPT.Hour2]++; } n = NGetForDttm(slbgeRef, bgeMeal, bgeMeal.Date.AddMinutes(240), 50.0, 50.0); if (n != 0) { m_mpmptnMealSum[(int)MPT.Hour4] += n; m_mpmptcMeals[(int)MPT.Hour4]++; } n = NGetForDttm(slbgeRef, bgeMeal, bgeMeal.Date.AddMinutes(120), 30.0, 45.0); if (n != 0) { m_mpmptnMealSum[(int)MPT.PostMeal] += n; m_mpmptcMeals[(int)MPT.PostMeal]++; } if (bgeMeal.Type == BGE.ReadingType.Dinner) { // look for the following mornings first reading n = NGetForDttm(slbgeRef, bgeMeal, new DateTime(bgeMeal.Date.Year, bgeMeal.Date.Month, bgeMeal.Date.Day).AddDays(1.0).AddHours(5.0), 0.0, 240.0); if (n != 0) { m_mpmptnMealSum[(int)MPT.Morning] += n; m_mpmptcMeals[(int)MPT.Morning]++; } } }
/* D I S P L A Y B G E */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: DisplayBge %%Qualified: bg._bg.DisplayBge %%Contact: rlittle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DisplayBge(BGE bge) { if (bge == null) { m_ebDate.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("d"); m_ebTime.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("T", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); m_ebComment.Text = ""; m_cbxMeal.Text = ""; m_cbxType.Text = "SpotTest"; m_ebReading.Text = ""; m_ebCarbs.Text = ""; m_pbAdd.Text = "Add"; m_bgeCurrent = null; } else { m_ebDate.Text = bge.Date.ToString("d"); m_ebTime.Text = bge.Date.ToString("T", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); m_ebComment.Text = bge.Comment; m_cbxMeal.Text = bge.Meal; m_ebReading.Text = bge.Reading.ToString(); if (bge.Carbs != 0) m_ebCarbs.Text = bge.Carbs.ToString(); else m_ebCarbs.Text = ""; m_cbxType.Text = BGE.StringFromReadingType(bge.Type); m_pbAdd.Text = "Update"; m_bgeCurrent = bge; } }