private void Rect_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { rect = (Button)sender; if (!rect.IsMouseCaptured) { return; } if (moveButton) { // get the position of the mouse relative to the Canvas var mousePos = e.GetPosition(RoomCanvas); // center the rect on the mouse double left = mousePos.X - (rect.ActualWidth / 2); double top = mousePos.Y - (rect.ActualHeight / 2); if (isEdit) {//boundary for left side if (left < 0) { left = 0; } //boundary for right side if (left > this.ActualWidth - rect.ActualWidth * 1.16) { left = this.ActualWidth - rect.ActualWidth * 1.16; } //boundary for top if (top < 0) { top = 0; } //boundary for bottom if (top > this.ActualHeight - rect.ActualHeight * 2.58) { top = this.ActualHeight - rect.ActualHeight * 2.58; } Canvas.SetLeft(rect, left); Canvas.SetTop(rect, top); foreach (var e1 in roomList) { //check room list to see if object selected is any of the room if (rect == e1.RoomButton) { room = e1; // grabs room object if the rect is selected } } //this loop is to find the room object that is attached to rect room.Left = Canvas.GetLeft(rect); room.Top = Canvas.GetTop(rect); //create updated entity var modifiedRoom = new Room() { RoomNo = room.RoomNo, Left = room.Left, Top = room.Top, NoOfBeds = room.NoOfBeds, BedType = room.BedType, // Checkin = room.Checkin, // Checkout = room.Checkout, Legend = room.Legend, Price = room.Price, Smoking = room.Smoking // create room object and store input to local variables }; using (DatabaseContext dbContext = new DatabaseContext()) { dbContext.Update <Room>(modifiedRoom); //update database dbContext.SaveChanges(); //save changes } } } else { foreach (var e1 in roomList) { //check room list to see if object selected is any of the room if (rect == e1.RoomButton) { room = e1; // grabs room object if the rect is selected } } //this loop is to find the room object that is attached to rect if (isEdit && !deleteButton) //edit room info { RoomInfo editRoom = new RoomInfo(ref room); //fill out textbox with room data editRoom.TextBoxBedType.Text = room.BedType; editRoom.TextBoxRoomNo.Text = room.RoomNo.ToString(); editRoom.TextBoxRoomNo.IsReadOnly = true; editRoom.TextBoxRoomNo.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(115, 220, 220, 220)); editRoom.TextBoxNoOfBeds.Text = room.NoOfBeds.ToString(); editRoom.TextBoxPrice.Text = room.Price.ToString(); editRoom.ComboBoxSmoking.SelectedItem = room.Smoking; editRoom.ShowDialog(); } else if (deleteButton) { foreach (var e1 in roomList) { //check room list to see if object selected is any of the room if (rect == e1.RoomButton) { room = e1; // grabs room object if the rect is selected } } //this loop is to find the room object that is attached to rect //Room delete dailog string sMessageBoxText = "Do you want to delete this room?"; string sCaption = "Delete Room"; MessageBoxButton btnMessageBox = MessageBoxButton.YesNo; MessageBoxImage icnMessageBox = MessageBoxImage.Warning; MessageBoxResult rsltMessageBox = MessageBox.Show(sMessageBoxText, sCaption, btnMessageBox, icnMessageBox); switch (rsltMessageBox) { case MessageBoxResult.Yes: if (room.Legend.Equals("Vacant") || room.Legend.Equals("Dirty")) { roomList.Remove(room); RoomCanvas.Children.Remove(rect); var deletedRoom = new Room() { RoomNo = room.RoomNo }; using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { context.Remove <Room>(deletedRoom); context.SaveChanges(); } InvalidateVisual(); } else { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("There is a customer in the current room."); } break; case MessageBoxResult.No: /* ... */ break; } } } }
public Check(RoomData room) { = room; InitializeComponent(); UpdateLabels(); }
void CheckButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (var e1 in roomList) { //check room list to see if object selected is any of the room if (rect == e1.RoomButton) { room = e1; // grabs room object if the rect is selected } } //this loop is to find the room object that is attached to rect //checking in customer window rect = (Button)sender; if (room.Legend.Equals("Dirty")) { //Room delete dailog string sMessageBoxText = "Has this room been cleaned?"; string sCaption = "Room Clean and Vacant"; MessageBoxButton btnMessageBox = MessageBoxButton.YesNo; MessageBoxImage icnMessageBox = MessageBoxImage.Warning; MessageBoxResult rsltMessageBox = MessageBox.Show(sMessageBoxText, sCaption, btnMessageBox, icnMessageBox); switch (rsltMessageBox) { case MessageBoxResult.Yes: room.Empty(); room.Legend = "Vacant"; using (DatabaseContext dbContext = new DatabaseContext()) { roomQuery = dbContext.Rooms.Find(room.RoomNo); roomQuery.Legend = "Vacant"; } break; case MessageBoxResult.No: break; } } else if (!isEdit) { Check checkWindow = new Check(room); // checkWindow.TextBofRoom.Text = Convert.ToString(room.RoomNo); using (DatabaseContext dbContext = new DatabaseContext()) { roomQuery = dbContext.Rooms.Find(room.RoomNo); if (roomQuery.Legend == "Occupied") { checkWindow.PopulateTextBoxes(); checkWindow.DisableTextBoxes(); //checkWindow.CheckOutEnable(); //checkWindow.ShowDialog(); Main.NavigationService.Navigate(checkWindow); } else { // N a v i g a t e b a c k h o m e //checkWindow.CheckInEnable(); //checkWindow.ShowDialog(); Main.NavigationService.Navigate(checkWindow); } } } }