public Sneak() { icon = new IconSpell(2, Color.PURPLE); name = "Sneak Attack"; hitFX = new Pierce(); wepSpl = true; die = new int[2] { 1, 6 }; //dmg = Dice.d6(1); inf = true; }
public Healing() { icon = new IconSpell(1, Color.RAYWHITE); name = "Healing Word"; hitFX = new Holy(); party = true; alwaysHit = true; die = new int[2] { 1, 4 }; //dmg = (Dice.d4(1)); inf = true; }
public AcidArrow() { icon = new IconSpell(3, Color.ORANGE); name = "Acid Arrow"; hitFX = new AcArr(); die = new int[2] { 2, 6 }; //dmg = Dice.d6(2); addDmg = 0; alwaysHit = true; flavor = "Create a sphere of fire directed at one enemy."; uses = 10; }
public MagMissile() { icon = new IconSpell(3, new Color(155, 255, 205, 255)); name = "Magic Missile"; hitFX = new MagMis(); die = new int[2] { 1, 4 }; //dmg = Dice.d4(1); addDmg = 1; numTimes = 3; alwaysHit = true; flavor = "Casts three bolts of magic at targets of your choice."; inf = true; }