private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnector.Connect(); if (customerBox1.SelectedItem != null && FieldValidator.CheckFilledTextBoxes(this)) { SqlConnector.Connect(); if (!isEdit) { int currentCustomerId = customerBox1.GetSelectedId(); customerBox1.GetSelectedId(); List <string> AllNewUserData = AddToList(currentCustomerId.ToString(), tbFactuurbedrag.Text, datePicker.Text, tbGrootboekrekeningnummer.Text, tbBtwCode.Text); string columns = " Customer_Id, factuurBedrag, invoiceDate, grootboekrekeningnummer, BTWCode"; SqlConnector.InsertDataIntoDatabase(AllNewUserData, columns, "Tbl_Invoices"); MessageBox.Show("You have succesfully added a new invoice this form will close now."); this.Close(); } else if (isEdit) { int currentCustomerId = customerBox1.GetSelectedId(); customerBox1.GetSelectedId(); int selectedInvoiceId = ((ViewPanel)lastPanel).GetSelectedId(0); List <string> AllNewUserData = AddToList(selectedInvoiceId.ToString(), currentCustomerId.ToString(), tbFactuurbedrag.Text, datePicker.Text, tbGrootboekrekeningnummer.Text, tbBtwCode.Text); string columns = " Customer_Id, factuurBedrag, invoiceDate, grootboekrekeningnummer, BTWCode"; SqlConnector.modifyDatabase(AllNewUserData, currentCustomerId, columns, "Tbl_Invoices", "invoice"); MessageBox.Show("You have succesfully edited a new invoice this form will close now."); this.Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a customer and fill in all the boxes."); } }
private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnector.Connect(); try { if (FieldValidator.CheckFilledTextBoxes(this) && FieldValidator.AreFieldsValid(this)) { if (checkModifications == 0) { List <string> AllNewUserData = AddToList(tbFirstname.Text, tbLastname.Text, tbEmail.Text, tbPhone.Text, tbStreetnumber.Text, tbPostalcode.Text, tbCity.Text, tbProvince.Text, tbCompanyEmail.Text, tbCompanyPhone.Text, tbCompany.Text, tbInsurance.Text, tbFaxnumber.Text); string columsInRightOrder = " firstname, lastname, email, phonenumber, homenumber, postalCode1, city1, province, email_company, phonenumber_company, companyName, insurance_id, faxnumber"; SqlConnector.InsertDataIntoDatabase(AllNewUserData, columsInRightOrder, "Tbl_Customers"); isCustomerAdded = true; } else if (checkModifications == 4) { List <string> AllNewUserData = AddToList(tbFirstname.Text, tbLastname.Text, tbCompany.Text, tbCompanyEmail.Text, tbCompanyPhone.Text, tbEmail.Text, tbPostalcode.Text, tbCity.Text, tbStreetnumber.Text, tbProvince.Text, tbPhone.Text, tbFaxnumber.Text, tbInsurance.Text); string columsInRightOrder = " firstname, lastname, companyName, email_company, phonenumber_company, email, postalCode1, city1, homenumber, province, phonenumber, faxnumber, insurance_id"; SqlConnector.modifyDatabase(AllNewUserData, ((ViewPanel)lastPanel).GetSelectedId(0), columsInRightOrder, "Tbl_Customers", "project"); isCustomerAdded = true; } } else { isCustomerAdded = false; MessageBox.Show("Please insert the right values."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); } finally { if (isCustomerAdded) { if (checkModifications == 0) { MessageBox.Show("You have succesfully modified a customer, this form will close now."); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("You have succesfully added a customer, this form will close now."); this.Close(); } } } }
private void SaveProject(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnector.Connect(); if ((!cbCustomer.Enabled || cbCustomer.SelectedIndex != 0 && cbCustomer.SelectedItem != null) && isInt(tbPrice.Text) && FieldValidator.CheckFilledTextBoxes(this)) { SqlConnector.Connect(); List <string> dataList; if (checkModifications == 1) { int currentCustomerId = ((ViewPanel)lastPanel).GetSelectedId(1); dataList = AddToList(((ViewPanel)lastPanel).GetSelectedId(0).ToString(), currentCustomerId.ToString(), tbProjectName.Text, tbDescription.Text, tbPrice.Text); } else { dataList = AddToList(cbCustomer.GetSelectedId().ToString(), tbProjectName.Text, tbDescription.Text, tbPrice.Text); } string colums = " Customer_id, name, description, price"; if (cbDeadLine.Checked) { dataList.Add(datePicker.Text); colums += ", deadline"; } if (checkModifications == 1 && SqlConnector.modifyDatabase(dataList, ((ViewPanel)lastPanel).GetSelectedId(1), colums, "Tbl_Projects", "invoice")) { MessageBox.Show("The project has been succesfully submitted to the server.", "Successfully saved the project."); SqlConnector.Connect(); Close(); } else if (SqlConnector.InsertDataIntoDatabase(dataList, colums, "Tbl_Projects")) { MessageBox.Show("The project has been succesfully submitted to the server.", "Successfully saved the project."); SqlConnector.Connect(); Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Unable to save project. Are you sure all fields are filled in correctly and are you sure you selected a customer?", "Error saving Project"); } }