コード例 #1
 Boolean handleGesture(Gesture gesture, String modeButtonName, Boolean buttonOn)
     if (gesture.gestureStart())
         buttonOn = !buttonOn;
         turnOffOtherButtons(modeButtonName, buttonOn);
     return buttonOn;
コード例 #2
        // This method gets called every time the Kinect returns a new frame
        private void Render()
            if (skeleton != null)

                // Allow user to resize window
                EllipseCanvas.Height = Canvas.ActualHeight;
                EllipseCanvas.Width = Canvas.ActualWidth;

                if (this.pliesGesture == null)
                    this.pliesGesture = new Gesture(EllipseCanvas, skeleton, (Rectangle)Canvas.FindName("pliesButton"), (TextBlock)Canvas.FindName("pliesTitle"), this.pliesMode);
                if (this.firstPositionGesture == null)
                    this.firstPositionGesture = new Gesture(EllipseCanvas, skeleton, (Rectangle)Canvas.FindName("firstPositionButton"), (TextBlock)Canvas.FindName("firstPositionTitle"), this.firstPositionMode);

                this.pliesMode = handleGesture(this.pliesGesture, "pliesButton", this.pliesMode);
                this.firstPositionMode = handleGesture(this.firstPositionGesture, "firstPositionButton", this.firstPositionMode);

                DrawSkeleton(skeleton, FRONT_VIEW);
                DrawSkeleton(skeleton, SIDE_VIEW);

                if (pliesMode)
                    // Show title
                    TextBlock title = (TextBlock)Canvas.FindName("pliesTitle");
                    title.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                    if (this.plie == null)
                        this.plie = new Plie(EllipseCanvas, skeleton);

                    // If the user successfully completes a plie or breaks out of the plie movement sequence,
                    // set our Plie object to null so we know to start over with a new Plie object when render gets
                    // called again.
                    if (this.plie.gestureComplete && this.plie.position.showSuccessBanner("plieCompletedImage") ||
                        !this.plie.gestureComplete && !this.plie.trackPlie())
                        this.plie = null;

                if (firstPositionMode)
                    // Show title
                    TextBlock title = (TextBlock)Canvas.FindName("firstPositionTitle");
                    title.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                    if (this.position == null)
                        this.position = new Position(EllipseCanvas, skeleton);

                    // If the user successfully completes a first position or breaks out of the first position
                    // movement sequence, set our Position to null so we know to start over with a new Postition
                    // when render gets called again.
                    if (this.position.gestureComplete && this.position.showSuccessBanner("firstPositionCompletedImage") ||
                        this.position = null;
                System.Console.WriteLine("skeleton is null");