コード例 #1
            * <summary>
            * This click handler is responsible for adding and updating Student records
            * - and also creating records for associated entities
            * </summary>
        private void submitUpdateBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            formUtilities.checkFieldNullLengths(firstNameField, formErrors, "First Name");
            formUtilities.checkFieldNullLengths(lastNameField, formErrors, "Last Name");
            formUtilities.ageFieldCheck(ageField, formErrors);
            formUtilities.checkFieldNullLengths(streetAddressField, formErrors, "Street Address");
            formUtilities.checkFieldNullLengths(suburbField, formErrors, "Suburb");
            formUtilities.postCodeFieldCheck(postCodeField, formErrors);
            formUtilities.checkFieldNullLengths(studentTownOrCityField, formErrors, "Town or City");
            formUtilities.landlineNumberValidation(landlinePhoneField, formErrors);
            formUtilities.mobileNumberValidation(mobilePhoneField, formErrors);
            formUtilities.validateEmailField(emailAddressField, formErrors);
            formUtilities.checkDropdownBox(lessonDropdownBox, formErrors, "Lesson");
            formUtilities.checkDropdownBox(instrumentDropdownBox, formErrors, "Instrument");
            formUtilities.checkListBox(sheetMusicListBox, formErrors, "Sheet Music");
            formUtilities.checkDropdownBox(ensembleDropdownBox, formErrors, "Ensemble");
            formUtilities.lessonFeesFieldCheck(lessonFeesOwedField, formErrors);
            formUtilities.instrumentFeesFieldCheck(instrumentFeesOwedField, formErrors);
            formUtilities.totalFeesFieldCheck(totalFeesOwedField, formErrors);

            if (formErrors.ToString().Length != 0)

                //Setting the error message string back to zero length,
                //so continuous submit attempts don't keep appending
                //subsequent error messages.
                formErrors = new StringBuilder();
                using (var db = new MusicClassesContext())
                    //Creating new Address object - using the appropriate form inputs
                    //from the Student Records pane.
                    var address = new Address()
                        StreetAddress = streetAddressField.Text.ToString(),
                        Suburb = suburbField.Text.ToString(),
                        TownOrCity = studentTownOrCityField.Text.ToString(),
                        PostCode = int.Parse(postCodeField.Text.ToString()),
                        LandlinePhone = landlinePhoneField.Text.ToString()

                    //Add the new Address object to the database
                    //Save the changes that have just been made - after the
                    //new Address object has been created and added
                    //Close the current conenction to the database, so
                    //other functions and record additions can be executed.

                    //Creating new Person object - using the appropriate form inputs
                    //from the Student Records pane.
                    var person = new Person()
                        FirstName = firstNameField.Text,
                        LastName = lastNameField.Text,
                        EmailAddress = emailAddressField.Text,
                        MobileNumber = mobilePhoneField.Text,

                        //A LINQ query, which obtains the Id for the Ensemble chosen by the user -
                        //determined by the Ensemble name selected form the Student records pane.
                        EnsembleEnsembleId = (from ensemble in db.Ensemble
                                              where ensemble.EnsembleName == ensembleDropdownBox.Text
                                              select ensemble.EnsembleId).FirstOrDefault(),

                        //A LINQ query to obtain the Id of the Address record (of the current Student
                        //being added) that was just added.
                        AddressAddressId = (from a in db.Address
                                            where a.StreetAddress == address.StreetAddress
                                            && a.Suburb == address.Suburb
                                            && a.TownOrCity == address.TownOrCity
                                            && a.PostCode == address.PostCode
                                            && a.LandlinePhone == address.LandlinePhone
                                            select a.AddressId).FirstOrDefault(),

                        //A LINQ query to obtain the Ensemble object required for reverse navigation
                        //- using the Ensemble selected by the user.
                        Ensemble = (from en in db.Ensemble
                                    where en.EnsembleId == (from ensemble in db.Ensemble
                                                            where ensemble.EnsembleName == ensembleDropdownBox.Text
                                                            select ensemble.EnsembleId).FirstOrDefault()
                                    select en).First(),

                        //A LINQ query to create the Address object required for reverse navigation
                        //- using the Address record created by the user earlier.
                        Address = (from ad in db.Address
                                   where ad.AddressId == (from a in db.Address
                                                          where a.StreetAddress == address.StreetAddress
                                                          && a.Suburb == address.Suburb
                                                          && a.TownOrCity == address.TownOrCity
                                                          && a.PostCode == address.PostCode
                                                          && a.LandlinePhone == address.LandlinePhone
                                                          select a.AddressId).FirstOrDefault()
                                   select ad).FirstOrDefault()

                    //Add the new Person object to the database
                    //Save the changes that have been made - by the new record being added.
                    //Close the connection to the database, so other methods and functions can
                    //use the connection.

                    //Creating a new Student record - with the necessary Person record
                    //created earlier.
                    string instrumentName = instrumentDropdownBox.Text.ToString();
                    var student = new Student()
                        //Converting the input for Age into a short
                        Age = short.Parse(ageField.Text.ToString()),

                        //Converting the inout for Lesson Fees Owed into decimal format
                        LessonFeesOwed = Convert.ToDecimal(lessonFeesOwedField.Text.ToString()),

                        //Converting the inout for Instrument Fees Owed into decimal format
                        InstrumentFeesOwed = Convert.ToDecimal(instrumentFeesOwedField.Text.ToString()),

                        //A LINQ query to obtain the associated InstrumentId with the Instrument
                        //selected by the user from the interface.
                        InstrumentInstrumentId = (from i in db.Instrument
                                                  where i.InstrumentName == instrumentName
                                                  select i.InstrumentId).FirstOrDefault(),

                        //Associating the Person record, created for the new Student, with the current Student object
                        //being constructed.
                        PersonPersonId = person.PersonId,
                        Instrument = (from i in db.Instrument
                                      where i.InstrumentId == (from inst in db.Instrument
                                                               where inst.InstrumentName == instrumentDropdownBox.Text
                                                               select inst.InstrumentId).FirstOrDefault()
                                      select i).FirstOrDefault(),

                        //A LINQ query to obtain the Person object required for reverse navigation
                        //- using the Person object created for the Student earlier.
                        Person = (from p in db.Person
                                  where p.PersonId == person.PersonId
                                  select p).FirstOrDefault()

                    //Add the student to the database
                    //Save the changes made to the database - made by the addition of the Student record.
                    //Close the current connection to the database, so other record creations and method/function/
                    //handler calls can use the connection.

                    //Creating the many-many record that relates Students with Lessons -
                    //(Yes, I only found out on 17/10/2013 I could have done this better
                    //with the Fluent API.
                    var studentLesson = new StudentLesson()
                        //Obtaining the StudentId from the Student object created earlier.
                        StudentStudentId = student.StudentId,

                        //Obtaining the LessonId from the Lesson the user selected form the
                        LessonLessonId = (from l in db.Lesson
                                          where l.LessonName == lessonDropdownBox.Text
                                          select l.LessonId).FirstOrDefault(),

                        //Obtaining the Lesson object required for reverse navigation.
                        Lesson = (from l in db.Lesson
                                  where l.LessonId == (from le in db.Lesson
                                                       where le.LessonName == lessonDropdownBox.Text
                                                       select le.LessonId).FirstOrDefault()
                                  select l).FirstOrDefault(),

                        //Obtaining the Student object required for reverse navigation.
                        Student = student

                    //Add the student record to the database.

                    //Save the changes that have just been made to the database.

                    //Close the connection so other method/function/handler calls
                    //can use the connection.

                    string[] sheetMusicRecords = new string[sheetMusicListBox.SelectedItems.Count];
                    sheetMusicListBox.SelectedItems.CopyTo(sheetMusicRecords, 0);

                    //Creating the many-many object that links Students
                    //with SheetMusic records.

                    foreach (string smc in sheetMusicRecords)
                        var studentSheetMusic = new StudentSheetMusic()
                            //Obtaining the StudentId from the Student object created earlier.
                            StudentStudentId = student.StudentId,

                            //Obtaining the SheetMusicId from the SheetMusic item object
                            //selected by the user.
                            SheetMusicSheetMusicId = (from s in db.SheetMusic
                                                      where s.Title == smc
                                                      select s.SheetMusicId).FirstOrDefault(),

                            //Obtaining the Student object required for reverse navigation.
                            Student = student,

                            //Obtaining the SheetMusic object required for reverse navigation,
                            //obtained from the SheetMusic item selected by the user,
                            SheetMusic = (from sm in db.SheetMusic
                                          where sm.SheetMusicId == (from s in db.SheetMusic
                                                                    where s.Title == smc
                                                                    select s.SheetMusicId).FirstOrDefault()
                                          select sm).FirstOrDefault()


                        //Add the StudentSheetMusic record to the database.

                        //Save the changes made to the database.

                    //Close the connection