/*/Users/David/Documents/repos/ate/templates/CSharpPocoMulti/test.txt*/ /*/Users/David/Documents/repos/ate/templates/CSharpPocoMulti/Readme.md*/ public static String Mfde33ae6b7a846eead0da766973a26e8(this ate.Projects.App App) { return(((Func <String>)(() => App.Display))()); }
/*/Users/David/Documents/repos/ate/templates/CSharpPocoSingle/ʕAppℴDisplayʔ Models.cs*/ public static String M7b774799d4064dcc9ee004a484d4c80e(this ate.Projects.App App) { return(((Func <String>)(() => App.FullName))()); }
public static String Mc21c65dfba934f9eb25a43b8b3b15f26(this ate.Projects.App App) { return(((Func <String>)(() => App.Display))()); }
/* * */ /* * ' uncomment the line below if you're using computer with a retina display * ' skinparam dpi 300 * !define Table(name,desc) class name as "desc" << (T,#FFAAAA) >> * ' we use bold for primary key * ' green color for unique * ' and underscore for not_null * !define primary_key(x) <b>x</b> * !define unique(x) <color:green>x</color> * !define not_null(x) <u>x</u> * ' other tags available: * ' <i></i> * ' <back:COLOR></color>, where color is a color name or html color code * ' (#FFAACC) * ' see: http://plantuml.com/classes.html#More * hide methods * hide stereotypes * * ' entities */ public static IEnumerable M6dbf5d9fa2d24a3496b9e6b51f11f338(this ate.Projects.App App) { return(((Func <IEnumerable>)(() => App.Entities))()); }
/*/home/david/Documents/repos/ate/templates/PlantUML/ʕAppℴDisplayʔ.puml*/ public static String M805ee7cac05844eea71a8ff4944d2a17(this ate.Projects.App App) { return(((Func <String>)(() => App.Name))()); }
/*/home/david/Documents/repos/ate/templates/PlantUML*/ public static String M303dabfe97b942f8b1c77615b65ddf25(this ate.Projects.App App) { return(((Func <String>)(() => App.Display))()); }