static void Main(string[] args) { WineListCollection[] wineListItems = new WineListCollection[100]; //Grabbing the user input and converting it to a string to be used later. int decision = wineListUI.GetUserInput(); string invoke = decision.ToString(); while (invoke != "2") { if (invoke == "1") { string ListOutput = ""; foreach (WineListCollection itemlist in wineListItems) { //Theoretically supposed to grab select fields from the CSV provided to allow the list to appear. if (itemlist != null) { Console.WriteLine(ListOutput = itemlist.Id + " " + itemlist.Name + " " + itemlist.Cost); Console.WriteLine(ListOutput); } } } else { //This is to close the program down. if (invoke == "2") { Console.WriteLine("Goodbye"); Console.WriteLine(); } } } ImportCSV("WineList.csv", wineListItems); }
//Item is built to display id, name and cost. static void itemProcesses(string readItem, WineListCollection[] wineListItems, int index) { string[] split = readItem.Split(','); string id = split[0]; string name = split[1]; int cost = Int32.Parse(split[2]); wineListItems[index] = new WineListCollection(id, name, cost); }