public void AccountDelete() { DrawScreen draw = new DrawScreen(); draw.TopScreen(); Console.WriteLine(" Delete Account "); draw.UnderTitleLine(); long accountNum = 0; bool accountValid; Console.Write("Enter account number: "); //get input 6-8 digits account number do { accountNum = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); accountValid = SearchAccount.CheckInputValidity(accountNum); } while (!accountValid); //check if account exists with number provided bool existingAccount = SearchAccount.CheckAccountExists(accountNum); //if exists prompt account deletion if (existingAccount) { string path = $"{accountNum}.txt"; string[] detail = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path); //display account details foreach (string set in detail) { Console.WriteLine(set); } //get user confirmation to delete //if confirmed delete file from path and return to menu if (ConfirmDelete()) { File.Delete(path); Screens.mainMenu(); } //ask if user wants to search again or return to menu if they dont delete previous file else { CheckAnother(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Account does not exist "); Screens.mainMenu(); } }
//check if user wants to search for another account or exit to menu public static bool Confirmation() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Do you want to search another account? (Y/N) "); Console.WriteLine("Press 'Y' to search again \nPress 'N' to return to main menu"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; //if Y pressed clear screen and search if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { Console.Clear(); return(true); } //if N pressed go to main menu else if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.N) { Screens.mainMenu(); return(false); } return(false); }
//get user confirmation for data inputted static bool ConfirmDetail(string firstName, string lastName, string address, long phoneNum, string email) { //show data inputted before by user Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("First Name: " + firstName); Console.WriteLine("Last Name: " + lastName); Console.WriteLine("Address: " + address); Console.WriteLine("Phone Number: " + phoneNum); Console.WriteLine("Email: " + email); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Are these details correct? Y/N "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Press 'Y' to save \nPress 'N' to reenter details \nPress 'M' to procceed without saving"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; //if Y pressed detail is confirmed //if N pressed reenter details //if M pressed go to main menu without saving if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { Console.Clear(); return(true); } else if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.N) { Console.Clear(); return(false); } else if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.M) { Console.Clear(); Screens.mainMenu(); } return(false); }
//check if user wants to check and delete another account static void CheckAnother() { Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Do you want to search another account? "); Console.WriteLine("Press 'Y' to search again "); Console.WriteLine("Press 'N' to return to menu "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; //if yes start deletion process again from beginning if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { Console.Clear(); DeleteAccount restart = new DeleteAccount(); restart.AccountDelete(); } //else return to main menu else if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.N) { Screens.mainMenu(); } Screens.mainMenu(); }
public void LastFiveTransaction() { DrawScreen draw = new DrawScreen(); draw.TopScreen(); Console.WriteLine(" A/C Statement "); draw.UnderTitleLine(); long accountNum = 0; bool accountValid; Console.Write("Enter account number: "); //get input 6-8 digits account number do { accountNum = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); accountValid = SearchAccount.CheckInputValidity(accountNum); } while (!accountValid); //check if account exists with number provided bool existingAccount = SearchAccount.CheckAccountExists(accountNum); //if account exists prompt withdrawal money if (existingAccount) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Account Number: " + accountNum); string path = $"{accountNum}.txt"; //all details from file string[] detail = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path); //last five transaction details string[] lastFive = new string[5]; int y = 0; draw.OtherLine(); //look at bottom five lines in file where all transactions are saved Console.WriteLine("upto 5 previous transactions shown: "); for (int x = (detail.Length - 5); x < detail.Length; x++) { //only add transaction if it contains "transaction" if (detail[x].Contains("Transaction")) { Console.WriteLine(detail[x]); lastFive[y] = detail[x]; y++; } } //check if user wants statement sent to email //YesNoEmail(); //if user wants email statement then email last five trasnactions to their email draw.OtherLine(); if (YesNoEmail()) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter your email address: "); string email = Console.ReadLine(); EmailStatement(lastFive, email); Screens.mainMenu(); } //if no email then go to menu else { Screens.mainMenu(); } } //if account doesnt exist go to menu after message shown else { Console.WriteLine("Account does not exist "); Console.ReadKey(); Screens.mainMenu(); } }
public void NewUser() { DrawScreen draw = new DrawScreen(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; bool phoneValid = false; bool emailValid = false; bool detailsValid = false; //do until user exits do { draw.TopScreen(); Console.WriteLine(" Please Fill Out Your Details Below "); draw.UnderTitleLine(); //request users information Console.Write(" First Name: "); newFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write(" Last Name: "); newLastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write(" New Address: "); newAddress = Console.ReadLine(); //enter a VALID phone number //number must contain 10 digits do { try { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.Write(" New Phone: "); newPhone = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); phoneValid = CheckPhoneValidity(newPhone); }catch (FormatException) { ClearLineAbove(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("incorrect input"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; } } while (!phoneValid); //enter a VALID email address //email must contain '@' and either '' or '' or '' do { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.Write(" New Email: "); newEmail = Console.ReadLine(); emailValid = CheckEmailValidity(newEmail); } while (!emailValid); //get user confirmation of details detailsValid = ConfirmDetail(newFirstName, newLastName, newAddress, newPhone, newEmail); } while (!detailsValid); //if all details are confirmed correct then create new account file and send email if (ConfirmDetail(newFirstName, newLastName, newAddress, newPhone, newEmail)) { AccountFileCreate(newFirstName, newLastName, newAddress, newPhone, newEmail); SendEmail(newFirstName, newLastName, newAddress, newPhone, newEmail); //Console.ReadKey(); Screens.mainMenu(); } //else if (ConfirmDetail(newFirstName, newLastName, newAddress, newPhone, newEmail)) { // Console.WriteLine("go to main menu"); //Screens restart = new Screens(); //restart.MainMenu(); } }
// CreateAccount accountNo = new CreateAccount(); public void WithdrawMoney() { DrawScreen draw = new DrawScreen(); draw.TopScreen(); Console.WriteLine(" Withdrawal "); draw.UnderTitleLine(); long withdrawalAmount; long accountNum = 0; bool accountValid = false; long finalAmount = 0; string firstName = null; string lastName = null; string address = null; string phone = null; string email = null; //get VALID account number Console.Write("Enter account number: "); do { accountNum = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); accountValid = SearchAccount.CheckInputValidity(accountNum); } while (!accountValid); //check if account exists with number provided bool existingAccount = SearchAccount.CheckAccountExists(accountNum); //if account exists prompt withdrawal money if (existingAccount) { Console.Write("Enter withdrawal amount: "); withdrawalAmount = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); string path = $"{accountNum}.txt"; string[] detail = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path); bool withdrawn = false; // save all other details //add to final amount if it already exists foreach (string set in detail) { string[] splits = set.Split(':'); if (set.Contains("First Name")) { firstName = splits[1]; } if (set.Contains("Last Name")) { lastName = splits[1]; } if (set.Contains("Address")) { address = splits[1]; } if (set.Contains("Phone Number")) { phone = splits[1]; } if (set.Contains("Email")) { email = splits[1]; } //if there is previous value minus withdraw amount and set withdraw to true if (set.Contains("Amount")) { withdrawn = true; finalAmount = (Convert.ToInt64(splits[1]) - withdrawalAmount); } } //if withdraw amount more then funds in account show error message if (finalAmount < 0 || !withdrawn) { Console.WriteLine("You do not have suffecient funds in your account!!"); Screens.mainMenu(); } //if enough funds edit file else { EditFile(firstName, lastName, address, phone, email, finalAmount, withdrawalAmount, accountNum, detail); Screens.mainMenu(); } } //if no file show error message and go to menu else { Console.WriteLine("Account does not exist "); Screens.mainMenu(); } }
public void DepositMoney() { DrawScreen draw = new DrawScreen(); draw.TopScreen(); Console.WriteLine(" Deposit "); draw.UnderTitleLine(); long depositAmount; long accountNum = 0; bool accountValid = false; long finalAmount = 0; string firstName = null; string lastName = null; string address = null; string phone = null; string email = null; Console.Write("Enter account number: "); //get Valid account number 6-8 digits do { accountNum = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); accountValid = SearchAccount.CheckInputValidity(accountNum); } while (!accountValid); //check if account exists with number provided bool existingAccount = SearchAccount.CheckAccountExists(accountNum); //if account exists prompt deposit money if (existingAccount) { Console.Write("Enter deposit amount: "); depositAmount = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); string path = $"{accountNum}.txt"; string[] detail = File.ReadAllLines(path); bool deposited = false; //save all other details //add to final amount if it already exists foreach (string set in detail) { string[] splits = set.Split(':'); if (set.Contains("First Name")) { firstName = splits[1]; } if (set.Contains("Last Name")) { lastName = splits[1]; } if (set.Contains("Address")) { address = splits[1]; } if (set.Contains("Phone Number")) { phone = splits[1]; } if (set.Contains("Email")) { email = splits[1]; } if (set.Contains("Transaction")) { //make no changes if it contains 'transactions' } if (set.Contains("Amount")) { finalAmount = (Convert.ToInt64(splits[1]) + depositAmount); deposited = true; } } //if amount doesnt exists in final then deposit amount = final amount if (!deposited) { finalAmount = depositAmount; } //make appropriate changes to file and exit appropriately EditFile(firstName, lastName, address, phone, email, finalAmount, depositAmount, accountNum, detail); Screens.mainMenu(); } //if account doesnt exist display error message and go to menu else { Console.WriteLine("Account does not exist "); Screens.mainMenu(); } }