void IntfDalServicePage.insertToGridViewAutorisation(GridView gridView, string param, string paramLike, string valueLike, string numAgence) { #region Region initialisation IntfDalServicePage servicePage = new ImplDalServicePage(); #endregion this.strCommande = "SELECT autorisationvoyage.numerosAV, autorisationvoyage.idVerification, autorisationvoyage.matriculeAgent,"; this.strCommande += " autorisationvoyage.datePrevueDepart, verification.idVerification, verification.numVehicule,"; this.strCommande += " verification.idChauffeur, verification.matriculeAgent, verification.verificationTechnique,"; this.strCommande += " verification.aVoireVT, verification.verificationPapier, verification.aVoireVP, verification.observationProfessionnelle,"; this.strCommande += " verification.dateVerification, verification.planDepart, chauffeur.idChauffeur,"; this.strCommande += " chauffeur.nomChauffeur, chauffeur.prenomChauffeur, chauffeur.cinChauffeur, chauffeur.adresseChauffeur,"; this.strCommande += " chauffeur.telephoneChauffeur, chauffeur.telephoneMobileChauffeur, voiture.numVehicule,"; this.strCommande += " voiture.numLicence, voiture.couleur, voiture.type, voiture.marque, voiture.nombrePlace, voiture.numImmatricule,"; this.strCommande += " agent.matriculeAgent, agent.numerosGareRoutiere, agent.typeAgent, agent.nomAgent,"; this.strCommande += " agent.prenomAgent, agent.dateNaissanceAgent, agent.lieuNaissanceAgent, agent.loginAgent,"; this.strCommande += " agent.motDePasseAgent, agent.cinAgent, agent.adresseAgent, agent.telephoneAgent, agent.telephoneMobileAgent"; this.strCommande += " FROM autorisationvoyage Inner Join verification ON verification.idVerification = autorisationvoyage.idVerification"; this.strCommande += " Inner Join chauffeur ON chauffeur.idChauffeur = verification.idChauffeur"; this.strCommande += " Inner Join voiture ON voiture.numVehicule = verification.numVehicule"; this.strCommande += " Inner Join agent ON agent.matriculeAgent = autorisationvoyage.matriculeAgent"; this.strCommande += " WHERE agent.numAgence = '" + numAgence + "' AND "; this.strCommande += " `" + paramLike + "` LIKE '%" + valueLike + "%' ORDER BY `" + param + "` ASC"; dtTable = servicePage.getDateTable(strCommande).ToTable(); gridView.DataSource = dtTable; gridView.DataBind(); }
void IntfDalServicePage.insertToGridView(GridView gridView, string nomTable, string param) { #region Region initialisation IntfDalServicePage servicePage = new ImplDalServicePage(); #endregion this.strCommande = "SELECT * FROM `" + nomTable + "` ORDER BY " + param + " ASC"; dtTable = servicePage.getDateTable(strCommande).ToTable(); gridView.DataSource = dtTable; gridView.DataBind(); }
void IntfDalServicePage.insertToGridViewAgentVerificateur(GridView gridView, string param, string paramLike, string valueLike) { #region Region initialisation IntfDalServicePage servicePage = new ImplDalServicePage(); #endregion this.strCommande = "SELECT * FROM `agent` WHERE `typeAgent`='verificateur' AND `" + paramLike + "` LIKE '%" + valueLike + "%' ORDER BY `" + param + "` ASC"; dtTable = servicePage.getDateTable(strCommande).ToTable(); gridView.DataSource = dtTable; gridView.DataBind(); }
void IntfDalServicePage.insertToGridViewVoiture(GridView gridView, string param, string paramLike, string valueLike) { #region Region initialisation IntfDalServicePage servicePage = new ImplDalServicePage(); #endregion this.strCommande = "SELECT voiture.numVehicule, voiture.numLicence As numLV, voiture.couleur, voiture.`type`,"; this.strCommande += " voiture.marque, voiture.nombrePlace, voiture.numImmatricule, licence.numLicence As numLL,"; this.strCommande += " licence.numerosSociete, licence.nom, licence.prenom, licence.domiciliee, licence.datePremierExploitation,"; this.strCommande += " licence.dateValideDu, licence.dateValideAu FROM voiture Inner Join licence ON licence.numLicence = voiture.numLicence"; this.strCommande += " WHERE `" + paramLike + "` LIKE '%" + valueLike + "%' ORDER BY `" + param + "` ASC"; dtTable = servicePage.getDateTable(strCommande).ToTable(); gridView.DataSource = dtTable; gridView.DataBind(); }
void IntfDalServicePage.insertToGridViewAutorisationSanFicheBord(GridView gridView, string param, string paramLike, string valueLike, string numAgence) { #region Region initialisation IntfDalServicePage servicePage = new ImplDalServicePage(); #endregion this.strCommande = "SELECT autorisationvoyage.numerosAV, voiture.numImmatricule, chauffeur.nomChauffeur,"; this.strCommande += " chauffeur.prenomChauffeur, autorisationvoyage.datePrevueDepart, itineraire.villeItineraireDebut,"; this.strCommande += " itineraire.villeItineraireFin FROM autorisationvoyage"; this.strCommande += " Inner Join verification ON verification.idVerification = autorisationvoyage.idVerification"; this.strCommande += " Inner Join voiture ON voiture.numVehicule = verification.numVehicule"; this.strCommande += " Inner Join chauffeur ON chauffeur.idChauffeur = verification.idChauffeur"; this.strCommande += " Inner Join itineraire ON itineraire.idItineraire = verification.idItineraire"; this.strCommande += " Left Join fichebord ON fichebord.numerosAV = autorisationvoyage.numerosAV"; this.strCommande += " Inner Join agent ON agent.matriculeAgent = autorisationvoyage.matriculeAgent"; this.strCommande += " WHERE agent.numAgence = '" + numAgence + "' AND "; this.strCommande += " fichebord.numerosAV IS NULL AND"; this.strCommande += " " + paramLike + " LIKE '%" + valueLike + "%' ORDER BY " + param + " ASC"; dtTable = servicePage.getDateTable(strCommande).ToTable(); gridView.DataSource = dtTable; gridView.DataBind(); }