コード例 #1

        protected void DoTable(Program p, string fqtable)
            Helper     h  = new Helper();
            ColumnInfo ci = new ColumnInfo();

            List <string> parameters = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <string, string> parameterdictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            Tuple <string, string> schematable = h.SplitSchemaFromTable(fqtable);

            string thedatabase = h.GetCsharpClassName(null, null, p._databaseName);

            string csharpnamespace   = p._namespace + "." + p._tableSubDirectory;
            string resourcenamespace = p._resourceNamespace + "." + p._tableSubDirectory;

            string theclass           = h.GetCsharpClassName(p._prefixObjectsWithSchema, schematable.Item1, schematable.Item2);
            string csharpfile         = p._directory + @"\" + p._tableSubDirectory + @"\" + theclass + ".cs";
            string csharpchildrenfile = p._directory + @"\" + p._tableSubDirectory + @"\" + theclass + "Children.cs";

            string csharpfactoryfile = csharpfile.Replace(".cs", "Factory.cs");
            string thefactoryclass   = theclass + "Factory";

            // config for this table, if any
            string  xpath    = "/CodeGen/Tables/Table[@Class='" + theclass + "']";
            XmlNode xmltable = p._codegen.SelectSingleNode(xpath);

            // select sql
            string selectsql = "select * from {0} t ";

            // get field list
            List <Tuple <string, string> > columns = ci.GetTableColumns(fqtable);

            // get computed columns
            List <string> computedcolumns = p._di.ComputedColumns.Get(fqtable);

            // get identity columns
            List <string> identitycolumns = p._di.IdentityColumns.Get(fqtable);

            // get timestamp columns
            List <string> timestampcolumns = p._di.TimestampColumns.Get(fqtable);

            // get primary keys
            List <string> pkcolumns = p._di.PrimaryKeyColumns.Get(fqtable, "PK");

            // do class
            h.MessageVerbose("[{0}]", csharpfile);
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(csharpfile, false, UTF8Encoding.UTF8))
                int tab = 0;

                // header

                // namespace
                using (NamespaceBlock nsb = new NamespaceBlock(sw, tab++, csharpnamespace))
                    using (ClassBlock cb = new ClassBlock(sw, tab++, theclass, "acr.RowBase"))
                        // properties and constructor
                        using (RowConstructorBlock conb = new RowConstructorBlock(sw, tab, theclass, columns, pkcolumns, p._concurrencyColumn))
                    }     // end class
                }         // end namespace
            }             // eof

            // do children objects in class
            h.MessageVerbose("[{0}]", csharpchildrenfile);
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(csharpchildrenfile, false, UTF8Encoding.UTF8))
                int tab = 0;

                // header

                // namespace
                using (NamespaceBlock nsb = new NamespaceBlock(sw, tab++, csharpnamespace))
                    using (ClassBlock cb = new ClassBlock(sw, tab++, theclass, "acr.RowBase"))
                        // get parent objects for this object
                        List <Tuple <string, string> > parenttables = p._di.ParentTables.Get(fqtable, "PK");
                        foreach (Tuple <string, string> parenttable in parenttables)
                            string fqparenttable = parenttable.Item1;
                            string fkconstraint  = parenttable.Item2;

                            List <string> fkcolumns = p._di.ConstraintColumns_ChildSide.Get(fqtable, fkconstraint, "PK");
                            if (fkcolumns.Count > 0)
                                h.MessageVerbose("[{0}].[{1}].parent [{2}]", csharpnamespace, theclass, fqparenttable);

                                using (ParentObjectBlock pob = new ParentObjectBlock(sw, tab, p, fqparenttable, fkcolumns, theclass))

                        // get children objects for this object
                        List <Tuple <string, string> > childtables = p._di.ChildTables.Get(fqtable);
                        foreach (Tuple <string, string> childtable in childtables)
                            string fqchildtable = childtable.Item1;
                            string fkconstraint = childtable.Item2;

                            List <string> fkcolumns = p._di.ConstraintColumns_ChildSide.Get(fqchildtable, fkconstraint, "PK");
                            if (fkcolumns.Count > 0)
                                List <string> parentcolumns = p._di.ConstraintColumns_ParentSide.Get(fqtable, fkconstraint, "PK");

                                h.MessageVerbose("[{0}].[{1}].child [{2}]", csharpnamespace, theclass, fqchildtable);
                                using (ChildObjectBlock cob = new ChildObjectBlock(sw, tab, p, fqtable, fqchildtable, fkcolumns, parentcolumns, theclass))
                    }     // end class
                }         // end namespace
            }             // eof

            // do class factory
            h.MessageVerbose("[{0}]", csharpfactoryfile);
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(csharpfactoryfile, false, UTF8Encoding.UTF8))
                int tab = 0;

                // header
                h.WriteUsing(sw, p._namespace);

                // namespace
                using (NamespaceBlock nsb = new NamespaceBlock(sw, tab++, csharpnamespace))
                    using (ClassBlock cb = new ClassBlock(sw, tab++, thefactoryclass,
                                                          "acr.FactoryBase< " +
                                                          theclass + ", " +
                                                          "ns." + p._databaseSubDirectory + "." + thedatabase + "DatabaseSingletonHelper, " +
                                                          "ns." + p._databaseSubDirectory + "." + thedatabase + "Database >"
                        // primary key parameter dictionary
                        Dictionary <string, string> parameterdictionarypk = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        foreach (string pkcolumn in pkcolumns)
                            foreach (var column in columns)
                                if (pkcolumn == column.Item1)
                                    string name = h.GetCsharpColumnName(pkcolumn, theclass);
                                    string type = h.GetCsharpColumnType(column.Item2);

                                    parameterdictionarypk.Add(name, type);

                        string whereloadpk = this.GetWhereClausePK(pkcolumns, parameterdictionarypk, "", columns, theclass);
                        string wheresavepk = this.GetWhereClausePK(pkcolumns, parameterdictionarypk, p._concurrencyColumn, columns, theclass);

                        string deletesql = "delete {0} ";

                        string insertsql         = "insert {0}" + this.GetInsertClause(columns, computedcolumns, identitycolumns, timestampcolumns, theclass);
                        string insertidentitysql = "insert {0}" + this.GetInsertClause(columns, computedcolumns, new List <string>(), timestampcolumns, theclass);

                        string updatesql = this.GetUpdateClause(columns, computedcolumns, identitycolumns, timestampcolumns, theclass);
                        if (updatesql.Length > 0)
                            updatesql = "update {0}" + updatesql;

                        // constructor
                        using (TableFactoryConstructorBlock conb = new TableFactoryConstructorBlock(sw, tab, fqtable, selectsql, insertsql, insertidentitysql, updatesql, deletesql, whereloadpk, wheresavepk, thefactoryclass))

                        // save method - only if table has pk
                        if (pkcolumns.Count > 0)
                            parameterdictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                            parameterdictionary.Add("connˡ", "sds.SqlConnection");

                            foreach (string key in parameterdictionarypk.Keys)
                                parameterdictionary.Add(key, parameterdictionarypk[key]);

                            h.MessageVerbose("[{0}].[{1}].[{2}]", csharpnamespace, theclass, "Save");

                            // save the object
                            using (TableFactorySaveMethodBlock mb = new TableFactorySaveMethodBlock(sw, tab, parameterdictionary, columns, identitycolumns, p._concurrencyColumn, theclass))

                            // save a list of objects
                            using (TableFactorySaveListMethodBlock mb1 = new TableFactorySaveListMethodBlock(sw, tab, theclass))

                        // load by primary key method - only if table has pk
                        if (pkcolumns.Count > 0)
                            parameters = new List <string>();

                            foreach (string key in parameterdictionarypk.Keys)


                            parameterdictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                            parameterdictionary.Add("connˡ", "sds.SqlConnection");

                            foreach (string key in parameterdictionarypk.Keys)
                                parameterdictionary.Add(key, parameterdictionarypk[key]);

                            parameterdictionary.Add("tranˡ", "sds.SqlTransaction");

                            h.MessageVerbose("[{0}].[{1}].[{2}]", csharpnamespace, theclass, "LoadByPrimaryKeyˡ");
                            using (TableFactoryPrimaryKeyMethodBlock mb = new TableFactoryPrimaryKeyMethodBlock(sw, tab, "LoadByPrimaryKeyˡ", parameters, parameterdictionary, theclass, resourcenamespace))

                        // load by foreign key methods
                        List <Tuple <string, string> > foreignkeys = p._di.ForeignKeys.Get(fqtable);
                        foreach (Tuple <string, string> foreignkey in foreignkeys)
                            string fqfktable    = foreignkey.Item1;
                            string fkconstraint = foreignkey.Item2;

                            Tuple <string, string> fkschematable = h.SplitSchemaFromTable(fqfktable);

                            string        fktable   = h.GetSchemaAndTableName(p._prefixObjectsWithSchema, fkschematable.Item1, fkschematable.Item2);
                            List <string> fkcolumns = p._di.ForeignKeyConstraintColumns.Get(fqtable, fkconstraint);

                            // foreign key parameter dictionary
                            parameters = new List <string>();

                            foreach (string fkcolumn in fkcolumns)
                                foreach (var column in columns)
                                    if (fkcolumn == column.Item1)
                                        string name = h.GetCsharpColumnName(fkcolumn, theclass);


                            Dictionary <string, string> parameterdictionaryfk = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                            parameterdictionaryfk.Add("connˡ", "sds.SqlConnection");

                            foreach (string fkcolumn in fkcolumns)
                                foreach (var column in columns)
                                    if (fkcolumn == column.Item1)
                                        string name = h.GetCsharpColumnName(fkcolumn, theclass);
                                        string type = h.GetCsharpColumnType(column.Item2);

                                        parameterdictionaryfk.Add(name, type);

                            parameterdictionaryfk.Add("topNˡ", "int?");
                            parameterdictionaryfk.Add("orderByˡ", "scg.List<acr.CodeGenOrderBy>");
                            parameterdictionaryfk.Add("tranˡ", "sds.SqlTransaction");

                            string wherefk = this.GetWhereClauseFK(fkcolumns, theclass);

                            string byparameters = "";
                            foreach (string fkcolumn in fkcolumns)
                                byparameters += h.GetCsharpColumnName(fkcolumn, theclass);

                            string method = "LoadByForeignKey" + h.IdentifierSeparator + "From" + h.IdentifierSeparator + fktable + h.IdentifierSeparator + "By" + h.IdentifierSeparator + byparameters;

                            h.MessageVerbose("[{0}].[{1}].fk [{2}]", csharpnamespace, theclass, method);
                            using (TableFactoryForeignKeyMethodBlock mb = new TableFactoryForeignKeyMethodBlock(sw, tab, method, parameters, parameterdictionaryfk, wherefk, theclass, resourcenamespace))

                        // load all method
                        parameters = new List <string>();

                        parameterdictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        parameterdictionary.Add("connˡ", "sds.SqlConnection");
                        parameterdictionary.Add("topNˡ", "int?");
                        parameterdictionary.Add("orderByˡ", "scg.List<acr.CodeGenOrderBy>");
                        parameterdictionary.Add("tranˡ", "sds.SqlTransaction");

                        h.MessageVerbose("[{0}].[{1}].[{2}]", csharpnamespace, theclass, "Loadˡ");
                        using (ViewFactoryMethodBlock mb = new ViewFactoryMethodBlock(sw, tab, "Loadˡ", parameters, parameterdictionary, "", theclass, resourcenamespace))

                        // load by where
                        parameters = new List <string>();

                        parameterdictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        parameterdictionary.Add("connˡ", "sds.SqlConnection");
                        parameterdictionary.Add("whereˡ", "string");
                        parameterdictionary.Add("parametersˡ", "scg.List<sds.SqlParameter>");
                        parameterdictionary.Add("topNˡ", "int?");
                        parameterdictionary.Add("orderByˡ", "scg.List<acr.CodeGenOrderBy>");
                        parameterdictionary.Add("tranˡ", "sds.SqlTransaction");

                        h.MessageVerbose("[{0}].[{1}].[{2}]", csharpnamespace, theclass, "LoadByWhereˡ");
                        using (ViewFactoryMethodBlock mb = new ViewFactoryMethodBlock(sw, tab, "LoadByWhereˡ", parameters, parameterdictionary, "", theclass, resourcenamespace))

                        // other load methods
                        if (xmltable != null)
                            XmlNodeList xmlmethods = xmltable.SelectNodes("Methods/Method");
                            foreach (XmlNode xmlmethod in xmlmethods)
                                string method = xmlmethod.SelectSingleNode("@Name").InnerText;

                                // where resource
                                string whereresource = xmlmethod.SelectSingleNode("@Where").InnerText;

                                // parameters
                                parameters = new List <string>();

                                XmlNodeList xmlparameters = xmlmethod.SelectNodes("Parameters/Parameter");
                                foreach (XmlNode xmlparameter in xmlparameters)


                                parameterdictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                parameterdictionary.Add("connˡ", "sds.SqlConnection");

                                xmlparameters = xmlmethod.SelectNodes("Parameters/Parameter");
                                foreach (XmlNode xmlparameter in xmlparameters)

                                parameterdictionary.Add("topNˡ", "int?");
                                parameterdictionary.Add("orderByˡ", "scg.List<acr.CodeGenOrderBy>");
                                parameterdictionary.Add("tranˡ", "sds.SqlTransaction");

                                // method
                                h.MessageVerbose("[{0}].[{1}].method [{2}]", csharpnamespace, theclass, method);
                                using (ViewFactoryMethodBlock mb = new ViewFactoryMethodBlock(sw, tab, method, parameters, parameterdictionary, whereresource, theclass, resourcenamespace))
                    } // end class
                }     // end namespace
            }         // eof
        }             // end do table
コード例 #2
        protected void DoUnitTest2(Program p)
            Helper     h  = new Helper();
            ColumnInfo ci = new ColumnInfo();

            // see if we want the unit test - is there something in the config file?
            XmlNode node = p._codegen.SelectSingleNode("/CodeGen/UnitTest");

            if (node == null)
                h.MessageVerbose("No unit test block found - not generating unit test.");

            // get list of tables in ri order - onlt tables that can be saved [ie have a primary key] are eligible
            // get tables that have primary keys - and associated field information

            foreach (var table in p._rihelper.SortedTables)
                string        fqtablename = table.Item2;;
                List <string> pkcolumns   = p._di.PrimaryKeyColumns.Get(fqtablename, "PK");

                if (pkcolumns.Count > 0)
                    // we want this table

                    // we want all its columns
                    _columnsMap.Add(fqtablename, ci.GetTableColumns(fqtablename));

                    // we want its computed columns
                    _computedColumnsMap.Add(fqtablename, p._di.ComputedColumns.Get(fqtablename));

                    // we want its identity columns
                    _identityColumnsMap.Add(fqtablename, p._di.IdentityColumns.Get(fqtablename));

                    // we want its timestamp columns
                    _timestampColumnsMap.Add(fqtablename, p._di.TimestampColumns.Get(fqtablename));

            _unitTestTablesReverse.Reverse();              // same list but in reverse order, for deleting

            // dump list of unit test tables
            h.MessageVerbose("### The following tables are supported for auto unit test [they have a primary key]: ###");
            foreach (string atable in _unitTestTables)
                h.MessageVerbose("\t[{0}]", atable);
            h.MessageVerbose("[{0}] unit test tables", _unitTestTables.Count);

            // plumbing

            // generate CodeGenUnitTestClass.cs
            EntryPoint(p, _theclass, _baseclass);

            // generate CodeGenUnitTestClass.State.cs
            State(p, _theclass, _baseclass);

            // generate CodeGenUnitTestClass.CodegenRunTimeSettings.cs
            CodegenRunTimeSettings(p, _theclass, _baseclass);

            // generate CodeGenUnitTestClass.AssertObjectsNew.cs
            AssertObjectsNew(p, _theclass, _baseclass);

            // object population and insert and update

            // generate CodeGenUnitTestClass.PopulateObjectsForInsert.cs
            PopulateObjectsForInsert(p, _theclass, _baseclass);

            // generate CodeGenUnitTestClass.PopulateObjectsForUpdate.cs
            PopulateObjectsForUpdate(p, _theclass, _baseclass);

            // create a Populate.#.cs file for each table
            // containing the function Populate_#( bool insert, # obj,  )
            Populate(p, _theclass, _baseclass);

            // create a PopulateOverride.#.cs file for each table
            // containing the function PopulateOverride_#( bool insert, # obj  )
            PopulateOverride(p, _theclass, _baseclass);

            // object deletion

            // generate CodeGenUnitTestClass.DeleteObjects.cs
            DeleteObjects(p, _theclass, _baseclass);

            // field level assertions

            // create a AssertAfterSave.#.cs file for each table
            // containing the function AssertAfterSave_#( bool insert, # lhs, # rhs )
            Assert(p, _theclass, _baseclass);

            // generate CodeGenUnitTestClass.AssertObjectsAfterInsert.cs
            AssertObjectsAfterInsert(p, _theclass, _baseclass);

            // generate CodeGenUnitTestClass.AssertObjectsAfterUpdate.cs
            AssertObjectsAfterUpdate(p, _theclass, _baseclass);