コード例 #1
        public void GetEntity(DataGroup group, JObject entity)
            switch (group)
                case DataGroup.Catalog:
                case DataGroup.Inventory:
                    //  "id": 32,
                    //  "keyword_filter": null,
                    //  "name": "[Sample] Tomorrow is today, Red printed scarf",
                    //  "type": "physical",
                    //  "sku": "",
                    //  "description": "Densely pack your descriptions with useful information and watch products fly off the shelf.",
                    //  "search_keywords": null,
                    //  "availability_description": "",
                    //  "price": "89.0000",
                    //  "cost_price": "0.0000",
                    //  "retail_price": "0.0000",
                    //  "sale_price": "0.0000",
                    //  "calculated_price": "89.0000",
                    //  "sort_order": 0,
                    //  "is_visible": true,
                    //  "is_featured": true,
                    //  "related_products": "-1",
                    //  "inventory_level": 0,
                    //  "inventory_warning_level": 0,
                    //  "warranty": null,
                    //  "weight": "0.3000",
                    //  "width": "0.0000",
                    //  "height": "0.0000",
                    //  "depth": "0.0000",
                    //  "fixed_cost_shipping_price": "10.0000",
                    //  "is_free_shipping": false,
                    //  "inventory_tracking": "none",
                    //  "rating_total": 0,
                    //  "rating_count": 0,
                    //  "total_sold": 0,
                    //  "date_created": "Fri, 21 Sep 2012 02:31:01 +0000",
                    //  "brand_id": 17,
                    //  "view_count": 4,
                    //  "page_title": "",
                    //  "meta_keywords": null,
                    //  "meta_description": null,
                    //  "layout_file": "product.html",
                    //  "is_price_hidden": false,
                    //  "price_hidden_label": "",
                    //  "categories": [
                    //    14
                    //  ],
                    //  "date_modified": "Mon, 24 Sep 2012 01:34:57 +0000",
                    //  "event_date_field_name": "Delivery Date",
                    //  "event_date_type": "none",
                    //  "event_date_start": "",
                    //  "event_date_end": "",
                    //  "myob_asset_account": "",
                    //  "myob_income_account": "",
                    //  "myob_expense_account": "",
                    //  "peachtree_gl_account": "",
                    //  "condition": "New",
                    //  "is_condition_shown": false,
                    //  "preorder_release_date": "",
                    //  "is_preorder_only": false,
                    //  "preorder_message": "",
                    //  "order_quantity_minimum": 0,
                    //  "order_quantity_maximum": 0,
                    //  "open_graph_type": "product",
                    //  "open_graph_title": "",
                    //  "open_graph_description": null,
                    //  "is_open_graph_thumbnail": true,
                    //  "upc": null,
                    //  "avalara_product_tax_code": "",
                    //  "date_last_imported": "",
                    //  "option_set_id": null,
                    //  "tax_class_id": 0,
                    //  "option_set_display": "right",
                    //  "bin_picking_number": "",
                    //  "custom_url": "/tomorrow-is-today-red-printed-scarf/",
                    //  "primary_image": {
                    //    "id": 247,
                    //    "zoom_url": "https://cdn.url.path/bcapp/et7xe3pz/products/32/images/247/in_123__14581.1393831046.1280.1280.jpg?c=1",
                    //    "thumbnail_url": "https://cdn.url.path/bcapp/et7xe3pz/products/32/images/247/in_123__14581.1393831046.220.290.jpg?c=1",
                    //    "standard_url": "https://cdn.url.path/bcapp/et7xe3pz/products/32/images/247/in_123__14581.1393831046.386.513.jpg?c=1",
                    //    "tiny_url": "https://cdn.url.path/bcapp/et7xe3pz/products/32/images/247/in_123__14581.1393831046.44.58.jpg?c=1"
                    //  },
                    //  "availability": "available",
                    //  "brand": {
                    //    "url": "https://store-et7xe3pz.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/brands/17.json",
                    //    "resource": "/brands/17"
                    //  },
                    //  "images": {
                    //    "url": "https://store-et7xe3pz.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/products/32/images.json",
                    //    "resource": "/products/32/images"
                    //  },
                    //  "discount_rules": {
                    //    "url": "https://store-et7xe3pz.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/products/32/discountrules.json",
                    //    "resource": "/products/32/discountrules"
                    //  },
                    //  "configurable_fields": {
                    //    "url": "https://store-et7xe3pz.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/products/32/configurablefields.json",
                    //    "resource": "/products/32/configurablefields"
                    //  },
                    //  "custom_fields": {
                    //    "url": "https://store-et7xe3pz.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/products/32/customfields.json",
                    //    "resource": "/products/32/customfields"
                    //  },
                    //  "videos": {
                    //    "url": "https://store-et7xe3pz.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/products/32/videos.json",
                    //    "resource": "/products/32/videos"
                    //  },
                    //  "skus": {
                    //    "url": "https://store-et7xe3pz.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/products/32/skus.json",
                    //    "resource": "/products/32/skus"
                    //  },
                    //  "rules": {
                    //    "url": "https://store-et7xe3pz.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/products/32/rules.json",
                    //    "resource": "/products/32/rules"
                    //  },
                    //  "option_set": null,
                    //  "options": {
                    //    "url": "https://store-et7xe3pz.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/products/32/options.json",
                    //    "resource": "/products/32/options"
                    //  },
                    //  "tax_class": {
                    //    "url": "https://store-et7xe3pz.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/taxclasses/0.json",
                    //    "resource": "/taxclasses/0"
                    //  }
                    string _PIdName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.ProductId);
                    string _NameName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Name);
                    string _Att1Name = extractor.Rules.UseDepartmentsAsCategories
                                                ? extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Department)
                                                : extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Att1Id);
                    string _Att2Name = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Att2Id);
                    string _PriceName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Price);
                    string _SaleName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.SalePrice);
                    string _ListName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.ListPrice);
                    string _CostName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Cost);
                    string _InvName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Inventory);
                    string _VisName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Visible);
                    string _LinkName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Link);
                    string _ImagName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.ImageLink);
                    string _RateName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Rating);
                    string _ParentIdName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.ParentId);
                    string _CodeName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.StandardCode);

                    Catalog.Entry entry = new Catalog.Entry();

                        // Standard Fields
                        entry.ProductID = entity.SelectToken(_PIdName).ToString();
                        entry.Name = entity.SelectToken(_NameName).ToString();
                        JArray categoryIds = (JArray)entity.SelectToken(_Att1Name);
                        foreach (JValue categoryId in categoryIds)
                        string brand = "";
                        if (brands != null && brands.d.TryGetValue(entity.SelectToken(_Att2Name).ToString(), out brand))
                            entry.ManufacturerID = brand;
                        entry.Visible = (int)entity.SelectToken(_VisName);
                        entry.Link = entity.SelectToken(_LinkName).ToString();
                        entry.Imagelink = entity.SelectToken(_ImagName).ToString();
                        entry.Price = entity.SelectToken(_PriceName).ToString();
                        entry.SalePrice = entity.SelectToken(_SaleName).ToString();
                        entry.ListPrice = entity.SelectToken(_ListName).ToString();
                        entry.Cost = entity.SelectToken(_CostName).ToString();
                        entry.Inventory = entity.SelectToken(_InvName).ToString();
                        entry.Rating = entity.SelectToken(_RateName).ToString();
                        entry.StandardCode = entity.SelectToken(_CodeName).ToString();

                        // Extra Fields
                        foreach (string extraFieldName in catalog.extraFieldNames)
                            if (extraFieldName != "")
                                entry.ExtraFields.Add(entity.SelectToken(extraFieldName) == null ? "" : entity.SelectToken(extraFieldName).ToString());

                        // Custom Fields
                        // walk the column names and for each determine whether the product at hand has one of these custom field, if so post it's value in the position corresponding to the index of name in customFieldNames
                        bool found = false;
                        foreach (string customFileName in catalog.customFieldNames)
                            found = false;
                            foreach (CustomField field in customfields.fields)
                                // see if there's a customfield for this product and it matches the custom field we're on
                                if (field.ProductID == entry.ProductID && field.Name == customFileName)
                                    found = true;
                            if (found == false)
                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)


                    // Now get product options as children
                    List<Option> productOptions = options.GetProductOptions(entry.ProductID);
                    foreach (Option option in productOptions)
                            Catalog.Entry childEntry = new Catalog.Entry();

                            // Standard Fields
                            childEntry.ProductID = option.ChildID;
                            if (option.PriceType == "absolute")
                                childEntry.Price = option.Price;
                                Single ePrice = 0.0f;
                                Single oPrice = 0.0f;
                                if (!Single.TryParse(entry.Price, out ePrice))
                                    throw new FormatException("Number format not supported");
                                if (!Single.TryParse(option.Price, out oPrice))
                                    throw new FormatException("Number format not supported");
                                childEntry.Price = (ePrice + oPrice).ToString();
                            childEntry.ParentProductID = option.ProductID;

                            // Extra Fields
                            foreach (string extraFieldName in catalog.extraFieldNames)
                                if (extraFieldName != "")

                            // Custom Fields
                            // walk the column names and for each determine whether the product at hand has one of these custom field, if so post it's value in the position corresponding to the index of name in customFieldNames
                            foreach (string customFileName in catalog.customFieldNames)

                        catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
                case DataGroup.Sales:
                    //  {
                    //    "id": 100,
                    //    "customer_id": 10,
                    //    "date_created": "Wed, 14 Nov 2012 19:26:23 +0000",
                    //    "date_modified": "Wed, 14 Nov 2012 19:26:23 +0000",
                    //    "date_shipped": "",
                    //    "status_id": 11,
                    //    "status": "Awaiting Fulfillment",
                    //    "subtotal_ex_tax": "79.0000",
                    //    "subtotal_inc_tax": "79.0000",
                    //    "subtotal_tax": "0.0000",
                    //    "base_shipping_cost": "0.0000",
                    //    "shipping_cost_ex_tax": "0.0000",
                    //    "shipping_cost_inc_tax": "0.0000",
                    //    "shipping_cost_tax": "0.0000",
                    //    "shipping_cost_tax_class_id": 2,
                    //    "base_handling_cost": "0.0000",
                    //    "handling_cost_ex_tax": "0.0000",
                    //    "handling_cost_inc_tax": "0.0000",
                    //    "handling_cost_tax": "0.0000",
                    //    "handling_cost_tax_class_id": 2,
                    //    "base_wrapping_cost": "0.0000",
                    //    "wrapping_cost_ex_tax": "0.0000",
                    //    "wrapping_cost_inc_tax": "0.0000",
                    //    "wrapping_cost_tax": "0.0000",
                    //    "wrapping_cost_tax_class_id": 3,
                    //    "total_ex_tax": "79.0000",
                    //    "total_inc_tax": "79.0000",
                    //    "total_tax": "0.0000",
                    //    "items_total": 1,
                    //    "items_shipped": 0,
                    //    "payment_method": "cash",
                    //    "payment_provider_id": null,
                    //    "payment_status": "",
                    //    "refunded_amount": "0.0000",
                    //    "order_is_digital": false,
                    //    "store_credit_amount": "0.0000",
                    //    "gift_certificate_amount": "0.0000",
                    //    "ip_address": "",
                    //    "geoip_country": "",
                    //    "geoip_country_iso2": "",
                    //    "currency_id": 1,
                    //    "currency_code": "USD",
                    //    "currency_exchange_rate": "1.0000000000",
                    //    "default_currency_id": 1,
                    //    "default_currency_code": "USD",
                    //    "staff_notes": "",
                    //    "customer_message": "",
                    //    "discount_amount": "0.0000",
                    //    "coupon_discount": "0.0000",
                    //    "shipping_address_count": 1,
                    //    "is_deleted": false,
                    //    "billing_address": {
                    //      "first_name": "Trisha",
                    //      "last_name": "McLaughlin",
                    //      "company": "",
                    //      "street_1": "12345 W Anderson Ln",
                    //      "street_2": "",
                    //      "city": "Austin",
                    //      "state": "Texas",
                    //      "zip": "78757",
                    //      "country": "United States",
                    //      "country_iso2": "US",
                    //      "phone": "",
                    //      "email": "*****@*****.**"
                    //    },
                    //    "products": {
                    //      "url": "https://store-bwvr466.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/orders/100/products.json",
                    //      "resource": "/orders/100/products"
                    //    },
                    //    "shipping_addresses": {
                    //      "url": "https://store-bwvr466.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/orders/100/shippingaddresses.json",
                    //      "resource": "/orders/100/shippingaddresses"
                    //    },
                    //    "coupons": {
                    //      "url": "https://store-bwvr466.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/orders/100/coupons.json",
                    //      "resource": "/orders/100/coupons"
                    //    }
                    //  }

                    // get the order id first, then retrieve products for it, use e.g. https://store-bwvr466.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/orders/100/products.json

                    //  "id": 16,
                    //  "order_id": 115,
                    //  "product_id": 0,
                    //  "order_address_id": 16,
                    //  "name": "Cynthia Gilbert Signature Collection",
                    //  "sku": "",
                    //  "type": "physical",
                    //  "base_price": "93.1800",
                    //  "price_ex_tax": "93.1800",
                    //  "price_inc_tax": "93.1800",
                    //  "price_tax": "0.0000",
                    //  "base_total": "93.1800",
                    //  "total_ex_tax": "93.1800",
                    //  "total_inc_tax": "93.1800",
                    //  "total_tax": "0.0000",
                    //  "weight": "0",
                    //  "quantity": 1,
                    //  "base_cost_price": "0.0000",
                    //  "cost_price_inc_tax": "0.0000",
                    //  "cost_price_ex_tax": "0.0000",
                    //  "cost_price_tax": "0.0000",
                    //  "is_refunded": false,
                    //  "refund_amount": "0.0000",
                    //  "return_id": 0,
                    //  "wrapping_name": "",
                    //  "base_wrapping_cost": "0.0000",
                    //  "wrapping_cost_ex_tax": "0.0000",
                    //  "wrapping_cost_inc_tax": "0.0000",
                    //  "wrapping_cost_tax": "0.0000",
                    //  "wrapping_message": "",
                    //  "quantity_shipped": 0,
                    //  "event_name": null,
                    //  "event_date": "",
                    //  "fixed_shipping_cost": "0.0000",
                    //  "ebay_item_id": "",
                    //  "ebay_transaction_id": "",
                    //  "option_set_id": null,
                    //  "parent_order_product_id": null,
                    //  "is_bundled_product ": false,
                    //  "bin_picking_number": "",
                    //  "applied_discounts": [
                    //    {
                    //      "id": "coupon",
                    //      "amount": 4.66
                    //    }
                    //  ],
                    //  "product_options": [
                    //  ],
                    //  "configurable_fields": [
                    //  ]
                    //response = client.GetAsync("orders/" + orderId + "/products.json").Result;
                    //result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                        string orderId = entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.OrderId)).ToString();
                        string customerId = entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.OrderCustomerId)).ToString();
                        DateTime temp = Convert.ToDateTime(entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.OrderDate)).ToString());
                        string _OrderProductIdName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.OrderProductId);
                        string _OrderQuantityName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.OrderQuantity);

                        queryResult = extractor.GetQueryResponse(group, "orders/" + orderId + "/products.json");
                        JArray Products = JArray.Parse(queryResult);
                        foreach (JObject product in Products)
                            Sale s = new Sale();

                            s.ProductID = product.SelectToken(_OrderProductIdName).ToString();
                            s.Quantity = product.SelectToken(_OrderQuantityName).ToString();
                            s.OrderID = orderId;
                            s.CustomerID = customerId;
                            s.Date = temp.ToShortDateString();

                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
                case DataGroup.Customers:
                    //  "id": 1,
                    //  "company": "",
                    //  "first_name": "Random ",
                    //  "last_name": "Joe Bob",
                    //  "email": "*****@*****.**",
                    //  "phone": "252-101-2010",
                    //  "date_created": "Tue, 13 Nov 2012 21:16:41 +0000",
                    //  "date_modified": "Tue, 13 Nov 2012 21:16:41 +0000",
                    //  "store_credit": "0.0000",
                    //  "registration_ip_address": "",
                    //  "customer_group_id": 0,
                    //  "notes": "",
                    //  "tax_exempt_category": "",
                    //  "addresses": {
                    //    "url": "https://store-bwvr466.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/customers/1/addresses.json",
                    //    "resource": "/customers/1/addresses"
                    //  }
                    Customer c = new Customer();
                        //  {
                        //  "id": 1,
                        //  "customer_id": 10,
                        //  "first_name": "Trisha",
                        //  "last_name": "McLaughlin",
                        //  "company": "",
                        //  "street_1": "12345 W Anderson Ln",
                        //  "street_2": "",
                        //  "city": "Austin",
                        //  "state": "Texas",
                        //  "zip": "78757",
                        //  "country": "United States",
                        //  "country_iso2": "US",
                        //  "phone": ""
                        //response = client.GetAsync("customers/" + customerId + "/addresses.json").Result;
                        //result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                        c.CustomerID = entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.CustomerId)).ToString();
                        c.Email = entity.SelectToken("email").ToString();
                        c.Name = entity.SelectToken("first_name").ToString() + " " + entity.SelectToken("last_name").ToString();
                        // retrieve addresses for this customer and use the first one
                        queryResult = extractor.GetQueryResponse(group, "customers/" + c.CustomerID + "/addresses.json");
                        if (queryResult != "")
                            JArray Addresses = JArray.Parse(queryResult);
                            JObject firstAddress = (JObject)Addresses[0];

                            c.Address = firstAddress.SelectToken("street_1").ToString() + "\n" + firstAddress.SelectToken("street_2").ToString();
                            c.City = firstAddress.SelectToken("city").ToString();
                            c.State = firstAddress.SelectToken("state").ToString();
                            c.PostalCode = firstAddress.SelectToken("zip").ToString();
                            c.Country = firstAddress.SelectToken("country").ToString();
                            c.Phone = firstAddress.SelectToken("phone").ToString();
                        c.Gender = "";
                        c.Birthday = "";
                        c.AgeRange = "";
                        c.AlternativeIDs = "";
                        c.DoNotTrack = "";
                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
                case DataGroup.Custom:
                    //  "id": 1,
                    //  "product_id": 30,
                    //  "name": "Toy manufactured in",
                    //  "text": "USA"
                        customfields.AddCustomField(entity.SelectToken("product_id").ToString(), entity.SelectToken("name").ToString(), entity.SelectToken("text").ToString());
                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
                case DataGroup.Options:
                    //    "url": "https://store-bwvr466.mybigcommerce.com/api/v2/products/rules.json",
                    //      "id":120,
                    //      "product_id":61
                    //      "price_adjuster":{"adjuster":"absolute","adjuster_value":13.99},"
                        if (entity.SelectToken("price_adjuster").ToString() != "")
                            options.AddOption(entity.SelectToken("id").ToString(), entity.SelectToken("product_id").ToString(), entity.SelectToken("price_adjuster.adjuster_value").ToString(), entity.SelectToken("price_adjuster.adjuster").ToString());
                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
                case DataGroup.CategoryNames:
                    // {
                    //  "id": 1,
                    //  "parent_id": 0,
                    //  "name": "Shop Mac",
                    //  "description": "",
                    //  "sort_order": 0,
                    //  "page_title": "",
                    //  "meta_keywords": "",
                    //  "meta_description": "",
                    //  "layout_file": "category.html",
                    //  "parent_category_list": [
                    //    1
                    //  ],
                    //  "image_file": "",
                    //  "is_visible": true,
                    //  "search_keywords": "",
                    //  "url": "/shop-mac/"
                        categories.AddCategory(entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Att1NameId)).ToString(), entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Att1NameName)).ToString());
                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
                case DataGroup.ManufacturerNames:
                    //  "id": 1,
                    //  "name": "Apple",
                    //  "page_title": "",
                    //  "meta_keywords": "",
                    //  "meta_description": "",
                    //  "image_file": "",
                    //  "search_keywords": ""
                        brands.AddBrand(entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Att2NameId)).ToString(), entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Att2NameName)).ToString());
                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
                case DataGroup.DepartmentNames:
                case DataGroup.All:
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("group");
コード例 #2
        public void GetEntity(DataGroup group, JObject entity)
            switch (group)
                case DataGroup.Catalog:
                case DataGroup.Inventory:
                    //  "product": {
                    //    "id": 632910392,
                    //    "title": "IPod Nano - 8GB",
                    //    "body_html": "<p>It's the small iPod with one very big idea: Video. Now the world's most popular music player, available in 4GB and 8GB models, lets you enjoy TV shows, movies, video podcasts, and more. The larger, brighter display means amazing picture quality. In six eye-catching colors, iPod nano is stunning all around. And with models starting at just $149, little speaks volumes.<\/p>",
                    //    "vendor": "Apple",
                    //    "product_type": "Cult Products",
                    //    "created_at": "2015-09-02T14:50:32-04:00",
                    //    "handle": "ipod-nano",
                    //    "updated_at": "2015-09-02T14:50:32-04:00",
                    //    "published_at": "2007-12-31T19:00:00-05:00",
                    //    "template_suffix": null,
                    //    "published_scope": "web",
                    //    "tags": "Emotive, Flash Memory, MP3, Music",
                    //    "variants": [
                    //      {
                    //        "id": 808950810,
                    //        "product_id": 632910392,
                    //        "title": "Pink",
                    //        "sku": "IPOD2008PINK",
                    //        "position": 1,
                    //        "grams": 200,
                    //        "inventory_policy": "continue",
                    //        "fulfillment_service": "manual",
                    //        "inventory_management": "shopify",
                    //        "price": "199.00",
                    //        "compare_at_price": null,
                    //        "option1": "Pink",
                    //        "option2": null,
                    //        "option3": null,
                    //        "created_at": "2015-09-02T14:50:32-04:00",
                    //        "updated_at": "2015-09-02T14:50:32-04:00",
                    //        "taxable": true,
                    //        "requires_shipping": true,
                    //        "barcode": "1234_pink",
                    //        "inventory_quantity": 10,
                    //        "old_inventory_quantity": 10,
                    //        "image_id": 562641783,
                    //        "weight": 0.2,
                    //        "weight_unit": "kg"
                    //      }
                    //    ],
                    //    "options": [
                    //      {
                    //        "id": 594680422,
                    //        "product_id": 632910392,
                    //        "name": "Color",
                    //        "position": 1,
                    //        "values": [
                    //          "Pink",
                    //          "Red",
                    //          "Green",
                    //          "Black"
                    //        ]
                    //      }
                    //    ],
                    //    "images": [
                    //      {
                    //        "id": 850703190,
                    //        "product_id": 632910392,
                    //        "position": 1,
                    //        "created_at": "2015-09-02T14:50:32-04:00",
                    //        "updated_at": "2015-09-02T14:50:32-04:00",
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                    //      "variant_ids": [
                    //      ]
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                    //  }
                    string _PIdName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.ProductId);
                    string _NameName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Name);
                    string _Att1Name = extractor.Rules.UseDepartmentsAsCategories
                                                ? extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Department)
                                                : extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Att1Id);
                    string _Att2Name = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Att2Id);
                    string _PriceName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Price);
                    string _SaleName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.SalePrice);
                    string _ListName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.ListPrice);
                    string _CostName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Cost);
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                    string _VisName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Visible);
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                    string _ParentIdName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.ParentId);
                    string _CodeName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.StandardCode);

                    Catalog.Entry entry = new Catalog.Entry();

                        // Standard Fields
                        entry.ProductID = entity.SelectToken(_PIdName).ToString();
                        entry.Name = entity.SelectToken(_NameName).ToString();
                        foreach (var collection in collections)
                            if (collection.ProductID.Equals(entry.ProductID))
                        entry.ManufacturerID = entity.SelectToken(_Att2Name) == null ? "" : entity.SelectToken(_Att2Name).ToString();
                        entry.Visible = entity.SelectToken(_VisName) == null ? 0 : 1;
                        string plink = entity.SelectToken(_LinkName).ToString();
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                            plink = "http://" + shopname + "/products/" + plink;
                            plink = "http://" + shopname + ".myshopify.com/products/" + plink;
                        entry.Link = plink.Replace(' ', '-');

                        if (entity.SelectToken("image") == null != null)
                            if (entity.SelectToken(_ImagName) != null)
                                entry.Imagelink = entity.SelectToken(_ImagName).ToString();

                        // Extra Fields
                        foreach (string extraFieldName in catalog.extraFieldNames)
                            if (extraFieldName != "")
                                entry.ExtraFields.Add(entity.SelectToken(extraFieldName) == null ? "" : entity.SelectToken(extraFieldName).ToString());
                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)


                    // Now get product options as children
                    JArray variants = (JArray)entity.SelectToken("variants");
                    foreach (JObject variant in variants)
                            Catalog.Entry childEntry = new Catalog.Entry();

                            // Standard Fields
                            childEntry.ProductID = variant.SelectToken(_PIdName).ToString();
                            childEntry.Price = variant.SelectToken(_PriceName).ToString();
                            childEntry.ParentProductID = entry.ProductID;
                            childEntry.StandardCode = variant.SelectToken(_CodeName).ToString();
                            childEntry.Inventory = variant.SelectToken(_InvName).ToString();
                            childEntry.ManufacturerID = variant.SelectToken(_Att2Name) == null ? "" : variant.SelectToken(_Att2Name).ToString();
                            childEntry.Visible = entry.Visible;
                            childEntry.Name = variant.SelectToken(_NameName) + " " + entry.Name;

                            // Extra Fields
                            foreach (string extraFieldName in catalog.extraFieldNames)
                                if (extraFieldName != "")

                        catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
                case DataGroup.Sales:
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                        string orderId = entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.OrderId)).ToString();
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                        DateTime temp = Convert.ToDateTime(entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.OrderDate)).ToString());
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                        string _OrderQuantityName = extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.OrderQuantity);

                        JArray Products = JArray.Parse(entity.SelectToken("line_items").ToString());
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                            Sale s = new Sale();

                            s.ProductID = product.SelectToken(_OrderProductIdName).ToString();
                            s.Quantity = product.SelectToken(_OrderQuantityName).ToString();
                            s.OrderID = orderId;
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                            s.Date = temp.ToShortDateString();

                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
                case DataGroup.Customers:
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                    Customer c = new Customer();
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                        c.AlternativeIDs = "";
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                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
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                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
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                        categories.AddCategory(entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Att1NameId)).ToString(), entity.SelectToken(extractor.Rules.Fields.GetName(FieldName.Att1NameName)).ToString());
                    catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
                case DataGroup.DepartmentNames:
                case DataGroup.All:
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("group");