コード例 #1
        private void save()
            short  x        = 0;
            string lSQL     = null;
            string lHeading = null;

            ADODB.Recordset rs = new ADODB.Recordset();
            rs = modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("DELETE FROM ftDataItem WHERE (ftDataItem_PersonID = " + modRecordSet.gPersonID + ") AND (ftDataItem_FieldName = '" + Strings.Replace(gField, "'", "''") + "')");
            modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("DELETE FROM ftData WHERE (ftData_PersonID = " + modRecordSet.gPersonID + ") AND (ftData_FieldName = '" + Strings.Replace(gField, "'", "''") + "')");
            for (x = 0; x <= lstFilter.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                if (lstFilter.GetItemChecked(x))
                    lHeading = lHeading + " OR ''" + gArray[GID.GetItemData(ref lstFilter, ref x), 1] + "''";
                    lSQL     = lSQL + " OR [field] = " + gArray[GID.GetItemData(ref lstFilter, ref x), 0];
                    modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("INSERT INTO ftDataItem (ftDataItem_PersonID, ftDataItem_FieldName, ftDataItem_ID) VALUES (" + modRecordSet.gPersonID + ", '" + Strings.Replace(gField, "'", "''") + "', " + gArray[GID.GetItemData(ref lstFilter, ref x), 0] + ")");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lSQL))
                lSQL     = "(" + Strings.Mid(lSQL, 4) + ")";
                lHeading = "(" + gHeading + " = " + Strings.Mid(lHeading, 4) + ")";
                modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("INSERT INTO ftData (ftData_PersonID, ftData_FieldName, ftData_SQL, ftData_Heading) VALUES (" + modRecordSet.gPersonID + ", '" + Strings.Replace(gField, "'", "''") + "', '" + Strings.Replace(lSQL, "'", "''") + "', '" + Strings.Replace(lHeading, "'", "''") + "')");
コード例 #2
        private void printBarcodePerson()
            Scripting.FileSystemObject fso     = new Scripting.FileSystemObject();
            Scripting.TextStream       lStream = default(Scripting.TextStream);
            string lString = null;

            string[] lArray = null;
            string   lText  = null;
            short    x      = 0;
            short    y      = 0;

            for (y = 0; y <= lstPerson.Items.Count - 1; y++)
                if (lstPerson.GetItemChecked(y))
                    rs.Filter = "PersonID = " + GID.GetItemData(ref lstPerson, ref y);
                    //rs.Filter = "PersonID = " & CLng(lstPerson(y))
                    lString = rs.Fields("label_textstream").Value;
                    lArray  = Strings.Split(lString, Constants.vbCrLf);
                    lString = "";

                    for (x = 0; x <= Information.UBound(lArray); x++)
                        lText   = lArray[x];
                        lString = lString + Constants.vbCrLf + doString(ref lText, ref rs);
                    lStream = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\\aa.txt", Scripting.IOMode.ForWriting, true);
                    lString = "C:\\AA.TXT";
                    modSpool.SpoolFile(lString, (lblPrinter.Text));
コード例 #3
        private void cmdUp_Click(System.Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs)
            short x  = 0;
            int   id = 0;

            if (lstItem.SelectedIndex > 0)
                id = Convert.ToInt32(lstItem.SelectedIndex);
                modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("UPDATE GRVTemplateItem SET GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_Order = " + lstItem.SelectedIndex + 1 + " WHERE (((GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateID)=" + Convert.ToInt32(cmbTemplate.SelectedIndex) + ") AND ((GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateListID)=" + Convert.ToInt32(lstItem.SelectedIndex - 1) + "));");
                modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("UPDATE GRVTemplateItem SET GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_Order = " + lstItem.SelectedIndex + " WHERE (((GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateID)=" + Convert.ToInt32(cmbTemplate.SelectedIndex) + ") AND ((GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateListID)=" + Convert.ToInt32(lstItem.SelectedIndex) + "));");
                for (x = lstItem.SelectedIndex + 1; x <= lstItem.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                    modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("UPDATE GRVTemplateItem SET GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_Order = " + x + 1 + " WHERE (((GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateID)=" + Convert.ToInt32(cmbTemplate.SelectedIndex) + ") AND ((GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateListID)=" + GID.GetItemData(ref lstItem, ref x) + "));");
                cmbTemplate_SelectedIndexChanged(cmbTemplate, new System.EventArgs());
                for (x = 0; x <= lstItem.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                    if (GID.GetItemData(ref lstItem, ref x) == id)
                        lstItem.SelectedIndex = x;
                        break;                         // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For
コード例 #4
        public void loadItem(ref int id)
            int x = 0;

            ADODB.Recordset rs     = default(ADODB.Recordset);
            int             lValue = 0;

            loading = true;
            gID     = id;
            rs      = modRecordSet.getRS(ref "SELECT DISPLAY_Person.PersonID, DISPLAY_Person.Person_Name, IIf([Person_SecurityBitPOS] Is Null,0,[Person_SecurityBitPOS]) AS [bit] From DISPLAY_Person WHERE (((DISPLAY_Person.PersonID)=" + id + "));");

            lValue = rs.Fields("bit").Value;

            _Label1_2.Text = "Point Of Sale Access Rights for '" + rs.Fields("Person_Name").Value + "'";
            rs             = modRecordSet.getRS(ref "SELECT SecurityBit.SecurityBit_Value, SecurityBit.SecurityBit_Name From SecurityBit Where (((SecurityBit.SecurityBit_Type) = 0)) ORDER BY SecurityBit.SecurityBitID;");

            int m = 0;

            while (!(rs.EOF))
                m = lstSecurity.Items.Add(new LBI(rs.Fields("SecurityBit_Name").Value, rs.Fields("SecurityBit_Value").Value));

                if (rs.Fields("SecurityBit_Value").Value & lValue)
                    lstSecurity.SetItemChecked(m, true);
                    lstSecurity.SetItemChecked(m, false);


            rs = modRecordSet.getRS(ref "SELECT Channel.ChannelID, Channel.Channel_Name FROM Channel ORDER BY Channel.ChannelID;");
            while (!(rs.EOF))
                lstChannel.Items.Add(new LBI(rs.Fields("Channel_Name").Value, rs.Fields("ChannelID").Value));

            rs = modRecordSet.getRS(ref "SELECT PersonChannelLnk.PersonChannelLnk_ChannelID From PersonChannelLnk WHERE (((PersonChannelLnk.PersonChannelLnk_PersonID)=" + gID + "));");
            while (!(rs.EOF))
                for (x = 0; x <= lstChannel.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                    if (GID.GetItemData(ref lstChannel, ref x) == rs.Fields("PersonChannelLnk_ChannelID").Value)
                        lstChannel.SetItemChecked(x, true);

            loading = false;

コード例 #5
        private void lstFilter_ItemCheck(System.Object eventSender, System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs eventArgs)
            if (loading)
            short x = 0;

            x = GID.GetItemData(ref lstFilter, ref lstFilter.SelectedIndex);
            if (Convert.ToBoolean(gArray[x, 2]) != lstFilter.GetItemChecked(eventArgs.Index))
                gArray[x, 2] = Convert.ToString(lstFilter.GetItemChecked(lstFilter.SelectedIndex));
コード例 #6
        private void frmPOSSecurity_FormClosed(System.Object eventSender, System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs eventArgs)
            short x   = 0;
            int   bit = 0;

            for (x = 0; x <= this.lstSecurity.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                if (lstSecurity.GetItemChecked(x))
                    bit = bit + GID.GetItemData(ref lstSecurity, ref x);
            modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("UPDATE Person SET Person.Person_SecurityBitPOS = " + bit + " WHERE (((Person.PersonID)=" + gID + "));");
コード例 #7
        private void cmdProceed_Click(System.Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs)
            string sql = null;

            ADODB.Recordset rs = default(ADODB.Recordset);
            if (lstSupplier.SelectedIndex != -1)
                sql = "INSERT INTO PurchaseOrder ( PurchaseOrder_SupplierID, PurchaseOrder_DayEndID, PurchaseOrder_PersonID, PurchaseOrder_DateCreated, PurchaseOrder_PurchaseOrderStatusID, PurchaseOrder_Reference, PurchaseOrder_AttentionLine ) ";
                sql = sql + "SELECT " + GID.GetItemData(ref this.lstSupplier, ref lstSupplier.SelectedIndex) + ", Company.Company_DayEndID, " + modRecordSet.gPersonID + ", Now(), 1, '" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.Now, "yyyy mmm dd") + " (Blind)', '' FROM Company;";
                modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute(sql, , ADODB.ExecuteOptionEnum.adExecuteNoRecords);
                rs = modRecordSet.getRS(ref "SELECT Max(PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderID) AS id FROM PurchaseOrder;");
コード例 #8
        private void doAction(ref bool ltype)
            short x = 0;

            if (ltype)
                modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("DELETE GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateID, GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateListID From GRVTemplateItem WHERE (((GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateID)=" + GID.GetItemData(ref cmbTemplate, ref cmbTemplate.SelectedIndex) + ") AND ((GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateListID)=" + Convert.ToInt32(lstItem.SelectedIndex) + "));");
                for (x = 0; x <= lstItem.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                    if (GID.GetItemData(ref lstItem, ref x) == Convert.ToInt32(lstTemplate.SelectedIndex))
                        lstItem.SelectedIndex = x;
                modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("INSERT INTO GRVTemplateItem ( GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateID, GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateListID, GRVTemplateItem_Order ) VALUES (" + Convert.ToInt32(cmbTemplate.SelectedIndex) + ", " + GID.GetItemData(ref lstTemplate, ref lstTemplate.SelectedIndex) + ", " + lstItem.Items.Count + 1 + ");");
            cmbTemplate_SelectedIndexChanged(cmbTemplate, new System.EventArgs());
コード例 #9
        private void printA4Person()
            decimal mm           = default(decimal);
            int     lline        = 0;
            int     i            = 0;
            int     lTop         = 0;
            int     lHeight      = 0;
            int     gOffsetLabel = 0;

            System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument Printer = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();
            System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument lObject = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();
            int y = 0;

            ADODB.Recordset rsData     = default(ADODB.Recordset);
            int             currentPic = 0;
            int             twipsToMM  = 0;
            int             lLeft      = 0;
            int             lWidth     = 0;
            short           lCol       = 0;
            short           lCols      = 0;
            short           lRows      = 0;
            short           lrow       = 0;

            //Printer.ScaleMode = ScaleModeConstants.vbTwips 'twips
            //twipsToMM = Printer.ScaleWidth
            //Printer.ScaleMode = ScaleModeConstants.vbMillimeters 'mm
            //twipsToMM = twipsToMM / Printer.ScaleWidth
            //Printer.ScaleMode = ScaleModeConstants.vbTwips 'twips
            lObject = Printer;

            string lString1 = null;
            string lString2 = null;


            rsData = modRecordSet.getRS(ref "SELECT * FROM labelItem INNER JOIN label ON labelItem.labelItem_LabelID = label.labelID Where (((label.labelID) = " + rs.Fields("LabelID").Value + ")) ORDER BY label.labelID, labelItem.labelItem_Line;");

            //lLeft = (lObject.Width - (lWidth)) / 2 + (gOffsetLabel * twipsToMM)
            lLeft = 0;
            if (rsData.Fields("Label_Rotate").Value)
                lWidth  = rsData.Fields("label_Height").Value *twipsToMM;
                lHeight = rsData.Fields("label_Width").Value *twipsToMM;
                lWidth  = rsData.Fields("label_width").Value *twipsToMM;
                lHeight = rsData.Fields("label_Height").Value *twipsToMM;
            lTop = rsData.Fields("label_Top").Value *twipsToMM;
            //lCols = CDec(Printer.Width / (lWidth + 60)) - 0.49999
            //lRows = CDec(Printer.Height / (lHeight + 60)) - 0.49999
            for (i = 0; i <= lstPerson.Items.Count - 1; i++)
                if (lstPerson.GetItemChecked(i))
                    rs.Filter = "PersonID=" + GID.GetItemData(ref lstPerson, ref i);
                    y = 0;

                    if (y < 0)
                        y = 0;
                    //lObject.FontName = "Tahoma"
                    if (rsData.RecordCount)
                        lline = rsData.Fields("labelItem_Line").Value;

                        lLeft = lCol * (lWidth + 60);
                        //lObject.CurrentY = lrow * (lHeight + 60)
                        //y = lObject.CurrentY
                        //lObject.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(Me.BackColor)
                        //lObject.Line((lLeft, y) - (lLeft, y + 100))
                        //lObject.Line((lLeft, y) - (lLeft + 100, y))
                        //lObject.Line((lLeft + lWidth, y) - (lLeft + lWidth - 100, y))
                        //lObject.Line((lLeft + lWidth, y) - (lLeft + lWidth, y + 100))
                        //lObject.Line((lLeft + lWidth, lHeight + y) - (lLeft + lWidth, lHeight + y - 100))
                        //lObject.Line((lLeft + lWidth, lHeight + y) - (lLeft + lWidth - 100, lHeight + y))
                        //lObject.Line((lLeft, lHeight + y) - (lLeft, lHeight + y - 100))
                        //lObject.Line((lLeft, lHeight + y) - (lLeft + 100, lHeight + y))
                        //lObject.CurrentY = lrow * (lHeight + 60) + lTop
                        //lObject.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Black)
                        //y = lObject.CurrentY + 10
                        while (!(rsData.EOF))
                            if (lline != rsData.Fields("labelItem_Line").Value)
                                //		y = lObject.CurrentY + 10
                                lline = rsData.Fields("labelItem_Line").Value;

                            switch (Strings.LCase(Strings.Trim(rsData.Fields("labelItem_Field").Value)))
                            case "blank":

                            //			lObject.FontSize = rsData.Fields("labelItem_Size").Value
                            //				lObject.FontBold = rsData.Fields("labelItem_Bold").Value
                            //'					lObject.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.White)
                            //					lObject.Print(" ")
                            case "line":

                            //					lObject.Line((15 + lLeft, y) - (lLeft + lWidth, y), System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Black))
                            case "code":
                                switch (rsData.Fields("labelItem_Align").Value)
                                case 1:

                                //printBarcode(lObject, rs.Fields("Person_QuickAccess").Value, lLeft + 90, y)
                                case 2:

                                //printBarcode(lObject, rs.Fields("Person_QuickAccess").Value, lLeft + 90, y)
                                    //printBarcode(lObject, rs.Fields("Person_QuickAccess").Value, lLeft, y, lWidth)

                                //lObject.FontSize = rsData.Fields("labelItem_Size").Value
                                //lObject.FontBold = rsData.Fields("labelItem_Bold").Value
                                //lObject.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.White)
                                mm       = rsData.Fields("labelItem_Field").Value;
                                lString1 = rs.Fields(mm).Value;
                                switch (rsData.Fields("labelItem_Align").Value)
                                case 1:
                                //lObject.PSet(New Point[](lLeft + 90, y))
                                //lObject.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Black)

                                case 2:
                                //lObject.PSet(New Point[](lLeft + lWidth - lObject.TextWidth(lString1) - 90, y))
                                //lObject.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Black)

                                case 3:
                                    splitStringA4(ref lObject, ref lWidth, ref lString1, ref lString2);
                                    //lObject.PSet(New Point[](CShort(lLeft + (lWidth - lObject.TextWidth(lString1)) / 2), y))
                                    //lObject.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Black)
                                    //y = lObject.CurrentY + 10
                                    //lObject.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.White)
                                    lString1 = lString2;

                                //lObject.PSet(New Point[](CShort(lLeft + (lWidth - lObject.TextWidth(lString1)) / 2), y))
                                //lObject.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Black)
                                    //lObject.PSet(New Point[](CShort(lLeft + (lWidth - lObject.TextWidth(lString1)) / 2), y))
                                    //lObject.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Black)
                        lCol = lCol + 1;
                        if (lCol >= lCols)
                            lCol = 0;
                            lrow = lrow + 1;
                            //If (lrow + 1) * lHeight > lObject.Height Then
                            //lrow = -1
                            //End If
コード例 #10
        private string getSQL()
            string sql     = null;
            bool   gl      = false;
            string lWhere  = null;
            short  x       = 0;
            string lString = null;

            //If 1 = 1 Then lWhere = lWhere & " AND (Sale.Sale_SaleChk=False)"
            if (chkOutCon.CheckState)
                lWhere = lWhere + " AND (Consignment_CompleteSaleID Is Null)";
            if (chkNoCon.CheckState)
                lWhere = lWhere + " AND (ConsignmentID Is Null)";

            if (chkRevoke.CheckState)
                lWhere = lWhere + " AND (SaleItem_Revoke=True)";
            if (chkReversal.CheckState)
                lWhere = lWhere + " AND (SaleItem_Reversal=True)";
            if (chkFC.CheckState)
                lWhere = lWhere + " AND (Sale_PaymentType=8)";

            lString = "";
            for (x = 0; x <= this.lstChannel.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                if (this.lstChannel.GetItemChecked(x))
                    lString = lString + " OR Sale_ChannelID=" + GID.GetItemData(ref lstChannel, ref x);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lString))
                lString = " AND (" + Strings.Mid(lString, 4) + ")";
                lWhere  = lWhere + lString;

            lString = "";
            for (x = 0; x <= this.lstPerson.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                if (this.lstPerson.GetItemChecked(x))
                    lString = lString + " OR Sale_PersonID=" + GID.GetItemData(ref lstPerson, ref x);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lString))
                lString = " AND (" + Strings.Mid(lString, 4) + ")";
                lWhere  = lWhere + lString;

            lString = "";
            for (x = 0; x <= this.lstPOS.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                if (this.lstPOS.GetItemChecked(x))
                    lString = lString + " OR Sale_POSID=" + GID.GetItemData(ref lstPOS, ref x);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lString))
                lString = " AND (" + Strings.Mid(lString, 4) + ")";
                lWhere  = lWhere + lString;

            lString = "";
            gl      = false;
            for (x = 0; x <= this.lstSaleref.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                if (this.lstSaleref.GetItemChecked(x))
                    if (x == 0)
                        lString = lString + " Sale_CardRef <>''";
                        gl      = true;
                    else if (x == 1)
                        if (gl == true)
                            lString = lString + " OR Sale_OrderRef <>''";
                            lString = lString + " Sale_OrderRef <>''";
                            gl      = true;
                    else if (x == 2)
                        if (gl == true)
                            lString = lString + " OR Sale_SerialRef <>''";
                            lString = lString + " Sale_SerialRef <>''";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lString))
                lString = " AND (" + Strings.Mid(lString, 2) + ")";
                lWhere  = lWhere + lString;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lWhere))
                lWhere = " WHERE " + Strings.Mid(lWhere, 6);

            //FROM OLD BO code               sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Sale.*, aConsignment.*, aCustomer.Customer_InvoiceName, aChannel.Channel_Name, [Person_FirstName] & ' ' & [Person_LastName] AS PersonName,aPerson1.Person_Comm FROM SaleItem INNER JOIN ((aChannel INNER JOIN (aCustomer RIGHT JOIN (CustomerTransaction RIGHT JOIN (aConsignment RIGHT JOIN Sale ON aConsignment.Consignment_SaleID = Sale.SaleID) ON CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_ReferenceID = Sale.SaleID) ON aCustomer.CustomerID = CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_CustomerID) ON aChannel.ChannelID = Sale.Sale_ChannelID) INNER JOIN aPerson1 ON Sale.Sale_PersonID = aPerson1.PersonID) ON SaleItem.SaleItem_SaleID = Sale.SaleID "
            //added new Mgr field below      sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Sale.*, aConsignment.*, aCustomer.Customer_InvoiceName, aChannel.Channel_Name, [Person_FirstName] & ' ' & [Person_LastName] AS PersonName,aPerson.Person_Comm FROM SaleItem INNER JOIN ((aChannel INNER JOIN (aCustomer RIGHT JOIN (CustomerTransaction RIGHT JOIN (aConsignment RIGHT JOIN Sale ON aConsignment.Consignment_SaleID = Sale.SaleID) ON CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_ReferenceID = Sale.SaleID) ON aCustomer.CustomerID = CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_CustomerID) ON aChannel.ChannelID = Sale.Sale_ChannelID) INNER JOIN aPerson ON Sale.Sale_PersonID = aPerson.PersonID) ON SaleItem.SaleItem_SaleID = Sale.SaleID "
            //query copy of report SELECT Sale.*, aConsignment.*, aCustomer.Customer_InvoiceName, aChannel.Channel_Name, [Person_FirstName] & ' ' & [Person_LastName] AS PersonName, aPerson.Person_Comm FROM SaleItem INNER JOIN ((aChannel INNER JOIN (aCustomer RIGHT JOIN (CustomerTransaction RIGHT JOIN (aConsignment RIGHT JOIN Sale ON aConsignment.Consignment_SaleID = Sale.SaleID) ON CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_ReferenceID = Sale.SaleID) ON aCustomer.CustomerID = CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_CustomerID) ON aChannel.ChannelID = Sale.Sale_ChannelID) INNER JOIN aPerson ON Sale.Sale_PersonID = aPerson.PersonID) ON SaleItem.SaleItem_SaleID = Sale.SaleID WHERE (((Sale.Sale_PosID)=12) AND ((SaleItem.SaleItem_Reversal)=True));

            if (chkOutCon.CheckState)
                //sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Sale.*, aConsignment.*, aCustomer.Customer_InvoiceName, aChannel.Channel_Name, aPerson.Person_FirstName & ' ' & aPerson.Person_LastName AS PersonName, aPerson.Person_Comm, aPerson1.Person_FirstName & ' ' & aPerson1.Person_LastName AS MgrName FROM (SaleItem INNER JOIN ((aChannel INNER JOIN (aCustomer RIGHT JOIN (CustomerTransaction RIGHT JOIN (aConsignment INNER JOIN Sale ON aConsignment.Consignment_SaleID = Sale.SaleID) ON CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_ReferenceID = Sale.SaleID) ON aCustomer.CustomerID = CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_CustomerID) ON aChannel.ChannelID = Sale.Sale_ChannelID) INNER JOIN aPerson ON Sale.Sale_PersonID = aPerson.PersonID) ON SaleItem.SaleItem_SaleID = Sale.SaleID) LEFT JOIN aPerson1 ON Sale.Sale_ManagerID = aPerson1.PersonID "
                sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Sale.*, aConsignment.*, aCustomer.Customer_InvoiceName, aChannel.Channel_Name, aPerson.Person_FirstName & ' ' & aPerson.Person_LastName AS PersonName, aPerson.Person_Comm, aPerson1.Person_FirstName & ' ' & aPerson1.Person_LastName AS MgrName, aPOS1.POS_Name FROM ((SaleItem INNER JOIN ((aChannel INNER JOIN (aCustomer RIGHT JOIN (CustomerTransaction RIGHT JOIN (aConsignment INNER JOIN Sale ON aConsignment.Consignment_SaleID = Sale.SaleID) ON CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_ReferenceID = Sale.SaleID) ON aCustomer.CustomerID = CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_CustomerID) ON aChannel.ChannelID = Sale.Sale_ChannelID) INNER JOIN aPerson ON Sale.Sale_PersonID = aPerson.PersonID) ON SaleItem.SaleItem_SaleID = Sale.SaleID) LEFT JOIN aPerson1 ON Sale.Sale_ManagerID = aPerson1.PersonID) INNER JOIN aPOS1 ON Sale.Sale_PosID = aPOS1.POSID ";
                //sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Sale.*, aConsignment.*, aCustomer.Customer_InvoiceName, aChannel.Channel_Name, aPerson.Person_FirstName & ' ' & aPerson.Person_LastName AS PersonName, aPerson.Person_Comm, aPerson1.Person_FirstName & ' ' & aPerson1.Person_LastName AS MgrName FROM (SaleItem RIGHT JOIN ((aChannel INNER JOIN (aCustomer RIGHT JOIN (CustomerTransaction RIGHT JOIN (aConsignment RIGHT JOIN Sale ON aConsignment.Consignment_SaleID = Sale.SaleID) ON CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_ReferenceID = Sale.SaleID) ON aCustomer.CustomerID = CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_CustomerID) ON aChannel.ChannelID = Sale.Sale_ChannelID) INNER JOIN aPerson ON Sale.Sale_PersonID = aPerson.PersonID) ON SaleItem.SaleItem_SaleID = Sale.SaleID) LEFT JOIN aPerson1 ON Sale.Sale_ManagerID = aPerson1.PersonID "
                sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Sale.*, aConsignment.*, aCustomer.Customer_InvoiceName, aChannel.Channel_Name, aPerson.Person_FirstName & ' ' & aPerson.Person_LastName AS PersonName, aPerson.Person_Comm, aPerson1.Person_FirstName & ' ' & aPerson1.Person_LastName AS MgrName, aPOS1.POS_Name FROM ((SaleItem RIGHT JOIN ((aChannel INNER JOIN (aCustomer RIGHT JOIN (CustomerTransaction RIGHT JOIN (aConsignment RIGHT JOIN Sale ON aConsignment.Consignment_SaleID = Sale.SaleID) ON CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_ReferenceID = Sale.SaleID) ON aCustomer.CustomerID = CustomerTransaction.CustomerTransaction_CustomerID) ON aChannel.ChannelID = Sale.Sale_ChannelID) INNER JOIN aPerson ON Sale.Sale_PersonID = aPerson.PersonID) ON SaleItem.SaleItem_SaleID = Sale.SaleID) LEFT JOIN aPerson1 ON Sale.Sale_ManagerID = aPerson1.PersonID) INNER JOIN aPOS1 ON Sale.Sale_PosID = aPOS1.POSID ";

            sql = sql + lWhere;
コード例 #11
        private void doKeyPress(ref short KeyAscii)
            int   lc = 0;
            short x  = 0;

            switch (KeyAscii)
            case 27:
                KeyAscii = 0;

            case 13:
                KeyAscii = 0;

                if (lstStockItem.SelectedIndex != -1)
                    lc = CountSelected(ref lstStockItem.Items.Count);
                    if (lc > 0)
                        if (Interaction.MsgBox("Changes you are about to make will affect : " + lc + " record(s), Do you want to continue?", MsgBoxStyle.ApplicationModal + MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "4POS Global Update") == MsgBoxResult.Yes)
                            modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("DELETE * FROM gGlobalUpdate;");
                            for (x = 0; x <= lstStockItem.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                                if (lstStockItem.GetSelected(x) == true)
                                    modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("INSERT INTO gGlobalUpdate(gStockItemID) VALUES (" + GID.GetItemData(ref lstStockItem, ref x) + ")");
                            modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("DELETE * FROM gGlobalUpdate;");
                        modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("DELETE * FROM gGlobalUpdate;");


            case 65:
            case 97:
                for (x = 0; x <= lstStockItem.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                    lstStockItem.SetSelected(x, true);

コード例 #12
        private void reorder()
            short x = 0;

            for (x = 0; x <= lstItem.Items.Count - 1; x++)
                modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("UPDATE GRVTemplateItem SET GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_Order = " + x + 1 + " WHERE (((GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateID)=" + Convert.ToInt32(cmbTemplate.SelectedIndex) + ") AND ((GRVTemplateItem.GRVTemplateItem_GRVTemplateListID)=" + GID.GetItemData(ref lstItem, ref x) + "));");
コード例 #13
        private void cmdNext_Click(System.Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs)
            //    On Local Error Resume Next
            string sql = null;

            ADODB.Recordset rs = default(ADODB.Recordset);
            switch (gMode)
            case mdSupplier:
                rs                = modRecordSet.getRS(ref "SELECT * FROM Supplier WHERE SupplierID = " + GID.GetItemData(ref lstSupplier, ref lstSupplier.SelectedIndex));
                lblName.Text      = "";
                lblRepName.Text   = "";
                lblRepNumber.Text = "";

                gSupplierID       = rs.Fields("SupplierID").Value;
                lblName.Text      = rs.Fields("Supplier_Name").Value;
                lblRepName.Text   = rs.Fields("Supplier_RepresentativeName").Value + "";
                lblRepNumber.Text = rs.Fields("Supplier_RepresentativeNumber").Value + "";

                doMode(ref mdProcess);

            case mdProcess:
