private void CompleteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { confirmer.Text = "Import products confirm"; confirmer.ShowDialog(); if (confirmer.result == _401UC.iNotifierOKCancel.Result.OK) { foreach (UIElement child in reviewPanel.Children) { _401UC.ImportUnit importUnit = child as _401UC.ImportUnit; foreach (Product prod in DataField.Instance.products) { if (prod.nameProduct == importUnit.productNameTbl.Text) { prod.storageQuantity += Convert.ToInt32(importUnit.ProductQuantity); } } } notify.Text = "Import success !!"; notify.ShowDialog(); searchProductNameTxb.Text = ""; importQuantityTxb.Text = ""; reviewPanel.Children.RemoveRange(0, reviewPanel.Children.Count); this.Hide(); } }
private void ApplyButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (searchProductNameTxb.Text != "" && importQuantityTxb.Text != "") { foreach (Product product in DataField.Instance.products) { if (searchProductNameTxb.Text == product.nameProduct) { if (!InputTester.IsANumber(importQuantityTxb.Text, 4)) { notify.Text = "Quantity Textbox inserted incorrect format"; notify.ShowDialog(); return; } #region Import Unit receive data to create _401UC.ImportUnit unit = new _401UC.ImportUnit(); unit.Margin = new Thickness(15, 20, 15, 20); BitmapImage bimage = new BitmapImage(); bimage.BeginInit(); bimage.UriSource = new Uri(product.imagePath, UriKind.Relative); bimage.EndInit(); unit.productImg.Source = bimage; unit.productNameTbl.Text = searchProductNameTxb.Text; unit.productQuantityTbl.Text = importQuantityTxb.Text; unit.productPriceTbl.Text = product.exportPrice.ToString(); unit.border.ToolTip = (Convert.ToInt32(unit.productQuantityTbl.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(unit.productPriceTbl.Text)); unit.RemoveUnitBtn.Tag = reviewPanel.Children.Count.ToString(); unit.RemoveUnitBtn.Click += WrapUnitCloseButton_Click; #endregion reviewPanel.Children.Add(unit); searchProductNameTxb.Text = ""; importQuantityTxb.Text = ""; totalTbl.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(totalTbl.Text) + (Convert.ToInt32(unit.productQuantityTbl.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(unit.productPriceTbl.Text))).ToString(); return; } } notify.Text = "Incorrect Product's Name"; notify.ShowDialog(); searchProductNameTxb.Text = ""; importQuantityTxb.Text = ""; } else { notify.Text = "Please fill all the insert boxes"; notify.ShowDialog(); } }
private void WrapUnitCloseButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Button unit = sender as Button; int index = Convert.ToInt32(unit.Tag); reviewPanel.Children.RemoveAt(index); foreach (UIElement child in reviewPanel.Children) { _401UC.ImportUnit importUnit = child as _401UC.ImportUnit; //tag++ per add. Insert 1, 2, 3, 4,... //if remove a child with tag not at the end (exp: 2) //Children: 1, 3, 4,... //the child with tag 3 will -1 to tag 2 to correct the index if (Convert.ToInt32(importUnit.RemoveUnitBtn.Tag) > index) { importUnit.RemoveUnitBtn.Tag = (Convert.ToInt32(importUnit.RemoveUnitBtn.Tag) - 1).ToString(); } } }
private void CompleteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { confirmer.Text = "Payment confirm"; confirmer.ShowDialog(); if (confirmer.result == _401UC.iNotifierOKCancel.Result.OK) { foreach (UIElement child in reviewPanel.Children) { _401UC.ImportUnit importUnit = child as _401UC.ImportUnit; //Check all the Review panel children if there is any not enough product in storage foreach (Product prod in DataField.Instance.products) { if (prod.nameProduct == importUnit.productNameTbl.Text) { if (prod.storageQuantity < Convert.ToInt32(importUnit.ProductQuantity)) { notify.Text = "Storage Quantity is not enough"; notify.ShowDialog(); return; } } } } foreach (UIElement child in reviewPanel.Children) { _401UC.ImportUnit importUnit = child as _401UC.ImportUnit; foreach (Product prod in DataField.Instance.products) { if (prod.nameProduct == importUnit.productNameTbl.Text) { prod.storageQuantity -= Convert.ToInt32(importUnit.ProductQuantity); prod.soldQuantity += Convert.ToInt32(importUnit.ProductQuantity); DataField.Instance.billDetails.Add(new BillDetail() { idBillDetail = DataField.Instance.billDetails.Count, idBill = DataField.Instance.bills.Count, idProduct = prod.idProduct, priceProduct = prod.exportPrice, quantityProduct = Convert.ToInt32(importUnit.ProductQuantity), totalPrice = prod.exportPrice * Convert.ToInt32(importUnit.ProductQuantity) }); } } } DataField.Instance.bills.Add(new Bill() { idBill = DataField.Instance.bills.Count, idStaff = DataField.Instance.idCurrentAccountLogin, exportDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), totalBill = Convert.ToInt32(totalTbl.Text) }); notify.Text = "Payment success !!"; notify.ShowDialog(); searchProductNameTxb.Text = ""; importQuantityTxb.Text = ""; totalTbl.Text = "0"; reviewPanel.Children.RemoveRange(0, reviewPanel.Children.Count); this.Hide(); } }