private void LoadElements(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { while (reader.LocalName != "photo") { switch (reader.LocalName) { case "owner": ParseOwner(reader); break; case "title": Title = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); break; case "description": Description = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); break; case "visibility": ParseVisibility(reader); break; case "permissions": ParsePermissions(reader); break; case "editability": ParseEditability(reader); break; case "publiceditability": ParsePublicEditability(reader); break; case "dates": ParseDates(reader); break; case "usage": ParseUsage(reader); break; case "comments": CommentsCount = reader.ReadElementContentAsInt(); break; case "notes": ParseNotes(reader); break; case "tags": ParseTags(reader); break; case "urls": ParseUrls(reader); break; case "location": Location = new PlaceInfo(); ((IFlickrParsable)Location).Load(reader); break; case "geoperms": GeoPermissions = new GeoPermissions(); ((IFlickrParsable)GeoPermissions).Load(reader); break; case "video": VideoInfo = new VideoInfo(); ((IFlickrParsable)VideoInfo).Load(reader); break; case "people": HasPeople = reader.GetAttribute("haspeople") == "1"; reader.Skip(); break; case "path_alias": PathAlias = reader.Value; break; default: Helper.CheckParsingException(reader); reader.Skip(); break; } } reader.Skip(); }
/// <summary> /// Protected method that does the actual initialization of the Photo instance. Should be called by subclasses of the Photo class. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">The reader containing the XML to be parsed.</param> /// <param name="allowExtraAtrributes">Wheither to allow unknown extra attributes. In debug builds will throw an exception if this parameter is false and an unknown attribute is found.</param> protected void Load(XmlReader reader, bool allowExtraAtrributes) { if (reader.LocalName != "photo") { Helper.CheckParsingException(reader); } while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { switch (reader.LocalName) { case "id": PhotoId = reader.Value; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.Value)) { reader.Skip(); return; } break; case "owner": UserId = reader.Value; break; case "secret": Secret = reader.Value; break; case "server": Server = reader.Value; break; case "farm": Farm = reader.Value; break; case "title": Title = reader.Value; break; case "ispublic": IsPublic = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "isfamily": IsFamily = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "isfriend": IsFriend = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "tags": foreach (string tag in reader.Value.Split(' ')) { Tags.Add(tag); } break; case "datetaken": // For example : 2007-11-04 08:55:18 DateTaken = Helper.ParseDateWithGranularity(reader.Value); break; case "datetakengranularity": break; case "dateupload": DateUploaded = Helper.UnixTimestampToDate(reader.Value); break; case "license": License = (LicenseType)int.Parse(reader.Value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case "ownername": OwnerName = reader.Value; break; case "lastupdate": LastUpdated = Helper.UnixTimestampToDate(reader.Value); break; case "originalformat": OriginalFormat = reader.Value; break; case "originalsecret": OriginalSecret = reader.Value; break; case "place_id": PlaceId = reader.Value; break; case "woeid": WoeId = reader.Value; break; case "accuracy": Accuracy = (GeoAccuracy)reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "latitude": Latitude = reader.ReadContentAsDouble(); break; case "longitude": Longitude = reader.ReadContentAsDouble(); break; case "machine_tags": MachineTags = reader.Value; break; case "o_width": OriginalWidth = int.Parse(reader.Value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case "o_height": OriginalHeight = int.Parse(reader.Value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case "views": Views = int.Parse(reader.Value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case "media": Media = reader.Value; break; case "media_status": MediaStatus = reader.Value; break; case "iconserver": IconServer = reader.Value; break; case "iconfarm": IconFarm = reader.Value; break; case "username": OwnerName = reader.Value; break; case "isprimary": case "is_primary": break; case "pathalias": case "path_alias": PathAlias = reader.Value; break; case "url_sq": urlSquare = reader.Value; break; case "width_sq": SquareThumbnailWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_sq": SquareThumbnailHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_t": urlThumbnail = reader.Value; break; case "width_t": ThumbnailWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_t": ThumbnailHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_q": urlLargeSquare = reader.Value; break; case "width_q": LargeSquareThumbnailWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_q": LargeSquareThumbnailHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_n": urlSmall320 = reader.Value; break; case "width_n": Small320Width = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_n": Small320Height = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_s": urlSmall = reader.Value; break; case "width_s": SmallWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_s": SmallHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_m": urlMedium = reader.Value; break; case "width_m": MediumWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_m": MediumHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_c": urlMedium800 = reader.Value; break; case "width_c": Medium800Width = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_c": Medium800Height = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_l": urlLarge = reader.Value; break; case "width_l": LargeWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_l": LargeHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_z": urlMedium640 = reader.Value; break; case "width_z": Medium640Width = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_z": Medium640Height = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_o": urlOriginal = reader.Value; break; case "width_o": OriginalWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_o": OriginalHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_h": Large1600Url = reader.Value; break; case "width_h": Large1600Width = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_h": Large1600Height = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_k": Large2048Url = reader.Value; break; case "width_k": Large2048Width = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_k": Large2048Height = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "dateadded": DateAddedToGroup = Helper.UnixTimestampToDate(reader.Value); break; case "date_faved": DateFavorited = Helper.UnixTimestampToDate(reader.Value); break; case "has_comment": // Gallery photos return this, but we ignore it and set GalleryPhoto.Comment instead. break; case "can_comment": CanComment = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "can_addmeta": CanAddMeta = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "can_blog": CanBlog = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "can_print": CanPrint = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "can_download": CanDownload = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "can_share": CanShare = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "geo_is_family": if (GeoPermissions == null) { GeoPermissions = new GeoPermissions(); GeoPermissions.PhotoId = PhotoId; } GeoPermissions.IsFamily = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "geo_is_friend": if (GeoPermissions == null) { GeoPermissions = new GeoPermissions(); GeoPermissions.PhotoId = PhotoId; } GeoPermissions.IsFriend = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "geo_is_public": if (GeoPermissions == null) { GeoPermissions = new GeoPermissions(); GeoPermissions.PhotoId = PhotoId; } GeoPermissions.IsPublic = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "geo_is_contact": if (GeoPermissions == null) { GeoPermissions = new GeoPermissions(); GeoPermissions.PhotoId = PhotoId; } GeoPermissions.IsContact = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "context": GeoContext = (GeoContext)reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "rotation": Rotation = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; default: if (!allowExtraAtrributes) { Helper.CheckParsingException(reader); } break; } } reader.Read(); if (reader.LocalName == "description") { Description = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); } }
/// <summary> /// Protected method that does the actual initialization of the Photo instance. Should be called by subclasses of the Photo class. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">The reader containing the XML to be parsed.</param> /// <param name="allowExtraAtrributes">Wheither to allow unknown extra attributes. In debug builds will throw an exception if this parameter is false and an unknown attribute is found.</param> protected void Load(XmlReader reader, bool allowExtraAtrributes) { if (reader.LocalName != "photo") Helper.CheckParsingException(reader); while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { switch (reader.LocalName) { case "id": PhotoId = reader.Value; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.Value)) { reader.Skip(); return; } break; case "owner": UserId = reader.Value; break; case "secret": Secret = reader.Value; break; case "server": Server = reader.Value; break; case "farm": Farm = reader.Value; break; case "title": Title = reader.Value; break; case "ispublic": IsPublic = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "isfamily": IsFamily = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "isfriend": IsFriend = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "tags": foreach (string tag in reader.Value.Split(' ')) { Tags.Add(tag); } break; case "datetaken": // For example : 2007-11-04 08:55:18 DateTaken = Helper.ParseDateWithGranularity(reader.Value); break; case "datetakengranularity": break; case "dateupload": DateUploaded = Helper.UnixTimestampToDate(reader.Value); break; case "license": License = (LicenseType)int.Parse(reader.Value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case "ownername": OwnerName = reader.Value; break; case "lastupdate": LastUpdated = Helper.UnixTimestampToDate(reader.Value); break; case "originalformat": OriginalFormat = reader.Value; break; case "originalsecret": OriginalSecret = reader.Value; break; case "place_id": PlaceId = reader.Value; break; case "woeid": WoeId = reader.Value; break; case "accuracy": Accuracy = (GeoAccuracy)reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "latitude": Latitude = reader.ReadContentAsDouble(); break; case "longitude": Longitude = reader.ReadContentAsDouble(); break; case "machine_tags": MachineTags = reader.Value; break; case "o_width": OriginalWidth = int.Parse(reader.Value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case "o_height": OriginalHeight = int.Parse(reader.Value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case "views": Views = int.Parse(reader.Value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case "media": Media = reader.Value; break; case "media_status": MediaStatus = reader.Value; break; case "iconserver": IconServer = reader.Value; break; case "iconfarm": IconFarm = reader.Value; break; case "username": OwnerName = reader.Value; break; case "isprimary": case "is_primary": break; case "pathalias": case "path_alias": PathAlias = reader.Value; break; case "url_sq": urlSquare = reader.Value; break; case "width_sq": SquareThumbnailWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_sq": SquareThumbnailHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_t": urlThumbnail = reader.Value; break; case "width_t": ThumbnailWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_t": ThumbnailHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_q": urlLargeSquare = reader.Value; break; case "width_q": LargeSquareThumbnailWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_q": LargeSquareThumbnailHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_n": urlSmall320 = reader.Value; break; case "width_n": Small320Width = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_n": Small320Height = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_s": urlSmall = reader.Value; break; case "width_s": SmallWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_s": SmallHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_m": urlMedium = reader.Value; break; case "width_m": MediumWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_m": MediumHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_c": urlMedium800 = reader.Value; break; case "width_c": Medium800Width = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_c": Medium800Height = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_l": urlLarge = reader.Value; break; case "width_l": LargeWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_l": LargeHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_z": urlMedium640 = reader.Value; break; case "width_z": Medium640Width = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_z": Medium640Height = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_o": urlOriginal = reader.Value; break; case "width_o": OriginalWidth = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_o": OriginalHeight = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_h": Large1600Url = reader.Value; break; case "width_h": Large1600Width = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_h": Large1600Height = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "url_k": Large2048Url = reader.Value; break; case "width_k": Large2048Width = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "height_k": Large2048Height = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "dateadded": DateAddedToGroup = Helper.UnixTimestampToDate(reader.Value); break; case "date_faved": DateFavorited = Helper.UnixTimestampToDate(reader.Value); break; case "has_comment": // Gallery photos return this, but we ignore it and set GalleryPhoto.Comment instead. break; case "can_comment": CanComment = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "can_addmeta": CanAddMeta = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "can_blog": CanBlog = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "can_print": CanPrint = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "can_download": CanDownload = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "can_share": CanShare = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "geo_is_family": if (GeoPermissions == null) { GeoPermissions = new GeoPermissions(); GeoPermissions.PhotoId = PhotoId; } GeoPermissions.IsFamily = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "geo_is_friend": if (GeoPermissions == null) { GeoPermissions = new GeoPermissions(); GeoPermissions.PhotoId = PhotoId; } GeoPermissions.IsFriend = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "geo_is_public": if (GeoPermissions == null) { GeoPermissions = new GeoPermissions(); GeoPermissions.PhotoId = PhotoId; } GeoPermissions.IsPublic = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "geo_is_contact": if (GeoPermissions == null) { GeoPermissions = new GeoPermissions(); GeoPermissions.PhotoId = PhotoId; } GeoPermissions.IsContact = reader.Value == "1"; break; case "context": GeoContext = (GeoContext)reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; case "rotation": Rotation = reader.ReadContentAsInt(); break; default: if (!allowExtraAtrributes) Helper.CheckParsingException(reader); break; } } reader.Read(); if (reader.LocalName == "description") Description = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); }