コード例 #1
ファイル: LLNode.cs プロジェクト: freelancejounin/convex-hull
 public LLNode(PointF p)
     _next  = null;
     _prev  = null;
     _point = p;
コード例 #2
        private LList divAndCon(Graphics g, List <PointF> slist)
            if (slist.Count > 1)
                //Find middle
                int    mid  = slist.Count / 2;
                float  midX = slist[mid].X;
                PointF minY = slist[0];
                PointF maxY = slist[0];

                //Separate into left and right lists
                List <PointF> leftList  = new List <PointF>();
                List <PointF> rightList = new List <PointF>();
                for (int i = 0; i < slist.Count; i++)
                    if (slist[i].X <= midX)
                        if (slist[i].Y < minY.Y)
                            minY = slist[i];
                        if (slist[i].Y > maxY.Y)
                            maxY = slist[i];

                //if all points were added to the left list
                if (rightList.Count <= 0)
                    LList skipper = new LList();
                    skipper.LeftMost       = new LLNode(minY);
                    skipper.RightMost      = new LLNode(maxY);
                    skipper.LeftMost.Next  = skipper.RightMost;
                    skipper.LeftMost.Prev  = skipper.RightMost;
                    skipper.RightMost.Next = skipper.LeftMost;
                    skipper.RightMost.Prev = skipper.LeftMost;
                    if (skipper.LeftMost.Point == skipper.RightMost.Point)
                        skipper.Count = 1;
                        skipper.Count = 2;


                LList leftLL  = divAndCon(g, leftList);
                LList rightLL = divAndCon(g, rightList);

                return(combine(g, leftLL, rightLL));
                LList  llist = new LList();
                LLNode one   = new LLNode(slist[0]);
                one.Next        = one;
                one.Prev        = one;
                llist.LeftMost  = one;
                llist.RightMost = one;
                llist.Count     = 1;

コード例 #3
        private LList combine(Graphics g, LList leftLL, LList rightLL)
            //place holders for solution points
            //(to manipulate next/prev pointers after completed testing)
            LLNode left    = leftLL.RightMost;
            LLNode right   = rightLL.LeftMost;
            LLNode topLSol = left;
            LLNode topRSol = right;
            LLNode botLSol = left;
            LLNode botRSol = right;

            //Test top
            Boolean found = false;
            Boolean acceptRight;
            Boolean acceptLeft;

            while (!found)
                acceptRight = false;
                acceptLeft  = false;
                double m = (left.dY - right.dY) / (left.dX - right.dX);
                double b = (-m * left.dX) + left.dY;

                acceptRight = true;
                if (rightLL.Count > 1)
                    LLNode testRight = right.Next;
                    if (m * testRight.dX + b - testRight.dY < 0)
                        right       = testRight;
                        acceptRight = false;
                        if (rightLL.Count > 2)
                            testRight = right.Prev;
                            if (m * testRight.dX + b - testRight.dY < 0)
                                right       = testRight;
                                acceptRight = false;
                if (acceptRight)
                    acceptLeft = true;
                    if (leftLL.Count > 1)
                        LLNode testLeft = left.Prev;
                        if (m * testLeft.dX + b - testLeft.dY < 0)
                            left       = testLeft;
                            acceptLeft = false;
                            if (leftLL.Count > 2)
                                testLeft = left.Next;
                                if (m * testLeft.dX + b - testLeft.dY < 0)
                                    left       = testLeft;
                                    acceptLeft = false;
                    if (acceptLeft)
                        topLSol = left;
                        topRSol = right;
                        found   = true;

            //Test bottom
            found = false;
            left  = leftLL.RightMost;
            right = rightLL.LeftMost;
            while (!found)
                acceptRight = false;
                acceptLeft  = false;
                double m = (left.dY - right.dY) / (left.dX - right.dX);
                double b = (-m * left.dX) + left.dY;

                acceptRight = true;
                if (rightLL.Count > 1)
                    LLNode testRight = right.Prev;
                    if (m * testRight.dX + b - testRight.dY > 0)
                        right       = testRight;
                        acceptRight = false;
                        if (rightLL.Count > 2)
                            testRight = right.Next;
                            if (m * testRight.dX + b - testRight.dY > 0)
                                right       = testRight;
                                acceptRight = false;

                if (acceptRight)
                    acceptLeft = true;
                    if (leftLL.Count > 1)
                        LLNode testLeft = left.Next;
                        if (m * testLeft.dX + b - testLeft.dY > 0)
                            left       = testLeft;
                            acceptLeft = false;
                            if (leftLL.Count > 2)
                                testLeft = left.Prev;
                                if (m * testLeft.dX + b - testLeft.dY > 0)
                                    left       = testLeft;
                                    acceptLeft = false;
                    if (acceptLeft)
                        botLSol = left;
                        botRSol = right;
                        found   = true;

            //Change pointers
            topLSol.Prev = topRSol;
            topRSol.Next = topLSol;
            botLSol.Next = botRSol;
            botRSol.Prev = botLSol;

            //update leftmost and rightmost pointers in a new LList
            LList nList = new LList();

            nList.LeftMost = topLSol;
            while (nList.LeftMost.Prev.dX < nList.LeftMost.dX)
                nList.LeftMost = nList.LeftMost.Prev;
            nList.RightMost = botRSol;
            while (nList.RightMost.Next.dX > nList.RightMost.dX)
                nList.RightMost = nList.RightMost.Next;

コード例 #4
ファイル: LLNode.cs プロジェクト: freelancejounin/convex-hull
 public LLNode(PointF p)
     _next = null;
     _prev = null;
     _point = p;
コード例 #5
 public LList()
     _leftMost  = null;
     _rightMost = null;
     _count     = 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: LList.cs プロジェクト: freelancejounin/convex-hull
 public LList()
     _leftMost = null;
     _rightMost = null;
     _count = 0;