private void ButtonRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Std"); DataGridView1.ReadOnly = true; //nạp lại dữ liệu trên dgv DataGridViewImageColumn picCol = new DataGridViewImageColumn(); DataGridView1.RowTemplate.Height = 90; DataGridView1.DataSource = student.getStudents(cmd); picCol = (DataGridViewImageColumn)DataGridView1.Columns[7]; picCol.ImageLayout = DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Zoom; DataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = false; }
private void studentsListForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the '_DESKTOP_RRRHOP4DataSet1.SinhVien' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.sinhVienTableAdapter.Fill(this._DESKTOP_RRRHOP4DataSet1.SinhVien); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Std"); DataGridView1.ReadOnly = true; //xử lí hình ảnh, code có tham khảo msdn DataGridViewImageColumn picCol = new DataGridViewImageColumn(); DataGridView1.RowTemplate.Height = 90; //chỉnh pic đẹp DataGridView1.DataSource = student.getStudents(cmd); picCol = (DataGridViewImageColumn)DataGridView1.Columns[7]; picCol.ImageLayout = DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Zoom; DataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = false; }
private void Print_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the '_DESKTOP_RRRHOP4DataSet3.Std' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.stdTableAdapter.Fill(this._DESKTOP_RRRHOP4DataSet3.Std); DateTimePic3.CustomFormat = "yyyy-dd-MM"; DateTimePic3.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom; DateTimePick4.CustomFormat = "yyyy-dd-MM"; DateTimePick4.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom; // TODO: This line of code loads data into the '_DESKTOP_RRRHOP4DataSet1.SinhVien' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Std"); DataGridView2.ReadOnly = true; //xử lí hình ảnh, code có tham khảo msdn DataGridViewImageColumn picCol = new DataGridViewImageColumn(); DataGridView2.RowTemplate.Height = 90; //chỉnh pic đẹp DataGridView2.Width = 4500; DataGridView2.DataSource = student.getStudents(cmd); picCol = (DataGridViewImageColumn)DataGridView2.Columns[7]; picCol.ImageLayout = DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Zoom; DataGridView2.AllowUserToAddRows = false; }
private void buttonFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region Tìm kiếm theo ID của Thầy /* * if (IsNumber(txtSearch.Text) == true) * { * int id = int.Parse(txtSearch.Text); * SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select id, fname, lname, bdate, gender, phone, address, picture from Std where id = " + id); * DataTable table = student.getStudents(cmd); * if (table.Rows.Count >= 0) * { * TextBoxID.Text = table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString(); * TextBoxFname.Text = table.Rows[0]["fname"].ToString(); * TextBoxLname.Text = table.Rows[0]["lname"].ToString(); * DateTimePicker1.Value = (DateTime)table.Rows[0]["bdate"]; * if (table.Rows[0]["gender"].ToString() == "Female") * { * RadioButtonFemale.Checked = true; * } * else RadioButtonMale.Checked = true; * TextBoxPhone.Text = table.Rows[0]["phone"].ToString(); * TextBoxAddress.Text = table.Rows[0]["address"].ToString(); * byte[] pic = (byte[])table.Rows[0]["picture"]; * MemoryStream picture = new MemoryStream(pic); * PictureBoxStudentImage.Image = Image.FromStream(picture); * MessageBox.Show("Not found", "Find Student", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); * } * else MessageBox.Show("Not found", "Find Student", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); * * } * else * { * studentsListForm up = new studentsListForm(); * up.ShowDialog(); * * } */ #endregion MY_DB mydb = new MY_DB(); if (IsNumber(TextBoxSearch.Text)) //tìm kiếm theo ID { int id = int.Parse(TextBoxSearch.Text); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT id, fname, lname, bdate, gender, phone, address, picture from Std where id = " + id + "or phone = " + id, mydb.getConnection); //SqlCommand comand = new SqlCommand(query + id, db.GetConnection); DataTable table = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command); adapter.Fill(table); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { TextBoxID.Text = table.Rows[0]["id"].ToString(); TextBoxFname.Text = table.Rows[0]["fname"].ToString(); TextBoxLname.Text = table.Rows[0]["lname"].ToString(); DateTimePicker1.Value = (DateTime)table.Rows[0]["bdate"]; if (table.Rows[0]["gender"].ToString() == "Female") { RadioButtonFemale.Checked = true; } else { RadioButtonMale.Checked = true; } TextBoxPhone.Text = table.Rows[0]["phone"].ToString(); TextBoxAddress.Text = table.Rows[0]["address"].ToString(); byte[] pic = (byte[])table.Rows[0]["picture"]; MemoryStream picture = new MemoryStream(pic); PictureBoxStudentImage.Image = Image.FromStream(picture); } else { MessageBox.Show("Not found", "Find Student", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } else //Tìm theo tên { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Std WHERE fname = @name", mydb.getConnection); command.Parameters.Add("@name", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBoxSearch.Text; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(command); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { AdvancedSearch find = new AdvancedSearch(); find.DataGridView1.DataSource = student.getStudents(command); find.DataGridView1.ReadOnly = true; DataGridViewImageColumn picCol = new DataGridViewImageColumn(); find.DataGridView1.RowTemplate.Height = 90; picCol = (DataGridViewImageColumn)find.DataGridView1.Columns[7]; picCol.ImageLayout = DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Zoom; find.DataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = false; find.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Not found", "Find Student", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } }