public void TestCourseAddStudentTwice() { var course = new Course(); var student = new Student("Name", 12345); course.AddStudent(student); course.AddStudent(student); }
public void TestCourseAddStudent() { var course = new Course(); var student = new Student("Name", 12345); course.AddStudent(student); Assert.IsTrue(course.Students.Contains(student)); }
public void CourseConstructorStudentsNullTest() { string courseName = "C#"; ICollection<Student> courseStudents = null; var course = new Course(courseName, courseStudents); }
public void CourseGetterNameTest() { var courseName = "HQC"; var course = new Course(courseName); Assert.AreEqual(courseName, course.Name); }
public void AddCourse(Course course) { if (this.IsCourseExist(course)) { throw new ArgumentException("The course has already been added."); } this.Courses.Add(course); }
public void TestCourseAddMoreThanMaximumStudents() { var course = new Course(); for (int i = 0; i <= 30; i++) { var student = new Student(i.ToString(), 10000 + i); course.AddStudent(student); } }
public void AddCourseTest() { var course = new Course("JS Fundamentals");;; var areEqualResult = this.AreCoursesCollectionsEqual(,; Assert.AreEqual(true, areEqualResult); }
public void TestCourseExceedingMaxNumberOfStudentsWhenJoining() { Student studentToJoin = new Student("Pesho", 34342); IList<Student> students = new List<Student>(); Course course = new Course(students); int startingNumber = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < Course.MaxStudentCapacity + 1; i++) { course.Join(new Student("Pesho", startingNumber + i)); } }
public void CourseConstructorStudentsMaxCountTest() { string courseName = "C#"; ICollection<Student> courseStudents = new List<Student>(); for (int i = 0; i < Course.MaxStudentsCount + 1; i++) { string studentName = "test student " + i; int studentId = Student.MinIdValue + i; courseStudents.Add(new Student(studentName, studentId)); } var course = new Course(courseName, courseStudents); }
public void TestCourseStudentCount() { IList<Student> students = new List<Student>() { new Student("Pesho", 10002), new Student("Gosho", 20003), new Student("Mariq", 30004), new Student("Pettq", 10042) }; Course course = new Course(students); Assert.AreEqual(4, course.Students.Count, "Expected to count 4 students."); }
public void TestCourseAddingMoreThanOneStudentWithSameNumber() { IList<Student> students = new List<Student>() { new Student("Pesho", 10002), new Student("Gosho", 20003), new Student("Mariq", 30004), new Student("Pettq", 10042) }; Course course = new Course(students); course.Join(new Student("John", 20003)); }
public void InitializeStudent() { this.students = new List<Student>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { string studentName = "test student " + i; int studentId = Student.MinIdValue + i; this.students.Add(new Student(studentName, studentId)); } this.course = new Course(this.courseName, students); }
public void TestSchoolCourseCount() { IList<Student> students = new List<Student>() { new Student("Pesho", 10002), new Student("Gosho", 20003), new Student("Mariq", 30004), new Student("Pettq", 10042) }; Course course = new Course(students); IList<Course> courses = new List<Course>() { course }; School school = new School(courses); Assert.AreEqual(1, school.Courses.Count, "Expected to count 1 school course."); }
public void TestSchoolRemovingCourse() { IList<Student> students = new List<Student>() { new Student("Pesho", 10002), new Student("Gosho", 20003), new Student("Mariq", 30004), new Student("Pettq", 10042) }; Course course = new Course(students); School school = new School(new List<Course>()); school.AddCourse(course); school.RemoveCourse(course); Assert.AreEqual(0, school.Courses.Count, "Expected to count 1 school course."); }
public void RemoveCourse(Course course) { if (!this.IsCourseExist(course)) { throw new ArgumentException("This course hasn't been added."); } int courseIndex = 0; foreach (var curCourse in this.Courses) { if (curCourse.Name == course.Name) { this.Courses.RemoveAt(courseIndex); break; } courseIndex++; } }
public void TestCourseStudentLeaving() { Student studentToRemove = new Student("Pesho", 34342); IList<Student> students = new List<Student>() { new Student("Pesho", 10002), new Student("Gosho", 20003), new Student("Mariq", 30004), new Student("Pettq", 10042), studentToRemove }; Course course = new Course(students); course.Leave(studentToRemove); bool studentHasLeft = true; for (int i = 0; i < course.Students.Count; i++) { if (course.Students[i].Name == studentToRemove.Name && course.Students[i].Number == studentToRemove.Number) { studentHasLeft = false; } } Assert.AreEqual(4, students.Count, "Expected to count 4 students after removing one from the course."); Assert.IsFalse(students.ToString().Contains(studentToRemove.Number.ToString()), "Expected to remove the student from the course but found his unique number."); Assert.IsTrue(studentHasLeft, "Expected to not find a student with the same name and number"); }
public void TestCourseStudentsJoining() { Student studentToJoin = new Student("Pesho", 34342); IList<Student> students = new List<Student>() { new Student("Pesho", 10002), new Student("Gosho", 20003), new Student("Mariq", 30004), new Student("Pettq", 10042), }; Course course = new Course(students); course.Join(studentToJoin); bool studentHasJoined = false; for (int i = 0; i < course.Students.Count; i++) { if (course.Students[i].Name == studentToJoin.Name && course.Students[i].Number == studentToJoin.Number) { studentHasJoined = true; } } Assert.AreEqual(5, students.Count, "Expected to count 5 students after adding one to the course."); Assert.IsTrue(course.ToString().Contains(studentToJoin.Number.ToString()), "Expected to find a match for the added students unique number in the course."); Assert.IsTrue(studentHasJoined, "Expected to find a student with the same name and number as the added one in the course."); }
public void RemoveCourse(Course course) { this.Courses.Remove(course); }
public void RemoveNonExistingCourseTest() { var course = new Course("C#");; }
public void TestCourseRemoveMissingStudent() { var course = new Course(); var student = new Student("Name", 12345); course.RemoveStudent(student); }
public void CourseConstructorNameEmptyTest() { string courseName = string.Empty; var course = new Course(courseName); }
public void CourseConstructorNameNullTest() { string courseName = null; var course = new Course(courseName); }
public void CourseGetterStudentsTest() { var courseName = "HQC"; ICollection<Student> students = new List<Student>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { string studentName = "test student " + i; int studentId = Student.MinIdValue + i; students.Add(new Student(studentName, studentId)); } var course = new Course(courseName, students); var studentsEqualResult = this.AreStudentCollectionsEqual(students, course.Students); Assert.AreEqual(true, studentsEqualResult); }
public void AddExistingCourseTest() { var course = new Course("HQC");; }
public void TestCourseConstructorCreateStudentsHashSet() { var course = new Course(); Assert.AreEqual(0, course.Students.Count); }
public void AddCourse(Course course) { this.Courses.Add(course); }
public void TestCourseAddStudentNull() { var course = new Course(); course.AddStudent(null); }
public void CourseStudentsCountTest() { var courseName = "HQC"; var studentsCount = 6; ICollection<Student> students = new List<Student>(); for (int i = 0; i < studentsCount; i++) { string studentName = "test student " + i; int studentId = Student.MinIdValue + i; students.Add(new Student(studentName, studentId)); } var course = new Course(courseName, students); Assert.AreEqual(studentsCount, course.StudentsCount()); }
private bool IsCourseExist(Course course) { return this.Courses.Count(x => x.Name == course.Name) > 0; }
public void TestCourseRemoveStudentNull() { var course = new Course(); course.RemoveStudent(null); }