コード例 #1
ファイル: DamageSystem.cs プロジェクト: Deus0/zoxel
        private void RewardVictor(ref Stats deadMonster, Entity attacker, ref Stats attackerStats, int defenderClanID, int defenderMetaID)
            //int levelID = 0;

            /*if (!(StatsIndexes.experience < attackerStats.states.Length))
             * {
             *  Debug.LogError("States are too small, doesnt havexp in them: " + attackerStats.states.Length);
             *  return;
             * }*/
            if (attackerStats.levels.Length == 0)
            // should create a KillSystem that gives rewards
            //StateStaz experience = attackerStats.states[StatsIndexes.experience];
            Level attackerLevel = attackerStats.levels[0];
            // should pick up items called Soul Orbs that give you experience instead
            int levelValue = 0;

            if (deadMonster.levels.Length > 0)
                levelValue = deadMonster.levels[0].value;
            float experienceGiven = (levelValue + 1) * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f);
            ZoxID attackerID      = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <ZoxID>(attacker);

            if (attackerID.creatorID == 0)
                // normal experience
                // Debug.LogError("Giving experience: " + experienceGiven);
                attackerLevel.experienceGained += experienceGiven;// adding health as experience, shouldnt be based on their level?
                if (characterSpawnSystem.characters.ContainsKey(attackerID.creatorID) == false)
                    //Debug.LogError("Creator does not exist.");
                    attackerLevel.experienceGained += experienceGiven;
                    Entity summonerEntity = characterSpawnSystem.characters[attackerID.creatorID];
                    if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <Stats>(summonerEntity))
                        Stats summoner = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Stats>(summonerEntity);
                        if (summoner.levels.Length > 0)
                            //StateStaz summonerExp = summoner.states[StatsIndexes.experience];
                            Level summonerLevel = summoner.levels[0];
                            summonerLevel.experienceGained += experienceGiven / 2f;
                            if (summonerLevel.experienceGained >= summonerLevel.experienceRequired)
                                summoner.leveledUp = 1;
                            summoner.levels[0] = summonerLevel;
                            World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(summonerEntity, summoner);
                            attackerLevel.experienceGained += experienceGiven / 2f;
                            StatsUISpawnSystem.OnUpdatedStat(World.EntityManager, summonerEntity, StatType.Level, 0);
                            attackerLevel.experienceGained += experienceGiven;
                        attackerLevel.experienceGained += experienceGiven;
                        //Debug.LogError("Creator exists. But has no stats.");
                        //experience.value += experienceGiven;// adding health as experience, shouldnt be based on their level?
            if (attackerLevel.experienceGained >= attackerLevel.experienceRequired)
                attackerStats.leveledUp = 1;
            attackerStats.levels[0] = attackerLevel;
            World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(attacker, attackerStats);
            StatsUISpawnSystem.OnUpdatedStat(World.EntityManager, attacker, StatType.Level, 0);

            // give quest completion stat to the character

            if (characterSpawnSystem.characters.ContainsKey(attackerID.id))
                Entity characterEntity = characterSpawnSystem.characters[attackerID.id];
                // get questlog
                if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <QuestLog>(characterEntity))
                    QuestLog questLog = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <QuestLog>(characterEntity);
                    if (questLog.OnKilledCharacter(defenderMetaID))
                        World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(characterEntity, questLog);
                        // update questlog UI
コード例 #2
        private void SaveComponentData <T>(Entity e, string typeName, string entityName) where T : struct, IComponentData
            string filePath = GetFolderPath(typeName, entityName) + typeof(T).Name.ToString() + ".txt";
            //Debug.LogError("Saving [" + entityName + "] [" + typeof(T).Name.ToString() + "] to File at: " + filePath);
            string json;

            /*if (typeof(BlitzSerializeable<T>) == typeof(T))
             * {
             *  BlitzSerializeable<T> component = EntityManager.GetComponentData<BlitzSerializeable<T>>(e);
             *  json = component.GetJson();
             * }*/
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(Inventory))
                if (EntityManager.HasComponent <Inventory>(e) == false)
                    Debug.LogError("Character has no inventory..");
                    json = "";
                    Inventory component = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Inventory>(e);
                    json = component.GetJson();
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Stats))
                if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <Stats>(e))
                    Stats component = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Stats>(e);
                    json = component.GetJson();
                    json = "";
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Skills))
                if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <Skills>(e))
                    Skills component = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Skills>(e);
                    json = component.GetJson();
                    json = "";
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Equipment))
                if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <Equipment>(e))
                    Equipment component = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Equipment>(e);
                    json = component.GetJson();
                    json = "";
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(QuestLog))
                if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <QuestLog>(e))
                    QuestLog component = EntityManager.GetComponentData <QuestLog>(e);
                    json = component.GetJson();
                    json = "";
                T component = EntityManager.GetComponentData <T>(e);
                json = ToJson(component);
            //Debug.Log("Saving Json to: " + filePath + " of type " + typeof(T).ToString() + "\n" + json);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filePath, json);