public int Insert(M_WX_ReplyMsg model) { if (model.IsDefault == 1) { DBCenter.UpdateSQL(TbName, "IsDefault=0", "Appid=" + model.AppId + " AND ID!=" + model.ID); } return(Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(model), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
public int Insert(M_MisProLevel model) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CCUser) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ReferUser)) { model.CCUser = StringHelper.RemoveRepeat(model.CCUser.Split(','), model.ReferUser.Split(',')); } return(Sql.insert(strTableName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
/// <summary> /// 复制某个广告 /// </summary> /// <param name="adid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool Advertisement_Copy(int adid) { M_Advertisement model = new M_Advertisement(); B_Advertisement bll = new B_Advertisement(); model = bll.SelReturnModel(adid); model.ADName = "复制" + model.ADName; return(Sql.insert(strTableName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)) > 0); }
/// <summary> /// 添加模型数据 /// </summary> public int AddContent(DataTable ContentDT, string tbname) { int itemid = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbname) && ContentDT.Rows.Count > 0) { itemid = DBCenter.Insert(tbname, BLLCommon.GetFields(ContentDT), BLLCommon.GetParas(ContentDT), BLLCommon.GetParameters(ContentDT).ToArray()); } return(itemid); }
/// <summary> /// 添加或更新 /// </summary> public bool AddTips(M_GuestBook model) { if (model.GID < 1) { Sql.insertID(model.TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)); } else { Sql.UpdateByID(model.TbName, model.PK, model.GID, BLLCommon.GetFieldAndPara(model), model.GetParameters()); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 更新分级选项 /// </summary> /// <param name="GradeOption">分级选项实例</param> /// <returns>成功状态</returns> public static bool UpdateDic(M_Grade model) { if (model.GradeID > 0) { return(Sql.UpdateByIDs(model.TbName, model.PK, model.GradeID.ToString(), BLLCommon.GetFieldAndPara(model), model.GetParameters(model))); } else { Sql.insertID(model.TbName, model.GetParameters(model), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)); } return(true); }
public int Insert(M_WX_User model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.OpenID)) { throw new Exception("微信用户的OpenID不能为空"); } if (DBCenter.IsExist(TbName, "OpenID=@openid", new List <SqlParameter>() { new SqlParameter("openid", model.OpenID) })) { throw new Exception("该OpenID已存在,不可重复加入"); } return(Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(model), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
//写入至SQL public static int ToSQL(Model.ZLEnum.Log type, M_Log model) { EmptyDeal(type, model); try { int id = Sql.insertID(model.TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)); if (id % 200 == 0) { string sql = "DELETE FROM " + model.TbName + " WHERE (SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM " + model.TbName + ")> 30000 AND ID IN (SELECT TOP 10000 ID FROM " + model.TbName + " ORDER BY CDate ASC)"; SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql); } return(id); } catch { return(0); } }
public bool AddStock(M_Stock model) { string sqlStrs = ""; if (model.stocktype == 0) { sqlStrs = "Update ZL_Commodities set Stock=Stock+" + model.Pronum + " where ID=" + model.proid; } else { sqlStrs = "Update ZL_Commodities set Stock=Stock-" + model.Pronum + " where ID=" + model.proid; } SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sqlStrs); return(Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)) > 0); }
/// <summary> /// 修改模型数据 /// </summary> public void UpdateContent(DataTable ContentDT, string tbname, int itemid) { //需要重处理 if (ContentDT != null && ContentDT.Rows.Count > 0) { List <SqlParameter> splist = new List <SqlParameter>(); splist.AddRange(BLLCommon.GetParameters(ContentDT)); if (DBCenter.IsExist(tbname, "ID=" + itemid)) { DBCenter.UpdateSQL(tbname, BLLCommon.GetFieldAndPara(ContentDT), "ID=" + itemid, splist); } else { DBCenter.Insert(tbname, BLLCommon.GetFields(ContentDT), BLLCommon.GetParas(ContentDT), splist.ToArray()); } } }
public static void ToCE(Model.ZLEnum.Log type, M_Log model) { try { string tbname = "ZL_Log4"; EmptyDeal(type, model); SqlCEHelper.InsertID(constr, tbname, BLLCommon.GetFields(model), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), GetCESP(model)); int ran = new Random().Next(0, 151); if (ran == 150) { int count = Convert.ToInt32(SqlCEHelper.ExecuteTable(constr, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tbname).Rows[0][0]); if (count > 30000)//如果数据大于3万条,则删除1万条 { string midsql = "SELECT * FROM " + tbname + " ORDER BY CDate DESC OFFSET 20000 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY;"; int id = Convert.ToInt32(SqlCEHelper.ExecuteTable(constr, midsql).Rows[0][0]); string delsql = "DELETE FROM " + tbname + " WHERE ID<" + id; SqlCEHelper.ExecuteSql(constr, delsql); } } } catch { } }
public int Insert(M_APP_APPTlp model) { return(Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
//-----------------Insert public int Insert(M_Site_SiteList model) { return(Sql.insert(strTableName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
public int GetInsert(M_Arrive model) { return(Sql.insert(TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
public int Add(M_Payment model) { Check(model); return(Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
public bool GetInsert(M_Card model) { return(Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)) > 0); }
public bool Add(M_Promotions model) { Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(model), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)); return(true); }
public int insert(M_GiftCard_shop model) { return(Sql.insert(strTableName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
/// <summary> /// 添加店铺模板 /// </summary> /// <param name="sst"></param> public void InsertStoreStyle(M_StoreStyleTable model) { Sql.insert(strTableName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)); }
/// <summary> /// 添加收藏信息到收藏夹 /// </summary> /// <param name="favorite">收藏信息实例</param> public void AddFavorite(M_Favorite model) { Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)); }
public int insert(M_MoneyManage model) { return(Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
/// <summary> /// 添加数据字典分类 /// </summary> /// <param name="info"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool AddCate(M_DicCategory model) { return(Sql.insertID(model.TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)) > 0); }
public int insert(M_Promotions model) { return(Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(model), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
public bool Add(M_OrderList model) { Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)); return(true); }
public int Insert(M_User_Plat model) { SyncUB(model); model.PK = ""; return(Sql.insert(TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
public int Adds(M_OrderList model) { return(Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
public int insert(M_Flow model) { return(Sql.insert(strTableName, model.GetParameters(model), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
public int insert(M_GroupBuyList model) { return(Sql.insert(strTableName, initMod.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }
/// <summary> ///添加记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="RoomActiveJoin"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool GetInsert(M_RoomActiveJoin model) { return(Sql.insertID(TbName, model.GetParameters(model), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model)) > 0); }
public int insert(M_ChangeProduct model) { return(Sql.insert(strTableName, model.GetParameters(), BLLCommon.GetParas(model), BLLCommon.GetFields(model))); }