コード例 #1
        public void UmbracoMapper_MapFromIPublishedContent_MapsCustomPropertiesWithDifferentNamesUsingAttributeAndRecursiveProperty()
            // Using a shim of umbraco.dll
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Arrange
                var model = new SimpleViewModel4bWithAttribute();
                var mapper = GetMapper();
                var content = new StubPublishedContent();

                // - shim GetPropertyValue (an extension method on IPublishedContent so can't be mocked)
                Umbraco.Web.Fakes.ShimPublishedContentExtensions.GetPropertyValueIPublishedContentStringBoolean =
                    (doc, alias, recursive) =>
                        switch (alias)
                            case "bodyText":
                                if (recursive)
                                    return "This is the body text";

                                return string.Empty;
                                return string.Empty;

                // Act
                mapper.Map(content, model);

                // Assert
                Assert.AreEqual(1000, model.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual("Test content", model.Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("This is the body text", model.BodyCopy);
コード例 #2
        public void UmbracoMapper_MapFromIPublishedContent_MapsNullToNullableDateTimeWithNoValue()
            // Using a shim of umbraco.dll
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Arrange
                var model = new SimpleViewModel4bWithAttribute();
                var mapper = GetMapper();
                var content = new StubPublishedContent();

                // - shim GetPropertyValue (an extension method on IPublishedContent so can't be mocked)
                Umbraco.Web.Fakes.ShimPublishedContentExtensions.GetPropertyValueIPublishedContentStringBoolean =
                    (doc, alias, recursive) =>
                        switch (alias)
                            case "dateTime":
                                return "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM";
                                return string.Empty;

                // Act
                mapper.Map(content, model);

                // Assert