public static ExtraPlayerData InfectPlayer(ExtraPlayerData Alive) { if (!ZombiePlugin.CureOn && !Alive.Infected) { if (Alive.Survivor) { Player.UniversalChat("[Zombie Survival]: " + + Alive.Player.Username + " failed the Survivor challenge!"); int AmountTaken = 0; try { AmountTaken = (int)Math.Round(Alive.Player.Money / (Random.NextDouble() * 100)); } catch { AmountTaken = Alive.Player.Money / 2; }//Divide by zero can occur here TakeMoney(Alive.Player, AmountTaken); //Exponential function, 1 lets them have nearly all their money, 0.01 removes all their money //Is also less tough on players with lower money, while more tougher on players with moar money } Alive.Infected = true; Alive.Player.IsHeadFlipped = true; Alive.Player.DisplayName = + "Undeaad"; return(Alive); } else if (ZombiePlugin.CureOn && Alive.Infected) { DisinfectPlayer(Alive); } return(null); }
public static void DisinfectRandomPlayer(List <ExtraPlayerData> ExtraPlayerData) { ExtraPlayerData e = ExtraPlayerData[Random.Next(0, ExtraPlayerData.Count())]; if (e.Infected) { DisinfectPlayer(e); } }
public static ExtraPlayerData DisinfectPlayer(ExtraPlayerData Alive) { if (Alive.Infected) { Alive.Infected = false; Alive.Player.IsHeadFlipped = false; Alive.Player.DisplayName = Alive.Player.Username; } return(Alive); }
public static void SendUserType(ExtraPlayerData p) { /*if( p == null ) return; * * Packet packet = new Packet(); * if (p.Referee) * packet.bytes = new byte[2] { 15, 100 }; * else * packet.bytes = new byte[2] { 15, 0 }; * p.Player.SendPacket(packet);*/ }
public static void ResetPlayer(ExtraPlayerData p) { p.Player.ExtraData.CreateIfNotExist("Voted", false); p.Player.ExtraData["Voted"] = false; p.Player.IsHeadFlipped = false; p.Infected = false; p.AmountOfBlocksLeft = Random.Next(40, 80); p.Player.DisplayName = p.Player.Color + p.Player.Username; p.Survivor = false; p.AmountInfected = 0; p.AmountMoved = 0; }
public static void InfectPlayer(Player Infected, ExtraPlayerData Alive) { InfectPlayer(Alive); try { if (!ZombiePlugin.CureOn) { ZombieHelper.DisplayInfectMessage(Alive.Player, Infected); } else { ZombieHelper.DisplayDisinfectMessage(Alive.Player, Infected); } } catch { } }
public void OnConnect(Player Player, ConnectionEventArgs args) { if (Player.Group.Permission < ServerSettings.GetSettingInt("StaffTimePermission")) { try { string picUri = "" + Player.Username + ".png"; WebRequest requestPic = WebRequest.Create(picUri); WebResponse responsePic = requestPic.GetResponse(); Image webImage = Image.FromStream(responsePic.GetResponseStream()); foreach (string s in Directory.GetFiles("bannedskins", "*.png")) { if (ZombieHelper.CompareImages(ZombieHelper.GetBitmap(s), (Bitmap)webImage)) { Player.Kick("This skin is not allowed to be used on this server!"); args.Cancel(); return; } } } catch { } //404 if invalid skin, do nothing } if (OmniBan.Contains(Player.Username.ToLower()) || OmniBan.Contains(Player.Ip + "")) { Player.Kick("You have been omnibanned from this server!"); args.Cancel(); return; } if (ZombieLevel != null) if (Player.Level != ZombieLevel) Player.Level = ZombieLevel; ExtraPlayerData l = new ExtraPlayerData(Player); ExtraPlayerData.Add(l); ZombieHelper.ResetPlayer(l); if (!ZombieRoundEnabled && !Voting) { if (AmountOfMinutesElapsed - 1 != 2) Player.SendMessage("[Zombie Survival]: " + + "Round starts in " + -(AmountOfMinutesElapsed - 2) + ":" + (-(AmountOfSecondsElapsed % 60 - 60)).ToString("D2") + " minutes [Gamemode: " + ZombieHelper.GetGamemode(Gamemode) + "]"); } else if (!Voting) { l.Infected = true; l.Player.IsHeadFlipped = true; l.Player.DisplayName = + "Undeaad"; Player.SendMessage("[Zombie Survival]: " + + "A zombie game is in progress! You are infected as you joined before the game started. [Gamemode: " + ZombieHelper.GetGamemode(Gamemode) + "]"); } else { Player.SendMessage("[Zombie Survival]: " + + "Vote on the next level by typing the level name!"); Player.SendMessage("[Zombie Survival]: " + + "Options: " + LevelChoices[0] + "/" + LevelChoices[1] + "/random"); } }
public static void SendUserType(ExtraPlayerData p) { /*if( p == null ) return; Packet packet = new Packet(); if (p.Referee) packet.bytes = new byte[2] { 15, 100 }; else packet.bytes = new byte[2] { 15, 0 }; p.Player.SendPacket(packet);*/ }
public static ExtraPlayerData InfectPlayer(ExtraPlayerData Alive) { if (!ZombiePlugin.CureOn && !Alive.Infected) { if (Alive.Survivor) { Player.UniversalChat("[Zombie Survival]: " + + Alive.Player.Username + " failed the Survivor challenge!"); int AmountTaken = 0; try { AmountTaken = (int)Math.Round(Alive.Player.Money / (Random.NextDouble() * 100)); } catch { AmountTaken = Alive.Player.Money / 2; }//Divide by zero can occur here TakeMoney(Alive.Player, AmountTaken); //Exponential function, 1 lets them have nearly all their money, 0.01 removes all their money //Is also less tough on players with lower money, while more tougher on players with moar money } Alive.Infected = true; Alive.Player.IsHeadFlipped = true; Alive.Player.DisplayName = + "Undeaad"; return Alive; } else if (ZombiePlugin.CureOn && Alive.Infected) { DisinfectPlayer(Alive); } return null; }
public static void InfectPlayer(Player Infected, ExtraPlayerData Alive) { InfectPlayer(Alive); try { if (!ZombiePlugin.CureOn) ZombieHelper.DisplayInfectMessage(Alive.Player, Infected); else ZombieHelper.DisplayDisinfectMessage(Alive.Player, Infected); } catch { } }
public static void InfectPlayer(ExtraPlayerData Infected, ExtraPlayerData Alive) { Infected.AmountInfected++; InfectPlayer(Infected.Player, Alive); }
public static ExtraPlayerData DisinfectPlayer(ExtraPlayerData Alive) { if (Alive.Infected) { Alive.Infected = false; Alive.Player.IsHeadFlipped = false; Alive.Player.DisplayName = Alive.Player.Username; } return Alive; }
public static string CleanString(Player Player, string Message) { ExtraPlayerData p = ZombiePlugin.FindPlayer(Player); string[] message = Message.Split(' '); #region Caps Filter string[] noCapsMessage = new string[message.Length]; int e = 0; bool hitCaps = false; foreach (string s in message) { int count = 0; foreach (char c in s) { if (Char.IsUpper(c)) { count++; } } if (count >= (s.Length / 2) && s.Length > 3) { noCapsMessage[e] = s.ToLower(); if (!hitCaps) { Player.SendMessage("Hey! Stop using caps lock!"); hitCaps = true; } } else { noCapsMessage[e] = s; } e++; } message = noCapsMessage; #endregion #region Spam Filter double seconds = (DateTime.Now - p.SpamTime).TotalSeconds; if (seconds < 5) { if (p.Spam > 7) { p.Player.SendMessage("Please don't spam! You have been muted for 20 seconds..."); return(""); } else { p.Spam += 1; } } else { if (p.Spam > 7) { p.Player.SendMessage("Please don't spam again :|"); p.Spam = 0; } else if (p.Spam < 12) { p.Spam -= 1; } } #endregion #region Swear Filter string[] noSwearMessage = new string[message.Length]; int z = 0; bool noSwear = false; foreach (string s in message) { string tempS = s; tempS = s.ToLower(); foreach (var pattern in RegexReduce) { tempS = Regex.Replace(tempS, pattern.Value, pattern.Key /*, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase*/); } if (SwearFilter.Contains(tempS)) { noSwearMessage[z] = GetRandomString().Substring(0, tempS.Length); if (!noSwear) { Player.SendMessage("Hey! Stop swearing!"); noSwear = true; } } else { noSwearMessage[z] = s; } z++; } message = noSwearMessage; #endregion p.SpamTime = DateTime.Now; return(String.Join(" ", message)); }