private void StarterPopup(Zombicide game) { UserInterface.Active.Clear(); Panel StarterPopup = new Panel(new Vector2(600, 700), PanelSkin.Default, Anchor.Center); var header = new Header("Select Starter Weapon", Anchor.TopCenter); List <Texture2D> starterTextures = new List <Texture2D>(); foreach (Item I in Item.StarterList) { string fileName = I.Name.Replace(' ', '_'); Texture2D item = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Items\" + fileName); starterTextures.Add(item); } Image wpnImage = new Image(starterTextures.First(), new Vector2(350, 500), anchor: Anchor.AutoCenter); weaponIndex = 0; var leftButton = new Button("", ButtonSkin.Default, Anchor.CenterLeft, new Vector2(50, 50)); leftButton.Padding = new Vector2(0, 0); leftButton.AddChild(new Paragraph("<", Anchor.Center)); leftButton.OnClick = (Entity btn) => { weaponIndex = LimitToRange(weaponIndex - 1, 0, 3); wpnImage.Texture = starterTextures.ElementAt(weaponIndex); }; var rightButton = new Button("", ButtonSkin.Default, Anchor.CenterRight, new Vector2(50, 50)); rightButton.Padding = new Vector2(0, 0); rightButton.AddChild(new Paragraph(">", Anchor.Center)); rightButton.OnClick = (Entity btn) => { weaponIndex = LimitToRange(weaponIndex + 1, 0, 3); wpnImage.Texture = starterTextures.ElementAt(weaponIndex); }; var button = new Button("OK", ButtonSkin.Default, Anchor.BottomCenter, new Vector2(300, 50)); button.OnClick = (Entity btn) => { SelectedCharacter.MainHandSlot = (Weapon)Item.StarterList.Where(x => wpnImage.TextureName.Replace('_', ' ').Contains(x.Name)).First(); SelectedCharacter.ActiveWeapon = (Weapon)SelectedCharacter.MainHandSlot; SelectedCharacter.ActiveWeapon.Active = true; UserInterface.Active.Clear(); game.SetNextScreen(nameof(MainGameScreen)); }; StarterPopup.AddChild(header); StarterPopup.AddChild(new HorizontalLine()); StarterPopup.AddChild(wpnImage); StarterPopup.AddChild(leftButton); StarterPopup.AddChild(rightButton); StarterPopup.AddChild(button); UserInterface.Active.AddEntity(StarterPopup); }
public static void Initialize(Zombicide game) { ItemList = new List <Item>(); StarterList = new List <Weapon>(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); string fileName = "Items.xml"; string ItemPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), @"Content\Data\", fileName); doc.Load(ItemPath); foreach (XmlNode I in doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { Weapon item; switch (I.Name) { case ("Weapon"): item = new Weapon(game, I); if (Boolean.Parse(I.ChildNodes.Item(1).InnerText) == true) { StarterList.Add(item); } else { ItemList.Add(item); } break; } } }
public MainGameScreen(Zombicide game) { LoadMainGame(game); PopupFlag = false; PopupFlag = false; = game; Impact = game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Impact"); }
public override void Update(Zombicide game) { if (game.MouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && newGameButtonRectangle.Contains(game.MouseState.Position)) { game.SetNextScreen(nameof(CharacterSelectScreen)); } textSize += .01; }
public override void LoadContent(Zombicide game) { titleFont = game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Zombicide Font"); newGameButton = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"New Game"); textMiddlePoint = titleFont.MeasureString("Zombicide") / 2; titlePosition = new Vector2(game.Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2, game.Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2); newGameButtonRectangle = new Rectangle((int)((game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2) - (Zombicide.NGButtonWidth / 2)), (int)(game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - (game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 5)), (int)Zombicide.NGButtonWidth, (int)Zombicide.NGButtonHeight); textSize = 2; }
public static void Initialize(Zombicide game) { DiceList = new List <Dice>(); Texture1 = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Dice/die_face_1_T"); Texture2 = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Dice/die_face_2_T"); Texture3 = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Dice/die_face_3_T"); Texture4 = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Dice/die_face_4_T"); Texture5 = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Dice/die_face_5_T"); Texture6 = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Dice/die_face_6_T"); }
public static void Initialize(Zombicide game) { ObjectiveList = new List <Objective>(); LoadTextures(game); foreach (var O in ObjectiveTiles) { ObjectiveList.Add(new Objective(O)); } ObjectiveList.ElementAt(MainGameScreen.RNG.Next(0, ObjectiveList.Count)).UndersideColor = "blue"; }
public Weapon(Zombicide game, XmlNode i) : base(game, i) { Name = i.ChildNodes.Item(0).InnerText; Starter = Boolean.Parse(i.ChildNodes.Item(1).InnerText); Enum.TryParse(i.ChildNodes.Item(2).InnerText, out Type); MinRange = Convert.ToInt32(i.ChildNodes.Item(3).InnerText); MaxRange = Convert.ToInt32(i.ChildNodes.Item(4).InnerText); Dice = Convert.ToInt32(i.ChildNodes.Item(5).InnerText); DiceThreshold = Convert.ToInt32(i.ChildNodes.Item(6).InnerText); Damage = Convert.ToInt32(i.ChildNodes.Item(7).InnerText); Enum.TryParse(i.ChildNodes.Item(8).InnerText, out DoorStatus); Enum.TryParse(i.ChildNodes.Item(9).InnerText, out MinimumLevel); DualWield = Boolean.Parse(i.ChildNodes.Item(10).InnerText); }
public void FlipCard(Zombicide game) { switch (UndersideColor) { case "green": Texture = GreenX; break; case "blue": Texture = BlueX; break; default: break; } flipped = true; game.ActiveCharacter.PickupObjective(); }
public override void Draw(Zombicide game) { game.SpriteBatch.Draw(mapPic, new Rectangle(mapX, mapY, mapWidth, mapHeight), Color.White); foreach (Objective O in Objective.ObjectiveList) { O.Draw(game); } game.ActiveCharacter.Draw(game); game.SpriteBatch.Draw(resetMapButton, new Rectangle(resetMapX, resetMapY, 54, 54), Color.White); if (whosTurn == MoveState.PlayerTurn) { foreach (Tile T in litTiles) { game.SpriteBatch.Draw(Highlight, new Rectangle(mapX + T.column * tileWidth, mapY + T.row * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight), Color.White); } } foreach (Tile T in tileData) { if (T.LeftSide == RoomSide.closeddoor) { game.SpriteBatch.Draw(closedDoor, new Rectangle(mapX + (T.column * tileWidth) - 25, mapY + (T.row * tileHeight) + (tileHeight / 2) - 25, 50, 50), Color.White); } if (T.RighSide == RoomSide.opendoor) { game.SpriteBatch.Draw(openDoor, new Rectangle(mapX + ((T.column + 1) * tileWidth) - 25, mapY + (T.row * tileHeight) + (tileHeight / 2) - 25, 50, 50), Color.White); } if (T.TopSide == RoomSide.closeddoor) { game.SpriteBatch.Draw(closedDoor, new Rectangle(mapX + (T.column * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2) - 25, mapY + (T.row * tileHeight) - 25, 50, 50), Color.White); } if (T.BottomSide == RoomSide.opendoor) { game.SpriteBatch.Draw(openDoor, new Rectangle(mapX + (T.column * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2) - 25, mapY + ((T.row + 1) * tileHeight) - 25, 50, 50), Color.White); } } foreach (Zombie Z in Zombie.zombieList) { Z.Draw(game); } }
void applyMoveTiles(Zombicide game) { Tile curLocation = tileData.Find(x => x.row == game.ActiveCharacter.PlayerTile.row && x.column == game.ActiveCharacter.PlayerTile.column); litTiles.Clear(); if (curLocation.LeftSide == RoomSide.street || curLocation.LeftSide == || curLocation.LeftSide == RoomSide.opendoor) { litTiles.Add(tileData.Find(x => x.row == curLocation.row && x.column == curLocation.column - 1)); } if (curLocation.RighSide == RoomSide.street || curLocation.RighSide == || curLocation.RighSide == RoomSide.opendoor) { litTiles.Add(tileData.Find(x => x.row == curLocation.row && x.column == curLocation.column + 1)); } if (curLocation.TopSide == RoomSide.street || curLocation.TopSide == || curLocation.TopSide == RoomSide.opendoor) { litTiles.Add(tileData.Find(x => x.row == curLocation.row - 1 && x.column == curLocation.column)); } if (curLocation.BottomSide == RoomSide.street || curLocation.BottomSide == || curLocation.BottomSide == RoomSide.opendoor) { litTiles.Add(tileData.Find(x => x.row == curLocation.row + 1 && x.column == curLocation.column)); } }
public override void Update(Zombicide game) { int mapSpeed = 10; game.ActiveCharacter.Update(game); bool moving = Zombie.CheckMoving() || game.ActiveCharacter.moving; //Update UI components life.Text = ("Life: " + (game.ActiveCharacter.DeathThreshold - game.ActiveCharacter.GetDamageTaken()).ToString()); moves.Text = ("Moves Left: " + (game.ActiveCharacter.movesLeft).ToString()); level.Text = ("Level: " + (game.ActiveCharacter.Level).ToString()); experience.Text = ("Experience: " + (game.ActiveCharacter.Experience).ToString()); if ((Weapon)game.ActiveCharacter.MainHandSlot != null) { var mainWeap = (Weapon)game.ActiveCharacter.MainHandSlot; MainHand.Texture = mainWeap.Texture; MainHand.ToolTipText = "Damage: " + mainWeap.Damage + "\nDice: " + mainWeap.Dice + "\nHit Value: " + mainWeap.DiceThreshold + "\nRange: " + mainWeap.MinRange + "-" + mainWeap.MaxRange; MainHand.OutlineColor = (mainWeap.Active) ? Color.Red : Color.White; } else { MainHand.Texture = Character.EmptyHand; MainHand.ToolTipText = null; MainHand.OutlineColor = Color.White; } if ((Weapon)game.ActiveCharacter.OffHandSlot != null) { var offWeap = (Weapon)game.ActiveCharacter.OffHandSlot; OffHand.Texture = offWeap.Texture; OffHand.ToolTipText = "Damage: " + offWeap.Damage + "\nDice: " + offWeap.Dice + "\nHit Value: " + offWeap.DiceThreshold + "\nRange: " + offWeap.MinRange + "-" + offWeap.MaxRange; OffHand.OutlineColor = (offWeap.Active) ? Color.Red : Color.White; } else { OffHand.Texture = Character.EmptyHand; OffHand.ToolTipText = null; OffHand.OutlineColor = Color.White; } BackPackTab.panel.ClearChildren(); game.ActiveCharacter.Backpack.Remove(null); foreach (Item I in game.ActiveCharacter.Backpack) { if (I != null) { Image img = new Image(I.Texture, new Vector2(I.Size.X, I.Size.Y), anchor: Anchor.AutoInline); BackPackTab.panel.AddChild(img); img.OnClick = (Entity i) => { moveItemPopup(img); }; } } //Check endgame conditions if (EndGameFlag == false) { if (game.ActiveCharacter.IsAlive == false) { EndGamePopup(false); } else if (Objective.ObjectiveList.Exists(x => x.flipped == true && x.UndersideColor == "blue")) { EndGamePopup(true); } } if (PopupFlag == false && LastPopupFlag == false && moving == false) { if (game.PreviousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && game.MouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { MouseClicked(game, 1); } if (game.PreviousMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed && game.MouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Released) { MouseClicked(game, 2); } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && whosTurn == MoveState.PlayerTurn) { SearchPopup(); } } LastPopupFlag = PopupFlag; int mapCenterX = mapX + (mapWidth / 2); int mapCenterY = mapY + (mapHeight / 2); if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) && mapCenterY > 0) { mapY -= mapSpeed; } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) && mapCenterX > 400) { mapX -= mapSpeed; } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) && mapCenterX < game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 400) { mapX += mapSpeed; } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) && mapCenterY < game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height) { mapY += mapSpeed; } tileHeight = mapHeight / tilesHigh; tileWidth = mapWidth / tilesWide; foreach (Zombie Z in Zombie.zombieList) { Z.Update(game); } if (whosTurn == MoveState.PlayerTurn && moving == false) { applyMoveTiles(game); if (game.ActiveCharacter.movesLeft <= 0) { whosTurn = MoveState.ZombieTurn; } } if (whosTurn == MoveState.ZombieTurn) { //Give zombies their move foreach (Zombie Z in Zombie.zombieList) { if (game.ActiveCharacter.PlayerTile.row == Z.ZombieTile[0] && game.ActiveCharacter.PlayerTile.column == Z.ZombieTile[1]) { Z.attackPlayer(); } else { Z.Move(tileData, game.ActiveCharacter); } } //Spawn new Zombies foreach (var ST in Zombie.SpawnTiles) { if (RNG.Next(0, 2) == 1) { ZombieFactory.Spawn(game.ActiveCharacter.Level, ST[0], ST[1]); } } whosTurn = MoveState.PlayerTurn; game.ActiveCharacter.ResetMoves(moves); } }
public void Click(Zombicide game, bool RightClick) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
void LoadCharSelection(Zombicide game) { //Setup Last Panel to hold skills and confirm button Panel skillPanel = new Panel(new Vector2(400, 600), PanelSkin.Default, Anchor.AutoInline); Paragraph bs = new Paragraph("Blue Skill", Anchor.Auto, Color.DeepSkyBlue); Paragraph ys = new Paragraph("Yellow Skill", Anchor.Auto, Color.Yellow); Paragraph os1 = new Paragraph("Orange Skill", Anchor.Auto, Color.Orange); Paragraph os2 = new Paragraph("Orange Skill", Anchor.Auto, Color.Orange); Paragraph rs1 = new Paragraph("Red Skill", Anchor.Auto, Color.Red); Paragraph rs2 = new Paragraph("Red Skill", Anchor.Auto, Color.Red); Paragraph rs3 = new Paragraph("Red Skill", Anchor.Auto, Color.Red); Paragraph ArmAlt = new Paragraph("Item", Anchor.Auto, Color.White); Button ConfirmBut = new Button("CONFIRM", ButtonSkin.Default, Anchor.BottomCenter); ConfirmBut.Enabled = false; skillPanel.AddChild(new Header("Skills")); skillPanel.AddChild(new HorizontalLine()); skillPanel.AddChild(bs); skillPanel.AddChild(ys); skillPanel.AddChild(os1); skillPanel.AddChild(os2); skillPanel.AddChild(rs1); skillPanel.AddChild(rs2); skillPanel.AddChild(rs3); skillPanel.AddChild(new LineSpace(5)); skillPanel.AddChild(new Header("Armor Alternative")); skillPanel.AddChild(new HorizontalLine()); skillPanel.AddChild(ArmAlt); skillPanel.AddChild(ConfirmBut); //Setup First Panel to hold character list Panel Charpanel = new Panel(new Vector2(400, 600), PanelSkin.Default, Anchor.AutoInline, new Vector2((game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2) - 700, 100)); Charpanel.AddChild(new Header("Select Character")); Charpanel.AddChild(new HorizontalLine()); SelectList list = new SelectList(new Vector2(0, 500)); var CharDocument = PopulateCharacters(); foreach (XmlNode node in CharDocument.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { list.AddItem(node.FirstChild.InnerText); } Charpanel.AddChild(list); //Setup middle panel to hold character image Panel picpanel = new Panel(new Vector2(600, 600), PanelSkin.Default, Anchor.AutoInline); Image img = new Image(new Texture2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 400, 400)); picpanel.AddChild(img); //Add Panels to UI UserInterface.Active.AddEntity(Charpanel); UserInterface.Active.AddEntity(picpanel); UserInterface.Active.AddEntity(skillPanel); //Set events ConfirmBut.OnClick = (Entity btn) => { Character.Initialize(game, list.SelectedValue.First()); SelectedCharacter = new Character(list.SelectedValue, bs.Text, ys.Text, os1.Text, os2.Text, rs1.Text, rs2.Text, rs3.Text, ArmAlt.Text); StarterPopup(game); }; list.OnValueChange = (Entity lst) => { ConfirmBut.Enabled = true; var name = list.SelectedValue; XmlNode selectedNode = null; foreach (XmlNode node in CharDocument.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { if (node.FirstChild.InnerText == name) { selectedNode = node; } } string blueSkill = selectedNode.ChildNodes.Item(1).InnerText; string yellowSkill = selectedNode.ChildNodes.Item(2).InnerText; string orangeSkill1 = selectedNode.ChildNodes.Item(3).InnerText; string OrangeSkill2 = selectedNode.ChildNodes.Item(4).InnerText; string RedSkill1 = selectedNode.ChildNodes.Item(5).InnerText; string RedSkill2 = selectedNode.ChildNodes.Item(6).InnerText; string RedSkill3 = selectedNode.ChildNodes.Item(7).InnerText; string ArmorAlternative = selectedNode.ChildNodes.Item(8).InnerText; bs.Text = blueSkill; ys.Text = yellowSkill; os1.Text = orangeSkill1; os2.Text = OrangeSkill2; rs1.Text = RedSkill1; rs2.Text = RedSkill2; rs3.Text = RedSkill3; ArmAlt.Text = ArmorAlternative; string baseDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string fileName = name + ".jpg"; var imgPath = Path.Combine(baseDir, @"Data\", fileName); FileStream imgFile = File.OpenRead(imgPath); img.Texture = Texture2D.FromStream(game.GraphicsDevice, imgFile); }; }
public StartScreen(Zombicide game) { LoadContent(game); }
public override void Update(Zombicide game) { }
public override void Draw(Zombicide game) { }
public override void Draw(Zombicide game) { game.SpriteBatch.DrawString(titleFont, "Zombicide", titlePosition, Color.Black, 0, textMiddlePoint, (float)(Math.Sin(textSize) * .3) + 2, SpriteEffects.None, 0.5f); game.SpriteBatch.Draw(newGameButton, newGameButtonRectangle, Color.White); }
public void Update(Zombicide game) { }
public void Update(Zombicide game) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
static void Main() { using (var game = new Zombicide()) game.Run(); }
public virtual void Update(Zombicide game) { }
void BreakDoor(Zombicide game, Tile T, string side) { bool success = false; if (game.ActiveCharacter.ActiveWeapon.DoorStatus == DoorOpener.True) { //Roll Dice success = true; } else if (game.ActiveCharacter.ActiveWeapon.DoorStatus == DoorOpener.Auto) { //Roll Dice success = true; } else { PopupFlag = true; GeonBit.UI.Utils.MessageBox.ShowMsgBox("Item Cannot Open Doors", "Please Equip An Item That Can Open Doors.", new GeonBit.UI.Utils.MessageBox.MsgBoxOption[] { new GeonBit.UI.Utils.MessageBox.MsgBoxOption("OK", () => { return(true); }) }); PopupFlag = false; } if (success) { if (side == "left") { T.LeftSide = RoomSide.opendoor; var neighborTile = tileData.Find(x => x.row == T.row && x.column == T.column - 1); neighborTile.RighSide = RoomSide.opendoor; } else if (side == "top") { T.TopSide = RoomSide.opendoor; var neighborTile = tileData.Find(x => x.row == T.row - 1 && x.column == T.column); neighborTile.BottomSide = RoomSide.opendoor; } if (side == "right") { T.RighSide = RoomSide.opendoor; var neighborTile = tileData.Find(x => x.row == T.row && x.column == T.column + 1); neighborTile.LeftSide = RoomSide.opendoor; } else if (side == "bottom") { T.BottomSide = RoomSide.opendoor; var neighborTile = tileData.Find(x => x.row == T.row + 1 && x.column == T.column); neighborTile.TopSide = RoomSide.opendoor; } applyMoveTiles(game); game.ActiveCharacter.movesLeft--; //Make function that finds all connnected tiles in a room, this will help with spawning zombies too... //if (findallconnectingtiles.where(x => x.topside==open ||left||right||bottom).count <=1) to check if this is the first time youve opened the room ZombieFactory.SpawnInRooms(T, side, game.ActiveCharacter.Level); if (game.ActiveCharacter.movesLeft == 0) { whosTurn = MoveState.ZombieTurn; } } }
public void Draw(Zombicide game) { game.SpriteBatch.Draw(Texture, new Rectangle(MainGameScreen.mapX + (Tile[1] * MainGameScreen.tileWidth) + (MainGameScreen.tileWidth / 2) - 25, MainGameScreen.mapY + Tile[0] * MainGameScreen.tileHeight + (MainGameScreen.tileWidth / 2) - 25, 50, 50), Color.White); }
void LoadMainGame(Zombicide game) { //Initialize map map = new TiledSharp.TmxMap(@"Content/Tiled/Big Game Hunting.tmx"); mapPic = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Tiled/Big Game Hunting"); Highlight = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Highlight"); closedDoor = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"ClosedDoor"); openDoor = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"OpenDoor"); mapX = (game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2) - (mapWidth / 2); mapY = (game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2) - (mapHeight / 2); tilesHigh = Convert.ToInt32(map.Layers[0].Properties.Where(x => x.Key == "TilesHigh").FirstOrDefault().Value); tilesWide = Convert.ToInt32(map.Layers[0].Properties.Where(x => x.Key == "TilesWide").FirstOrDefault().Value); tileWidth = mapWidth / tilesWide; tileHeight = mapHeight / tilesHigh; litTiles = new List <Tile>(); doorTiles = new List <Tile>(); tileData = LoadTileData("BigGameHunting"); foreach (Tile T in tileData) { if (T.LeftSide == RoomSide.closeddoor || T.LeftSide == RoomSide.opendoor || T.TopSide == RoomSide.closeddoor || T.TopSide == RoomSide.opendoor) { doorTiles.Add(T); } } //Initialize random number generator RNG = new Random(); //Place reset map Button resetMapButton = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"CenterMapButton"); resetMapX = 1200 - 54; resetMapY = game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 54; //read in Start tile from map data and place player there var startTile = map.Layers[0].Properties.Where(x => x.Key == "StartTile").FirstOrDefault().Value.Split(','); game.ActiveCharacter.Move(startTile, true); //Load Zombie Spawns Zombie.SpawnTiles = map.Layers[0].Properties.Where(x => x.Key.StartsWith("SpawnZone")).Select(x => x.Value.Split(',').Select(y => Convert.ToInt32(y)).ToArray()).ToList(); //Load and initialize objectives Objective.ObjectiveTiles = map.Layers[0].Properties.Where(x => x.Key.StartsWith("Objective")).Select(x => x.Value.Split(',').Select(y => Convert.ToInt32(y)).ToArray()).ToList(); Objective.Initialize(game); //Initialize UI for Main game screen PanelTabs tabs = new PanelTabs(); PanelTabs RightTabs = new PanelTabs(); Panel movePanel = new Panel(new Vector2(400, 750), PanelSkin.Default, Anchor.TopRight, new Vector2(0, 50)); Panel playerPanel = new Panel(new Vector2(400, 750), PanelSkin.Default, Anchor.TopLeft, new Vector2(0, 50)); playerPanel.AddChild(tabs); movePanel.AddChild(RightTabs); TabData EquipmentTab = RightTabs.AddTab("Equipment"); Item MH = game.ActiveCharacter.MainHandSlot; MainHand = new Image(MH.Texture, new Vector2(MH.Size.X, MH.Size.Y), anchor: Anchor.TopLeft); MainHand.OutlineWidth = 3; var mainWeap = (Weapon)game.ActiveCharacter.MainHandSlot; MainHand.ToolTipText = "Damage: " + mainWeap.Damage + "\nDice: " + mainWeap.Dice + "\nHit Value: " + mainWeap.DiceThreshold + "\nRange: " + mainWeap.MinRange + "-" + mainWeap.MaxRange; MainHand.OnClick = (Entity pgh) => { game.ActiveCharacter.SetActiveWeapon("MAIN"); }; OffHand = new Image(Character.EmptyHand, new Vector2(MH.Size.X, MH.Size.Y), anchor: Anchor.TopRight); OffHand.OutlineWidth = 3; OffHand.OutlineColor = Color.White; OffHand.OnClick = (Entity pgh) => { if (game.ActiveCharacter.OffHandSlot != null) { game.ActiveCharacter.SetActiveWeapon("OFF"); } }; ArmorSlot = new Image(Character.EmptyArmor, new Vector2(MH.Size.X, MH.Size.Y), anchor: Anchor.AutoCenter, offset: new Vector2(0, 50)); ArmorSlot.OutlineWidth = 3; ArmorSlot.OutlineColor = Color.White; EquipmentTab.button.Padding = new Vector2(0, 0); EquipmentTab.button.Size = new Vector2(100, 50); EquipmentTab.button.Offset = new Vector2(0, -50); EquipmentTab.panel.Offset = new Vector2(0, -50); EquipmentTab.button.ButtonParagraph.Scale = .9f; EquipmentTab.panel.AddChild(MainHand); EquipmentTab.panel.AddChild(OffHand); EquipmentTab.panel.AddChild(ArmorSlot); TabData SkillTab = RightTabs.AddTab("Skills"); BlueSkill = new Paragraph(game.ActiveCharacter.BlueSkill.SkillName, Anchor.Auto, color: Color.DeepSkyBlue); YellowSkill = new Paragraph(game.ActiveCharacter.YellowSkill.SkillName, Anchor.Auto, color: Color.DarkGray); OrangeSkill1 = new Paragraph(game.ActiveCharacter.OrangeSkills.First().SkillName, Anchor.Auto, color: Color.DarkGray); OrangeSkill2 = new Paragraph(game.ActiveCharacter.OrangeSkills.Last().SkillName, Anchor.Auto, color: Color.DarkGray); RedSkill1 = new Paragraph(game.ActiveCharacter.RedSkills.First().SkillName, Anchor.Auto, color: Color.DarkGray); RedSkill2 = new Paragraph(game.ActiveCharacter.RedSkills.ElementAt(1).SkillName, Anchor.Auto, color: Color.DarkGray); RedSkill3 = new Paragraph(game.ActiveCharacter.RedSkills.Last().SkillName, Anchor.Auto, color: Color.DarkGray); SkillTab.panel.AddChild(BlueSkill); SkillTab.panel.AddChild(YellowSkill); SkillTab.panel.AddChild(OrangeSkill1); SkillTab.panel.AddChild(OrangeSkill2); SkillTab.panel.AddChild(RedSkill1); SkillTab.panel.AddChild(RedSkill2); SkillTab.panel.AddChild(RedSkill3); SkillTab.button.Padding = new Vector2(0, 0); SkillTab.button.Size = new Vector2(100, 50); SkillTab.panel.Offset = new Vector2(0, -50); SkillTab.button.ButtonParagraph.Scale = .9f; TabData tab1 = tabs.AddTab("Player"); life = new Paragraph("Life: " + (game.ActiveCharacter.DeathThreshold - game.ActiveCharacter.GetDamageTaken()).ToString()); moves = new Paragraph("Moves Left: " + (game.ActiveCharacter.movesLeft).ToString()); level = new Paragraph("Level: " + (game.ActiveCharacter.Level).ToString()); experience = new Paragraph("Experience: " + (game.ActiveCharacter.Experience).ToString()); forfeitMove = new Button("Forfeit Move", anchor: Anchor.BottomCenter); forfeitMove.OnClick = (Entity btn) => { game.ActiveCharacter.movesLeft--; }; tab1.button.Padding = new Vector2(0, 0); tab1.button.Size = new Vector2(100, 50); tab1.button.Offset = new Vector2(0, -50); tab1.panel.Offset = new Vector2(0, -50); tab1.panel.AddChild(new Header(game.ActiveCharacter.CharacterName)); tab1.panel.AddChild(new HorizontalLine()); tab1.panel.AddChild(life); tab1.panel.AddChild(moves); tab1.panel.AddChild(level); tab1.panel.AddChild(experience); tab1.panel.AddChild(forfeitMove); tab1.button.ButtonParagraph.Scale = .9f; BackPackTab = tabs.AddTab("Backpack"); BackPackTab.panel.AddChild(new Header("Items")); BackPackTab.button.Padding = new Vector2(0, 0); BackPackTab.button.Size = new Vector2(100, 50); BackPackTab.button.ButtonParagraph.Scale = .9f; TabData tab3 = tabs.AddTab("Team"); tab3.button.Padding = new Vector2(0, 0); tab3.button.Size = new Vector2(100, 50); tab3.button.ButtonParagraph.Scale = .9f; UserInterface.Active.AddEntity(playerPanel); UserInterface.Active.AddEntity(movePanel); whosTurn = MoveState.PlayerTurn; applyMoveTiles(game); //Initialize Dice and Zombies Zombie.Initialize(game); Dice.Initialize(game); }
public CharacterSelectScreen(Zombicide game) { Item.Initialize(game); LoadCharSelection(game); }
public static void LoadTextures(Zombicide game) { RedX = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("redX"); BlueX = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("blueX"); GreenX = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("greenX"); }
public Item(Zombicide game, XmlNode I) { Texture = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Items\" + I.FirstChild.InnerText.Replace(' ', '_')); Size = new Point(160, 250); drawn = false; }
void MouseClicked(Zombicide game, int LR) { int x = game.MouseState.X; int y = game.MouseState.Y; Rectangle mouseClickRect = new Rectangle(x, y, 10, 10); if (LR == 1) //left Click { Rectangle resetMapRect = new Rectangle(resetMapX, resetMapY, 54, 54); if (mouseClickRect.Intersects(resetMapRect)) { mapWidth = 800; mapHeight = 800; mapX = (game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2) - (mapWidth / 2); mapY = (game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2) - (mapHeight / 2); } if (whosTurn == MoveState.PlayerTurn) { Tile T = game.ActiveCharacter.PlayerTile; Rectangle leftdoorRect = new Rectangle(mapX + (T.column * tileWidth) - 25, mapY + (T.row * tileHeight) + (tileHeight / 2) - 25, 50, 50); Rectangle topdoorRect = new Rectangle(mapX + (T.column * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2) - 25, mapY + (T.row * tileHeight) - 25, 50, 50); Rectangle rightdoorRect = new Rectangle(mapX + ((T.column + 1) * tileWidth) - 25, mapY + (T.row * tileHeight) + (tileHeight / 2) - 25, 50, 50); Rectangle bottomdoorRect = new Rectangle(mapX + (T.column * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2) - 25, mapY + ((T.row + 1) * tileHeight) - 25, 50, 50); bool doorClicked = false; string doorSide = ""; if (mouseClickRect.Intersects(leftdoorRect) && T.LeftSide == RoomSide.closeddoor) { doorClicked = true; doorSide = "left"; } else if (mouseClickRect.Intersects(topdoorRect) && T.TopSide == RoomSide.closeddoor) { doorClicked = true; doorSide = "top"; } else if (mouseClickRect.Intersects(rightdoorRect) && T.RighSide == RoomSide.closeddoor) { doorClicked = true; doorSide = "right"; } else if (mouseClickRect.Intersects(bottomdoorRect) && T.BottomSide == RoomSide.closeddoor) { doorClicked = true; doorSide = "bottom"; } if (doorClicked) { PopupFlag = true; GeonBit.UI.Utils.MessageBox.ShowMsgBox("Locked Door", "Break Down Door?", new GeonBit.UI.Utils.MessageBox.MsgBoxOption[] { new GeonBit.UI.Utils.MessageBox.MsgBoxOption("Yes", () => { BreakDoor(game, T, doorSide); PopupFlag = false; return(true); }), new GeonBit.UI.Utils.MessageBox.MsgBoxOption("no", () => { PopupFlag = false; return(true); }) }); return; } foreach (Objective O in Objective.ObjectiveList) { if (mouseClickRect.Intersects(O.Area) && O.flipped == false && game.ActiveCharacter.PlayerTile.row == O.Tile[0] && game.ActiveCharacter.PlayerTile.column == O.Tile[1]) { O.FlipCard(game); return; } } foreach (Tile L in litTiles) { Rectangle tileRect = new Rectangle(mapX + L.column * tileWidth, mapY + L.row * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight); if (mouseClickRect.Intersects(tileRect)) { game.ActiveCharacter.Move(new string[] { L.row.ToString(), L.column.ToString() }); applyMoveTiles(game); if (game.ActiveCharacter.movesLeft == 0) { whosTurn = MoveState.ZombieTurn; } return; } } } } if (LR == 2) //Right Click { foreach (Tile T in tileData) { Rectangle tileRect = new Rectangle(mapX + T.column * tileWidth, mapY + T.row * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight); if (mouseClickRect.Intersects(tileRect)) { List <Zombie> tileZombies = new List <Zombie>(); tileZombies = Zombie.zombieList.FindAll(z => z.ZombieTile[0] == T.row && z.ZombieTile[1] == T.column); if (tileZombies.Count > 0) { PopupFlag = true; GeonBit.UI.Utils.MessageBox.ShowMsgBox("Zombie", "Attack Zombie In This Tile?", new GeonBit.UI.Utils.MessageBox.MsgBoxOption[] { new GeonBit.UI.Utils.MessageBox.MsgBoxOption("Yes", () => { var hits = game.ActiveCharacter.Attack(game, tileZombies.First()); for (int i = 0; i < hits; i++) { if (tileZombies.Count > 0) { Zombie.zombieList.RemoveAt(Zombie.zombieList.FindIndex(z => z.ZombieTile[0] == T.row && z.ZombieTile[1] == T.column)); tileZombies.RemoveAt(0); game.ActiveCharacter.ApplyExperience(1); } } PopupFlag = false; return(true); }), new GeonBit.UI.Utils.MessageBox.MsgBoxOption("no", () => { PopupFlag = false; return(true); }) }); } } } } }
public virtual void Draw(Zombicide game) { }