public static void GenerateTechs() { var db = new ZkDataContext(); db.StructureTypes.DeleteAllOnSubmit(db.StructureTypes.Where(x => x.Unlock != null)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); foreach (var u in db.Unlocks.Where(x => x.UnlockType == UnlockTypes.Unit)) { var s = new StructureType() { BattleDeletesThis = false, Cost = u.XpCost / 2, MapIcon = "techlab.png", DisabledMapIcon = "techlab_dead.png", Name = u.Name, Description = string.Format("Access to {0} and increases influence gains", u.Name), TurnsToActivate = u.XpCost / 100, IsBuildable = true, IsIngameDestructible = true, IsBomberDestructible = true, Unlock = u, UpkeepEnergy = u.XpCost / 5, IngameUnitName = "pw_" + u.Code, }; db.StructureTypes.InsertOnSubmit(s); } db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); }
public ActionResult AddContribution(int accountID,int kudos, string item, string currency, double gross, double grossEur, double netEur, string email, string comment, bool isSpring, DateTime date) { using (var db = new ZkDataContext()) { var acc = db.Accounts.Find(accountID); var contrib = new Contribution() { AccountID = accountID, ManuallyAddedAccountID = Global.AccountID, KudosValue = kudos, ItemName = item, IsSpringContribution = isSpring, Comment = comment, OriginalCurrency = currency, OriginalAmount = gross, Euros = grossEur, EurosNet = netEur, Time = date, Name = acc.Name, Email = email }; db.Contributions.InsertOnSubmit(contrib); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); acc.Kudos = acc.KudosGained - acc.KudosSpent; db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); } return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
public ActionResult Redeem(string code) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) return Content("Code is empty"); var contrib = db.Contributions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RedeemCode == code); if (contrib == null) return Content("No contribution with that code found"); if (contrib.AccountByAccountID != null) return Content(string.Format("This contribution has been assigned to {0}, thank you.", contrib.AccountByAccountID.Name)); var acc = db.Accounts.Find(Global.AccountID); contrib.AccountByAccountID = acc; db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); acc.Kudos = acc.KudosGained - acc.KudosSpent; db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); return Content(string.Format("Thank you!! {0} Kudos have been added to your account {1}", contrib.KudosValue, contrib.AccountByAccountID.Name)); }
public NwSteamHandler(TasClient tas, string webApiKey) { steamApi = new SteamWebApi(GlobalConst.SteamAppID, webApiKey); tas.Said += (sender, args) => { if (args.Place == SayPlace.User && args.UserName != tas.UserName && args.Text.StartsWith("!linksteam")) { var token = args.Text.Substring(11); User user; if (tas.ExistingUsers.TryGetValue(args.UserName, out user)) { Utils.StartAsync(() => { Thread.Sleep(2000); // steam is slow to get the ticket from client .. wont verify if its checked too soon var steamID = steamApi.WebValidateAuthToken(token); var info = steamApi.WebGetPlayerInfo(steamID); using (var db = new ZkDataContext()) { var acc = db.Accounts.Find(user.AccountID); acc.SteamID = steamID; acc.SteamName = info.personaname; db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); tas.Extensions.PublishAccountData(acc); } }); } } }; }
public ActionResult RemoveBlockedCompany(int companyID) { ZkDataContext db = new ZkDataContext(); BlockedCompany todel = db.BlockedCompanies.First(x => x.CompanyID == companyID); string name = todel.CompanyName; db.BlockedCompanies.DeleteOnSubmit(todel); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); var str = string.Format("{0} removed blocked VPN company: {1}", Global.Account.Name, name); Global.Server.GhostChanSay(GlobalConst.ModeratorChannel, str); return RedirectToAction("BlockedVPNs"); }
public static Faction PerformLeaveFaction(int accountID, bool keepClan = false, ZkDataContext db = null) { if (db == null) db = new ZkDataContext(); Account acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); Faction faction = acc.Faction; if (!keepClan && acc.Clan != null) ClansController.PerformLeaveClan(Global.AccountID); db.AccountRoles.DeleteAllOnSubmit(acc.AccountRolesByAccountID.Where(x => !keepClan || x.ClanID == null)); acc.ResetQuotas(); foreach (var ps in acc.PlanetStructures) { ps.OwnerAccountID = null; } foreach (var planet in acc.Planets) { planet.OwnerAccountID = null; } // delete channel subscription if (true) //(!acc.IsZeroKAdmin) { var channelSub = db.LobbyChannelSubscriptions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AccountID == acc.AccountID && x.Channel == acc.Faction.Name); if (channelSub != null) db.LobbyChannelSubscriptions.DeleteOnSubmit(channelSub); } db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} leaves faction {1}", acc, acc.Faction)); db.SubmitChanges(); PlanetwarsController.SetPlanetOwners(db); using (var db2 = new ZkDataContext()) { Account acc2 = db2.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); acc2.FactionID = null; db2.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); PlanetwarsController.SetPlanetOwners(db2); } return faction; }
public void ImportIpnPayment(NameValueCollection values, byte[] rawRequest) { try { var parsed = ParseIpn(values); var contribution = AddPayPalContribution(parsed); var verified = VerifyRequest(rawRequest); if (contribution != null && !verified) { Error( string.Format( "Warning, transaction {0} by {1} VERIFICATION FAILED, check that it is not a fake! {2}/Contributions ", parsed.TransactionID, parsed.Name, GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl)); using (var db = new ZkDataContext()) { db.Contributions.First(x => x.ContributionID == contribution.ContributionID).Comment = "VERIFICATION FAILED"; db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError(ex.ToString()); Error(ex.ToString()); } }
public static Faction PerformLeaveFaction(int accountID, bool keepClan = false, ZkDataContext db = null) { if (db == null) db = new ZkDataContext(); Account acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); Faction faction = acc.Faction; if (!keepClan && acc.Clan != null) ClansController.PerformLeaveClan(Global.AccountID); db.AccountRoles.DeleteAllOnSubmit(acc.AccountRolesByAccountID.Where(x => !keepClan || x.ClanID == null).ToList()); acc.ResetQuotas(); foreach (var ps in acc.PlanetStructures) { ps.OwnerAccountID = null; } foreach (var planet in acc.Planets) { planet.OwnerAccountID = null; } db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} leaves faction {1}", acc, acc.Faction)); db.SubmitChanges(); PlanetwarsController.SetPlanetOwners(db); using (var db2 = new ZkDataContext()) { Account acc2 = db2.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); acc2.FactionID = null; db2.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); PlanetwarsController.SetPlanetOwners(db2); } return faction; }
public ActionResult CounterProposal(int id) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); var treaty = db.FactionTreaties.Single(x => x.FactionTreatyID == id); var acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); if (treaty.CanCancel(acc) && treaty.TreatyState == TreatyState.Proposed) { treaty.FactionByAcceptingFactionID = treaty.AcceptingFactionID == acc.FactionID ? treaty.FactionByProposingFactionID : treaty.FactionByAcceptingFactionID; treaty.AccountByProposingAccountID = acc; treaty.FactionByProposingFactionID = acc.Faction; treaty.TreatyState = TreatyState.Invalid; db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} modified treaty proposal {1} between {2} and {3}", acc, treaty, treaty.FactionByProposingFactionID, treaty.FactionByAcceptingFactionID)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); return View("FactionTreatyDefinition", treaty); } return Content("Not permitted"); }
public ActionResult AcceptTreaty(int id) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); var treaty = db.FactionTreaties.Single(x => x.FactionTreatyID == id); var acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); if (treaty.CanAccept(acc) && treaty.ProcessTrade(true)) { treaty.AcceptedAccountID = acc.AccountID; treaty.TreatyState = TreatyState.Accepted; db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("Treaty {0} between {1} and {2} accepted by {3}", treaty, treaty.FactionByProposingFactionID, treaty.FactionByAcceptingFactionID, acc)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = Global.FactionID }); } return Content("Cannot cancel"); }
public ActionResult SubmitCreate(Clan clan, HttpPostedFileBase image, HttpPostedFileBase bgimage, bool noFaction = false) { //using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) //{ ZkDataContext db = new ZkDataContext(); bool created = clan.ClanID == 0; // existing clan vs creation //return Content(noFaction ? "true":"false"); if (noFaction) clan.FactionID = null; var new_faction = db.Factions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FactionID == clan.FactionID); if ((new_faction != null) && new_faction.IsDeleted) return Content("Cannot create clans in deleted factions"); Clan orgClan = null; if (!created) { if (!Global.Account.HasClanRight(x => x.RightEditTexts) || clan.ClanID != Global.Account.ClanID) return Content("Unauthorized"); orgClan = db.Clans.Single(x => x.ClanID == clan.ClanID); orgClan.ClanName = clan.ClanName; orgClan.Shortcut = clan.Shortcut; orgClan.Description = clan.Description; orgClan.SecretTopic = clan.SecretTopic; orgClan.Password = clan.Password; } else { if (Global.Clan != null) return Content("You already have a clan"); // should just change their faction for them? if (Global.FactionID != 0 && Global.FactionID != clan.FactionID) return Content("Clan must belong to same faction you are in"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clan.ClanName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(clan.Shortcut)) return Content("Name and shortcut cannot be empty!"); if (!ZkData.Clan.IsShortcutValid(clan.Shortcut)) return Content("Shortcut must have at least 1 characters and contain only numbers and letters"); // check if our name or shortcut conflicts with existing clans // if so, allow us to create a new clan over it if it's a deleted clan, else block action var existingClans = db.Clans.Where(x => ((SqlFunctions.PatIndex(clan.Shortcut,x.Shortcut) > 0 || SqlFunctions.PatIndex(clan.ClanName, x.ClanName) > 0) && x.ClanID != clan.ClanID)); if (existingClans.Count() > 0) { if (existingClans.Any(x => !x.IsDeleted)) return Content("Clan with this shortcut or name already exists"); if (created) { Clan deadClan = existingClans.First(); clan = deadClan; if (noFaction) clan.FactionID = null; } } else if (created) db.Clans.InsertOnSubmit(clan); if (created && (image == null || image.ContentLength == 0)) return Content("A clan image is required"); if (image != null && image.ContentLength > 0) { var im = Image.FromStream(image.InputStream); if (im.Width != 64 || im.Height != 64) im = im.GetResized(64, 64); db.SubmitChanges(); // needed to get clan id for image url - stupid way really im.Save(Server.MapPath(clan.GetImageUrl())); } if (bgimage != null && bgimage.ContentLength > 0) { var im = Image.FromStream(bgimage.InputStream); db.SubmitChanges(); // needed to get clan id for image url - stupid way really // DW - Actually its not stupid, its required to enforce locking. // It would be possbile to enforce a pre-save id im.Save(Server.MapPath(clan.GetBGImageUrl())); } db.SubmitChanges(); if (created) // we created a new clan, set self as founder and rights { var acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); acc.ClanID = clan.ClanID; var leader = db.RoleTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RightKickPeople && x.IsClanOnly); if (leader != null) db.AccountRoles.InsertOnSubmit(new AccountRole() { AccountID = acc.AccountID, Clan = clan, RoleType = leader, Inauguration = DateTime.UtcNow }); db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("New clan {0} formed by {1}", clan, acc)); } else { if (clan.FactionID != orgClan.FactionID) // set factions of members { var originalID = orgClan.FactionID; orgClan.FactionID = clan.FactionID; // <- not possible to change faction // now it is! if (orgClan.Faction != null && orgClan.Faction.IsDeleted) { orgClan.FactionID = originalID; throw new ApplicationException("You cannot join deleted faction"); } db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("Clan {0} moved to faction {1}", clan, orgClan.Faction)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); foreach (Account member in orgClan.Accounts) { if (member.FactionID != clan.FactionID && member.FactionID != null) { FactionsController.PerformLeaveFaction(member.AccountID, true, db); } member.Faction = orgClan.Faction; } } } db.SubmitChanges(); //scope.Complete(); Global.Nightwatch.Tas.AdminSetTopic(clan.GetClanChannel(), clan.SecretTopic); Global.Nightwatch.Tas.AdminSetChannelPassword(clan.GetClanChannel(), clan.Password); //} return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = clan.ClanID }); }
/// <summary> /// Create or modify a PlanetWars <see cref="FactionTreaty"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="factionTreatyID">Existing <see cref="FactionTreaty"/> ID, if modifying one</param> /// <param name="turns">How long the treaty lasts</param> /// <param name="acceptingFactionID"></param> /// <param name="effectTypeID"><see cref="TreatyEffect"/> to add or remove, if applicable</param> /// <param name="effectValue"></param> /// <param name="planetID">Specifies the <see cref="Planet"/> for planet-based effects</param> /// <param name="isReverse"></param> /// <param name="note">Diplomatic note readable by both parties, to better communicate their intentions</param> /// <param name="add">If not null or empty, add the specified <see cref="TreatyEffect"/></param> /// <param name="delete">Delete the specified <see cref="TreatyEffect"/>?</param> /// <param name="propose">If not null or empty, this is a newly proposed treaty</param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult ModifyTreaty(int factionTreatyID, int? turns, int? acceptingFactionID, int? effectTypeID, double? effectValue, int? planetID, bool? isReverse, string note, string add,int? delete,string propose) { if (!Global.Account.HasFactionRight(x => x.RightDiplomacy)) return Content("Not a diplomat!"); FactionTreaty treaty; // submit, store treaty in db var db = new ZkDataContext(); if (factionTreatyID > 0) { treaty = db.FactionTreaties.Single(x => x.FactionTreatyID == factionTreatyID); if (treaty.TreatyState != TreatyState.Invalid) return Content("Treaty already in progress!"); } else { treaty = new FactionTreaty(); db.FactionTreaties.InsertOnSubmit(treaty); treaty.FactionByAcceptingFactionID = db.Factions.Single(x => x.FactionID == acceptingFactionID); } treaty.AccountByProposingAccountID = db.Accounts.Find(Global.AccountID); treaty.FactionByProposingFactionID = db.Factions.Single(x => x.FactionID == Global.FactionID); treaty.TurnsRemaining = turns; treaty.TurnsTotal = turns; treaty.TreatyNote = note; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(add)) { TreatyEffectType effectType = db.TreatyEffectTypes.Single(x => x.EffectTypeID == effectTypeID); var effect = new TreatyEffect { FactionByGivingFactionID = isReverse == true ? treaty.FactionByAcceptingFactionID : treaty.FactionByProposingFactionID, FactionByReceivingFactionID = isReverse == true ? treaty.FactionByProposingFactionID : treaty.FactionByAcceptingFactionID, TreatyEffectType = effectType, FactionTreaty = treaty }; if (effectType.HasValue) { if (effectType.MinValue.HasValue && effectValue < effectType.MinValue.Value) effectValue = effectType.MinValue; if (effectType.MaxValue.HasValue && effectValue > effectType.MaxValue.Value) effectValue = effectType.MaxValue; } if (effectType.HasValue) effect.Value = effectValue; if (effectType.IsPlanetBased) effect.PlanetID = planetID.Value; db.TreatyEffects.InsertOnSubmit(effect); } if (delete != null) { db.TreatyEffects.DeleteOnSubmit(db.TreatyEffects.Single(x=>x.TreatyEffectID == delete)); } db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propose)) { treaty.TreatyState = TreatyState.Proposed; db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} proposes a new treaty between {1} and {2} - {3}",treaty.AccountByProposingAccountID, treaty.FactionByProposingFactionID, treaty.FactionByAcceptingFactionID, treaty)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = treaty.ProposingFactionID}); } return View("FactionTreatyDefinition", treaty); }
public ActionResult RemovePunishment(int punishmentID) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); var todel = db.Punishments.First(x => x.PunishmentID == punishmentID); db.Punishments.DeleteOnSubmit(todel); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); Account acc = todel.AccountByAccountID; string punisherName = "<unknown>"; if (todel.CreatedAccountID != null) { Account adminAcc = db.Accounts.Find((int)todel.CreatedAccountID); punisherName = adminAcc.Name; } Global.Nightwatch.Tas.Say(SayPlace.Channel, AuthService.ModeratorChannel, string.Format("{0} removed a punishment given by {1} ", Global.Account.Name, punisherName), true); Global.Nightwatch.Tas.Say(SayPlace.Channel, AuthService.ModeratorChannel, string.Format("to {0} for: {1} ", acc.Name, todel.Reason), true); return RedirectToAction("Detail", "Users", new { id = todel.AccountID }); }
public static void RecalculateKudos() { var db = new ZkDataContext(); foreach (var acc in db.Accounts.Where(x => x.KudosPurchases.Any() || x.ContributionsByAccountID.Any())) acc.Kudos = acc.KudosGained - acc.KudosSpent; db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); }
Contribution AddPayPalContribution(ParsedData parsed) { try { if ((parsed.Status != "Completed" && parsed.Status != "Cleared") || parsed.Gross <= 0) { return(null); // not a contribution! } double netEur; double grossEur; if (parsed.Currency == "EUR") { netEur = parsed.Net; grossEur = parsed.Gross; } else { netEur = ConvertToEuros(parsed.Currency, parsed.Net); grossEur = ConvertToEuros(parsed.Currency, parsed.Gross); } int?accountID, jarID; TryParseItemCode(parsed.ItemCode, out accountID, out jarID); Contribution contrib; using (var db = new ZkDataContext()) { Account acc = null; ContributionJar jar; if (jarID == null) { jar = db.ContributionJars.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsDefault); } else { jar = db.ContributionJars.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ContributionJarID == jarID); } if (accountID != null) { acc = db.Accounts.Find(accountID.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parsed.TransactionID) && db.Contributions.Any(x => x.PayPalTransactionID == parsed.TransactionID)) { return(null); // contribution already exists } var isSpring = !parsed.ItemCode.StartsWith("ZK") || jar.IsDefault; contrib = new Contribution() { AccountByAccountID = acc, Name = parsed.Name, Euros = grossEur, KudosValue = (int)Math.Round(grossEur * GlobalConst.EurosToKudos), OriginalAmount = parsed.Gross, OriginalCurrency = parsed.Currency, PayPalTransactionID = parsed.TransactionID, ItemCode = parsed.ItemCode, Time = parsed.Time, EurosNet = netEur, ItemName = parsed.ItemName, Email = parsed.Email, RedeemCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), IsSpringContribution = isSpring, ContributionJar = jar }; db.Contributions.Add(contrib); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); if (acc != null) { acc.Kudos = acc.KudosGained - acc.KudosSpent; } db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); // technically not needed to sent when account is known, but perhaps its nice to get a confirmation like that SendEmail(contrib); NewContribution(contrib); } return(contrib); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error processing payment: {0}", ex); Error(ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public ActionResult RecallRole(int accountID, int roletypeID) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); Account targetAccount = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == accountID); Account myAccount = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); RoleType role = db.RoleTypes.Single(x => x.RoleTypeID == roletypeID); if (myAccount.CanRecall(targetAccount, role)) { db.AccountRoles.DeleteAllOnSubmit(db.AccountRoles.Where(x => x.AccountID == accountID && x.RoleTypeID == roletypeID)); db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} was recalled from the {1} role of {2} by {3}", targetAccount, role.IsClanOnly ? (object)myAccount.Clan : myAccount.Faction, role, myAccount)); AuthServiceClient.SendLobbyMessage(targetAccount, string.Format("You were recalled from the function of {0} by {1}", role.Name, myAccount.Name)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Detail", "Users", new { id = accountID }); } else return Content("Cannot recall"); }
public ActionResult ActivateTargetedStructure(int planetID, int structureTypeID) { //This call is never to be called before/outside of SetStructureTarget var db = new ZkDataContext(); //Get the pre-set target planet ID PlanetStructure structure = db.PlanetStructures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == planetID && x.StructureTypeID == structureTypeID); int targetID = structure.TargetPlanetID ?? -1; if (targetID == -1) return Content("Structure has no target"); if (!structure.IsActive) return Content(String.Format("Structure {0} is inactive", structure.StructureType.Name)); ActionResult ret = null; if (structure.StructureType.EffectCreateLink == true) { ret = CreateLink(planetID, structureTypeID, targetID); } if (ret != null) return ret; // exit with message if error occurs if (structure.StructureType.EffectChangePlanetMap == true) { ret = ChangePlanetMap(planetID, structureTypeID, targetID, null); } if (ret != null) return ret; // exit with message if error occurs if (structure.StructureType.EffectPlanetBuster == true) { ret = FirePlanetBuster(planetID, structureTypeID, targetID); } if (ret != null) return ret; // exit with message if error occurs if (structure.StructureType.IsSingleUse) // single-use structure, remove { db.PlanetStructures.DeleteOnSubmit(structure); } db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); SetPlanetOwners(db); //this is needed for the buster to update ownership after planet destruction if (ret != null) return ret; return RedirectToAction("Planet", new { id = planetID }); }
public ActionResult CreateLink(int planetID, int structureTypeID, int targetID) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); PlanetStructure structure = db.PlanetStructures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == planetID && x.StructureTypeID == structureTypeID); Planet source = db.Planets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == planetID); Planet target = db.Planets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == targetID); // warp jammers protect against link creation //var warpDefense = target.PlanetStructures.Where(x => x.StructureType.EffectBlocksJumpgate == true).ToList(); //if (warpDefense.Count > 0) return Content("Warp jamming prevents link creation"); if (source.GalaxyID != target.GalaxyID) return Content("Cannot form exo-galaxy link"); db.Links.InsertOnSubmit(new Link { PlanetID1 = source.PlanetID, PlanetID2 = target.PlanetID, GalaxyID = source.GalaxyID }); db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("A new link was created between {0} planet {1} and {2} planet {3} by the {4}", source.Faction, source, target.Faction, target, structure.StructureType)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); return null; }
public ActionResult SetStructureTarget(int planetID, int structureTypeID, int targetPlanetID) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); var acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); var planet = db.Planets.Single(x => x.PlanetID == planetID); var structure = planet.PlanetStructures.Single(x => x.StructureTypeID == structureTypeID); if (!acc.CanSetStructureTarget(structure)) return Content("Cannot set target"); var target = db.Planets.Single(x => x.PlanetID == targetPlanetID); if (target != structure.PlanetByTargetPlanetID) { structure.IsActive = false; // deactivate on target change structure.ActivatedOnTurn = null; } structure.PlanetByTargetPlanetID = target; db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} of {1} aimed {2} located at {3} to {4} planet {5}", acc, acc.Faction, structure.StructureType, planet, target.Faction, target)); if (structure.IsActive && !structure.StructureType.IsSingleUse) return ActivateTargetedStructure(planetID, structureTypeID); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Planet", new { id = planet.PlanetID }); }
public ActionResult SetEnergyPriority(int planetID, int structuretypeID, EnergyPriority priority) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); var acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); var planet = db.Planets.Single(x => x.PlanetID == planetID); var structure = planet.PlanetStructures.Single(x => x.StructureTypeID == structuretypeID); if (!acc.CanSetPriority(structure)) return Content("Cannot set priority"); structure.EnergyPriority = priority; db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} changed energy priority of {1} on {2} to {3}", acc, structure.StructureType, planet, priority)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Planet", new { id = planet.PlanetID }); }
public ActionResult AppointRole(int accountID, int roletypeID) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); Account targetAccount = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == accountID); Account myAccount = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); RoleType role = db.RoleTypes.Single(x => x.RoleTypeID == roletypeID); if (myAccount.CanAppoint(targetAccount, role)) { Account previous = null; if (role.IsOnePersonOnly) { List<AccountRole> entries = db.AccountRoles.Where( x => x.RoleTypeID == role.RoleTypeID && (role.IsClanOnly ? x.ClanID == myAccount.ClanID : x.FactionID == myAccount.FactionID)).ToList(); if (entries.Any()) { previous = entries.First().Account; db.AccountRoles.DeleteAllOnSubmit(entries); } } var entry = new AccountRole { AccountID = accountID, Inauguration = DateTime.UtcNow, Clan = role.IsClanOnly ? myAccount.Clan : null, Faction = !role.IsClanOnly ? myAccount.Faction : null, RoleTypeID = roletypeID, }; db.AccountRoles.InsertOnSubmit(entry); if (previous != null) { db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} was appointed to the {1} role of {2} by {3} - replacing {4}", targetAccount, role.IsClanOnly ? (object)myAccount.Clan : myAccount.Faction, role, myAccount, previous)); } else { db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} was appointed to the {1} role of {2} by {3}", targetAccount, role.IsClanOnly ? (object)myAccount.Clan : myAccount.Faction, role, myAccount)); } AuthServiceClient.SendLobbyMessage(targetAccount, string.Format("You were appointed for the function of {0} by {1}", role.Name, myAccount.Name)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Detail", "Users", new { id = accountID }); } else return Content("Cannot recall"); }
/// <summary> /// Set faction secret topic (applied to lobby channel as well) /// </summary> public ActionResult SetTopic(int factionID, string secretTopic) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); var fac = db.Factions.Single(x => x.FactionID == factionID); if (Global.Account.FactionID == fac.FactionID && Global.Account.HasFactionRight(x=>x.RightEditTexts)) { fac.SecretTopic = secretTopic; db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); Global.Server.SetTopic(fac.Shortcut,secretTopic, Global.Account.Name); return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = fac.FactionID }); } return Content("Denied"); }
public static void AutoClosePolls() { var db = new ZkDataContext(); foreach (var p in db.Polls.Where(x => x.IsHeadline && x.ExpireBy != null && x.ExpireBy < DateTime.UtcNow && x.RoleTypeID != null).ToList()) { var yes = p.PollVotes.Count(x => x.PollOption.OptionText == "Yes"); var no = p.PollVotes.Count(x => x.PollOption.OptionText == "No"); var acc = p.AccountByRoleTargetAccountID; if (yes > no) { if (p.RoleIsRemoval) { var toDelete = db.AccountRoles.Where(x => x.AccountID == acc.AccountID && x.RoleTypeID == p.RoleTypeID); db.AccountRoles.DeleteAllOnSubmit(toDelete); db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} was removed from the {1} role of {2} by a vote - {3} for, {4} against", acc, (object)p.Clan ?? p.Faction, p.RoleType, yes, no)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); AuthServiceClient.SendLobbyMessage(acc, string.Format("You were recalled from the function of {0} by a vote", p.RoleType.Name)); } else { if (!acc.AccountRolesByAccountID.Any(x => x.RoleTypeID == p.RoleTypeID)) { Account previous = null; if (p.RoleType.IsOnePersonOnly) { var entries = db.AccountRoles.Where(x => x.RoleTypeID == p.RoleTypeID && (p.RoleType.IsClanOnly ? x.ClanID == p.RestrictClanID : x.FactionID == p.RestrictFactionID)).ToList(); if (entries.Any()) { previous = entries.First().Account; db.AccountRoles.DeleteAllOnSubmit(entries); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); } } var entry = new AccountRole() { Account = acc, Inauguration = DateTime.UtcNow, Clan = p.Clan, Faction = p.Faction, RoleType = p.RoleType }; acc.AccountRolesByAccountID.Add(entry); if (previous == null) db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} was elected for the {1} role of {2} by a vote - {3} for, {4} against", acc, (object)p.Clan ?? p.Faction, p.RoleType, yes, no)); else db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} was elected for the {1} role of {2} by a vote, replacing {3} - {4} for, {5} against", acc, (object)p.Clan ?? p.Faction, p.RoleType, previous, yes, no)); AuthServiceClient.SendLobbyMessage(acc, string.Format("Congratulations!! You were elected into a function of {0} by a vote", p.RoleType.Name)); } } } p.IsHeadline = false; db.Polls.DeleteOnSubmit(p); } db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); }
public static void AddClanLeader() { var db = new ZkDataContext(); var role = db.RoleTypes.First(x => x.IsClanOnly); foreach (var clan in db.Clans.Where(x => !x.IsDeleted)) { if (!clan.AccountRoles.Any(y => y.RoleType.IsClanOnly)) { var picked = clan.Accounts.Where(x => x.LastLogin >= DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7)).OrderByDescending(x => x.Level).FirstOrDefault(); if (picked == null) clan.Accounts.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault(); if (picked != null) { clan.AccountRoles.Add(new AccountRole() { AccountID = picked.AccountID, ClanID = clan.ClanID, Inauguration = DateTime.UtcNow, RoleTypeID = role.RoleTypeID }); } } } db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); }
public ActionResult BombPlanet(int planetID, int count, bool? useWarp) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); Account acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); if (acc.Faction == null) return Content("Join some faction first"); Planet planet = db.Planets.Single(x => x.PlanetID == planetID); bool accessible = (useWarp == true) ? planet.CanBombersWarp(acc.Faction) : planet.CanBombersAttack(acc.Faction); if (!accessible) return Content("You cannot attack here"); if (Global.Nightwatch.GetPlanetBattles(planet).Any(x => x.IsInGame)) return Content("Battle in progress on the planet, cannot bomb planet"); bool selfbomb = acc.FactionID == planet.OwnerFactionID; if (count < 0) count = 0; double avail = Math.Min(count, acc.GetBombersAvailable()); if (useWarp == true) avail = Math.Min(acc.GetWarpAvailable(), avail); var capa = acc.GetBomberCapacity(); if (avail > capa) return Content("Too many bombers, increase bomber fleet size capacity"); if (avail > 0) { double defense = planet.PlanetStructures.Where(x => x.IsActive).Sum(x => x.StructureType.EffectBomberDefense) ?? 0; double effective = avail; if (!selfbomb) effective = effective - defense; if (effective <= 0) return Content("Enemy defenses completely block your ships"); acc.SpendBombers(avail); if (useWarp == true) acc.SpendWarps(avail); var r = new Random(); double strucKillChance = !selfbomb ? effective * GlobalConst.BomberKillStructureChance : 0; int strucKillCount = (int)Math.Floor(strucKillChance + r.NextDouble()); double ipKillChance = effective * GlobalConst.BomberKillIpChance; int ipKillCount = (int)Math.Floor(ipKillChance + r.NextDouble()); List<PlanetStructure> structs = planet.PlanetStructures.Where(x => x.StructureType.IsBomberDestructible).ToList(); var bombed = new List<PlanetStructure>(); while (structs.Count > 0 && strucKillCount > 0) { strucKillCount--; PlanetStructure s = structs[r.Next(structs.Count)]; bombed.Add(s); structs.Remove(s); db.PlanetStructures.DeleteOnSubmit(s); } double ipKillAmmount = ipKillCount * GlobalConst.BomberKillIpAmount; if (ipKillAmmount > 0) { foreach (PlanetFaction pf in planet.PlanetFactions.Where(x => x.FactionID != acc.FactionID)) { pf.Influence -= ipKillAmmount; if (pf.Influence < 0) pf.Influence = 0; } } var args = new List<object> { acc, acc.Faction, !selfbomb ? planet.Faction : null, planet, avail, defense, useWarp == true ? "They attacked by warp. " : "", ipKillAmmount }; args.AddRange(bombed.Select(x => x.StructureType)); string str; if (selfbomb) str = "{0} of {1} bombed own planet {3} using {4} bombers against {5} defenses. {6}Ground armies lost {7} influence"; else str = "{0} of {1} bombed {2} planet {3} using {4} bombers against {5} defenses. {6}Ground armies lost {7} influence"; if (bombed.Count > 1) { str += " and "; int counter = 8; foreach (PlanetStructure b in bombed) { str += "{" + counter + "}" + ", "; counter++; } str += " were destroyed."; } else if (bombed.Count == 1) { str += " and {8} was destroyed."; } else str += "."; db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent(str, args.ToArray())); } db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); SetPlanetOwners(); return RedirectToAction("Planet", new { id = planetID }); }
public ActionResult ChangePlanetMap(int planetID, int structureTypeID, int targetID, int? newMapID) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); PlanetStructure structure = db.PlanetStructures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == planetID && x.StructureTypeID == structureTypeID); Planet source = db.Planets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == planetID); Planet target = db.Planets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == targetID); Galaxy gal = db.Galaxies.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GalaxyID == source.GalaxyID); if (newMapID == null) { List<Resource> mapList = db.Resources.Where( x => x.MapPlanetWarsIcon != null && x.Planets.Where(p => p.GalaxyID == gal.GalaxyID).Count() == 0 && x.FeaturedOrder != null && x.ResourceID != source.MapResourceID).ToList(); if (mapList.Count > 0) { int r = new Random().Next(mapList.Count); newMapID = mapList[r].ResourceID; } } if (newMapID != null) { Resource newMap = db.Resources.Single(x => x.ResourceID == newMapID); target.Resource = newMap; gal.IsDirty = true; string word = ""; if (target.Faction == source.Faction) { if (target.TeamSize < GlobalConst.PlanetWarsMaxTeamsize) target.TeamSize++; word = "terraformed"; } else { word = "nanodegraded"; if (target.TeamSize > 1) target.TeamSize--; } db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("{0} {1} has been {6} by {2} from {3} {4}. New team size is {5} vs {5}", target.Faction, target, structure.StructureType, source.Faction, source, target.TeamSize, word)); } else { return Content(string.Format("Terraform attempt on {0} {1} using {2} from {3} {4} has failed - no valid maps", target.Faction, target, structure.StructureType, source.Faction, source)); } db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); return null; }
public ActionResult Unlock(int id, bool useKudos = false) { using (var db = new ZkDataContext()) using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) { List<Unlock> unlocks; List<Unlock> future; GetUnlockLists(db, out unlocks, out future); if (unlocks.Any(x => x.UnlockID == id)) { Unlock unlock = db.Unlocks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UnlockID == id); if (!useKudos && unlock.IsKudosOnly == true) return Content("That unlock cannot be bought using XP"); if (useKudos) { var acc = db.Accounts.Find(Global.AccountID); if (acc.Kudos < unlock.KudosCost) return Content("Not enough kudos to unlock this"); acc.KudosPurchases.Add(new KudosPurchase() {Time = DateTime.UtcNow, Unlock = unlock, Account = acc, KudosValue = unlock.KudosCost??0}); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); acc.Kudos = acc.KudosGained - acc.KudosSpent; db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); } var au = db.AccountUnlocks.SingleOrDefault(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID && x.UnlockID == id); if (au == null) { au = new AccountUnlock() { AccountID = Global.AccountID, UnlockID = id, Count = 1 }; db.AccountUnlocks.InsertOnSubmit(au); } else au.Count++; db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); } scope.Complete(); } return RedirectToAction("UnlockList"); }
public static string SubmitSpringBattleResult(BattleContext context, string password, BattleResult result, List<BattlePlayerResult> players, List<string> extraData) { try { Account acc = AuthServiceClient.VerifyAccountPlain(context.AutohostName, password); if (acc == null) throw new Exception("Account name or password not valid"); AutohostMode mode = context.GetMode(); var db = new ZkDataContext(); if (extraData == null) extraData = new List<string>(); var sb = new SpringBattle { HostAccountID = acc.AccountID, Duration = result.Duration, EngineGameID = result.EngineBattleID, MapResourceID = db.Resources.Single(x => x.InternalName == result.Map).ResourceID, ModResourceID = db.Resources.Single(x => x.InternalName == result.Mod).ResourceID, HasBots = result.IsBots, IsMission = result.IsMission, PlayerCount = players.Count(x => !x.IsSpectator), StartTime = result.StartTime, Title = result.Title, ReplayFileName = result.ReplayName, EngineVersion = result.EngineVersion, }; db.SpringBattles.InsertOnSubmit(sb); foreach (BattlePlayerResult p in players) { sb.SpringBattlePlayers.Add(new SpringBattlePlayer { AccountID = db.Accounts.First(x => x.AccountID == p.LobbyID).AccountID, AllyNumber = p.AllyNumber, CommanderType = p.CommanderType, IsInVictoryTeam = p.IsVictoryTeam, IsSpectator = p.IsSpectator, LoseTime = p.LoseTime }); } db.SubmitChanges(); // awards foreach (string line in extraData.Where(x => x.StartsWith("award"))) { string[] partsSpace = line.Substring(6).Split(new[] { ' ' }, 3); string name = partsSpace[0]; string awardType = partsSpace[1]; string awardText = partsSpace[2]; SpringBattlePlayer player = sb.SpringBattlePlayers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Account.Name == name); if (player != null) { db.AccountBattleAwards.InsertOnSubmit(new AccountBattleAward { AccountID = player.AccountID, SpringBattleID = sb.SpringBattleID, AwardKey = awardType, AwardDescription = awardText }); } } var text = new StringBuilder(); bool isPlanetwars = false; if (mode == AutohostMode.Planetwars && sb.SpringBattlePlayers.Count(x => !x.IsSpectator) >= 2 && sb.Duration >= GlobalConst.MinDurationForPlanetwars) { // test that factions are not intermingled (each faction only has one ally number) - if they are it wasnt actually PW balanced if ( sb.SpringBattlePlayers.Where(x => !x.IsSpectator && x.Account.Faction != null) .GroupBy(x => x.Account.Faction) .All(grp => grp.Select(x => x.AllyNumber).Distinct().Count() < 2)) { isPlanetwars = true; List<int> winnerTeams = sb.SpringBattlePlayers.Where(x => x.IsInVictoryTeam && !x.IsSpectator).Select(x => x.AllyNumber).Distinct().ToList(); int? winNum = null; if (winnerTeams.Count == 1) { winNum = winnerTeams[0]; if (winNum > 1) { winNum = null; text.AppendLine("ERROR: Invalid winner"); } } PlanetWarsTurnHandler.EndTurn(result.Map, extraData, db, winNum, sb.SpringBattlePlayers.Where(x => !x.IsSpectator).Select(x => x.Account).ToList(), text, sb, sb.SpringBattlePlayers.Where(x => !x.IsSpectator && x.AllyNumber == 0).Select(x => x.Account).ToList()); Global.PlanetWarsMatchMaker.RemoveFromRunningBattles(context.AutohostName); } else { text.AppendLine("Battle wasn't PlanetWars balanced, it counts as a normal team game only"); } } bool noElo = (extraData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StartsWith("noElo", true, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) != null); try { db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (System.Data.Linq.DuplicateKeyException ex) { Trace.TraceError(ex.ToString()); } Dictionary<int, int> orgLevels = sb.SpringBattlePlayers.Select(x => x.Account).ToDictionary(x => x.AccountID, x => x.Level); sb.CalculateAllElo(noElo, isPlanetwars); foreach (var u in sb.SpringBattlePlayers.Where(x => !x.IsSpectator)) u.Account.CheckLevelUp(); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); try { foreach (Account a in sb.SpringBattlePlayers.Where(x => !x.IsSpectator).Select(x => x.Account)) Global.Server.PublishAccountUpdate(a); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("error updating extension data: {0}", ex); } foreach (Account account in sb.SpringBattlePlayers.Select(x => x.Account)) { if (account.Level > orgLevels[account.AccountID]) { try { string message = string.Format("Congratulations {0}! You just leveled up to level {1}. {3}/Users/Detail/{2}", account.Name, account.Level, account.AccountID, GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl); //text.AppendLine(message); Global.Server.GhostPm(account.Name, message); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error sending level up lobby message: {0}", ex); } } } text.AppendLine(string.Format("BATTLE DETAILS AND REPLAY ----> {1}/Battles/Detail/{0} <-----", sb.SpringBattleID, GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl)); /* // create debriefing room, join players there and output message string channelName = "B" + sb.SpringBattleID; var joinplayers = new List<string>(); joinplayers.AddRange(context.Players.Select(x => x.Name)); // add those who were there at start joinplayers.AddRange(sb.SpringBattlePlayers.Select(x => x.Account.Name)); // add those who played Battle bat = Global.Server.Battles.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Founder.Name == context.AutohostName); // add those in lobby atm var conf = context.GetConfig(); if (bat != null && (conf == null || conf.MinToJuggle == null)) // if not qm room do not join those who are in battle { List<string> inbatPlayers = bat.Users.Keys.ToList(); joinplayers.RemoveAll(x => inbatPlayers.Contains(x)); } foreach (string jp in joinplayers.Distinct().Where(x => x != context.AutohostName)) tas.ForceJoinChannel(jp, channelName); tas.JoinChannel(channelName); // join nightwatch and say it tas.Say(SayPlace.Channel, channelName, text.ToString(), true); tas.LeaveChannel(channelName);*/ //text.Append(string.Format("Debriefing in #{0} - zk://chat/channel/{0} ", channelName)); return text.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError(ex.ToString()); return ex.ToString(); } }
void SaveStateToDb() { var db = new ZkDataContext(); Galaxy gal = db.Galaxies.First(x => x.IsDefault); gal.MatchMakerState = JsonConvert.SerializeObject((MatchMakerState)this); gal.AttackerSideCounter = AttackerSideCounter; gal.AttackerSideChangeTime = AttackerSideChangeTime; db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); }
public ActionResult FirePlanetBuster(int planetID, int structureTypeID, int targetID) { var db = new ZkDataContext(); PlanetStructure structure = db.PlanetStructures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == planetID && x.StructureTypeID == structureTypeID); Planet source = db.Planets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == planetID); Planet target = db.Planets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == targetID); Account acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == Global.AccountID); if (acc.Faction == null) return Content("Join some faction first"); if (!target.CanFirePlanetBuster(acc.Faction)) return Content("You cannot attack here"); //Get rid of all strutures var structures = target.PlanetStructures.Where(x => x.StructureType.EffectIsVictoryPlanet == false); db.PlanetStructures.DeleteAllOnSubmit(structures); //kill all IP foreach (var pf in target.PlanetFactions.Where(x => x.Influence > 0)) { pf.Influence = 0; } var links = db.Links.Where(x => (x.PlanetID1 == target.PlanetID || x.PlanetID2 == target.PlanetID)); foreach (Link link in links) { Planet planet1 = db.Planets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == link.PlanetID1); Planet planet2 = db.Planets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanetID == link.PlanetID2); if (!(planet1.PlanetStructures.Any(x => x.StructureType.EffectIsVictoryPlanet == true)) && !(planet2.PlanetStructures.Any(x => x.StructureType.EffectIsVictoryPlanet == true))) { db.Links.DeleteOnSubmit(link); } } db.Events.InsertOnSubmit(Global.CreateEvent("A {4} fired from {0} {1} has destroyed {2} {3}!", source.Faction, source, target.Faction, target, structure.StructureType)); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); var residue = db.StructureTypes.First(x => x.Name == "Residue"); // todo not nice use constant instead target.PlanetStructures.Add(new PlanetStructure() { StructureType = residue, IsActive = true, ActivatedOnTurn = null}); db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); return null; }
static void SetPlanetTeamSizes() { var db = new ZkDataContext(); var gal = db.Galaxies.First(x => x.IsDefault); var planets = gal.Planets.ToList().OrderBy(x => x.Resource.MapDiagonal).ToList(); var cnt = planets.Count; int num = 0; foreach (var p in planets) { //if (num < cnt*0.15) p.TeamSize = 1;else if (num < cnt * 0.80) p.TeamSize = 2; //else if (num < cnt*0.85) p.TeamSize = 3; else p.TeamSize = 3; num++; } db.SubmitAndMergeChanges(); }