コード例 #1
ファイル: SyncRun.cs プロジェクト: WileEMan/ZippyBackup
        public void Run()
            // Setup progress UI...
            Progress      = new ProgressForm();
            Progress.Text = "Synchronizing files";
            Progress.OverallProgressBar.Maximum = 10000;
            Progress.OverallProgressBar.Minimum = 0;
            Progress.OverallProgressBar.Value   = 0;

                System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal;

                ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.Information, "Starting synchronize operation for project '" + Project.Name + "'.");

                /** Retrieve newest manifest **/
                ArchiveFilename LatestBackup;
                Manifest        LatestManifest;
                    using (Impersonator newself = new Impersonator(Project.BackupCredentials))
                        // Locate latest backup (either complete or incremental.)
                        lock (Project.ArchiveFileList) LatestBackup = Project.ArchiveFileList.FindMostRecent();
                        if (LatestBackup == ArchiveFilename.MaxValue)
                            throw new NoCompleteBackupException();

                        ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "Loading most recent manifest from '" + LatestBackup.ToString() + "'.");

                        LatestManifest = LatestBackup.LoadArchiveManifest(Project, true);
                catch (CancelException ce) { throw ce; }
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception(ex.Message + "  Error while loading last backup for sync.", ex);

                SourceRoot = Project.SourceFolder;

                SyncFolder(new DirectoryInfo(Project.SourceFolder), LatestManifest.ArchiveRoot);

                // Update Backup Status file.
                using (Impersonator newself = new Impersonator(Project.BackupCredentials))
                    string       BackupStatusFile = Project.CompleteBackupFolder + "\\Backup_Status.xml";
                    BackupStatus bs = BackupStatus.Load(BackupStatusFile);
                    bs.LastSync = DateTime.UtcNow;
                Progress = null;

                System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass.Normal;
コード例 #2
        void Run(ref Continuation Continuation)
            // Setup progress UI...
            Progress      = new ProgressForm();
            Progress.Text = "Verifying archived files for project '" + Project.Name + "'.";
            Progress.OverallProgressBar.Maximum = 10000;
            Progress.OverallProgressBar.Minimum = 0;
            Progress.OverallProgressBar.Value   = 0;
            Progress.CancelPrompt = "Are you sure you wish to cancel this verification operation?";

                System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal;

                ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.Information, "Starting verification of backup '" + Project.Name + "'.");

                string UserTempFolder = Path.GetTempPath();
                TempRoot = new DirectoryInfo(Utility.StripTrailingSlash(UserTempFolder) + "\\ZippyBackup_Verification");

                    Progress.label1.Text = "Retrieving latest archive manifest...";
                    ArchiveFilename LatestBackup;
                    Manifest        LatestManifest;
                        using (NetworkConnection newself = new NetworkConnection(Project.CompleteBackupFolder, Project.BackupCredentials))
                            // Locate latest backup (either complete or incremental.)
                            lock (Project.ArchiveFileList) LatestBackup = Project.ArchiveFileList.FindMostRecent();
                            if (LatestBackup == ArchiveFilename.MaxValue)
                                throw new NoCompleteBackupException();

                            ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "Loading most recent manifest from '" + LatestBackup.ToString() + "' of project '" + Project.Name + "'.");

                            LatestManifest = LatestBackup.LoadArchiveManifest(Project, true);
                    catch (CancelException ce) { throw ce; }
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception(ex.Message + "  Error while loading last backup for incremental update.", ex);

                    int StartTick = Environment.TickCount;

                    if (Continuation.Starting)
                        ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "Continuing from previous run.  Searching for starting point '" + Continuation.LastRelativePath + "'.");

                    Continuation MapContinuation = new Continuation();
                    MapContinuation.Starting         = Continuation.Starting;
                    MapContinuation.LastRelativePath = Continuation.LastRelativePath;

                    Continuation.Required = false;
                    while (!Continuation.Required)
                        /** Operate on a single zip file at a time.  This requires planning which files are
                         *  coming from where.  Also, we count how many total bytes we'll be extracting.  **/
                        Progress.label1.Text = "Identifying required archive files...";
                        List <Manifest.File>   FileList         = new List <Manifest.File>();
                        List <ArchiveFilename> ArchivesRequired = new List <ArchiveFilename>();
                        TotalBytes = 0;

                        /** For extremely large archives, it can happen that even just scanning through the manifest can be very time consuming.  We don't want
                         *  to spend too much time on this step, so we have a time limit for coming up with file/archive list.  But we also have a time limit
                         *  for the overall verify operation.  We use a pattern of spending N minutes coming up with filenames and then processing that bunch,
                         *  then repeating as long as the overall M minute limit hasn't yet been reached.  This requires keeping track of "where we left off"
                         *  for both the scanning operation and the overall verify operation.  If a file hasn't yet been extracted and verified and we have to
                         *  quit because of time or cancellation, then we need the overall "where we left off" to point to the last extracted file, potentially
                         *  repeating a little bit of the mapping time when we startup again.

                        int MapStartTick = Environment.TickCount;
                        // If the last loop ran into a mapping time limit, initiate a continuation on the mapping.  If the last verification ran into a time limit,
                        // we are also doing a mapping continuation because there is no need to map anything before the first file of the new set.
                        if (MapContinuation.Required)
                            MapContinuation.Starting = true;
                        MapContinuation.Required = false;

                        if (MapContinuation.Starting)
                            ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "Identifying required archive files, beginning at '" + MapContinuation.LastRelativePath + "'...");
                            ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "Identifying required archive files...");

                        MapManifest(LatestManifest.ArchiveRoot, ref FileList, ref ArchivesRequired, ref TotalBytes, ref MapContinuation, ref MapStartTick);

                        if (MapContinuation.Starting)
                            // We have the case where we never found the continuation marker.  This can happen if the latest archive mismatches
                            // the one where the continuation marker was made.  We just restart from the beginning of the archive.
                            ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "Continuation marker not found.  Starting verification from beginning.");
                            MapContinuation.Starting = false;
                            Debug.Assert(FileList.Count == 0 && ArchivesRequired.Count == 0);
                            MapStartTick = Environment.TickCount;
                            MapManifest(LatestManifest.ArchiveRoot, ref FileList, ref ArchivesRequired, ref TotalBytes, ref MapContinuation, ref MapStartTick);

                        ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "Archives requiring verification (" + ArchivesRequired.Count + "):");
                        foreach (ArchiveFilename Archive in ArchivesRequired)
                            ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "\t" + Archive.ToString());
                        ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "Starting individual verifications of " + FileList.Count + " files...");

                        // Begin extracting each file and then immediately deleting if successful.
                        int FilesVerified = 0;
                        foreach (ArchiveFilename Archive in ArchivesRequired)
                            Progress.label1.Text = "Extracting from archive:  " + Archive.ToString();
                            ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "Verifying archive: " + Archive.ToString());
                                using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(Project.CompleteBackupFolder + "\\" + Archive.ToString()))
                                    zip.ZipError        += new EventHandler <ZipErrorEventArgs>(OnZipError);
                                    zip.ExtractProgress += new EventHandler <ExtractProgressEventArgs>(OnZipExtractProgress);
                                    foreach (Manifest.File Entry in FileList)
                                        ArchiveFilename NeededArchive = ArchiveFilename.Parse(Entry.ArchiveFile);
                                        if (NeededArchive != Archive)

                                        RunEntry(zip, Archive, Entry, Utility.StripTrailingSlash(TempRoot.FullName));

                                        if (AutomaticVerify && (Environment.TickCount - StartTick) > MaxAutomaticDurationInTicks)
                                            Continuation.Required         = true;
                                            Continuation.Starting         = true;
                                            Continuation.LastRelativePath = Entry.RelativePath;
                                            ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "New verification continuation marker set to '" + Continuation.LastRelativePath + "'.");
                                            ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.Information, "Verify terminating early due to individual scan time limit.");
                            catch (FileNotFoundException fe)
                                StringBuilder Msg = new StringBuilder();
                                Msg.Append("Unable to locate file(s) in archive '" + Archive.ToString() + "'.  Do you want to delete this archive so that it will be reconstructed on your next backup?\n\nThe error was: " + fe.Message);
                                switch (MessageBox.Show(Msg.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel))
                                case DialogResult.Yes: File.Delete(Project.CompleteBackupFolder + "\\" + Archive.ToString()); break;

                                case DialogResult.No: break;

                                case DialogResult.Cancel: throw new CancelException();

                                default: throw new NotSupportedException();
                            catch (Ionic.Zip.ZipException ze)
                                StringBuilder Msg = new StringBuilder();
                                Msg.Append("Unable to extract file(s) from archive '" + Archive.ToString() + "'.  Do you want to delete this archive so that it will be reconstructed on your next backup?\n\nThe error was: " + ze.Message);
                                switch (MessageBox.Show(Msg.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel))
                                case DialogResult.Yes: File.Delete(Project.CompleteBackupFolder + "\\" + Archive.ToString()); break;

                                case DialogResult.No: break;

                                case DialogResult.Cancel: throw new CancelException();

                                default: throw new NotSupportedException();
                            catch (Ionic.Zlib.ZlibException ze)
                                StringBuilder Msg = new StringBuilder();
                                Msg.Append("Unable to extract file(s) from archive '" + Archive.ToString() + "'.  Do you want to delete this archive so that it will be reconstructed on your next backup?\n\nThe error was: " + ze.Message);
                                switch (MessageBox.Show(Msg.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel))
                                case DialogResult.Yes: File.Delete(Project.CompleteBackupFolder + "\\" + Archive.ToString()); break;

                                case DialogResult.No: break;

                                case DialogResult.Cancel: throw new CancelException();

                                default: throw new NotSupportedException();

                            ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "Verified " + FilesVerified + " of " + FileList.Count + " files.");

                            if (Continuation.Required)

                        if (!MapContinuation.Required)

                    string       BackupStatusFile = Project.CompleteBackupFolder + "\\Backup_Status.xml";
                    BackupStatus bs = new BackupStatus();
                    try { bs = BackupStatus.Load(BackupStatusFile); }
                    catch (Exception) { }
                    bs.LastVerify = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    if (!Continuation.Required)
                        bs.LastCompletedVerify = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    if (!Continuation.Required)
                        bs.LastVerifyRelativePath = "";
                        bs.LastVerifyRelativePath = Continuation.LastRelativePath;

                    ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.Information, "Verification complete.");
            catch (CancelException ce)
                ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.Information, "Verification cancelled by user before completion.");
                throw ce;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ZippyForm.LogWriteLine(LogLevel.LightDebug, "Verification interrupted by error: " + ex.Message);
                throw ex;
                Progress = null;

                System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass.Normal;
コード例 #3
ファイル: BackupProject.cs プロジェクト: WileEMan/ZippyBackup
        public void Refresh(bool PromptForPassword)
                LastRefresh = DateTime.Now;

                ArchiveFilename MostRecent;
                lock (ArchiveFileList)
                    using (NetworkConnection newself = new NetworkConnection(CompleteBackupFolder, BackupCredentials))

                    // Locate most recent backup...
                    MostRecent = ArchiveFileList.FindMostRecent();

                if (MostRecent == ArchiveFilename.MaxValue)
                    MostRecentBackup = DateTime.MinValue;
                        Manifest Manifest;
                        using (NetworkConnection newself = new NetworkConnection(CompleteBackupFolder, BackupCredentials))
                            Manifest = MostRecent.LoadArchiveManifest(this, PromptForPassword);
                        MostRecentBackup = Manifest.BackupStartTime;
                    catch (Ionic.Zip.BadPasswordException bpe)
                        if (PromptForPassword)
                            throw bpe;
                            MostRecentBackup = MostRecent.BackupDate;

                // Also check for an Backup_Status.xml file...
                // This file is created with each backup, and is particularly helpful when we have an 'empty backup'
                // where no archive need be created (because nothing has changed).  We need to display to the user that
                // the project was backed up recently, but we needn't create an archive.  The Backup_Status.xml file
                // accomplishes this.
                FileInfo[] FileList = new DirectoryInfo(CompleteBackupFolder).GetFiles("Backup_Status.xml");
                if (FileList.Length > 0)
                    BackupStatus Status = null;
                        Status = BackupStatus.Load(FileList[0].FullName);
                    catch (Exception exc)
                        MessageBox.Show("Unable to load backup status file (see error details below).  This file helps ZippyBackup keep track of some things, but we can also figure it out from scratch and make a new backup status file when you perform your next backup.  Click OK and ZippyBackup will proceed without it.  Your next backup may take longer than usual.\n\nDetailed error information: " + exc.Message);
                    if (Status != null)
                        if (MostRecent != ArchiveFilename.MaxValue &&
                            Status.LastArchive == MostRecent.ToString() &&
                            Status.LastBackup.ToUniversalTime() > MostRecentBackup.ToUniversalTime())
                            MostRecentBackup = Status.LastBackup;
                        MostRecentCompleteBackup = Status.LastCompletedBackup;
                        LastScanRelativePath     = Status.LastScanRelativePath;
                        LastVerifyRelativePath   = Status.LastVerifyRelativePath;
                        MostRecentVerify         = Status.LastVerify;
                        MostRecentCompleteVerify = Status.LastCompletedVerify;

                // Clear out the manifest cache...
                lock (ManifestCache)

                LoadIssue = false;
            catch (System.Security.Authentication.InvalidCredentialException) { LoadIssue = true; }
            catch (IOException) { LoadIssue = true; }