public int UpdateParty(PartyAcctDetails party) { try { using (_dbContext = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_connectionString) ? _dbContext : new ZionContext(_connectionString)) { _dbContext.Entry(party).State = EntityState.Modified; if (party.Status == "Inactive") //Deactivate all the dependent objects { InterfaceMasterDataAccess interfaceDAL = new InterfaceMasterDataAccess(_connectionString); List <InterfaceMaster> interfaces = _dbContext.InterfaceMaster.Where(intf => intf.PartyId == party.PartyId && intf.Status != "Inactive").ToList(); if (interfaces != null && interfaces.Count > 0) { _dbContext.AttachRange(interfaces); interfaces.ForEach(intf => { intf.Status = party.Status; interfaceDAL.UpdateInterfaceHeirarchyStatus(_dbContext, intf.InterfaceId, "Inactive"); }); } } _dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(1); } } catch { throw; } }
public void TempMappingStatusUpdateForDatasetId(ZionContext dbContext, int datasetId, bool status) { List <LandingToCoreTempDetails> tempMaps = (from tempRecord in dbContext.LandingToCoreTempDetails where (tempRecord.DatasetId == datasetId) select tempRecord ).ToList(); if (tempMaps != null && tempMaps.Count > 0) { dbContext.AttachRange(tempMaps); tempMaps.ForEach(m => m.Status = status); } }
public void MappingStatusUpdateForDatasetId(ZionContext dbContext, int datasetId, bool status) { List <LandingToCoreMapDetails> mappings = (from record in dbContext.LandingToCoreMapDetails where (record.DatasetId == datasetId) select record ).ToList(); //dbContext.Entry(mappings).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; if (mappings != null && mappings.Count > 0) { dbContext.AttachRange(mappings); mappings.ForEach(m => m.Status = status); //Save is handled at the dataset level to maintain a single tran } }