/// <summary> /// Initializes the component. /// </summary> private void InitializeComponent() { this.Slider = new Panel(); base.SuspendLayout(); this.Slider.BackColor = SystemColors.HotTrack; this.Slider.Dock = DockStyle.Left; this.Slider.Location = new Point(0, 0); this.Slider.Name = "ProgressBar"; Panel slider = this.Slider; System.Drawing.Size size = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 15); slider.Size = size; this.Slider.TabIndex = 1; base.AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(6f, 13f); base.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font; this.BackColor = Color.Silver; base.Controls.Add(this.Slider); base.Name = "ShiftProgressBar"; size = new System.Drawing.Size(410, 15); base.Size = size; ZeroitSupremeProgressBar shiftProgressBar = this; base.Resize += new EventHandler(shiftProgressBar.ShiftProgressBar_Resize); base.ResumeLayout(false); }
/// <summary> /// Applies the specified control. /// </summary> /// <param name="ctrl">The control.</param> /// <param name="Elipse">The elipse.</param> public void Apply(Control ctrl, int Elipse) { try { ctrl.Region = System.Drawing.Region.FromHrgn(ZeroitSupremeProgressBar.CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, ctrl.Width, ctrl.Height, Elipse, Elipse)); } catch (Exception exception) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ZeroitSupremeProgressBar" /> class. /// </summary> public ZeroitSupremeProgressBar() { ZeroitSupremeProgressBar.__ENCAddToList(this); this.MaxVal = 100; this.Int0 = 5; this.InitializeComponent(); //if (LicenseManager.CurrentContext.UsageMode == LicenseUsageMode.Designtime) //{ // if (!ShiftTechControls.ShiftTechSupport.License.Check(this)) // { // Interaction.MsgBox("License is invalid or unknown! Please download a valid license from the Shift Technologies App.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, null); // this.Dispose(); // } //} #region MyRegion if (DesignMode) { timer.Tick += Timer_Tick; if (AutoAnimate) { timer.Interval = 100; timer.Start(); } } if (!DesignMode) { timer.Tick += Timer_Tick; if (AutoAnimate) { timer.Interval = 100; timer.Start(); } } #endregion }