public static void TransferKey(WorldClient client, Packet packet) { string key; if (!packet.ReadSkip(18) || !packet.TryReadString(out key, 32)) { Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Warn, "Invalid connection request."); client.Disconnect(); return; } ClientTransfer transfer = ClientManager.Instance.GetTransfer(key); if (transfer != null) { // Check if client does not connect from localhost or LAN, // and if it's connecting from the correct IP. // When this check is not done, people can remote hack someone. if (!client.Host.StartsWith("127.0") && !client.Host.StartsWith("192.") && transfer.HostIP != client.Host) { Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Warn, "Remotehack from {0}", client.Host); SendError(client, ServerError.INVALID_CREDENTIALS); } else { if (ClientManager.Instance.RemoveTransfer(transfer.Hash) && (!Program.Maintenance || transfer.Admin > 0)) //admins can still login { client.Authenticated = true; client.AccountID = transfer.AccountID; client.Admin = transfer.Admin; client.Username = transfer.Username; client.lastPing = DateTime.Now; //this is so pongthread can start checking him client.Pong = true; client.AccountKey = key; client.RandomID = MathUtils.RandomizeUShort(ushort.MaxValue); Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "{0} authenticated.", client.Username); SendCharacterList(client); } } } else { Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Warn, "Invalid client authentication from {0}", client.Host); SendError(client, ServerError.INVALID_CREDENTIALS); } }