コード例 #1
        public override void DrawSmoothFilledCurve(IGraphics g, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve, float scaleFactor)
            base.DrawSmoothFilledCurve(g, pane, curve, scaleFactor);

            // Draw the curve at the bottom of the graph.
            DrawCurve(g, pane, curve, scaleFactor, GetPointsForLowPointsArray(curve));
コード例 #2
ファイル: libs.cs プロジェクト: oghenez/trade-software
 public DrawCurve(CurveItem _curve, string _curveName, GraphPane _pane, string _paneName)
     CurveName = _curveName;
     PaneName = _paneName;
     Curve = _curve;
     Pane = _pane;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Selection.cs プロジェクト: Jungwon/ZedGraph
		//public static Color SelectedSymbolColor = Color.Gray;


	#region Methods

		/// <summary>
		/// Place a <see cref="CurveItem" /> in the selection list, removing all other
		/// items.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="master">The <see cref="MasterPane" /> that is the "owner"
		/// of the <see cref="CurveItem" />'s.</param>
		/// <param name="ci">The <see cref="CurveItem" /> to be added to the list.</param>
		public void Select( MasterPane master, CurveItem ci )
			//Clear the selection, but don't send the event,
			//the event will be sent in "AddToSelection" by calling "UpdateSelection"
			ClearSelection( master, false );

			AddToSelection( master, ci );
コード例 #4
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: redrhino/DDE.Console.cs
        private string MyPointValueHandler(ZedGraphControl control, GraphPane pane,
                CurveItem curve, int iPt)
            // Get the PointPair that is under the mouse
            PointPair pt = curve[iPt];

            return curve.Label.Text + " IV is " + pt.Y.ToString("f2") + "% " + pt.X.ToString("f1") + " strike";
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a new instance of a <see cref="ICurveDataHandler"/> appropriate for the 
 /// <paramref name="curveItem"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public static ICurveDataHandler FindCurveHandler(CurveItem curveItem)
     var handlerClass = curveItem.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof (CurveDataHandlerAttribute), true)
                                 .FirstOrDefault() ??
                        ((curveItem is HiLowBarItem) ? typeof (HiLowBarDataHandler) : typeof (CurveDataHandler));
     var constructorInfo = handlerClass.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
     if (constructorInfo != null)
         return (ICurveDataHandler) constructorInfo.Invoke(new object[0]);
     return null;
コード例 #6
ファイル: CsvWriter.cs プロジェクト: adrianj/AdriansLib
 static bool[] DimensionContainsNonZeroData(CurveItem curve)
     bool[] ret = new bool[3];
     for(int i = 0; i < curve.NPts; i++)
         PointPair pp = curve.Points[i];
         if (pp.X != 0) ret[0] = true;
         if (pp.Y != 0) ret[1] = true;
         if (pp.Z != 0) ret[2] = true;
     return ret;
コード例 #7
ファイル: CsvWriter.cs プロジェクト: adrianj/AdriansLib
 static void WriteDataRow(CurveItem curve, bool[] validDims, int row, StreamWriter writer)
     if (row < curve.NPts)
         if (validDims[0]) WriteDouble(curve.Points[row].X, writer);
         if (validDims[1]) WriteDouble(curve.Points[row].Y, writer);
         if (validDims[2]) WriteDouble(curve.Points[row].Z, writer);
         if (validDims[0]) WriteElement("", writer);
         if (validDims[1]) WriteElement("", writer);
         if (validDims[2]) WriteElement("", writer);
コード例 #8
ファイル: GBT3354.cs プロジェクト: vampire1202/HSTest
 private static bool FindAllU12(ZedGraph.CurveItem gObj)
     if (gObj.Tag == null)
     if (gObj.Tag.ToString().Contains("U12"))
コード例 #9
ファイル: GBT3354.cs プロジェクト: vampire1202/HSTest
 private static bool FindAllPmax(ZedGraph.CurveItem ci)
     if (ci.Tag == null)
     if (ci.Tag.ToString().Contains("Pmax"))
コード例 #10
        public override void CloseCurve(GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve, PointF[] arrPoints, int count, double yMin, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath path)
            if(pane.LineType == LineType.Stack)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Filled lines cannot be stacked");

            FilledLineItem filledCurve = curve as FilledLineItem;
            if(filledCurve == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Curve was of the wrong type.  Expected FilledLineItem but was " + curve.GetType(), "curve");

            // Build another points array consisting of the low points (It gets these from the LowerPoints property of the curve)
            PointF[] arrPoints2;
            int count2;
            BuildLowPointsArray(pane, curve, out arrPoints2, out count2);

            // Add the new points to the GraphicsPath
            float tension = _isSmooth ? _smoothTension : 0f;
            path.AddCurve(arrPoints2, 0, count2 - 2, tension);
コード例 #11
ファイル: GraphInfo.cs プロジェクト: Zordonia/AdvisIXAccel
 public CurveItemTypePair(CurveItem curve, CurveType type, String name, int nC)
     Curve = curve;
     Type = type;
     Scale = GlobalVars.DEFAULTSCALE(type);
     CurrCoordinates = new CurveItemTypePair.CurrentCoordinates();
     DrawCursorDot = true;
     DrawCursorLines = true;
     HorizontalCursorLine = new LineObj();
     VerticalCursorLine = new LineObj();
     SymbolsOn = true;
     Name = name;
     CurveObj = new CurveObject((PointPairList)curve.Points, nC);
     CurveObj.XMAX = this.XMax;
     CurveObj.YMAX = this.YMax;
     NCurves = nC;
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the this <see cref="Bar"/> to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/>
        /// device as a bar at each defined point. This method
        /// is normally only called by the <see cref="BarItem.Draw"/> method of the
        /// <see cref="BarItem"/> object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">
        /// The width of each bar, in pixels.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pos">
        /// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
        /// in the cluster of bars.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public void DrawBars(Graphics g, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve,
                             Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
                             float barWidth, int pos, float scaleFactor)
            // For Overlay and Stack bars, the position is always zero since the bars are on top
            // of eachother
            if (pane.BarType == BarType.Overlay || pane.BarType == BarType.Stack ||
                pane.BarType == BarType.PercentStack)
                pos = 0;

            // Loop over each defined point and draw the corresponding bar
            for (int i = 0; i < curve.Points.Count; i++)
                DrawSingleBar(g, pane, curve, i, pos, baseAxis, valueAxis, scaleFactor);
コード例 #13
 public DataFrameBuilder(GraphPane graphPane, CurveItem curveItem)
     GraphPane = graphPane;
     CurveItem = curveItem;
     var msPointList = curveItem.Points as MSPointList;
     if (msPointList != null)
         Points = msPointList.FullList;
         Points = curveItem.Points;
     XAxis = curveItem.GetXAxis(graphPane);
     YAxis = curveItem.GetYAxis(graphPane);
     BaseAxis = curveItem.BaseAxis(graphPane);
     ValueAxis = curveItem.ValueAxis(graphPane);
コード例 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Do all rendering associated with this <see cref="Line"/> to the specified
 /// <see cref="Graphics"/> device.  This method is normally only
 /// called by the Draw method of the parent <see cref="LineItem"/> object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">
 /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
 /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="scaleFactor">
 /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
 /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
 /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
 /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="pane">
 /// A reference to the <see cref="ZedGraph.GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
 /// owner of this object.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="LineItem"/> representing this
 /// curve.</param>
 public void Draw(Graphics g, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve, float scaleFactor)
     // If the line is being shown, draw it
     if (this.IsVisible)
         if (curve is StickItem)
             DrawSticks(g, pane, curve, scaleFactor);
         else if (this.IsSmooth || this.Fill.IsVisible)
             DrawSmoothFilledCurve(g, pane, curve, scaleFactor);
             DrawCurve(g, pane, curve, scaleFactor);
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// The Copy Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rhs">The CurveItem object from which to copy</param>
        public CurveItem(CurveItem rhs)
            symbol   = new Symbol(rhs.Symbol);
            line     = new Line(rhs.Line);
            label    = rhs.Label;
            stepType = rhs.StepType;
            isY2Axis = rhs.IsY2Axis;

            int len = rhs.X.GetLength(0);

            X = new double[len];
            Y = new double[len];

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                X[i] = rhs.X[i];
                Y[i] = rhs.Y[i];
コード例 #16
ファイル: frmEdit.cs プロジェクト: waternk/BASINS
 private void SetCurveFromControls(CurveItem aCurve)
     if (aCurve != null)
         aCurve.Label.Text = txtCurveLabel.Text;
         if (aCurve.IsY2Axis != (cboCurveAxis.SelectedIndex == 1))
             //TODO: move curve to other axis
         aCurve.Color = txtCurveColor.BackColor;
         if (aCurve is LineItem)
             int lWidth;
             if (int.TryParse(txtCurveWidth.Text, out lWidth)) 
                 ((LineItem)aCurve).Line.Width = lWidth;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Bar.cs プロジェクト: ChrisFewtrell/ZedGraph
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the this <see cref="Bar"/> to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/>
        /// device as a bar at each defined point. This method
        /// is normally only called by the <see cref="BarItem.Draw"/> method of the
        /// <see cref="BarItem"/> object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">
        /// The width of each bar, in pixels.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pos">
        /// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
        /// in the cluster of bars.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public void DrawBars(IGraphics g, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve,
                             Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
                             float barWidth, int pos, float scaleFactor)
            // For non-cluster bar types, the position is always zero since the bars are on top
            // of eachother
            BarType barType = pane._barSettings.Type;

            if (barType == BarType.Overlay || barType == BarType.Stack || barType == BarType.PercentStack ||
                barType == BarType.SortedOverlay)
                pos = 0;

            // Loop over each defined point and draw the corresponding bar
            for (int i = 0; i < curve.Points.Count; i++)
                DrawSingleBar(g, pane, curve, i, pos, baseAxis, valueAxis, barWidth, scaleFactor);
コード例 #18
ファイル: BarValueHandler.cs プロジェクト: InsungChoi/dddd
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the screen pixel position of the center of the specified bar, using the
        /// <see cref="Axis"/> as specified by <see cref="GraphPane.BarBase"/>.  This method is
        /// used primarily by the
        /// <see cref="GraphPane.FindNearestPoint(PointF,out CurveItem,out int)"/> method in order to
        /// determine the bar "location," which is defined as the center of the top of the individual bar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curve">The <see cref="CurveItem"/> representing the
        /// bar of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">The width of each individual bar. This can be calculated using
        /// the <see cref="CurveItem.GetBarWidth"/> method.</param>
        /// <param name="iCluster">The cluster number for the bar of interest.  This is the ordinal
        /// position of the current point.  That is, if a particular <see cref="CurveItem"/> has
        /// 10 points, then a value of 3 would indicate the 4th point in the data array.</param>
        /// <param name="val">The actual independent axis value for the bar of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="iOrdinal">The ordinal position of the <see cref="CurveItem"/> of interest.
        /// That is, the first bar series is 0, the second is 1, etc.  Note that this applies only
        /// to the bars.  If a graph includes both bars and lines, then count only the bars.</param>
        /// <returns>A screen pixel X position of the center of the bar of interest.</returns>
        public double BarCenterValue(CurveItem curve, float barWidth, int iCluster,
                                     double val, int iOrdinal)
            float clusterWidth = pane.GetClusterWidth();
            float clusterGap   = pane.MinClusterGap * barWidth;
            float barGap       = barWidth * pane.MinBarGap;

            if ((curve.IsBar && !(pane.BarType == BarType.Cluster)) ||
                curve is ErrorBarItem || curve is HiLowBarItem)
                iOrdinal = 0;

            Axis  baseAxis  = curve.BaseAxis(pane);
            float centerPix = baseAxis.Transform(iCluster, val)
                              - clusterWidth / 2.0F + clusterGap / 2.0F +
                              iOrdinal * (barWidth + barGap) + 0.5F * barWidth;

コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the this <see cref="CurveItem"/> to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/>
        /// device using the specified smoothing property (<see cref="ZedGraph.Line.SmoothTension"/>).
        /// The routine draws the line segments and the area fill (if any, see <see cref="FillType"/>;
        /// the symbols are drawn by the <see cref="Symbol.Draw"/> method.  This method
        /// is normally only called by the Draw method of the
        /// <see cref="CurveItem"/> object.  Note that the <see cref="StepType"/> property
        /// is ignored for smooth lines (e.g., when <see cref="ZedGraph.Line.IsSmooth"/> is true).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="LineItem"/> representing this
        /// curve.</param>
        public void DrawSmoothFilledCurve(Graphics g, GraphPane pane,
                                          CurveItem curve, float scaleFactor)
            PointF[]      arrPoints;
            int           count;
            PointPairList points = curve.Points;

            if (this.IsVisible && !this.Color.IsEmpty && points != null &&
                BuildPointsArray(pane, curve, out arrPoints, out count) &&
                count > 2)
                Pen pen = new Pen(this.Color, pane.ScaledPenWidth(width, scaleFactor));
                pen.DashStyle = this.Style;
                float tension = this.isSmooth ? this.smoothTension : 0f;

                // Fill the curve if needed
                if (this.Fill.IsVisible)
                    Axis yAxis = curve.IsY2Axis ? (Axis)pane.Y2Axis : (Axis)pane.YAxis;

                    GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath(FillMode.Winding);
                    path.AddCurve(arrPoints, 0, count - 2, tension);

                    double yMin = yAxis.Min < 0 ? 0.0 : yAxis.Min;
                    CloseCurve(pane, curve, arrPoints, count, yMin, path);

                    RectangleF rect  = path.GetBounds();
                    Brush      brush = this.fill.MakeBrush(rect);
                    g.FillPath(brush, path);

                    // restore the zero line if needed (since the fill tends to cover it up)
                    yAxis.FixZeroLine(g, pane, scaleFactor, rect.Left, rect.Right);

                // Stroke the curve
                g.DrawCurve(pen, arrPoints, 0, count - 2, tension);

コード例 #20
ファイル: frmEdit.cs プロジェクト: waternk/BASINS
        private void SetControlsFromCurve(CurveItem aCurve)
            if (aCurve != null)
                txtCurveLabel.Text = aCurve.Label.Text;
                cboCurveAxis.SelectedIndex = (aCurve.IsY2Axis) ? 1 : 0;
                txtCurveColor.BackColor = aCurve.Color;
                if (aCurve is LineItem)
                    lblCurve.Visible = true;
                    txtCurveWidth.Visible = true;

                    txtCurveWidth.Text = ((LineItem)aCurve).Line.Width.ToString();
                    lblCurve.Visible = false;
                    txtCurveWidth.Visible = false;
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// The Copy Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rhs">The CurveItem object from which to copy</param>
        public CurveItem(CurveItem rhs)
            _label             = rhs._label.Clone();
            _isY2Axis          = rhs.IsY2Axis;
            _isVisible         = rhs.IsVisible;
            _isOverrideOrdinal = rhs._isOverrideOrdinal;
            _yAxisIndex        = rhs._yAxisIndex;

            if (rhs.Tag is ICloneable)
                Tag = ((ICloneable)rhs.Tag).Clone();
                Tag = rhs.Tag;

            _points = (IPointList)rhs.Points.Clone();

            _link = rhs._link.Clone();
コード例 #22
ファイル: Bar.cs プロジェクト: ziyushijie/VSCodeDemo
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the specified single bar (an individual "point") of this series to the specified
        /// <see cref="Graphics"/> device.  This method is not as efficient as
        /// <see cref="DrawBars"/>, which draws the bars for all points.  It is intended to be used
        /// only for <see cref="BarType.SortedOverlay"/>, which requires special handling of each bar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="pos">
        /// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
        /// in the cluster of bars.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="index">
        /// The zero-based index number for the single bar to be drawn.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">
        /// The width of each bar, in pixels.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public void DrawSingleBar(Graphics g, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve,
                                  Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
                                  int pos, int index, float barWidth, float scaleFactor)
            // Make sure that a bar value exists for the current curve and current ordinal position
            if (index >= curve.Points.Count)

            // For Overlay and Stack bars, the position is always zero since the bars are on top
            // of eachother
            if (pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.Overlay || pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.Stack ||
                pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.PercentStack)
                pos = 0;

            // Draw the specified bar
            DrawSingleBar(g, pane, curve, index, pos, baseAxis, valueAxis, barWidth, scaleFactor);
コード例 #23
ファイル: Bar.cs プロジェクト: InsungChoi/dddd
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the specified single bar (an individual "point") of this series to the specified
        /// <see cref="Graphics"/> device.  This method is not as efficient as
        /// <see cref="DrawBars"/>, which draws the bars for all points.  It is intended to be used
        /// only for <see cref="BarType.SortedOverlay"/>, which requires special handling of each bar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="pos">
        /// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
        /// in the cluster of bars.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="index">
        /// The zero-based index number for the single bar to be drawn.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="GraphPane.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public void DrawSingleBar(Graphics g, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve,
                                  Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
                                  int pos, int index, double scaleFactor)
            if (index >= curve.Points.Count)

            //SetupBarStack( valueAxis, curve.Points.Count );

            // For Overlay and Stack bars, the position is always zero since the bars are on top
            // of eachother
            if (pane.BarType == BarType.Overlay || pane.BarType == BarType.Stack ||
                pane.BarType == BarType.PercentStack)
                pos = 0;

            DrawSingleBar(g, pane, curve, index, pos, baseAxis, valueAxis,
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Toggles the curve visible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphPane">The graph pane.</param>
        /// <param name="curveLabel">The curve label.</param>
        public void ToggleCurveVisible(GraphPane graphPane, string curveLabel)
            CurveItem ci = graphPane.CurveList[graphPane.CurveList.IndexOf(curveLabel)];

            if (ci.IsVisible && graphPane.CurveList.Count(c => c.IsVisible) == 1)

            ci.IsVisible = !ci.IsVisible;
            if (!ci.IsVisible)
                ci.Tag            = ci.Label.FontSpec;
                ci.Label.FontSpec = FontDisabled;
                ci.Label.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
                ci.Label.FontSpec = null;
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the this <see cref="Bar"/> to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/>
        /// device as a bar at each defined point. This method
        /// is normally only called by the <see cref="BarItem.Draw"/> method of the
        /// <see cref="BarItem"/> object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">
        /// The width of each bar, in pixels.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pos">
        /// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
        /// in the cluster of bars.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public void DrawBars(Graphics g, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve,
                             Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
                             float barWidth, int pos, float scaleFactor)
            // For Overlay and Stack bars, the position is always zero since the bars are on top
            // of eachother
            if (pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.Overlay || pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.Stack ||
                pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.PercentStack)
                pos = 0;

            // BioRad addition 7.9.2007
            _barRectangles.AddRange(new RectangleF[curve.Points.Count]);
            // end BioRad

            // Loop over each defined point and draw the corresponding bar
            for (int i = 0; i < curve.Points.Count; i++)
                DrawSingleBar(g, pane, curve, i, pos, baseAxis, valueAxis, barWidth, scaleFactor);
コード例 #26
ファイル: Link.cs プロジェクト: zdimension/CrediNET
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a URL for a <see cref="CurveItem" /> that includes the index of the
        /// point that was selected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// An "index" parameter is added to the <see cref="Url" /> property for this
        /// link to indicate which point was selected.  Further, if the
        /// X or Y axes that correspond to this <see cref="CurveItem" /> are of
        /// <see cref="AxisType.Text" />, then an
        /// additional parameter will be added containing the text value that
        /// corresponds to the <paramref name="index" /> of the selected point.
        /// The <see cref="XAxis" /> text parameter will be labeled "xtext", and
        /// the <see cref="YAxis" /> text parameter will be labeled "ytext".
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="index">The zero-based index of the selected point</param>
        /// <param name="pane">The <see cref="GraphPane" /> of interest</param>
        /// <param name="curve">The <see cref="CurveItem" /> for which to
        /// make the url string.</param>
        /// <returns>A string containing the url with an index parameter added.</returns>
        public virtual string MakeCurveItemUrl(GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve, int index)
            string url = _url;

            if (url.IndexOf('?') >= 0)
                url += "&index=" + index.ToString();
                url += "?index=" + index.ToString();

            Axis xAxis = curve.GetXAxis(pane);
            if (xAxis.Type == AxisType.Text && index >= 0 &&
                    xAxis.Scale.TextLabels != null &&
                    index <= xAxis.Scale.TextLabels.Length)
                url += "&xtext=" + xAxis.Scale.TextLabels[index];

            Axis yAxis = curve.GetYAxis(pane);
            if (yAxis != null && yAxis.Type == AxisType.Text && index >= 0 &&
                    yAxis.Scale.TextLabels != null &&
                    index <= yAxis.Scale.TextLabels.Length)
                url += "&ytext=" + yAxis.Scale.TextLabels[index];

            return url;
コード例 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the this <see cref="Bar"/> to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/>
        /// device as a bar at each defined point. This method
        /// is normally only called by the <see cref="BarItem.Draw"/> method of the
        /// <see cref="BarItem"/> object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">
        /// The width of each bar, in pixels.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pos">
        /// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
        /// in the cluster of bars.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public void DrawBars(Graphics g, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve,
                             Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
                             float barWidth, int pos, float scaleFactor)
            // For non-cluster bar types, the position is always zero since the bars are on top
            // of eachother
            BarType barType = pane._barSettings.Type;

            if (barType == BarType.Overlay || barType == BarType.Stack || barType == BarType.PercentStack ||
                barType == BarType.SortedOverlay)
                pos = 0;

            int minX = (int)pane.Chart.Rect.Left;
            int maxX = (int)pane.Chart.Rect.Right;
            int minY = (int)pane.Chart.Rect.Top;
            int maxY = (int)pane.Chart.Rect.Bottom;

            int minOrdinal = 0;
            int maxOrdinal = int.MaxValue;

            if (baseAxis.Scale.IsAnyOrdinal)
                minOrdinal = (int)baseAxis.Scale.Min;
                maxOrdinal = (int)baseAxis.Scale.Max;
            // Loop over each defined point and draw the corresponding bar
            var start = Math.Max(0, minOrdinal);
            int limit = Math.Min(curve.Points.Count, maxOrdinal);

            for (int i = start; i < limit; i++)
                DrawSingleBar(g, pane, curve, i, pos, baseAxis, valueAxis, barWidth, scaleFactor);
コード例 #28
ファイル: ValueHandler.cs プロジェクト: TzarIvan/ratel
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the user scale position of the center of the specified bar, using the
        /// <see cref="Axis"/> as specified by <see cref="BarSettings.Base"/>.  This method is
        /// used primarily by the
        /// <see cref="GraphPane.FindNearestPoint(PointF,out CurveItem,out int)"/> method in order to
        /// determine the bar "location," which is defined as the center of the top of the individual bar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curve">The <see cref="CurveItem"/> representing the
        /// bar of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">The width of each individual bar. This can be calculated using
        /// the <see cref="CurveItem.GetBarWidth"/> method.</param>
        /// <param name="iCluster">The cluster number for the bar of interest.  This is the ordinal
        /// position of the current point.  That is, if a particular <see cref="CurveItem"/> has
        /// 10 points, then a value of 3 would indicate the 4th point in the data array.</param>
        /// <param name="val">The actual independent axis value for the bar of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="iOrdinal">The ordinal position of the <see cref="CurveItem"/> of interest.
        /// That is, the first bar series is 0, the second is 1, etc.  Note that this applies only
        /// to the bars.  If a graph includes both bars and lines, then count only the bars.</param>
        /// <returns>A user scale value position of the center of the bar of interest.</returns>
        public double BarCenterValue(
            CurveItem curve,
            float barWidth,
            int iCluster,
            double val,
            int iOrdinal)
            var baseAxis = curve.BaseAxis(_pane);

            if (curve is ErrorBarItem || curve is HiLowBarItem ||
                curve is OHLCBarItem || curve is JapaneseCandleStickItem)
                if (baseAxis._scale.IsAnyOrdinal && iCluster >= 0 && !curve.IsOverrideOrdinal)
                    return(iCluster + 1.0);
            var clusterWidth = _pane._barSettings.GetClusterWidth();
            var clusterGap   = _pane._barSettings.MinClusterGap * barWidth;
            var barGap       = barWidth * _pane._barSettings.MinBarGap;

            if (curve.IsBar && _pane._barSettings.Type != BarType.Cluster)
                iOrdinal = 0;

            var centerPix = baseAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, iCluster, val)
                            - clusterWidth / 2.0F + clusterGap / 2.0F +
                            iOrdinal * (barWidth + barGap) + 0.5F * barWidth;

コード例 #29
ファイル: Legend.cs プロジェクト: lijielife/zedgraph-lw
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the <see cref="Legend"/> rectangle (<see cref="Rect"/>),
        /// taking into account the number of required legend
        /// entries, and the legend drawing preferences.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Adjust the size of the
        /// <see cref="Chart.Rect"/> for the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> to accomodate the
        /// space required by the legend.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="tChartRect">
        /// The rectangle that contains the area bounded by the axes, in pixel units.
        /// <seealso cref="Chart.Rect" />
        /// </param>
        public void CalcRect(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor,
                             ref RectangleF tChartRect)
            // Start with an empty rectangle
            _rect             = Rectangle.Empty;
            _numberOfColumns  = 1;
            _legendItemWidth  = 1;
            _legendItemHeight = 0;

            RectangleF clientRect = pane.CalcClientRect(g, scaleFactor);

            // If the legend is invisible, don't do anything
            if (!_isVisible)

            int numberOfCurvesToDraw = 0;

            PaneList paneList = GetPaneList(pane);

            _tmpSize = GetMaxHeight(paneList, g, scaleFactor);

            float halfGap  = _tmpSize / 2.0F,
                  maxWidth = 0,
                  tmpWidth = 0,
                  gapPix   = _gap * _tmpSize;

            bool showingSecondaryLabel = false;

            foreach (GraphPane tmpPane in paneList)
                // Loop through each curve in the curve list
                // Find the maximum width of the legend labels
                //foreach ( CurveItem curve in tmpPane.CurveList )
                //foreach ( CurveItem curve in GetIterator( tmpPane.CurveList, _isReverse ) )
                int count = tmpPane.CurveList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    CurveItem curve = tmpPane.CurveList[_isReverse ? count - i - 1 : i];
                    bool      atLeastOneLabelDrawn = false;
                    if (curve._label._text != string.Empty && curve._label._isVisible)
                        // Calculate the width of the label save the max width
                        FontSpec tmpFont = (curve._label._fontSpec != null) ?
                                           curve._label._fontSpec : this.FontSpec;

                        tmpWidth = tmpFont.GetWidth(g, curve._label._text, scaleFactor);

                        if (tmpWidth > maxWidth)
                            maxWidth = tmpWidth;

                        // Save the maximum symbol height for line-type curves
                        if (curve is LineItem && ((LineItem)curve).Symbol.Size > _legendItemHeight)
                            _legendItemHeight = ((LineItem)curve).Symbol.Size;

                        atLeastOneLabelDrawn = true;
                    if (curve.SecondaryLabel._text != string.Empty && curve.SecondaryLabel._isVisible)
                        // Calculate the width of the label save the max width
                        FontSpec tmpFont = (curve.SecondaryLabel._fontSpec != null) ?
                                           curve.SecondaryLabel._fontSpec : this.FontSpec;

                        tmpWidth = tmpFont.GetWidth(g, curve.SecondaryLabel._text, scaleFactor);

                        if (tmpWidth > maxWidth)
                            maxWidth = tmpWidth;

                        // Save the maximum symbol height for line-type curves
                        if (curve is LineItem && ((LineItem)curve).Symbol.Size > _legendItemHeight)
                            _legendItemHeight = ((LineItem)curve).Symbol.Size;

                        atLeastOneLabelDrawn  = true;
                        showingSecondaryLabel = true;

                    if (atLeastOneLabelDrawn)

                if (pane is MasterPane && ((MasterPane)pane).IsUniformLegendEntries)

            float widthAvail;

            // Is this legend horizontally stacked?

            if (_isHStack)
                // Determine the available space for horizontal stacking
                switch (_position)
                // Never stack if the legend is to the right or left
                case LegendPos.Right:
                case LegendPos.Left:
                    widthAvail = 0;

                // for the top & bottom, the axis border width is available
                case LegendPos.Top:
                case LegendPos.TopCenter:
                case LegendPos.Bottom:
                case LegendPos.BottomCenter:
                    widthAvail = tChartRect.Width;

                // for the top & bottom flush left, the panerect less margins is available
                case LegendPos.TopFlushLeft:
                case LegendPos.BottomFlushLeft:
                    widthAvail = clientRect.Width;

                // for inside the axis area or Float, use 1/2 of the axis border width
                case LegendPos.InsideTopRight:
                case LegendPos.InsideTopLeft:
                case LegendPos.InsideBotRight:
                case LegendPos.InsideBotLeft:
                case LegendPos.Float:
                    widthAvail = tChartRect.Width / 2;

                // shouldn't ever happen
                    widthAvail = 0;

                // width of one legend entry
                if (_isShowLegendSymbols)
                    if (showingSecondaryLabel)
                        _legendItemWidth = 3.0f * _tmpSize + maxWidth * 1.6f;
                        _legendItemWidth = 3.0f * _tmpSize + maxWidth;
                    _legendItemWidth = 0.5f * _tmpSize + maxWidth;

                // Calculate the number of columns in the legend
                // Normally, the legend is:
                //     available width / ( max width of any entry + space for line&symbol )
                if (maxWidth > 0)
                    _numberOfColumns = (int)((widthAvail - halfGap) / _legendItemWidth);

                // You can never have more columns than legend entries
                if (_numberOfColumns > numberOfCurvesToDraw)
                    _numberOfColumns = numberOfCurvesToDraw;

                // a saftey check
                if (_numberOfColumns == 0)
                    _numberOfColumns = 1;
                if (_isShowLegendSymbols)
                    _legendItemWidth = 4.0F * _tmpSize + maxWidth;
                    _legendItemWidth = 0.5F * _tmpSize + maxWidth;

            // legend is:
            //   item:     space  line  space  text   space
            //   width:     wid  4*wid   wid  maxWid   wid
            // The symbol is centered on the line
            // legend begins 3 * wid to the right of the plot rect
            // The height of the legend is the actual height of the lines of text
            //   (nCurve * hite) plus wid on top and wid on the bottom

            // total legend width
            float totLegWidth = _numberOfColumns * _legendItemWidth;

            // The total legend height
            _legendItemHeight = _legendItemHeight * (float)scaleFactor + halfGap;
            if (_tmpSize > _legendItemHeight)
                _legendItemHeight = _tmpSize;
            float totLegHeight = (float)Math.Ceiling((double)numberOfCurvesToDraw / (double)_numberOfColumns)
                                 * _legendItemHeight;

            RectangleF newRect = new RectangleF();

            // Now calculate the legend rect based on the above determined parameters
            // Also, adjust the ChartRect to reflect the space for the legend
            if (numberOfCurvesToDraw > 0)
                newRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, totLegWidth, totLegHeight);

                // The switch statement assigns the left and top edges, and adjusts the ChartRect
                // as required.  The right and bottom edges are calculated at the bottom of the switch.
                switch (_position)
                case LegendPos.Right:
                    newRect.X = clientRect.Right - totLegWidth;
                    newRect.Y = tChartRect.Top;

                    tChartRect.Width -= totLegWidth + gapPix;

                case LegendPos.Top:
                    newRect.X = tChartRect.Left;
                    newRect.Y = clientRect.Top;

                    tChartRect.Y      += totLegHeight + gapPix;
                    tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix;

                case LegendPos.TopFlushLeft:
                    newRect.X = clientRect.Left;
                    newRect.Y = clientRect.Top;

                    tChartRect.Y      += totLegHeight + gapPix * 1.5f;
                    tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix * 1.5f;

                case LegendPos.TopCenter:
                    newRect.X = tChartRect.Left + (tChartRect.Width - totLegWidth) / 2;
                    newRect.Y = tChartRect.Top;

                    tChartRect.Y      += totLegHeight + gapPix;
                    tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix;

                case LegendPos.Bottom:
                    newRect.X = tChartRect.Left;
                    newRect.Y = clientRect.Bottom - totLegHeight;

                    tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix;

                case LegendPos.BottomFlushLeft:
                    newRect.X = clientRect.Left;
                    newRect.Y = clientRect.Bottom - totLegHeight;

                    tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix;

                case LegendPos.BottomCenter:
                    newRect.X = tChartRect.Left + (tChartRect.Width - totLegWidth) / 2;
                    newRect.Y = clientRect.Bottom - totLegHeight;

                    tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix;

                case LegendPos.Left:
                    newRect.X = clientRect.Left;
                    newRect.Y = tChartRect.Top;

                    tChartRect.X     += totLegWidth + halfGap;
                    tChartRect.Width -= totLegWidth + gapPix;

                case LegendPos.InsideTopRight:
                    newRect.X = tChartRect.Right - totLegWidth;
                    newRect.Y = tChartRect.Top;

                case LegendPos.InsideTopLeft:
                    newRect.X = tChartRect.Left;
                    newRect.Y = tChartRect.Top;

                case LegendPos.InsideBotRight:
                    newRect.X = tChartRect.Right - totLegWidth;
                    newRect.Y = tChartRect.Bottom - totLegHeight;

                case LegendPos.InsideBotLeft:
                    newRect.X = tChartRect.Left;
                    newRect.Y = tChartRect.Bottom - totLegHeight;

                case LegendPos.Float:
                    newRect.Location = this.Location.TransformTopLeft(pane, totLegWidth, totLegHeight);

            _rect = newRect;
コード例 #30
ファイル: Legend.cs プロジェクト: lijielife/zedgraph-lw
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the <see cref="Legend"/> to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is normally only called by the Draw method
        /// of the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor)
            // if the legend is not visible, do nothing
            if (!_isVisible)

            // Fill the background with the specified color if required
            _fill.Draw(g, _rect);

            PaneList paneList = GetPaneList(pane);

            float halfGap = _tmpSize / 2.0F;

            // Check for bad data values
            if (_numberOfColumns <= 0)
                _numberOfColumns = 1;
            if (_legendItemWidth <= 0)
                _legendItemWidth = 100;
            if (_legendItemHeight <= 0)
                _legendItemHeight = _tmpSize;

            //float gap = pane.ScaledGap( scaleFactor );

            int iEntry = 0;

            // Get a brush for the legend label text
            using (SolidBrush brushB = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                foreach (GraphPane tmpPane in paneList)
                    // Loop for each curve in the CurveList collection
                    //foreach ( CurveItem curve in tmpPane.CurveList )
                    int count = tmpPane.CurveList.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        CurveItem curve = tmpPane.CurveList[_isReverse ? count - i - 1 : i];

                        float x    = _rect.Left + halfGap / 2.0F + (iEntry % _numberOfColumns) * (_legendItemWidth);
                        float y    = _rect.Top + (int)(iEntry / _numberOfColumns) * _legendItemHeight;
                        float xEnd = DrawLabel(curve.Label, curve, g, pane, scaleFactor, tmpPane, _isShowLegendSymbols, x, y);
                        x = xEnd;
                        DrawLabel(curve.SecondaryLabel, curve, g, pane, scaleFactor, tmpPane, false, x, y);
                        iEntry += 1;
                    if (pane is MasterPane && ((MasterPane)pane).IsUniformLegendEntries)

                // Draw a border around the legend if required
                if (iEntry > 0)
                    this.Border.Draw(g, pane, scaleFactor, _rect);
コード例 #31
ファイル: CurveList.cs プロジェクト: 6555355/Scan_yan1
 *              /// <summary>
 *              /// Remove a <see cref="CurveItem"/> object from the collection based on an object reference.
 *              /// </summary>
 *              /// <param name="curve">A reference to the <see cref="CurveItem"/> object that is to be
 *              /// removed.</param>
 *              /// <seealso cref="IList.Remove"/>
 *              public void Remove( CurveItem curve )
 *              {
 *                      List.Remove( curve );
 *              }

        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a <see cref="CurveItem"/> object into the collection at the specified
        /// zero-based index location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The zero-based index location for insertion.</param>
        /// <param name="curve">A reference to the <see cref="CurveItem"/> object that is to be
        /// inserted.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="IList.Insert"/>
        public void Insert(int index, CurveItem curve)
            List.Insert(index, curve);
コード例 #32
ファイル: Bar.cs プロジェクト: InsungChoi/dddd
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the this <see cref="Bar"/> to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/>
        /// device as a bar at each defined point. This method
        /// is normally only called by the <see cref="BarItem.Draw"/> method of the
        /// <see cref="BarItem"/> object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">
        /// The width of each bar, in pixels.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pos">
        /// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
        /// in the cluster of bars.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="GraphPane.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public void DrawBars( Graphics g, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve,
							Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
							float barWidth, int pos, double scaleFactor )
            // For Overlay and Stack bars, the position is always zero since the bars are on top
            // of eachother
            if	( pane.BarType == BarType.Overlay || pane.BarType == BarType.Stack ||
                        pane.BarType == BarType.PercentStack )
                pos = 0;

            // Loop over each defined point
            for ( int i=0; i<curve.Points.Count; i++ )
                DrawSingleBar( g, pane, curve, i, pos, baseAxis, valueAxis,
                                scaleFactor );
コード例 #33
 private string zg1_PointValueEvent(ZedGraphControl sender, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve, int iPt)
     PointPair pt = curve[iPt];
     return (curve.Label.Text + pt.X.ToString()+" , "+pt.Y.ToString());
コード例 #34
ファイル: Selection.cs プロジェクト: Jungwon/ZedGraph
		/// <summary>
		/// Remove the specified <see cref="CurveItem" /> from the selection list.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="master">The <see cref="MasterPane" /> that is the "owner"
		/// of the <see cref="CurveItem" />'s.</param>
		/// <param name="ci">The <see cref="CurveItem" /> to be removed from the list.</param>
		public void RemoveFromSelection( MasterPane master, CurveItem ci )
			if ( this.Contains( ci ) )
				this.Remove( ci );

			UpdateSelection( master );

コード例 #35
ファイル: Selection.cs プロジェクト: Jungwon/ZedGraph
		// Define a "Contains" method so that this class works with .Net 1.1 or 2.0
		internal bool Contains( CurveItem item )
			foreach ( CurveItem ci in this )
				if ( item == ci )
					return true;

			return false;
コード例 #36
            /// <summary>
            /// Compares two <see cref="CurveItem"/>s using the previously specified index value
            /// and axis.  Sorts in descending order.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="l">Curve to the left.</param>
            /// <param name="r">Curve to the right.</param>
            /// <returns>-1, 0, or 1 depending on l.X's relation to r.X</returns>
            int IComparer.Compare(object l, object r)
                if (l == null && r == null)
                else if (l == null && r != null)
                else if (l != null && r == null)

                CurveItem lc = (CurveItem)l;
                CurveItem rc = (CurveItem)r;

                if (rc != null && rc.NPts <= index)
                    r = null;
                if (lc != null && lc.NPts <= index)
                    l = null;

                double lVal, rVal;

                if (sortType == SortType.XValues)
                    lVal = System.Math.Abs(lc[index].X);
                    rVal = System.Math.Abs(rc[index].X);
                    lVal = System.Math.Abs(lc[index].Y);
                    rVal = System.Math.Abs(rc[index].Y);

                if (lVal == PointPair.Missing || Double.IsInfinity(lVal) || Double.IsNaN(lVal))
                    l = null;
                if (rVal == PointPair.Missing || Double.IsInfinity(rVal) || Double.IsNaN(rVal))
                    r = null;

                if ((l == null && r == null) || (System.Math.Abs(lVal - rVal) < 1e-10))
                else if (l == null && r != null)
                else if (l != null && r == null)
                    return(rVal < lVal ? -1 : 1);
コード例 #37
ファイル: BarValueHandler.cs プロジェクト: InsungChoi/dddd
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the user scale values associate with a particular point of a
        /// particular curve.</summary>
        /// <remarks>The main purpose of this method is to handle
        /// stacked bars, in which case the stacked values are returned rather
        /// than the individual data values.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="iPt">The zero-based point index for the point of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="baseVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the value
        /// for the independent axis.</param>
        /// <param name="lowVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the lower
        /// value for the dependent axis.</param>
        /// <param name="hiVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the upper
        /// value for the dependent axis.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the data point is value, false for
        /// <see cref="PointPair.Missing"/>, invalid, etc. data.</returns>
        public bool GetBarValues( CurveItem curve, int iPt, out double baseVal,
							out double lowVal, out double hiVal )
            return GetBarValues( this.pane, curve, iPt, out baseVal,
                                    out lowVal, out hiVal );
コード例 #38
ファイル: ValueHandler.cs プロジェクト: diehard2/stochfit
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the user scale values associate with a particular point of a
 /// particular curve.</summary>
 /// <remarks>The main purpose of this method is to handle
 /// stacked bars, in which case the stacked values are returned rather
 /// than the individual data values.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object of interest.</param>
 /// <param name="iPt">The zero-based point index for the point of interest.</param>
 /// <param name="baseVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the value
 /// for the independent axis.</param>
 /// <param name="lowVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the lower
 /// value for the dependent axis.</param>
 /// <param name="hiVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the upper
 /// value for the dependent axis.</param>
 /// <returns>true if the data point is value, false for
 /// <see cref="PointPairBase.Missing"/>, invalid, etc. data.</returns>
 public bool GetValues(CurveItem curve, int iPt, out double baseVal,
                       out double lowVal, out double hiVal)
     return(GetValues(_pane, curve, iPt, out baseVal,
                      out lowVal, out hiVal));
コード例 #39
ファイル: ValueHandler.cs プロジェクト: diehard2/stochfit
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the user scale values associate with a particular point of a
        /// particular curve.</summary>
        /// <remarks>The main purpose of this method is to handle
        /// stacked bars and lines, in which case the stacked values are returned rather
        /// than the individual data values.  However, this method works generically for any
        /// curve type.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="pane">The parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object.</param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="iPt">The zero-based point index for the point of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="baseVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the value
        /// for the independent axis.</param>
        /// <param name="lowVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the lower
        /// value for the dependent axis.</param>
        /// <param name="hiVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the upper
        /// value for the dependent axis.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the data point is value, false for
        /// <see cref="PointPairBase.Missing"/>, invalid, etc. data.</returns>
        public static bool GetValues(GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve, int iPt,
                                     out double baseVal, out double lowVal, out double hiVal)
            hiVal   = PointPair.Missing;
            lowVal  = PointPair.Missing;
            baseVal = PointPair.Missing;

            if (curve == null || curve.Points.Count <= iPt || !curve.IsVisible)

            Axis baseAxis  = curve.BaseAxis(pane);
            Axis valueAxis = curve.ValueAxis(pane);

            if (baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis)
                baseVal = curve.Points[iPt].X;
                baseVal = curve.Points[iPt].Y;

            // is it a stacked bar type?
            if (curve is BarItem && (pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.Stack ||
                                     pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.PercentStack))
                double positiveStack = 0;
                double negativeStack = 0;
                double curVal;

                // loop through all the curves, summing up the values to get a total (only
                // for the current ordinal position iPt)
                foreach (CurveItem tmpCurve in pane.CurveList)
                    // Sum the value for the current curve only if it is a bar
                    if (tmpCurve.IsBar && tmpCurve.IsVisible)
                        curVal = PointPair.Missing;
                        // For non-ordinal curves, find a matching base value (must match exactly)
                        if (curve.IsOverrideOrdinal || !baseAxis._scale.IsAnyOrdinal)
                            IPointList points = tmpCurve.Points;

                            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                                if ((baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis) && points[i].X == baseVal)
                                    curVal = points[i].Y;
                                else if (!(baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis) && points[i].Y == baseVal)
                                    curVal = points[i].X;
                        // otherwise, it's an ordinal type so use the value at the same ordinal position
                        else if (iPt < tmpCurve.Points.Count)
                            // Get the value for the appropriate value axis
                            if (baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis)
                                curVal = tmpCurve.Points[iPt].Y;
                                curVal = tmpCurve.Points[iPt].X;

                        // If it's a missing value, skip it
                        if (curVal == PointPair.Missing)
                            positiveStack = PointPair.Missing;
                            negativeStack = PointPair.Missing;

                        // the current curve is the target curve, save the summed values for later
                        if (tmpCurve == curve)
                            // if the value is positive, use the positive stack
                            if (curVal >= 0)
                                lowVal = positiveStack;
                                hiVal  = (curVal == PointPair.Missing || positiveStack == PointPair.Missing) ?
                                         PointPair.Missing : positiveStack + curVal;
                            // otherwise, use the negative stack
                                hiVal  = negativeStack;
                                lowVal = (curVal == PointPair.Missing || negativeStack == PointPair.Missing) ?
                                         PointPair.Missing : negativeStack + curVal;

                        // Add all positive values to the positive stack, and negative values to the
                        // negative stack
                        if (curVal >= 0)
                            positiveStack = (curVal == PointPair.Missing || positiveStack == PointPair.Missing) ?
                                            PointPair.Missing : positiveStack + curVal;
                            negativeStack = (curVal == PointPair.Missing || negativeStack == PointPair.Missing) ?
                                            PointPair.Missing : negativeStack + curVal;

                // if the curve is a PercentStack type, then calculate the percent for this bar
                // based on the total height of the stack
                if (pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.PercentStack &&
                    hiVal != PointPair.Missing && lowVal != PointPair.Missing)
                    // Use the total magnitude of the positive plus negative bar stacks to determine
                    // the percentage value
                    positiveStack += Math.Abs(negativeStack);

                    // just to avoid dividing by zero...
                    if (positiveStack != 0)
                        // calculate the percentage values
                        lowVal = lowVal / positiveStack * 100.0;
                        hiVal  = hiVal / positiveStack * 100.0;
                        lowVal = 0;
                        hiVal  = 0;

                if (baseVal == PointPair.Missing || lowVal == PointPair.Missing ||
                    hiVal == PointPair.Missing)
            // If the curve is a stacked line type, then sum up the values similar to the stacked bar type
            else if (curve is LineItem && pane.LineType == LineType.Stack)
                double stack = 0;
                double curVal;

                // loop through all the curves, summing up the values to get a total (only
                // for the current ordinal position iPt)
                foreach (CurveItem tmpCurve in pane.CurveList)
                    // make sure the curve is a Line type
                    if (tmpCurve is LineItem && tmpCurve.IsVisible)
                        curVal = PointPair.Missing;
                        // For non-ordinal curves, find a matching base value (must match exactly)
                        if (curve.IsOverrideOrdinal || !baseAxis._scale.IsAnyOrdinal)
                            IPointList points = tmpCurve.Points;

                            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                                if (points[i].X == baseVal)
                                    curVal = points[i].Y;
                        // otherwise, it's an ordinal type so use the value at the same ordinal position
                        else if (iPt < tmpCurve.Points.Count)
                            // For line types, the Y axis is always the value axis
                            curVal = tmpCurve.Points[iPt].Y;

                        // if the current value is missing, then the rest of the stack is missing
                        if (curVal == PointPair.Missing)
                            stack = PointPair.Missing;

                        // if the current curve is the target curve, save the values
                        if (tmpCurve == curve)
                            lowVal = stack;
//							if ( curVal < 0 && stack == 0 )
//							{
//								stack = curVal;
//								lowVal = curVal;
//								hiVal = curVal;
//							}
//							else
                            hiVal = (curVal == PointPair.Missing || stack == PointPair.Missing) ?
                                    PointPair.Missing : stack + curVal;

                        // sum all the curves to a single total.  This includes both positive and
                        // negative values (unlike the bar stack type).
                        stack = (curVal == PointPair.Missing || stack == PointPair.Missing) ?
                                PointPair.Missing : stack + curVal;

                if (baseVal == PointPair.Missing || lowVal == PointPair.Missing ||
                    hiVal == PointPair.Missing)
            // otherwise, the curve is not a stacked type (not a stacked bar or stacked line)
                if ((!(curve is HiLowBarItem)) && (!(curve is ErrorBarItem)))
                    lowVal = 0;
                    lowVal = curve.Points[iPt].LowValue;

                if (baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis)
                    hiVal = curve.Points[iPt].Y;
                    hiVal = curve.Points[iPt].X;

            // Special Exception: Bars on log scales should always plot from the Min value upwards,
            // since they can never be zero
            if (curve is BarItem && valueAxis._scale.IsLog && lowVal == 0)
                lowVal = valueAxis._scale._min;

            if (baseVal == PointPair.Missing || hiVal == PointPair.Missing ||
                (lowVal == PointPair.Missing && (curve is ErrorBarItem ||
                                                 curve is HiLowBarItem)))
コード例 #40
 private void UpdateGraph()
     if (!IsHandleCreated)
     _barGraph = null;
     _rows = null;
     var points = new PointPairList();
     var groupComparisonModel = FoldChangeBindingSource.GroupComparisonModel;
     var groupComparisonDef = groupComparisonModel.GroupComparisonDef;
     var document = groupComparisonModel.Document;
     var sequences = new List<Tuple<string, bool>>();
     foreach (var nodePep in document.Molecules)
         sequences.Add(new Tuple<string, bool>(nodePep.RawTextId, nodePep.IsProteomic));
     var uniquePrefixGenerator = new UniquePrefixGenerator(sequences, 3);
     var textLabels = new List<string>();
     var rows = _bindingListSource.OfType<RowItem>()
         .Select(rowItem => rowItem.Value)
     bool showLabelType = rows.Select(row => row.IsotopeLabelType).Distinct().Count() > 1;
     bool showMsLevel = rows.Select(row => row.MsLevel).Distinct().Count() > 1;
     bool showGroup = rows.Select(row => row.Group).Distinct().Count() > 1;
     foreach (var row in rows)
         var foldChangeResult = row.FoldChangeResult;
         double error = Math.Log(foldChangeResult.MaxFoldChange/foldChangeResult.FoldChange, 2.0);
         var point = MeanErrorBarItem.MakePointPair(points.Count, foldChangeResult.Log2FoldChange, error);
         string label;
         if (null != row.Peptide)
             label = uniquePrefixGenerator.GetUniquePrefix(row.Peptide.GetDocNode().RawTextId, row.Peptide.GetDocNode().IsProteomic);
             label = row.Protein.Name;
         if (showMsLevel && row.MsLevel.HasValue)
             label += " MS" + row.MsLevel; // Not L10N;
         if (showLabelType && row.IsotopeLabelType != null)
             label += " (" + row.IsotopeLabelType.Title + ")"; // Not L10N
         if (showGroup && !Equals(row.Group, default(GroupIdentifier)))
             label += " " + row.Group; // Not L10N
         if (IsSelected(row))
             double y, height;
             if (foldChangeResult.Log2FoldChange >= 0)
                 y = foldChangeResult.Log2FoldChange + error;
                 height = y;
                 y = 0;
                 height = error - foldChangeResult.Log2FoldChange;
             zedGraphControl.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Add(new BoxObj(point.X + .5, y, .99, height)
                 ZOrder = ZOrder.E_BehindCurves,
                 IsClippedToChartRect = true
     zedGraphControl.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = groupComparisonDef.PerProtein ? GroupComparisonStrings.FoldChangeBarGraph_UpdateGraph_Protein : GroupComparisonStrings.FoldChangeBarGraph_UpdateGraph_Peptide;
     zedGraphControl.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = GroupComparisonStrings.FoldChangeBarGraph_UpdateGraph_Log_2_Fold_Change;
     var barGraph = new MeanErrorBarItem(null, points, Color.Black, Color.Blue);
     zedGraphControl.GraphPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text;
     zedGraphControl.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = textLabels.ToArray();
     _barGraph = barGraph;
     _rows = rows;
コード例 #41
ファイル: FlightData.cs プロジェクト: Viousa/MissionPlanner
        void chk_box_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (((CheckBox) sender).Checked)
                ((CheckBox) sender).BackColor = Color.Green;

                if (list1item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list1item, ((CheckBox) sender).Name, MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs))
                        list1curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox) sender).Name, list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list2item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list2item, ((CheckBox) sender).Name, MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs))
                        list2curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox) sender).Name, list2, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list3item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list3item, ((CheckBox) sender).Name, MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs))
                        list3curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox) sender).Name, list3, Color.Green,
                else if (list4item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list4item, ((CheckBox) sender).Name, MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs))
                        list4curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox) sender).Name, list4, Color.Orange,
                else if (list5item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list5item, ((CheckBox) sender).Name, MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs))
                        list5curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox) sender).Name, list5, Color.Yellow,
                else if (list6item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list6item, ((CheckBox) sender).Name, MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs))
                        list6curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox) sender).Name, list6, Color.Magenta,
                else if (list7item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list7item, ((CheckBox) sender).Name, MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs))
                        list7curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox) sender).Name, list7, Color.Purple,
                else if (list8item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list8item, ((CheckBox) sender).Name, MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs))
                        list8curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox) sender).Name, list8, Color.LimeGreen,
                else if (list9item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list9item, ((CheckBox) sender).Name, MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs))
                        list9curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox) sender).Name, list9, Color.Cyan, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list10item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list10item, ((CheckBox) sender).Name, MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs))
                        list10curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox) sender).Name, list10, Color.Violet,
                    CustomMessageBox.Show("Max 10 at a time.");
                    ((CheckBox) sender).Checked = false;

                string selected = "";
                    foreach (var curve in zg1.GraphPane.CurveList)
                        selected = selected + curve.Label.Text + "|";
                MainV2.config["Tuning_Graph_Selected"] = selected;
                ((CheckBox) sender).BackColor = Color.Transparent;

                // reset old stuff
                if (list1item != null && list1item.Name == ((CheckBox) sender).Name)
                    list1item = null;
                if (list2item != null && list2item.Name == ((CheckBox) sender).Name)
                    list2item = null;
                if (list3item != null && list3item.Name == ((CheckBox) sender).Name)
                    list3item = null;
                if (list4item != null && list4item.Name == ((CheckBox) sender).Name)
                    list4item = null;
                if (list5item != null && list5item.Name == ((CheckBox) sender).Name)
                    list5item = null;
                if (list6item != null && list6item.Name == ((CheckBox) sender).Name)
                    list6item = null;
                if (list7item != null && list7item.Name == ((CheckBox) sender).Name)
                    list7item = null;
                if (list8item != null && list8item.Name == ((CheckBox) sender).Name)
                    list8item = null;
                if (list9item != null && list9item.Name == ((CheckBox) sender).Name)
                    list9item = null;
                if (list10item != null && list10item.Name == ((CheckBox) sender).Name)
                    list10item = null;
コード例 #42
ファイル: Bar.cs プロジェクト: InsungChoi/dddd
        /// <summary>
        /// Protected internal routine that draws the specified single bar (an individual "point")
        /// of this series to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="index">
        /// The zero-based index number for the single bar to be drawn.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pos">
        /// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
        /// in the cluster of bars.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="GraphPane.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        protected virtual void DrawSingleBar( Graphics g, GraphPane pane,
							CurveItem curve,
							int index, int pos, Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
							double scaleFactor )
            // pixBase = pixel value for the bar center on the base axis
            // pixHiVal = pixel value for the bar top on the value axis
            // pixLowVal = pixel value for the bar bottom on the value axis
            float pixBase, pixHiVal, pixLowVal;

            float clusterWidth = pane.GetClusterWidth();
            float barWidth = curve.GetBarWidth( pane );
            float clusterGap = pane.MinClusterGap * barWidth;
            float barGap = barWidth * pane.MinBarGap;

            // curBase = the scale value on the base axis of the current bar
            // curHiVal = the scale value on the value axis of the current bar
            // curLowVal = the scale value of the bottom of the bar
            double curBase, curLowVal, curHiVal;
            BarValueHandler valueHandler = new BarValueHandler( pane );
            valueHandler.GetBarValues( curve, index, out curBase,
                    out curLowVal, out curHiVal );

            // Any value set to double max is invalid and should be skipped
            // This is used for calculated values that are out of range, divide
            //   by zero, etc.
            // Also, any value <= zero on a log scale is invalid

            if ( !curve.Points[index].IsInvalid )
                // calculate a pixel value for the top of the bar on value axis
                pixLowVal = valueAxis.Transform( index, curLowVal );
                pixHiVal = valueAxis.Transform( index, curHiVal );
                // calculate a pixel value for the center of the bar on the base axis
                pixBase = baseAxis.Transform( index, curBase );

                // Calculate the pixel location for the side of the bar (on the base axis)
                float pixSide = pixBase - clusterWidth / 2.0F + clusterGap / 2.0F +
                                pos * ( barWidth + barGap );

                // Draw the bar
                if ( pane.BarBase == BarBase.X )
                    this.Draw( g, pane, pixSide, pixSide + barWidth, pixLowVal,
                                pixHiVal, scaleFactor, true );
                    this.Draw( g, pane, pixLowVal, pixHiVal, pixSide, pixSide + barWidth,
                                scaleFactor, true );
コード例 #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Protected internal routine that draws the specified single bar (an individual "point")
        /// of this series to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="index">
        /// The zero-based index number for the single bar to be drawn.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pos">
        /// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
        /// in the cluster of bars.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">
        /// The width of each bar, in pixels.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        virtual protected void DrawSingleBar(Graphics g, GraphPane pane,
                                             CurveItem curve,
                                             int index, int pos, Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
                                             float barWidth, float scaleFactor)
            // Parts of this method were changed by BioRad 2007.4.10

            Debug.Assert(curve is BarItem);
            BarItem barItem = (BarItem)curve;

            // pixBase = pixel value for the bar center on the base axis
            // pixHiVal = pixel value for the bar top on the value axis
            // pixLowVal = pixel value for the bar bottom on the value axis
            float pixBase, pixHiVal, pixLowVal;
            // Added by BioRad 2007.4.10
            float pixErrorHiVal = 0, pixErrorLowVal = 0;
            // End BioRad addition

            float clusterWidth = pane.BarSettings.GetClusterWidth();
            //float barWidth = curve.GetBarWidth( pane );
            float clusterGap = pane._barSettings.MinClusterGap * barWidth;
            float barGap     = barWidth * pane._barSettings.MinBarGap;

            // curBase = the scale value on the base axis of the current bar
            // curHiVal = the scale value on the value axis of the current bar
            // curLowVal = the scale value of the bottom of the bar
            double       curBase, curLowVal, curHiVal;
            ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler(pane, false);

            valueHandler.GetValues(curve, index, out curBase, out curLowVal, out curHiVal);

            // Any value set to double max is invalid and should be skipped
            // This is used for calculated values that are out of range, divide
            //   by zero, etc.
            // Also, any value <= zero on a log scale is invalid
            if (!curve.Points[index].IsInvalid)
                // calculate a pixel value for the top of the bar on value axis
                pixLowVal = valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curLowVal);
                pixHiVal  = valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curHiVal);
                // calculate a pixel value for the center of the bar on the base axis
                pixBase = baseAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curBase);

                // Calculate pixel vales for the error bars if any.
                if (barItem.ShowErrorBars)
                    Debug.Assert(barItem.ErrorBarValues.Length == barItem.Points.Count);

                    double errorRadius = barItem.ErrorBarValues[index];
                    double errorRadiusHigh;
                    double errorRadiusLow;
                    barItem.GetErrorRadii(valueAxis.Scale, curHiVal, errorRadius, out errorRadiusHigh, out errorRadiusLow);
                    pixErrorHiVal  = valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curHiVal + errorRadiusHigh);
                    pixErrorLowVal = valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curHiVal - errorRadiusLow);

                // Calculate the pixel location for the side of the bar (on the base axis)
                float pixSide = pixBase - clusterWidth / 2.0F + clusterGap / 2.0F +
                                pos * (barWidth + barGap);
                float pixMiddle = pixSide + barWidth / 2;
                // Draw the bar
                if (pane._barSettings.Base == BarBase.X)
                    this.Draw(g, pane, pixSide, pixSide + barWidth, pixLowVal,
                              pixHiVal, scaleFactor, true,
                    if (barItem.ShowErrorBars)
                        float width = 1;
                        if (pane.IsPenWidthScaled)
                            width = scaleFactor;
                        using (Pen errorBarPen = new Pen(Color.Black, width))
                            g.DrawLine(errorBarPen, pixMiddle, pixErrorHiVal, pixMiddle, pixErrorLowVal);
                            g.DrawLine(errorBarPen, pixMiddle - barWidth * .4f, pixErrorHiVal, pixMiddle + barWidth * .4f, pixErrorHiVal);
                            g.DrawLine(errorBarPen, pixMiddle - barWidth * .4f, pixErrorLowVal, pixMiddle + barWidth * .4f, pixErrorLowVal);
                    this.Draw(g, pane, pixLowVal, pixHiVal, pixSide, pixSide + barWidth,
                              scaleFactor, true,
                    if (barItem.ShowErrorBars)
                        float width = 1;
                        if (pane.IsPenWidthScaled)
                            width = scaleFactor;
                        using (Pen errorBarPen = new Pen(Color.Black, width))
                            g.DrawLine(errorBarPen, pixErrorLowVal, pixMiddle, pixErrorHiVal, pixMiddle);
                            g.DrawLine(errorBarPen, pixErrorHiVal, pixMiddle - barWidth * .4f, pixErrorHiVal, pixMiddle + barWidth * .4f);
                            g.DrawLine(errorBarPen, pixErrorLowVal, pixMiddle - barWidth * .4f, pixErrorLowVal, pixMiddle + barWidth * .4f);
コード例 #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the data point that lies closest to the specified mouse (screen)
        /// point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method will search through all curves in
        /// <see cref="GraphPane.CurveList"/> to find which point is
        /// nearest.  It will only consider points that are within
        /// <see cref="Default.NearestTol"/> pixels of the screen point.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="mousePt">The screen point, in pixel coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="nearestCurve">A reference to the <see cref="CurveItem"/>
        /// instance that contains the closest point.  nearestCurve will be null if
        /// no data points are available.</param>
        /// <param name="iNearest">The index number of the closest point.  The
        /// actual data vpoint will then be <see cref="CurveItem.Points">CurveItem.Points[iNearest]</see>
        /// .  iNearest will
        /// be -1 if no data points are available.</param>
        /// <returns>true if a point was found and that point lies within
        /// <see cref="Default.NearestTol"/> pixels
        /// of the screen point, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool FindNearestPoint( PointF mousePt,
			out CurveItem nearestCurve, out int iNearest )
            return FindNearestPoint( mousePt, _curveList,
                out nearestCurve, out iNearest );
コード例 #45
ファイル: CurveList.cs プロジェクト: 6555355/Scan_yan1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the range for stacked bars and lines.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This method is required for the stacked
        /// types because (for bars), the negative values are a separate stack than the positive
        /// values.  If you just sum up the bars, you will get the sum of the positive plus negative,
        /// which is less than the maximum positive value and greater than the maximum negative value.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">The <see cref="CurveItem"/> for which to calculate the range</param>
        /// <param name="tXMinVal">The minimum X value so far</param>
        /// <param name="tYMinVal">The minimum Y value so far</param>
        /// <param name="tXMaxVal">The maximum X value so far</param>
        /// <param name="tYMaxVal">The maximum Y value so far</param>
        /// <seealso cref="GraphPane.IsBoundedRanges"/>
        private void GetStackRange(GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve, out double tXMinVal,
                                   out double tYMinVal, out double tXMaxVal, out double tYMaxVal)
            // initialize the values to outrageous ones to start
            tXMinVal = tYMinVal = Double.MaxValue;
            tXMaxVal = tYMaxVal = Double.MinValue;

            ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler(pane, false);
            Axis         baseAxis     = curve.BaseAxis(pane);
            bool         isXBase      = baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis;

            double lowVal, baseVal, hiVal;

            for (int i = 0; i < curve.Points.Count; i++)
                valueHandler.GetValues(curve, i, out baseVal, out lowVal, out hiVal);
                double x = isXBase ? baseVal : hiVal;
                double y = isXBase ? hiVal : baseVal;

                if (x != PointPair.Missing && y != PointPair.Missing && lowVal != PointPair.Missing)
                    if (x < tXMinVal)
                        tXMinVal = x;
                    if (x > tXMaxVal)
                        tXMaxVal = x;
                    if (y < tYMinVal)
                        tYMinVal = y;
                    if (y > tYMaxVal)
                        tYMaxVal = y;

                    if (!isXBase)
                        if (lowVal < tXMinVal)
                            tXMinVal = lowVal;
                        if (lowVal > tXMaxVal)
                            tXMaxVal = lowVal;
                        if (lowVal < tYMinVal)
                            tYMinVal = lowVal;
                        if (lowVal > tYMaxVal)
                            tYMaxVal = lowVal;
コード例 #46
ファイル: fftui.cs プロジェクト: marcoarruda/MissionPlanner
 private string zedGraphControl_PointValueEvent(ZedGraphControl sender, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve, int iPt)
     return String.Format("{0} hz/{1} rpm", curve[iPt].X,curve[iPt].X * 60.0);
コード例 #47
ファイル: Bar.cs プロジェクト: InsungChoi/dddd
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the specified single bar (an individual "point") of this series to the specified
        /// <see cref="Graphics"/> device.  This method is not as efficient as
        /// <see cref="DrawBars"/>, which draws the bars for all points.  It is intended to be used
        /// only for <see cref="BarType.SortedOverlay"/>, which requires special handling of each bar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="pos">
        /// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
        /// in the cluster of bars.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="index">
        /// The zero-based index number for the single bar to be drawn.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="GraphPane.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public void DrawSingleBar( Graphics g, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve,
								Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
								int pos, int index, double scaleFactor )
            if ( index >= curve.Points.Count )

            //SetupBarStack( valueAxis, curve.Points.Count );

            // For Overlay and Stack bars, the position is always zero since the bars are on top
            // of eachother
            if	( pane.BarType == BarType.Overlay || pane.BarType == BarType.Stack ||
                    pane.BarType == BarType.PercentStack )
                pos = 0;

            DrawSingleBar( g, pane, curve, index, pos, baseAxis, valueAxis,
                            scaleFactor );
コード例 #48
        /// <summary>
        ///  Allows hovering over each point to display a tooltip e.g. Power(Comparison) - 1000 (+100)
        /// </summary>
        private string zedGraphControl1_PointValueEvent(ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl sender, ZedGraph.GraphPane pane, ZedGraph.CurveItem curve, int iPt)
            int pointvalue = 0;
            int xpoint     = (int)curve[iPt].X;

            if (xpoint < HeartRate.Length)
                if (curve.Label.Text.Contains("Power"))
                    pointvalue = Power[xpoint];
                if (curve.Label.Text.Contains("Heart"))
                    pointvalue = HeartRate[xpoint];
                if (curve.Label.Text.Contains("Speed"))
                    pointvalue = Speed[xpoint];
                if (curve.Label.Text.Contains("Altitude"))
                    pointvalue = Altitude[xpoint];
                if (curve.Label.Text.Contains("Cadence"))
                    pointvalue = Cadeance[xpoint];
            string   value         = pointvalue.ToString();
            int      timeinseconds = xpoint * interval;
            TimeSpan time          = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeinseconds);

            return(curve.Label.Text + ": " + value + "\n" + "Time: " + time);
コード例 #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the data point that lies closest to the specified mouse (screen)
        /// point for the specified curve.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method will search only through the points for the specified
        /// curve to determine which point is
        /// nearest the mouse point.  It will only consider points that are within
        /// <see cref="Default.NearestTol"/> pixels of the screen point.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="mousePt">The screen point, in pixel coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="nearestCurve">A reference to the <see cref="CurveItem"/>
        /// instance that contains the closest point.  nearestCurve will be null if
        /// no data points are available.</param>
        /// <param name="targetCurve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object containing
        /// the data points to be searched.</param>
        /// <param name="iNearest">The index number of the closest point.  The
        /// actual data vpoint will then be <see cref="CurveItem.Points">CurveItem.Points[iNearest]</see>
        /// .  iNearest will
        /// be -1 if no data points are available.</param>
        /// <returns>true if a point was found and that point lies within
        /// <see cref="Default.NearestTol"/> pixels
        /// of the screen point, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool FindNearestPoint( PointF mousePt, CurveItem targetCurve,
				out CurveItem nearestCurve, out int iNearest )
            CurveList targetCurveList = new CurveList();
            targetCurveList.Add( targetCurve );
            return FindNearestPoint( mousePt, targetCurveList,
                out nearestCurve, out iNearest );
コード例 #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the user scale position of the center of the specified bar, using the
        /// <see cref="Axis"/> as specified by <see cref="BarSettings.Base"/>.  This method is
        /// used primarily by the
        /// <see cref="GraphPane.FindNearestPoint(PointF,out CurveItem,out int)"/> method in order to
        /// determine the bar "location," which is defined as the center of the top of the individual bar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curve">The <see cref="CurveItem"/> representing the
        /// bar of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">The width of each individual bar. This can be calculated using
        /// the <see cref="CurveItem.GetBarWidth"/> method.</param>
        /// <param name="iCluster">The cluster number for the bar of interest.  This is the ordinal
        /// position of the current point.  That is, if a particular <see cref="CurveItem"/> has
        /// 10 points, then a value of 3 would indicate the 4th point in the data array.</param>
        /// <param name="val">The actual independent axis value for the bar of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="iOrdinal">The ordinal position of the <see cref="CurveItem"/> of interest.
        /// That is, the first bar series is 0, the second is 1, etc.  Note that this applies only
        /// to the bars.  If a graph includes both bars and lines, then count only the bars.</param>
        /// <returns>A user scale value position of the center of the bar of interest.</returns>
        public double BarCenterValue( CurveItem curve, float barWidth, int iCluster,
										  double val, int iOrdinal )
            Axis baseAxis = curve.BaseAxis( _pane );
            if ( curve is ErrorBarItem || curve is HiLowBarItem ||
                    curve is OHLCBarItem || curve is JapaneseCandleStickItem )
                if ( baseAxis._scale.IsAnyOrdinal && iCluster >= 0 && !curve.IsOverrideOrdinal )
                    return (double) iCluster + 1.0;
                    return val;
                float clusterWidth = _pane._barSettings.GetClusterWidth();
                float clusterGap = _pane._barSettings.MinClusterGap * barWidth;
                float barGap = barWidth * _pane._barSettings.MinBarGap;

                if ( curve.IsBar && _pane._barSettings.Type != BarType.Cluster )
                    iOrdinal = 0;

                float centerPix = baseAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, iCluster, val )
                    - clusterWidth / 2.0F + clusterGap / 2.0F +
                    iOrdinal * ( barWidth + barGap ) + 0.5F * barWidth;
                return baseAxis.Scale.ReverseTransform( centerPix );
コード例 #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the data point that lies closest to the specified mouse (screen)
        /// point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method will search through the specified list of curves to find which point is
        /// nearest.  It will only consider points that are within
        /// <see cref="Default.NearestTol"/> pixels of the screen point, and it will
        /// only consider <see cref="CurveItem"/>'s that are in 
        /// <paramref name="targetCurveList"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="mousePt">The screen point, in pixel coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="targetCurveList">A <see cref="CurveList"/> object containing
        /// a subset of <see cref="CurveItem"/>'s to be searched.</param>
        /// <param name="nearestCurve">A reference to the <see cref="CurveItem"/>
        /// instance that contains the closest point.  nearestCurve will be null if
        /// no data points are available.</param>
        /// <param name="iNearest">The index number of the closest point.  The
        /// actual data vpoint will then be <see cref="CurveItem.Points">CurveItem.Points[iNearest]</see>
        /// .  iNearest will
        /// be -1 if no data points are available.</param>
        /// <returns>true if a point was found and that point lies within
        /// <see cref="Default.NearestTol"/> pixels
        /// of the screen point, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool FindNearestPoint( PointF mousePt, CurveList targetCurveList,
			out CurveItem nearestCurve, out int iNearest )
            CurveItem nearestBar = null;
            int iNearestBar = -1;
            nearestCurve = null;
            iNearest = -1;

            // If the point is outside the ChartRect, always return false
            if ( !_chart._rect.Contains( mousePt ) )
                return false;

            double x, x2;
            double[] y;
            double[] y2;

            //ReverseTransform( mousePt, out x, out y, out y2 );
            ReverseTransform( mousePt, out x, out x2, out y, out y2 );

            if ( !AxisRangesValid() )
                return false;

            ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( this, false );

            double xPixPerUnit = _chart._rect.Width / ( _xAxis._scale._max - _xAxis._scale._min );
            //double	yPixPerUnit = chartRect.Height / ( yAxis.Max - yAxis.Min );
            //double	y2PixPerUnit; // = chartRect.Height / ( y2Axis.Max - y2Axis.Min );

            double yPixPerUnitAct, yAct, yMinAct, yMaxAct;
            double minDist = 1e20;
            double xVal, yVal, dist = 99999, distX, distY;
            double tolSquared = Default.NearestTol * Default.NearestTol;

            int iBar = 0;

            foreach ( CurveItem curve in targetCurveList )
                //test for pie first...if it's a pie rest of method superfluous
                if ( curve is PieItem && curve.IsVisible )
                    if ( ( (PieItem)curve ).SlicePath != null &&
                            ( (PieItem)curve ).SlicePath.IsVisible( mousePt ) )
                        nearestBar = curve;
                        iNearestBar = 0;

                else if ( curve.IsVisible )
                    int yIndex = curve.GetYAxisIndex( this );
                    Axis yAxis = curve.GetYAxis( this );

                    if ( curve.IsY2Axis )
                        yAct = y2[yIndex];
                        yMinAct = _y2AxisList[yIndex]._scale._min;
                        yMaxAct = _y2AxisList[yIndex]._scale._max;
                        yAct = y[yIndex];
                        yMinAct = _yAxisList[yIndex]._scale._min;
                        yMaxAct = _yAxisList[yIndex]._scale._max;

                    yPixPerUnitAct = _chart._rect.Height / ( yMaxAct - yMinAct );

                    IPointList points = curve.Points;
                    float barWidth = curve.GetBarWidth( this );
                    double barWidthUserHalf;
                    Axis baseAxis = curve.BaseAxis( this );
                    bool isXBaseAxis = ( baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis );
                    if ( isXBaseAxis )
                        barWidthUserHalf = barWidth / xPixPerUnit / 2.0;
                        barWidthUserHalf = barWidth / yPixPerUnitAct / 2.0;

                    if ( points != null )
                        for ( int iPt = 0; iPt < curve.NPts; iPt++ )
                            // xVal is the user scale X value of the current point
                            if ( _xAxis._scale.IsAnyOrdinal && !curve.IsOverrideOrdinal )
                                xVal = (double)iPt + 1.0;
                                xVal = points[iPt].X;

                            // yVal is the user scale Y value of the current point
                            if ( yAxis._scale.IsAnyOrdinal && !curve.IsOverrideOrdinal )
                                yVal = (double)iPt + 1.0;
                                yVal = points[iPt].Y;

                            if ( xVal != PointPair.Missing &&
                                    yVal != PointPair.Missing )

                                if ( curve.IsBar || curve is ErrorBarItem ||
                                    curve is HiLowBarItem || curve is OHLCBarItem ||
                                    curve is JapaneseCandleStickItem )
                                    double baseVal, lowVal, hiVal;
                                    valueHandler.GetValues( curve, iPt, out baseVal,
                                            out lowVal, out hiVal );

                                    if ( lowVal > hiVal )
                                        double tmpVal = lowVal;
                                        lowVal = hiVal;
                                        hiVal = tmpVal;

                                    if ( isXBaseAxis )

                                        double centerVal = valueHandler.BarCenterValue( curve, barWidth, iPt, xVal, iBar );

                                        if ( x < centerVal - barWidthUserHalf ||
                                                x > centerVal + barWidthUserHalf ||
                                                yAct < lowVal || yAct > hiVal )
                                        double centerVal = valueHandler.BarCenterValue( curve, barWidth, iPt, yVal, iBar );

                                        if ( yAct < centerVal - barWidthUserHalf ||
                                                yAct > centerVal + barWidthUserHalf ||
                                                x < lowVal || x > hiVal )

                                    if ( nearestBar == null )
                                        iNearestBar = iPt;
                                        nearestBar = curve;
                                else if ( xVal >= _xAxis._scale._min && xVal <= _xAxis._scale._max &&
                                            yVal >= yMinAct && yVal <= yMaxAct )
                                    if ( curve is LineItem && _lineType == LineType.Stack )
                                        double zVal;
                                        valueHandler.GetValues( curve, iPt, out xVal, out zVal, out yVal );

                                    distX = ( xVal - x ) * xPixPerUnit;
                                    distY = ( yVal - yAct ) * yPixPerUnitAct;
                                    dist = distX * distX + distY * distY;

                                    if ( dist >= minDist )

                                    minDist = dist;
                                    iNearest = iPt;
                                    nearestCurve = curve;


                        if ( curve.IsBar )

            if ( nearestCurve is LineItem )
                float halfSymbol = (float)( ( (LineItem)nearestCurve ).Symbol.Size *
                    CalcScaleFactor() / 2 );
                minDist -= halfSymbol * halfSymbol;
                if ( minDist < 0 )
                    minDist = 0;

            if ( minDist >= tolSquared && nearestBar != null )
                // if no point met the tolerance, but a bar was found, use it
                nearestCurve = nearestBar;
                iNearest = iNearestBar;
                return true;
            else if ( minDist < tolSquared )
                // Did we find a close point, and is it within the tolerance?
                // (minDist is the square of the distance in pixel units)
                return true;
            else  // otherwise, no valid point found
                return false;
コード例 #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the user scale values associate with a particular point of a
        /// particular curve.</summary>
        /// <remarks>The main purpose of this method is to handle
        /// stacked bars and lines, in which case the stacked values are returned rather
        /// than the individual data values.  However, this method works generically for any
        /// curve type.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="pane">The parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object.</param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="iPt">The zero-based point index for the point of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="baseVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the value
        /// for the independent axis.</param>
        /// <param name="lowVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the lower
        /// value for the dependent axis.</param>
        /// <param name="hiVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the upper
        /// value for the dependent axis.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the data point is value, false for
        /// <see cref="PointPairBase.Missing"/>, invalid, etc. data.</returns>
        public static bool GetValues( GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve, int iPt,
							out double baseVal, out double lowVal, out double hiVal )
            hiVal = PointPair.Missing;
            lowVal = PointPair.Missing;
            baseVal = PointPair.Missing;

            if ( curve == null || curve.Points.Count <= iPt || !curve.IsVisible )
                return false;

            Axis baseAxis = curve.BaseAxis( pane );
            Axis valueAxis = curve.ValueAxis( pane );

            if ( baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis )
                baseVal = curve.Points[iPt].X;
                baseVal = curve.Points[iPt].Y;

            // is it a stacked bar type?
            if ( curve is BarItem && ( pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.Stack ||
                        pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.PercentStack ) )
                double positiveStack = 0;
                double negativeStack = 0;
                double curVal;

                // loop through all the curves, summing up the values to get a total (only
                // for the current ordinal position iPt)
                foreach ( CurveItem tmpCurve in pane.CurveList )
                    // Sum the value for the current curve only if it is a bar
                    if ( tmpCurve.IsBar && tmpCurve.IsVisible )
                        curVal = PointPair.Missing;
                        // For non-ordinal curves, find a matching base value (must match exactly)
                        if ( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal || !baseAxis._scale.IsAnyOrdinal )
                            IPointList points = tmpCurve.Points;

                            for ( int i=0; i<points.Count; i++ )
                                if ( ( baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis ) && points[i].X == baseVal )
                                    curVal = points[i].Y;
                                else if ( !(baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis) && points[i].Y == baseVal )
                                    curVal = points[i].X;
                        // otherwise, it's an ordinal type so use the value at the same ordinal position
                        else if ( iPt < tmpCurve.Points.Count )
                            // Get the value for the appropriate value axis
                            if ( baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis )
                                curVal = tmpCurve.Points[iPt].Y;
                                curVal = tmpCurve.Points[iPt].X;

                        // If it's a missing value, skip it
                        if ( curVal == PointPair.Missing )
                            positiveStack = PointPair.Missing;
                            negativeStack = PointPair.Missing;

                        // the current curve is the target curve, save the summed values for later
                        if ( tmpCurve == curve )
                            // if the value is positive, use the positive stack
                            if ( curVal >= 0 )
                                lowVal = positiveStack;
                                hiVal = ( curVal == PointPair.Missing || positiveStack == PointPair.Missing ) ?
                                        PointPair.Missing : positiveStack + curVal;
                            // otherwise, use the negative stack
                                hiVal = negativeStack;
                                lowVal = ( curVal == PointPair.Missing || negativeStack == PointPair.Missing ) ?
                                        PointPair.Missing : negativeStack + curVal;

                        // Add all positive values to the positive stack, and negative values to the
                        // negative stack
                        if ( curVal >= 0 )
                            positiveStack = ( curVal == PointPair.Missing || positiveStack == PointPair.Missing ) ?
                                        PointPair.Missing : positiveStack + curVal;
                            negativeStack = ( curVal == PointPair.Missing || negativeStack == PointPair.Missing ) ?
                                        PointPair.Missing : negativeStack + curVal;

                // if the curve is a PercentStack type, then calculate the percent for this bar
                // based on the total height of the stack
                if ( pane._barSettings.Type == BarType.PercentStack &&
                            hiVal != PointPair.Missing && lowVal != PointPair.Missing )
                    // Use the total magnitude of the positive plus negative bar stacks to determine
                    // the percentage value
                    positiveStack += Math.Abs( negativeStack );

                    // just to avoid dividing by zero...
                    if ( positiveStack != 0 )
                        // calculate the percentage values
                        lowVal = lowVal / positiveStack * 100.0;
                        hiVal = hiVal / positiveStack * 100.0;
                        lowVal = 0;
                        hiVal = 0;

                if ( baseVal == PointPair.Missing || lowVal == PointPair.Missing ||
                        hiVal == PointPair.Missing )
                    return false;
                    return true;
            // If the curve is a stacked line type, then sum up the values similar to the stacked bar type
            else if ( curve is LineItem && pane.LineType == LineType.Stack )
                double stack = 0;
                double curVal;

                // loop through all the curves, summing up the values to get a total (only
                // for the current ordinal position iPt)
                foreach ( CurveItem tmpCurve in pane.CurveList )
                    // make sure the curve is a Line type
                    if ( tmpCurve is LineItem && tmpCurve.IsVisible )
                        curVal = PointPair.Missing;
                        // For non-ordinal curves, find a matching base value (must match exactly)
                        if ( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal || !baseAxis._scale.IsAnyOrdinal )
                            IPointList points = tmpCurve.Points;

                            for ( int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++ )
                                if ( points[i].X == baseVal )
                                    curVal = points[i].Y;
                        // otherwise, it's an ordinal type so use the value at the same ordinal position
                        else if ( iPt < tmpCurve.Points.Count )
                            // For line types, the Y axis is always the value axis
                            curVal = tmpCurve.Points[iPt].Y;

                        // if the current value is missing, then the rest of the stack is missing
                        if ( curVal == PointPair.Missing )
                            stack = PointPair.Missing;

                        // if the current curve is the target curve, save the values
                        if ( tmpCurve == curve )
                            lowVal = stack;
            //							if ( curVal < 0 && stack == 0 )
            //							{
            //								stack = curVal;
            //								lowVal = curVal;
            //								hiVal = curVal;
            //							}
            //							else
                                hiVal = ( curVal == PointPair.Missing || stack == PointPair.Missing ) ?
                                    PointPair.Missing : stack + curVal;

                        // sum all the curves to a single total.  This includes both positive and
                        // negative values (unlike the bar stack type).
                        stack = ( curVal == PointPair.Missing || stack == PointPair.Missing ) ?
                                PointPair.Missing : stack + curVal;

                if ( baseVal == PointPair.Missing || lowVal == PointPair.Missing ||
                    hiVal == PointPair.Missing )
                    return false;
                    return true;
            // otherwise, the curve is not a stacked type (not a stacked bar or stacked line)
                if ( ! (curve is HiLowBarItem) )
                    lowVal = 0;
                    lowVal = curve.Points[iPt].LowValue;

                if ( baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis )
                    hiVal = curve.Points[iPt].Y;
                    hiVal = curve.Points[iPt].X;

            // Special Exception: Bars on log scales should always plot from the Min value upwards,
            // since they can never be zero
            if ( curve is BarItem && valueAxis._scale.IsLog && lowVal == 0 )
                lowVal = valueAxis._scale._min;

            if ( baseVal == PointPair.Missing || hiVal == PointPair.Missing ||
                    ( lowVal == PointPair.Missing && ( curve is ErrorBarItem ||
                        curve is HiLowBarItem ) ) )
                return false;
                return true;
コード例 #53
        void chk_box_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (((CheckBox)sender).Checked)
                if (list1item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list1item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list1curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list2item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list2item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list2curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list2, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list3item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list3item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list3curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list3, Color.Green, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list4item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list4item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list4curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list4, Color.Orange, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list5item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list5item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list5curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list5, Color.Yellow, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list6item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list6item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list6curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list6, Color.Magenta, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list7item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list7item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list7curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list7, Color.Purple, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list8item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list8item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list8curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list8, Color.LimeGreen, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list9item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list9item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list9curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list9, Color.Cyan, SymbolType.None);
                else if (list10item == null)
                    if (setupPropertyInfo(ref list10item, ((CheckBox)sender).Name, MainV2.cs))
                        list10curve = zg1.GraphPane.AddCurve(((CheckBox)sender).Name, list10, Color.Violet, SymbolType.None);
                    CustomMessageBox.Show("Max 10 at a time.");
                    ((CheckBox)sender).Checked = false;

                string selected = "";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[0].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[1].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[2].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[3].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[4].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[5].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[6].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[7].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[8].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[9].Label.Text + "|";
                    selected = selected + zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[10].Label.Text + "|";
                catch { }
                MainV2.config["Tuning_Graph_Selected"] = selected;
                // reset old stuff
                if (list1item != null && list1item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list1item = null;
                if (list2item != null && list2item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list2item = null;
                if (list3item != null && list3item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list3item = null;
                if (list4item != null && list4item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list4item = null;
                if (list5item != null && list5item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list5item = null;
                if (list6item != null && list6item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list6item = null;
                if (list7item != null && list7item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list7item = null;
                if (list8item != null && list8item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list8item = null;
                if (list9item != null && list9item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list9item = null;
                if (list10item != null && list10item.Name == ((CheckBox)sender).Name)
                    list10item = null;
コード例 #54
ファイル: CurveList.cs プロジェクト: 6555355/Scan_yan1
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a <see cref="CurveItem"/> object to the collection at the end of the list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="curve">A reference to the <see cref="CurveItem"/> object to
 /// be added</param>
 /// <seealso cref="IList.Add"/>
 public void Add(CurveItem curve)
コード例 #55
ファイル: BarValueHandler.cs プロジェクト: InsungChoi/dddd
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the screen pixel position of the center of the specified bar, using the
        /// <see cref="Axis"/> as specified by <see cref="GraphPane.BarBase"/>.  This method is
        /// used primarily by the
        /// <see cref="GraphPane.FindNearestPoint(PointF,out CurveItem,out int)"/> method in order to
        /// determine the bar "location," which is defined as the center of the top of the individual bar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curve">The <see cref="CurveItem"/> representing the
        /// bar of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">The width of each individual bar. This can be calculated using
        /// the <see cref="CurveItem.GetBarWidth"/> method.</param>
        /// <param name="iCluster">The cluster number for the bar of interest.  This is the ordinal
        /// position of the current point.  That is, if a particular <see cref="CurveItem"/> has
        /// 10 points, then a value of 3 would indicate the 4th point in the data array.</param>
        /// <param name="val">The actual independent axis value for the bar of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="iOrdinal">The ordinal position of the <see cref="CurveItem"/> of interest.
        /// That is, the first bar series is 0, the second is 1, etc.  Note that this applies only
        /// to the bars.  If a graph includes both bars and lines, then count only the bars.</param>
        /// <returns>A screen pixel X position of the center of the bar of interest.</returns>
        public double BarCenterValue( CurveItem curve, float barWidth, int iCluster,
										  double val, int iOrdinal )
            float clusterWidth = pane.GetClusterWidth();
            float clusterGap = pane.MinClusterGap * barWidth;
            float barGap = barWidth * pane.MinBarGap;

            if ( ( curve.IsBar && !( pane.BarType == BarType.Cluster ) ) ||
                   curve is ErrorBarItem || curve is HiLowBarItem )
                iOrdinal = 0;

            Axis baseAxis = curve.BaseAxis( pane );
            float centerPix = baseAxis.Transform( iCluster, val )
                     - clusterWidth / 2.0F + clusterGap / 2.0F +
                     iOrdinal * ( barWidth + barGap ) + 0.5F * barWidth;
            return baseAxis.ReverseTransform( centerPix );
コード例 #56
        /// <summary>
        /// Protected internal routine that draws the specified single bar (an individual "point")
        /// of this series to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="index">
        /// The zero-based index number for the single bar to be drawn.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pos">
        /// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
        /// in the cluster of bars.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="Bar"/></param>
        /// <param name="barWidth">
        /// The width of each bar, in pixels.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        override protected void DrawSingleBar(Graphics g, GraphPane pane,
                                              CurveItem curve,
                                              int index, int pos, Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
                                              float barWidth, float scaleFactor)
            //float	scaledSize = GetBarWidth( pane, baseAxis, scaleFactor );

            // pixBase = pixel value for the bar center on the base axis
            // pixValue = pixel value for the bar top on the value axis
            // pixLow = pixel value for the bar bottom on the value axis
            float pixBase, pixHiVal, pixLowVal;

            // curBase = the scale value on the base axis of the current bar
            // curValue = the scale value on the value axis of the current bar

            double       curBase, curLowVal, curHiVal;
            ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler(pane, false);

            valueHandler.GetValues(curve, index, out curBase,
                                   out curLowVal, out curHiVal);

            barWidth = GetBarWidth(pane, baseAxis, scaleFactor);

            // curLow = the scale value on the value axis for the bottom of the current bar
            // Get a "low" value for the bottom of the bar and verify validity

            if (curLowVal == PointPair.Missing ||
                System.Double.IsNaN(curLowVal) ||
                curLowVal = 0;

            // Any value set to double max is invalid and should be skipped
            // This is used for calculated values that are out of range, divide
            //   by zero, etc.
            // Also, any value <= zero on a log scale is invalid

            if (!curve.Points[index].IsInvalid)
                // calculate a pixel value for the top of the bar on value axis
                pixHiVal = valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curHiVal);
                // calculate a pixel value for the center of the bar on the base axis
                pixBase = baseAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curBase);

                pixLowVal = valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curLowVal);

                // Calculate the pixel location for the side of the bar (on the base axis)
                float pixSide = pixBase - barWidth / 2.0F;

                // Draw the bar
                if (baseAxis is XAxis)
                    this.Draw(g, pane, pixSide, pixSide + barWidth, pixLowVal,
                              pixHiVal, scaleFactor, true,
                              curve.Points[index], index);
                    this.Draw(g, pane, pixLowVal, pixHiVal, pixSide, pixSide + barWidth,
                              scaleFactor, true,
                              curve.Points[index], index);
コード例 #57
ファイル: BarValueHandler.cs プロジェクト: InsungChoi/dddd
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the user scale values associate with a particular point of a
        /// particular curve.</summary>
        /// <remarks>The main purpose of this method is to handle
        /// stacked bars, in which case the stacked values are returned rather
        /// than the individual data values.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="pane">The parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object.</param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="CurveItem"/> object of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="iPt">The zero-based point index for the point of interest.</param>
        /// <param name="baseVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the value
        /// for the independent axis.</param>
        /// <param name="lowVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the lower
        /// value for the dependent axis.</param>
        /// <param name="hiVal">A <see cref="Double"/> value representing the upper
        /// value for the dependent axis.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the data point is value, false for
        /// <see cref="PointPair.Missing"/>, invalid, etc. data.</returns>
        public static bool GetBarValues( GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve, int iPt,
							out double baseVal, out double lowVal, out double hiVal )
            hiVal = PointPair.Missing;
            lowVal = PointPair.Missing;
            baseVal = PointPair.Missing;

            if ( curve == null || curve.Points.Count <= iPt )
                return false;

            Axis baseAxis = curve.BaseAxis( pane );

            if ( baseAxis is XAxis )
                baseVal = curve.Points[iPt].X;
                baseVal = curve.Points[iPt].Y;

            if ( curve is BarItem && ( pane.BarType == BarType.Stack ||
                        pane.BarType == BarType.PercentStack ) )
                double positiveStack = 0;
                double negativeStack = 0;
                double curVal;
                foreach ( CurveItem tmpCurve in pane.CurveList )
                //for ( int iCurve=pane.CurveList.Count-1; iCurve >=0; iCurve-- )
                    //CurveItem tmpCurve = pane.CurveList[iCurve];
                    if ( tmpCurve.IsBar && iPt < tmpCurve.Points.Count )
                        if ( baseAxis is XAxis )
                            curVal = tmpCurve.Points[iPt].Y;
                            curVal = tmpCurve.Points[iPt].X;

                        if ( curVal == PointPair.Missing )

                        if ( tmpCurve == curve )
                            if ( curVal >= 0 )
                                lowVal = positiveStack;
                                hiVal = positiveStack + curVal;
                                hiVal = negativeStack;
                                lowVal = negativeStack + curVal;

                        if ( curVal >= 0 )
                            positiveStack += curVal;
                            negativeStack += curVal;

                if ( pane.BarType == BarType.PercentStack )
                    positiveStack += Math.Abs( negativeStack );

                    if ( positiveStack != 0 )
                        lowVal = lowVal / positiveStack * 100.0;
                        hiVal = hiVal / positiveStack * 100.0;
                        lowVal = 0;
                        hiVal = 0;

                if ( baseVal == PointPair.Missing || lowVal == PointPair.Missing ||
                        hiVal == PointPair.Missing )
                    return false;
                    return true;
                if ( curve is BarItem )
                    lowVal = 0;
                    lowVal = curve.Points[iPt].LowValue;

                if ( baseAxis is XAxis )
                    hiVal = curve.Points[iPt].Y;
                    hiVal = curve.Points[iPt].X;

            if ( baseVal == PointPair.Missing || hiVal == PointPair.Missing ||
                    ( lowVal == PointPair.Missing && ( curve is ErrorBarItem ||
                        curve is HiLowBarItem ) ) )
                return false;
                return true;
コード例 #58
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the <see cref="Legend"/> to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is normally only called by the Draw method
        /// of the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor)
            // if the legend is not visible, do nothing
            if (!_isVisible)

            // Fill the background with the specified color if required
            _fill.Draw(g, _rect);

            PaneList paneList = GetPaneList(pane);

            float halfGap = _tmpSize / 2.0F;

            // Check for bad data values
            if (_hStack <= 0)
                _hStack = 1;
            if (_legendItemWidth <= 0)
                _legendItemWidth = 100;
            if (_legendItemHeight <= 0)
                _legendItemHeight = _tmpSize;

            //float gap = pane.ScaledGap( scaleFactor );

            int   iEntry = 0;
            float x, y;

            // Get a brush for the legend label text
            using (SolidBrush brushB = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                foreach (GraphPane tmpPane in paneList)
                    // Loop for each curve in the CurveList collection
                    //foreach ( CurveItem curve in tmpPane.CurveList )
                    int count = tmpPane.CurveList.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        CurveItem curve = tmpPane.CurveList[_isReverse ? count - i - 1 : i];

                        if (curve._label._text != "" && curve._label._isVisible)
                            // Calculate the x,y (TopLeft) location of the current
                            // curve legend label
                            // assuming:
                            //  charHeight/2 for the left margin, plus legendWidth for each
                            //    horizontal column
                            //  legendHeight is the line spacing, with no extra margin above

                            x = _rect.Left + halfGap / 2.0F +
                                (iEntry % _hStack) * _legendItemWidth;
                            y = _rect.Top + (int)(iEntry / _hStack) * _legendItemHeight;

                            // Draw the legend label for the current curve
                            FontSpec tmpFont = (curve._label._fontSpec != null) ?
                                               curve._label._fontSpec : this.FontSpec;

                            // This is required because, for long labels, the centering can affect the
                            // position in GDI+.
                            tmpFont.StringAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;

                            if (_isShowLegendSymbols)
                                tmpFont.Draw(g, pane, curve._label._text,
                                             x + 2.5F * _tmpSize, y + _legendItemHeight / 2.0F,
                                             AlignH.Left, AlignV.Center, scaleFactor);

                                RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(x, y + _legendItemHeight / 4.0F,
                                                                 2 * _tmpSize, _legendItemHeight / 2.0F);
                                curve.DrawLegendKey(g, tmpPane, rect, scaleFactor);
                                if (curve._label._fontSpec == null)
                                    tmpFont.FontColor = curve.Color;

                                tmpFont.Draw(g, pane, curve._label._text,
                                             x + 0.0F * _tmpSize, y + _legendItemHeight / 2.0F,
                                             AlignH.Left, AlignV.Center, scaleFactor);

                            // maintain a curve count for positioning
                    if (pane is MasterPane && ((MasterPane)pane).IsUniformLegendEntries)

                // Draw a border around the legend if required
                if (iEntry > 0)
                    this.Border.Draw(g, pane, scaleFactor, _rect);
コード例 #59
ファイル: LogBrowse.cs プロジェクト: klonage/nlt-gcs
 private void leftorrightaxis(bool left, CurveItem myCurve)
     if (!left)
         myCurve.Label.Text += " R";
         myCurve.IsY2Axis = true;
         myCurve.YAxisIndex = 0;
         zg1.GraphPane.Y2Axis.IsVisible = true;
     else if (left)
         myCurve.IsY2Axis = false;
コード例 #60
ファイル: Selection.cs プロジェクト: Jungwon/ZedGraph
		/// <summary>
		/// Add a <see cref="CurveItem" /> to the selection list.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="master">The <see cref="MasterPane" /> that is the "owner"
		/// of the <see cref="CurveItem" />'s.</param>
		/// <param name="ci">The <see cref="CurveItem" /> to be added to the list.</param>
		public void AddToSelection( MasterPane master, CurveItem ci )
			if ( this.Contains( ci ) == false )
				Add( ci );

			UpdateSelection( master );