public TodoList() { InitializeComponent(); manager = TodoItemManager.DefaultManager; if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.UWP) { var refreshButton = new Button { Text = "Refresh", HeightRequest = 30 }; refreshButton.Clicked += OnRefreshItems; buttonsPanel.Children.Add(refreshButton); if (manager.IsOfflineEnabled) { var syncButton = new Button { Text = "Sync items", HeightRequest = 30 }; syncButton.Clicked += OnSyncItems; buttonsPanel.Children.Add(syncButton); } } }
public TodoList() { InitializeComponent(); manager = TodoItemManager.DefaultManager; // OnPlatform<T> doesn't currently support the "Windows" target platform, so we have this check here. if (manager.IsOfflineEnabled && Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Windows) { var syncButton = new Button { Text = "Sync items", HeightRequest = 30 }; syncButton.Clicked += OnSyncItems; buttonsPanel.Children.Add(syncButton); } }
public TodoList() { InitializeComponent(); manager = TodoItemManager.DefaultManager; // OnPlatform<T> doesn't currently support the "Windows" target platform, so we have this check here. if (manager.IsOfflineEnabled && (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Windows || Device.OS == TargetPlatform.WinPhone)) { var syncButton = new Button { Text = "Sync items", HeightRequest = 30 }; syncButton.Clicked += OnSyncItems; buttonsPanel.Children.Add(syncButton); } }
public StartPage() { InitializeComponent(); Lmanager = TodoItemManager.DefaultManager; }
public TabbedPage1(List <TodoItem> GridTodoItems) { InitializeComponent(); manager = TodoItemManager.DefaultManager; LTodoItem.Clear(); Lwhole.Clear(); Lworker.Clear(); ldWorker.Clear(); DateTime today = DateTime.Now; //today = DateTime.ParseExact(today, "yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); List <TodoItem> GridTodoItem = GridTodoItems.OrderBy(x => x.row).ToList(); List <TodoItem> GridDateTodoItem = new List <TodoItem>(); //List<TodoItem> GateTodoItem = new List<TodoItem>(); WholeList.ItemsSource = Lwhole; foreach (TodoItem a in GridTodoItem) { DateTime TodoItemday = DateTime.ParseExact(a.dates, "yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); if (today.Year == TodoItemday.Year && today.Month == TodoItemday.Month && today.Day == TodoItemday.Day) { GridDateTodoItem.Add(a); dWorker dw = new dWorker(a.names, a.tags,, 0, 0); ldWorker.Add(dw); } } for (int i = ldWorker.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (ldWorker[i].tag == ldWorker[j].tag) { ldWorker.RemoveAt(j); i--; } } } List <string> GateList = GridDateTodoItem.Select(x => x.gates).Distinct().ToList(); List <string> JobList = GridDateTodoItem.Select(x =>; int cnt = GridDateTodoItem.Count; string[] pday = new string[cnt]; for (int i = 0; i < GridDateTodoItem.Count; i++) { string day = null, time = null, time2 = null; string[] gateSplit = GridDateTodoItem[i].gates.Split('-'); int dt = 0; if (GridDateTodoItem[i].inout.Substring(0, 1) == "입" && gateSplit.Length == 1) //MG 들어오는거 발견 { //Dname = listWorker[i].name; //if (listWorker[i].name != Dname) pday = null; day = GridDateTodoItem[i].dates.Substring(0, 10); time = GridDateTodoItem[i].dates.Substring(11, 5); //출근했으면 for (int j = i + 1; j < GridDateTodoItem.Count; j++) { string[] gateSplit2 = GridDateTodoItem[j].gates.Split('-'); //메인게이트 if (GridDateTodoItem[i].dates.Substring(0, 10) == GridDateTodoItem[j].dates.Substring(0, 10)) { if (GridDateTodoItem[i].names == GridDateTodoItem[j].names && GridDateTodoItem[j].inout.Substring(0, 1) == "출" && gateSplit2.Length == 1) { time2 = GridDateTodoItem[j].dates.Substring(11, 5); foreach (dWorker dw in ldWorker) { if (dw.tag == GridDateTodoItem[i].tags && cnt >= 1) //&& listWorker[i].date.Substring(0, 10) == listWorker[j].date.Substring(0, 10)) { if (day != pday[cnt - 1]) { dw.cnt++; cnt--; break; } } } break; } } else { time2 = "18:00"; foreach (dWorker dw in ldWorker) { if (dw.tag == GridDateTodoItem[i].tags) { dw.cnt++; break; } } break; } } if (cnt >= 0 && cnt < ldWorker.Count) { pday[cnt] = day; } } if (time != null && time2 != null) { DateTime itime = Convert.ToDateTime(time); DateTime ftime = Convert.ToDateTime(time2); if (itime == ftime) { dt = 0; } else { TimeSpan dtime = ftime - itime; dt = dtime.Hours * 60 + dtime.Minutes; } //foundEnd = false; } foreach (dWorker dw in ldWorker) { if (dw.tag == GridDateTodoItem[i].tags) { dw.time += dt; break; } } } int GatesumIn = 0, GatesumOut = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GateList.Count; i++) { // string comp = formMain.listCompany[i]; int cntIn = 0, cntOut = 0; foreach (TodoItem TodoItems in GridDateTodoItem) { if (TodoItems.gates == GridDateTodoItem[i].gates && TodoItems.inout == "입") { cntIn++; } else if (TodoItems.gates == GridDateTodoItem[i].gates && TodoItems.inout == "출") { cntOut++; } } Lwhole.Add(new WholeWorker { WhGate = GridDateTodoItem[i].gates, WhIn = cntIn.ToString(), WhOut = cntOut.ToString(), Whleft = (cntIn - cntOut).ToString() }); GatesumIn += cntIn; GatesumOut += cntOut; } Allin.Text = GatesumIn.ToString(); Allout.Text = GatesumOut.ToString(); Manleft.Text = (GatesumIn - GatesumOut).ToString(); WholeList.ItemsSource = Lwhole; int JobsumIn = 0, JobsumOut = 0; for (int i = 0; i < JobList.Count; i++) { string zob = JobList[i]; int cntIn = 0, cntOut = 0; foreach (TodoItem TodoItems in GridDateTodoItem) { if ( == zob && TodoItems.inout == "입") { cntIn++; } else if ( == zob && TodoItems.inout == "출") { cntOut++; } } Lworker.Add(new Worker { WGate = JobList[i], WIn = cntIn.ToString(), WOut = cntOut.ToString(), Wleft = (cntIn - cntOut).ToString() }); //Worker a = new Worker(JobList[i], cntIn, cntOut); //Lworker.Add(a); JobsumIn += cntIn; JobsumOut += cntOut; } Workin.Text = JobsumIn.ToString(); Workout.Text = JobsumOut.ToString(); Workleft.Text = (JobsumIn - JobsumOut).ToString(); }
public TodoList() { InitializeComponent(); manager = TodoItemManager.DefaultManager; }
public TodoList () { InitializeComponent (); manager = new TodoItemManager (); }