/// <summary>
 /// Give selected units a move command
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point">Destination</param>
 public void MoveSelectedUnitsToPoint(PointF point)
     List<ModelComponent> selectedEntities = ((XnaUITestGame)Game).Model.GetSelectionState().SelectedEntities;
     // Ensure each component is a Unit.
     bool allAreUnits = true;
     bool playerEntities = false;
     foreach (ModelComponent component in selectedEntities)
         if (entityBelongsToPlayer(component))
             playerEntities = true;
             if (!(component is UnitComponent))
                 allAreUnits = false;
     if (allAreUnits && playerEntities)
         foreach (UnitComponent unit in selectedEntities)
             MoveAction moveAction = new MoveAction(point.X, point.Y,getMap() , unit);
             ActionQueue aq = unit.GetActionQueue();
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will perform the Attack Action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the action is completed, false if it is not.</returns>
        public override bool Work()
            if (target == null)
                return true;

            // target is dead, return true.
            if (target.CurrentHealth <=0)
                return true;

            // unit cannot attack, return true.
            if (!unit.CanAttack)
                return true;

            // Target is in range attack target.
            if (targetIsInRange())
                // Create a SimpleAttackAction if it is needed.
                if (this.attackAction == null)
                    attackAction = new SimpleAttackUnitAction(unit, target);

                // Call the SimpleAttackAction

                // Set the MoveAction to null.
                moveAction = null;
            // Target is not in range, move to it.
                if(moveAction != null && !targetIsInRange(target.PointLocation.X, target.PointLocation.Y, moveAction.targetX, moveAction.targetY))
                    moveAction = null;

                // Create a MoveAction if it is needed.
                if (moveAction == null)
                    if (target is UnitComponent)
                        UnitComponent temp = (UnitComponent)target;
                        moveAction = new MoveAction(temp.PointLocation.X, temp.PointLocation.Y, gw.GetMap(), unit);
                    else if (target is Building)
                        //StaticEntity temp = (StaticEntity)target;
                        //moveAction = new MoveAction(temp.orginCell.Xcoord, temp.orginCell.Ycoord, gw, unit);
                // Set the SimpleAttackAction to null.
                attackAction = null;

                // Call the MoveAction.

            return false;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will perform a building cycle if the number of ticks since the last cycle is equal to TICKS_PER_CYCLE.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the building is complete and the action is finished, false otherwise.</returns>
        public override bool Work()
            if (!building.Completed)
                if (curTicks % TICKS_PER_CYCLE == 0)
                    // Check if unit is adjacent to building.
                    if (isUnitNextToBuilding())
                        UnitComponent unit = (UnitComponent)Parent.Parent;
                        unit.State = UnitComponent.UnitState.BUILDING;

                        UnitComponent worker = (UnitComponent)Parent.Parent;
                        // Add the building to the model if we have not done so yet.
                        if (building.Parent == null)

                            // TODO: Ensure that the spaces are cleared.  Perhaps wait/give up, as with move?
                            PlayerComponent player = Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent as PlayerComponent;

                            if (!map.addBuildingToMap(building))    // add building to the map
                                return false;

                            player.addBuilding(building);       // add building to player's building list

                        updateBuildingProgress(building, worker);

                        // Move towards the building. Insert a move action into the Unit's action queue.
                        CellComponent targetCell = findClosestCell(((UnitComponent)Parent.Parent).PointLocation);
                        MoveAction moveAction = new MoveAction(targetCell.X, targetCell.Y, map, ((UnitComponent)Parent.Parent));
                        Parent.AddChildAt(moveAction, 0);
            return building.Completed;
        public void TestUnitReactingToEnemyMovingWithinRange()
            // Add a unit to each player.
            UnitList list = ((PlayerComponent)model.GetScenario().GetGameWorld().GetPlayerList().GetChildren()[0]).GetUnitList();
            UnitList list2 = ((PlayerComponent)model.GetScenario().GetGameWorld().GetPlayerList().GetChildren()[1]).GetUnitList();

            // Create a Unit for Player 1
            UnitComponent unit1 = new UnitComponent();
            unit1.PointLocation = new PointF(0.5f, 0.5f);
            unit1.AttackStance = UnitComponent.UnitAttackStance.Aggressive;
            unit1.VisibilityRange = 4.0f;

            // Create a Unit for Player 2
            UnitComponent unit2 = new UnitComponent();
            unit2.PointLocation = new PointF(9.5f, 9.5f); // outisde unit1's visibility range (4.0f).

            // Check to make sure that unit1 did not notice unit2 being added.
            bool output = false;
            if (unit1.GetActionQueue().GetChildren().Count > 0)
                if (unit1.GetActionQueue().GetChildren()[0] is AttackAction)
                    AttackAction action = (AttackAction)unit1.GetActionQueue().GetChildren()[0];

                    output = action.Target == unit2;

            // Have unit2 move into unit1's visibility range.
            MoveAction move = new MoveAction(2.0f, 2.0f, model.GetScenario().GetGameWorld().GetMap(), unit2);

            //Have unit2 move until the move action is completed.
            while (!move.Work()) { }

            // Test that unit1 has been given an AttackAction with unit2 as the target.
            output = false;
            if (unit1.GetActionQueue().GetChildren().Count > 0)
                if (unit1.GetActionQueue().GetChildren()[0] is AttackAction)
                    AttackAction action = (AttackAction)unit1.GetActionQueue().GetChildren()[0];

                    output = action.Target == unit2;