//Set up the page private void setupPage() { timerOn = true; customMap = new CustomMap { MapType = MapType.Street, WidthRequest = App.ScreenWidth, HeightRequest = App.ScreenHeight }; // create map type buttons var street = new Button { Text = "Street", BackgroundColor = Color.Black, TextColor = Color.White }; var hybrid = new Button { Text = "Hybrid", BackgroundColor = Color.Black, TextColor = Color.White }; var satellite = new Button { Text = "Satellite", BackgroundColor = Color.Black, TextColor = Color.White }; street.Clicked += HandleClicked; hybrid.Clicked += HandleClicked; satellite.Clicked += HandleClicked; //Put map type buttons in a grid var mapTypeGrid = new Grid { RowDefinitions = { new RowDefinition { Height = GridLength.Auto }, }, ColumnDefinitions = { new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(3.333, GridUnitType.Star) }, new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(3.333, GridUnitType.Star) }, new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(3.333, GridUnitType.Star) } }, ColumnSpacing = -5, RowSpacing = -5 }; mapTypeGrid.Children.Add(street, 0, 0); mapTypeGrid.Children.Add(hybrid, 1, 0); mapTypeGrid.Children.Add(satellite, 2, 0); // put the map grid together grdMapGrid.Children.Add(mapTypeGrid, 0, 0); Grid.SetColumnSpan(mapTypeGrid, 2); grdMapGrid.Children.Add(customMap, 0, 1); Grid.SetColumnSpan(customMap, 2); //Create the horizontal bar to seperate default user from additional members //RowDefinition rowSpace = new RowDefinition(); //rowSpace.Height = 1; //Put the members grid together //grdMembersGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(rowSpace); grdMapGrid.Children.Add(customMap); showGroupMembersInGrid(); AddPinOnLoad(); InitTimer(); CheckForGroupUpdates(); }