コード例 #1
ファイル: Buffer.cs プロジェクト: iscumd/Yeti2017
        //this function checks a turn angle (provided by wheel scans) to see if there is anything in the way of the desired turn angle.
        //It returns true if the robot can turn that direction without hitting an obstacle, and returns false if there is something in
        //the way of the entered turn angle.
        static bool combinedVectorScan(LocationPoint source, LocationPoint destination)
            double target_angle = adjust_angle(Math.Atan2(destination.X - source.X, destination.Y - source.Y), 2.0*Math.PI); //limit angle between (-pi & pi) or (-180 & 180)
            double target_dist = destination.DistanceBetween(source); //find distance between corner of wheel to desired target. this equals Buffer length
            double dist;
            int i = 0, j = 0;//set up two iterators
            double tempDist = 0.0;

            LocationPoint sample_point= new LocationPoint();// create temporary point which is updated each iteration
            do// find out if there is anything in the way of the 
                sample_point.X = (i * SAMPLING_DISTANCE) * Math.Sin(target_angle);//create temporary XY point along the desired target angle at varying distances
                sample_point.Y = (i * SAMPLING_DISTANCE) * Math.Cos(target_angle);//create temporary XY point along the desired target angle at varying distances

                foreach (var cpoint in combinedBufPoints)//look through each point point in the buffer LiDAR points to see if any are by the temporary point
                    if (cpoint.Y < 0) //if it's behind the robot, skip it
                    dist = sample_point.DistanceBetween(cpoint); //figure out distance between the temporary point and this point in the buffer LiDAR points
                    if (dist < combinedBufferWidth) // if the dcurrent LiDAR point is close to the temporary point
                        badCount++;//increment the number of LiDAR points in the way of this target angle
                        if (badCount > BADCOUNTTHRESH) //if there's too many lidar points in the way then this is not a valid turn angle
                            return false;//return false to indicate that this turn angle is not good.
                        }//end BAD COUNT THRESH
                    }//END dist<combinedBufferWidth
                }//end For each LiDAR point
            } while (SAMPLING_DISTANCE * i < target_dist); // while the sampling distance along the target angle is less than the target distance

            return true;//return true when it is possible for the robot to take this turn angle without hitting obstacles
        }//end CombinedVectorScan
コード例 #2
ファイル: Localization.cs プロジェクト: iscumd/Yeti2017
        }//end determine robot location

        //Scan landmarks is used to find all of the surrounding landmark locations. To do this the LiDAR data is needed, the list of known landmark locations
        //from a text file are needed, and the robots current location (to convert each point in the LiDAR data to an XY coordinate in the field).
        public static List <LocationPoint> ScanLandmarks(List <LidarPoint> LMSdata, List <LidarPoint> KLM, LocationPoint robotLocation)
            var currentLandmarks = new List <LocationPoint>(); //anytime a landmark is found in a scan the landmark is saved to this arrray

            foreach (var knownLandmark in KLM)                 //loop through each known landmark in the list of imported landmarks
                //smallestSeperation is the maximum distance a point can be from where a landmark should be to be considered part of the landmark
                //double smallestSeparation = 0.55;  ////landmark_tolerance;
                double smallestSeparation = 0.45;  ////landmark_tolerance;
                //double smallestSeparation = 1;  ////landmark_tolerance;
                //double smallestSeparation = 1.75;

                LocationPoint matchedLandmark = null;// create a point to match the landmark too if it is found

                //The following variables must be reset to zero at the beginning of each landmark search.
                double Xsum = 0, ysum = 0, headingsum = 0; //everytime a point is found to be part of a landmark the X, Y heading
                // are summed together, then divded by number of points found to find the X, Y and heading averages for the points associated with the landmark
                int found_points     = 0;                  //save the number of points that become associated with  the landmark
                int twiceDist_points = 0;                  //used for debuging

                //loop through every point in the LiDAR scan
                foreach (var currentPoint in LMSdata)
                    if (currentPoint == null)                                                //check if the LiDAR point did not return because there was nothing for the laser to bounce off of
                        continue;                                                            //forget about this point
                    var landmarkLocationPoint = currentPoint.ToLocationPoint(robotLocation); // convert the current point we are looking at
                    //into a point in the XY field based off of where the point is in the scan and where the robot is in the field.

                    // figure out the difference between where the landmark should be and where the landmark is in the X coordinate
                    double xSeparation = knownLandmark.X - landmarkLocationPoint.X;
                    // figure out the difference between where the landmark should be and where the landmark is in the Y coordinate
                    double ySeparation = knownLandmark.Y - landmarkLocationPoint.Y;

                    // figure out the distance between the LiDAR point we are looking at compared to where
                    double currentSeparation = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xSeparation, 2) + Math.Pow(ySeparation, 2));
                    //the landmark should be

                    // if the seperation is beneath the set tolerance. IE the point is close enough to the landmarks expected position to be considered part
                    if (currentSeparation < smallestSeparation)
                    //of the landmark
                        Xsum       += currentPoint.X;       //add the point to the Xsum
                        ysum       += currentPoint.Y;       //add the point to the Ysum
                        headingsum += currentPoint.Heading; //add the point to the heading sum
                        found_points++;                     //increment the number of points found
                }//end loop through LiDAR points

                //now check if the points which were associated with the landmark were enough to be considered a landmark
                // if the number of points is low (less than thresh), then this likely isnt a landmark and it should not be assumed that this is a landmark
                if (found_points > LM_POINTS_THRESH)
                    //This is considered a landmark!
                    double XAverage        = Xsum / (double)found_points;                          //find average of all X values of the points associated with the landmark
                    double YAverage        = ysum / (double)found_points;                          //find average of all Y values of the points associated with the landmark
                    double headingAverage  = headingsum / (double)found_points;                    //find average of all heading values of the points associated with the landmark
                    double distanceAverage = Math.Sqrt(XAverage * XAverage + YAverage * YAverage); //find average distance from the robot to the landmark point
                    if (distanceAverage < 15)                                                      ////MAX_LANDMARKS_DISTANCE)// check if the landmark is less than 15M away
                        matchedLandmark   = new LocationPoint();                                   // we have a new landmark!
                        matchedLandmark.X = knownLandmark.X;                                       //save the landmarks X value
                        matchedLandmark.Y = knownLandmark.Y;                                       //save the landmarks Y value

                        //the next part is saving the distance between the robot and the landmark.
                        //40% is the distance average, and 60% is the distance from the point & the robot
                        //this is done because neither of the distance vaues are exactly correct due to the fact that
                        //the landmark locations are not exactly at the center of the landmark(as they should be)
                        //so it is assumed that the distance from the selected point is slightly more correct
                        //than the distance average(which is the sum of the distancese from all of the found points)
                        //40% of the distance from the landmark is the distance average
                        matchedLandmark.Distance = 0.4 * distanceAverage;
                        //60% of the distance is the distance from the found landmarks position from the robot
                        matchedLandmark.Distance += 0.6 * robotLocation.DistanceBetween(matchedLandmark);
                        matchedLandmark.Heading   = headingAverage; // heading average is saved
                        currentLandmarks.Add(matchedLandmark);      //yay we have a new landmark so add it to our list of landmarks!
            }//end for each landmark loops
            return(currentLandmarks);//yay here are all of our landmarks!