コード例 #1
            public bool Load(string fileName, FFXIATPhraseLoader loaderReference)
                    if (loaderReference != null)
                        if (this.ATPhraseLoaderReference == null)
                            this.ATPhraseLoaderReference = loaderReference;
                        if (this.FFXIEncoding == null)
                            this.FFXIEncoding = loaderReference.FFXIConvert;

                    FileInfo f = new FileInfo(fileName);
                    if (!f.Exists)
                        return false;
                    if (!IsMacroFile(f)) // Can't access IsMacroFile() from here... Switched it to static, Duh...
                        return false;
                    BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
                    byte[] FillerBytes = new byte[4];
                    // Read the first four bytes, should come out as an int (01 00 00 00)
                    // This is the basics of an FFXI Macro File... ugh.
                    this.version = BR.ReadUInt32();
                    if (this.version != 1)
                        return false;
                    int first_index = -1, last_index = -1;
                    first_index = fileName.LastIndexOf('r');
                    last_index = fileName.LastIndexOf('.');
                    this.FileNumber = -1;
                    if (fileName.Contains("\\mcr") && fileName.Contains(".dat"))
                        if ((first_index != -1) && (last_index != -1))
                            string number = fileName.Substring(first_index + 1, last_index - (first_index + 1));
                            if (number == String.Empty)
                                this.FileNumber = 0;
                                    this.FileNumber = Convert.ToInt32(number, 10);
                                catch (System.FormatException)
                                    LogMessage.Log(fileName + ": Number Parsing Error (not mcr#.dat, but mcr#xxxxxx.dat");
                                    this.FileNumber = -1;
                                    LogMessage.Log(fileName + ":" + this.FileNumber);

                    FillerBytes = BR.ReadBytes(4);
                    if (this.MD5Digest == null)
                        this.MD5Digest = new byte[16];
                    this.MD5Digest = BR.ReadBytes(16);
                    this.Changed = false; // it hasn't been updated, it's fresh.
                    // HEADER HAS BEEN READ AT THIS POINT.
                    /*Begin Reading MacroFormat
                     * (0 filler bytes,
                     * 6 lines of 61 chars (61st is null),
                     * 9 chars (9th is null), 1 byte for null) repeat 20 times.
                    // Create CMacros Array
                    if (this.Macros == null)
                        this.Macros = new CMacro[20];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                        // Read Lead Null Bytes
                        if (this.Macros[i] == null)
                            this.Macros[i] = new CMacro();
                        FillerBytes = BR.ReadBytes(4);
                        this.Macros[i].MacroNumber = i;
                        for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
                            if (this.ATPhraseLoaderReference == null)
                                this.Macros[i].Line[x] = this.FFXIEncoding.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(61));
                                String encoded = this.FFXIEncoding.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(61));
                                String convertedString = String.Empty;

                                for (int c = 0; c < encoded.Length; c++)
                                    if ((encoded[c] == FFXIEncoding.StartMarker) &&
                                        ((c + 9) < encoded.Length) &&
                                        (encoded[c + 9] == FFXIEncoding.EndMarker))
                                        byte one = Convert.ToByte(String.Format("0x{0}{1}", encoded[c + 1], encoded[c + 2]), 16);
                                        byte two = Convert.ToByte(String.Format("0x{0}{1}", encoded[c + 3], encoded[c + 4]), 16);
                                        byte three = Convert.ToByte(String.Format("0x{0}{1}", encoded[c + 5], encoded[c + 6]), 16);
                                        byte four = Convert.ToByte(String.Format("0x{0}{1}", encoded[c + 7], encoded[c + 8]), 16);

                                        if (two == 0x00)
                                            two = (byte)Preferences.Language;
                                        if (Preferences.Language == FFXIATPhraseLoader.ffxiLanguages.LANG_ALL)
                                            two = (byte)Preferences.Program_Language; // default to a non-special settable

                                        FFXIATPhrase atp = ATPhraseLoaderReference.GetPhraseByID(one, two, three, four);

                                        if (atp == null)
                                            convertedString += encoded[c];
                                            convertedString += atp.ToString();
                                            c += 9;
                                    else convertedString += encoded[c];
                                this.Macros[i].Line[x] = convertedString;
                        this.Macros[i].Name = this.FFXIEncoding.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(9));
                        FillerBytes[0] = BR.ReadByte(); // Read last null byte
                        if (this.Macros[i].thisNode != null)
                            this.Macros[i].thisNode.Text = this.Macros[i].DisplayName();
                // If the end of the stream is reached while reading
                // the data_en, ignore the error and use the
                // default settings for the remaining values.
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    return false;
                catch (EndOfStreamException)
                    return false;
                this.fName = fileName;
                return true;
コード例 #2
 public CMacroFile(string fileName, FFXIATPhraseLoader loaderReference)
     this.Load(fileName, loaderReference);
コード例 #3
ファイル: SearchForPhrase.cs プロジェクト: Mykezero/ffximev2
 public SearchForPhrase(FFXIATPhraseLoader reference)
     sfpvisible = false; // default value
     this.ATPhrasesReference = reference;
コード例 #4
            public CMacroFile(FFXIATPhraseLoader loadreference)
                this.version = 0;
                this._changed = false;
                MD5Digest = new byte[16];
                if (this.Macros == null)
                    this.Macros = new CMacro[20];
                this.fName = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    this.Macros[i] = new CMacro();
                    this.Macros[i].MacroNumber = i;
                this._FileNumber = 0;

                this.ATPhraseLoaderReference = loadreference;
                if (loadreference != null)
                    this.FFXIEncoding = loadreference.FFXIConvert;

                _thisNode = null;
                _ctrlNode = null;
                _altNode = null;
コード例 #5
ファイル: FFXI_MEMainForm.cs プロジェクト: Mykezero/ffximev2
        private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string s = Environment.CommandLine;
            if (!File.Exists("FFXI_ME_v2.chm"))
                this.helpMainToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false;
                this.toolStripSeparator3.Visible = false;

            int i = s.IndexOf('\"', 1); // file names are probably in quotes when run from Windows.
            if ((i != -1) && (i < (s.Length - 1)))
                s = s.Remove(i + 1);
            LogMessage.LogF("## Running {0} on {1} {2}", s,
                DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());
            LogMessage.LogF("{0}", (Preferences.ShowDebugInfo == true) ? "Debugging Active!" : "Normal Operation Active.");
            LogMessage.LogF("Checking if East Asian Support is installed.");

            RegistryKey codepages = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage");
            if (codepages == null)
                LogMessage.LogF("..No Code Pages In The Registry Could Be Found, Attempting to continue");
                string _932 = (string)codepages.GetValue("932"); // check for shift-jis
                string _1251 = (string)codepages.GetValue("1251");
                string _1252 = (string)codepages.GetValue("1252");
                bool notfound = false;
                if ((_932 == null) || (_932 == String.Empty))
                    LogMessage.LogF("..Japanese (Shift-JIS) support not found");
                    notfound = true;
                else LogMessage.LogF("..Japanese (Shift-JIS) support found");
                if ((_1251 == null) || (_1251 == String.Empty))
                    LogMessage.LogF("..Cyrillic (Windows) support not found");
                    notfound = true;
                else LogMessage.LogF("..Cyrillic (Windows) support found");

                if ((_1252 == null) || (_1252 == String.Empty))
                    LogMessage.LogF("..Western European (Windows) support not found");
                    notfound = true;
                else LogMessage.LogF("..Western European (Windows) support found");
                if (notfound)
                    if (DialogResult.Cancel == MessageBox.Show(
                        "Japanese, Cyrillic, or Western European support not found.\r\n" +
                        "Please install East Asian Language Support via the Control Panel\r\n" +
                        "under \"Regional and Language Options\" on the \"Language\" tab.\r\n" +
                        "Hit OK to run FFXI ME!, Cancel to Exit.", "Language Support not installed.", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2))
                        LogMessage.LogF("..East Asian support not found, User chose to exit");

            this.CursorCopy = null;
            this.CursorLink = null;
            SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged += new UserPreferenceChangedEventHandler(SystemEvents_UserPreferenceChanged);

            //MessageBox.Show("Download .NET 2.0 here\r\n" + @"http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=0856EACB-4362-4B0D-8EDD-AAB15C5E04F5&displaylang=en");

            LogMessage.LogF("Loading Preferences...");
            LogMessage.LogF("..Done Loading Preferences.");

            if (MainForm.ShowOptionsDialog)
                LogMessage.LogF("Options Requested...");
                OptionsDialog od = new OptionsDialog("FFXI ME! v2 Options");
                od.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
                if (od.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    LogMessage.LogF("Options screen loaded and saved");
                LogMessage.LogF("Exiting application");

                _ATPhraseLoader = new FFXIATPhraseLoader(Preferences.Language,
                    String.Format("Yekyaa's FFXI ME! v{0}",
            catch (FileNotFoundException exception)
                LogMessage.LogF("Missing file in FFXI directory installation: ", exception.FileName);
                LogMessage.LogF("...Attempting to continue without the Auto-Translate Phrases.");

            atphraseBW.DoWork += BuildATBackground;

            specialsBW.DoWork += BuildSpecialsBackground;

            if (_ATPhraseLoader != null)
                this._FFXIInstallPath = this.ATPhraseLoader.GetRegistryKey();// MainFormGetRegistryKey();

            if (buttons == null)
                buttons = new Button[20];
            buttons[0] = buttonCtrl1;
            buttons[1] = buttonCtrl2;
            buttons[2] = buttonCtrl3;
            buttons[3] = buttonCtrl4;
            buttons[4] = buttonCtrl5;
            buttons[5] = buttonCtrl6;
            buttons[6] = buttonCtrl7;
            buttons[7] = buttonCtrl8;
            buttons[8] = buttonCtrl9;
            buttons[9] = buttonCtrl0;
            buttons[10] = buttonAlt1;
            buttons[11] = buttonAlt2;
            buttons[12] = buttonAlt3;
            buttons[13] = buttonAlt4;
            buttons[14] = buttonAlt5;
            buttons[15] = buttonAlt6;
            buttons[16] = buttonAlt7;
            buttons[17] = buttonAlt8;
            buttons[18] = buttonAlt9;
            buttons[19] = buttonAlt0;