Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.Panel
コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new notification, to be displayed with Show() later
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body">content of the notification</param>
        /// <param name="duration">life time in seconds, if 0 then it's a sticky notif</param>
        /// <param name="defaultWidth"></param>
        /// <param name="screenToUse">Specify the screen on which you want to dispaly the notif</param>
        public YamuiNotifications(string body, int duration, int defaultWidth = 300, Screen screenToUse = null)

            _screen = screenToUse ?? Screen.PrimaryScreen;

            Load += YamuiNotificationsLoad;
            Activated += YamuiNotificationsActivated;
            Shown += YamuiNotificationsShown;
            FormClosed += YamuiNotificationsFormClosed;

            // register to the panel onclicked event and propagate it as a public field of this class
            contentLabel.LinkClicked += OnLinkClicked;

            // close all notif button
            ShowCloseAllVisibleButton = true;
            OnCloseAllVisible = OnCloseAllVisibleNotif;

            // find max height taken by the html
            Width = _screen.WorkingArea.Width/2;
            contentLabel.Text = body;
            var prefHeight = Math.Min(contentLabel.Height + 18 + ((duration > 0) ? 10 : 0), _screen.WorkingArea.Height - 50);

            // now we got the final height, resize width until height changes
            int j = 0;
            int detla = 100;
            int curWidth = Width;
            do {
                curWidth -= detla;
                Width = Math.Min(_screen.WorkingArea.Width/2, curWidth);
                contentLabel.Text = body;
                if (contentLabel.Height > prefHeight) {
                    curWidth += detla;
                    detla /= 2;
            } while (j < 10);
            Width = Math.Max(curWidth, defaultWidth);
            Height = Math.Min(contentLabel.Height + 18 + ((duration > 0) ? 10 : 0), _screen.WorkingArea.Height - 50);

            // do we need to animate a panel on the bottom to visualise time left
            if (duration > 0) {
                _progressSimplePanel = new YamuiSimplePanel {
                    BackColor = YamuiThemeManager.Current.AccentColor,
                    AutoScroll = false,
                    Location = new Point(1, Height - 11),
                    Name = "progressPanel",
                    Size = new Size(Width - 2, 10),
                    TabStop = false,
                    UseCustomBackColor = true
                _duration = duration*1000;
            } else
                _duration = 0;

            // fade out animation
            Opacity = 0d;
            Tag = false;
            Closing += YamuiNotificationsOnClosing;
            // fade in animation
  , "Opacity", 1d, new TransitionType_Acceleration(200));
コード例 #2
ファイル: YamuiNotification.cs プロジェクト: jcaillon/3P
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new notification, to be displayed with Show() later
        /// </summary>
        public YamuiNotification(string htmlTitle, string htmlMessage, int duration, Screen screenToUse = null, int formMinWidth = 0, int formMaxWidth = 0, int formMaxHeight = 0, EventHandler<HtmlLinkClickedEventArgs> onLinkClicked = null)
            // close all notif button
            ShowCloseAllVisibleButton = true;
            OnCloseAllVisible = OnCloseAllVisibleNotif;


            // correct input if needed
            _screen = screenToUse ?? Screen.PrimaryScreen;
            if (formMaxWidth == 0)
                formMaxWidth = _screen.WorkingArea.Width - 20;
            if (formMaxHeight == 0)
                formMaxHeight = _screen.WorkingArea.Height - 20;
            if (formMinWidth == 0)
                formMinWidth = 300;

            contentPanel.NoBackgroundImage = true;

            // Set title, it will define a new minimum width for the message box
            var space = FormButtonWidth + BorderWidth*2 + titleLabel.Location.X + 5;
            titleLabel.SetNeededSize(htmlTitle, formMinWidth - space, formMaxWidth - space, true);
            formMinWidth = formMinWidth.ClampMin(titleLabel.Width + space);
            var newPadding = Padding;
            newPadding.Bottom = newPadding.Bottom + (duration > 0 ? 8 : 0);
            newPadding.Top = titleLabel.Height + 10;
            Padding = newPadding;
            titleLabel.Location = new Point(5,5);

            // set content label
            space = Padding.Left + Padding.Right;
            contentLabel.SetNeededSize(htmlMessage, formMinWidth - space, formMaxWidth - space, true);
            contentPanel.ContentPanel.Size = contentLabel.Size;
            if (onLinkClicked != null)
                contentLabel.LinkClicked += onLinkClicked;

            // set form size
            Size = new Size(contentPanel.ContentPanel.Width + space, (Padding.Top + Padding.Bottom + contentLabel.Height).ClampMax(formMaxHeight));
            if (contentPanel.HasScrolls)
                Width += 10;
            MinimumSize = Size;

            // do we need to animate a panel on the bottom to visualise time left?
            if (duration > 0) {
                _progressSimplePanel = new YamuiSimplePanel {
                    BackColor = YamuiThemeManager.Current.AccentColor,
                    AutoScroll = false,
                    Location = new Point(1, Height - 9),
                    Name = "progressPanel",
                    Size = new Size(Width - 2, 8),
                    TabStop = false,
                    UseCustomBackColor = true
                _duration = duration * 1000;
            } else
                _duration = 0;

            // for the outro animation
            Tag = false;

            // fade in animation
  , "AnimationOpacity", 0d, 1d, new TransitionType_Acceleration(200));