コード例 #1
        public void HandleException_ValidLog_ExpectedTextIsReturned()
            // Arrange
            var filters = this.GetDefaultFilters();
            var output = new ThreadCollectionOutputHandler(filters);
            var ex = this.GenerateExceptionWithStackTrace();
            var entry = new ExceptionTrace(ex, DateTime.Parse("2022-10-22 22:22:31.678"));
            var expectedText = String.Concat("".PadLeft(2, output.Formatter.IndentChar), "[Exception] 22:22:31.678 Attempted to divide by zero.");

            int threadId = 22;
            var threadData = new ThreadData(threadId, "cotton", null);

            // Act
            output.HandleException(entry, 1);

            // Assert
            var outputText = output.GetThreadEntries();
            Assert.That(outputText.Count, Is.EqualTo(1), "Expected one string entry to be returned");
            Assert.That(outputText[threadId][0], Is.EqualTo(expectedText), "Not the expected output text, you may need to adjust the test if the formatter has been changed.");
コード例 #2
        public void SingleLineFormatter_NestedMethodCalls_ReportHasCorrectIndenting()
            // Arrange
            var formatter = new SingleLineFormatter();
            var startDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            var entries = new BaseEntry[]
                    new MethodEntry(1, "TopLevelMethod", null, startDateTime),
                    new MethodExit(1, "TopLevelMethod", 233, true, "blackSheep"),
                    new MethodEntry(1, "FirstMethod", null, startDateTime.AddSeconds(12)),
                    new MethodEntry(2, "SecondMethod", null, startDateTime.AddSeconds(45)),
                    new LogEvent(LogLevel.Info, startDateTime.AddSeconds(47), "Information log message here"),
                    new ExceptionTrace(new ArgumentNullException("lineNo", "Test the log"), startDateTime.AddSeconds(53)),
                    new MethodEntry(3, "ThirdMethod", null, startDateTime.AddSeconds(75)),
                    new MethodExit(3, "ThirdMethod", 100, false, null),
                    new MethodEntry(3, "FourthMethod", null, startDateTime.AddSeconds(80)),
                    new MethodExit(3, "FourthMethod", 57, false, null),
                    new MethodExit(2, "SecondMethod", 178, false, null),
                    new MethodExit(1, "FirstMethod", 200, false, null),
                    new MethodEntry(1, "TopLevelMethod2", null, startDateTime.AddSeconds(99)),
                    new MethodExit(1, "TopLevelMethod2", 488, true, "whiteSheep"),

            var expectedText = (new string[]
                                        string.Format("TopLevelMethod(blackSheep) started {0:HH:mm:ss.fff} duration 233ms", startDateTime),
                                        string.Format("FirstMethod() started {0:HH:mm:ss.fff} duration 200ms", startDateTime.AddSeconds(12)),
                                        string.Format("  SecondMethod() started {0:HH:mm:ss.fff} duration 178ms", startDateTime.AddSeconds(45)),
                                        string.Format("    [Log] [Info] Information log message here"),
                                        string.Format("    [Exception] {0:HH:mm:ss.fff} Test the log\r\nParameter name: lineNo", startDateTime.AddSeconds(53)),
                                        string.Format("    ThirdMethod() started {0:HH:mm:ss.fff} duration 100ms", startDateTime.AddSeconds(75)),
                                        string.Format("    FourthMethod() started {0:HH:mm:ss.fff} duration 57ms", startDateTime.AddSeconds(80)),
                                        string.Format("TopLevelMethod2(whiteSheep) started {0:HH:mm:ss.fff} duration 488ms", startDateTime.AddSeconds(99))

            var filters = this.GetDefaultFilters();
            var indentLevel = 0;

            int threadId = 22;
            var threadData = new ThreadData(threadId, "cotton", null);
            var outputter = new ThreadCollectionOutputHandler(filters, formatter);

            // Act
            foreach (var entry in entries)
                if (entry is MethodEntry)
                    outputter.HandleMethodEntry((entry as MethodEntry), indentLevel, true);
                else if (entry is MethodExit)
                    outputter.HandleMethodExit((entry as MethodExit), indentLevel, true);
                else if (entry is LogEvent)
                    outputter.HandleLogEvent((entry as LogEvent), indentLevel, true);
                else if (entry is ExceptionTrace)
                    outputter.HandleException((entry as ExceptionTrace), indentLevel);


            // Assert
            var reportText = outputter.GetThreadEntries();
            Assert.That(reportText.Count, Is.EqualTo(1), "Expected one thread collection");

            var output = reportText[threadId];
            Assert.That(output.Count, Is.EqualTo(expectedText.Count), "Expected {0} output lines, but have {1}\n{2}", expectedText.Count, output.Count, this.CreateComparisonReport(output, expectedText));
            for (int index = 0; index < expectedText.Count; index++)
                Assert.That(output[index], Is.EqualTo(expectedText[index]), "Not the expected text for line {0}\n\n{1}", index + 1, this.CreateComparisonReport(output, expectedText));