static void Main(string[] args) { //Load Configuration File ConfigLoader m_Config = new ConfigLoader("config.txt"); m_Config.LoadConfig(); //create required instances YCitiesLoader m_citiesLoader = new YCitiesLoader(); YRSSLoader m_rssLoader = new YRSSLoader(); YDBAccess m_dbAccess = new YDBAccess(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "/YWeatherDB.mdb"); int option = 0; String rl = ""; while (option != 4) { // Menu Console.WriteLine("\n================================================================"); Console.WriteLine("--------------- Yahoo Weather Scraper ------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("================================================================"); Console.WriteLine("\nMenu:"); Console.WriteLine("1) Refresh Databse - Load states,cities,temperature etc into DB."); Console.WriteLine("2) Show Temperature for all Cities [From DB]"); Console.WriteLine("3) Show Temperature for specific City [From DB]"); Console.WriteLine("4) Exit"); Console.Write("Please choose an option : "); rl = Console.ReadLine(); if (rl == null || rl.Equals("")) { return; } option = Int32.Parse(rl); switch (option) { case 1: //load states-cities m_citiesLoader.loadCities(); //load rss xml for each city ArrayList tmp = m_rssLoader.loadAndParseRSSXml(m_citiesLoader.StatesCitiesMap); //store fetched values {from rss xml} to database m_dbAccess.updateDBWithMapArray(tmp); continue; case 2: // load all the states->cities->weather info foreach (string str in m_dbAccess.getAllStatesFromDB()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("\n" + str + ":"); Console.WriteLine("==========================================="); foreach (string strr in m_dbAccess.getAllCitiesFromDBForState(str)) { Console.WriteLine(strr + ":"); Console.WriteLine(m_dbAccess.showAllDataForCity(strr)); } } Console.WriteLine("\n"); continue; case 3: // show weather info for specific city string input = ""; Console.WriteLine("Do you want to get all city names enlisted?(y/n)"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input.ToLower().Equals("y")) { foreach (string str in m_dbAccess.getAllStatesFromDB()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("\n" + str + ""); Console.WriteLine("==========================================="); foreach (string strr in m_dbAccess.getAllCitiesFromDBForState(str)) { Console.WriteLine(strr + ""); } } Console.WriteLine("\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter WOEID or City's exact name:"); input = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(m_dbAccess.showAllDataForCity(input)); } continue; case 4: //exit break; } } /* * * */ }
public ConfigLoader(String pathToConfig) { this.configPath = pathToConfig; ConfigLoader.instance = this; }