コード例 #1
        public async void DoesNotFindErrorForIDisposableDisposeMethodOverrideFromParentClass()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           @"public class BaseClass : System.IDisposable {
    public virtual void Dispose() { }
public class TestClass : BaseClass {
    [Xunit.Fact] public void TestMethod() { }
    public override void Dispose() { }

            public async void FindsError_WhenInlineDataDuplicateAndOriginalAreItemsOfDistinctAttributesLists()
                var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                               "public class TestClass" +
                                                                               "{" +
                                                                               "   [Xunit.Theory]" +
                                                                               "   [Xunit.InlineData(10, 20), Xunit.InlineData(30, 40)]" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                               "   [Xunit.InlineData(50, 60), Xunit.InlineData(10, 20)]" +
                                                                               "   public void TestMethod(int x, int y) { } " +

                Assert.Collection(diagnostics, VerifyDiagnostic);
コード例 #3
        public async void FindsWarningForPublicMethodWithParametersInTestClass(string attribute)
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           "public class TestClass { [" + attribute + "] public void TestMethod() { } public void Method(int a) {} }");

                              d =>
                Assert.Equal("Public method 'Method' on test class 'TestClass' should be marked as a Theory.", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit1013", d.Id);
                Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, d.Severity);
        public async void DoesNotCrashForSymbolDeclaringTypeHasDifferentArityThanICollection_Two()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           @"using System.Collections.Generic;
        interface IDictionary2<K, V> : ICollection<KeyValuePair<K, V>> {
            new int Count { get; }
        class TestClass { void TestMethod() {
            Xunit.Assert.Equal(1, ((IDictionary2<int, int>)null).Count);
        } }");

            public async void FindsError_WhenArgumentsAreArrayOfValues()
                var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                               "public class TestClass" +
                                                                               "{" +
                                                                               "   [Xunit.Theory]" +
                                                                               "   [Xunit.InlineData(new object[] {10, new object[] { new object[] {20}, 30}})]" +
                                                                               "   [Xunit.InlineData(new object[] {10, new object[] { new object[] {20}, 30}})]" +
                                                                               "   public void TestMethod(object x, object y) { }" +

                Assert.Collection(diagnostics, VerifyDiagnostic);
コード例 #6
            public async void FindsError_ForEnumArgument(string type)
                var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                               "public class TestClass { [Xunit.Theory, Xunit.InlineData(System.StringComparison.InvariantCulture)] public void TestMethod(" + type + " a) { } }");

                                  d =>
                    Assert.Equal("The value is not convertible to the method parameter 'a' of type '" + type + "'.", d.GetMessage());
                    Assert.Equal("xUnit1010", d.Descriptor.Id);
コード例 #7
            public async void FindsWarning_ForSingleNullValue(string type)
                var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                               "public class TestClass { [Xunit.Theory, Xunit.InlineData(null)] public void TestMethod(" + type + " a) { } }");

                                  d =>
                    Assert.Equal("Null should not be used for value type parameter 'a' of type 'int'.", d.GetMessage());
                    Assert.Equal("xUnit1012", d.Descriptor.Id);
                    Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, d.Severity);
コード例 #8
            public async void FindsError_UsingParams()
                var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                               "public class TestClass { [Xunit.Theory, Xunit.InlineData(1)] public void TestMethod(int a, int b, params string[] value) { } }");

                                  d =>
                    Assert.Equal("InlineData values must match the number of method parameters", d.GetMessage());
                    Assert.Equal("xUnit1009", d.Descriptor.Id);
                    Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, d.Severity);
        public async void FindsError_ForStringReferenceOnOtherClass()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           "public partial class TestClass { [Xunit.MemberData(\"OtherData\", MemberType = typeof(OtherClass))] public void TestMethod() { } }");

                              d =>
                Assert.Equal("MemberData should use nameof operator to reference member 'OtherData' on type 'OtherClass'.", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit1014", d.Descriptor.Id);
        public async Task FindsWarning_ForThrowsCheck_WithExceptionParameter_OnThrowingMethod(string method)
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           @"class TestClass { 
System.Threading.Tasks.Task ThrowingMethod() {
    throw new System.NotImplementedException();

void TestMethod() {
    Xunit.Assert." + method + @"(typeof(System.NotImplementedException), ThrowingMethod);
} }");

        public async void DoesNotFindWarning_ForClassConstrainedGenericTypes(string method)
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
class Class<T> where T : class
  public void Method(T arg)
    Xunit.Assert." + method + @"(arg);

        public async Task FindsWarning_ForThrowsCheck_WithExceptionParameter_OnAsyncThrowingLambda()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           @"class TestClass { void TestMethod() {
    Xunit.Assert.Throws(typeof(System.NotImplementedException), async () => await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(0));
} }");

            Assert.Collection(diagnostics, d =>
                Assert.Equal("Do not use Assert.Throws() to check for asynchronously thrown exceptions.", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit2014", d.Id);
                Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, d.Severity);
        public async void FindsWarningForFalseCollectionContainsCheck(string collection)
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           @"class TestClass { void TestMethod() { 
    Xunit.Assert.False(" + collection + @".Contains(1));
} }");

            Assert.Collection(diagnostics, d =>
                Assert.Equal("Do not use Contains() to check if a value exists in a collection.", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit2017", d.Id);
                Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, d.Severity);
コード例 #14
        public async void InterfaceWithBadBaseClass_ReturnsError(string @interface)
            var code = string.Format(Template, $"Foo, {@interface}");

            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer, CompilationReporting.IgnoreErrors, code);

                              d =>
                Assert.Equal("Test case class MyTestCase must derive directly or indirectly from Xunit.LongLivedMarshalByRefObject", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit3000", d.Descriptor.Id);
コード例 #15
        public async void MakesClassPublic(string nonPublicAccessModifier)
            var source = $@"
{ nonPublicAccessModifier} class CollectionDefinitionClass {{ }}";

            var expected = @"
public class CollectionDefinitionClass { }";

            var actual = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetFixedCodeAsync(analyzer, fixer, source);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public async void DoesNotFindWarning_ForThrowsAnyAsyncCheck_WithExceptionTypeArgument_OnThrowingMethod()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           @"class TestClass {
System.Threading.Tasks.Task ThrowingMethod() {
    throw new System.NotImplementedException();

async System.Threading.Tasks.Task TestMethod() {
    await Xunit.Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync<System.NotImplementedException>(ThrowingMethod);
} }");

        public async void FindsWarningForStrictStringEqualityCheckWithGenericType(string expected, string value)
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           @"class TestClass { void TestMethod() { 
    Xunit.Assert.StrictEqual<string>(" + expected + @", " + value + @");
} }");

            Assert.Collection(diagnostics, d =>
                Assert.Equal("Do not use Assert.StrictEqual to test for string equality.", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit2006", d.Id);
                Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, d.Severity);
        public async Task FindsWarning_ForThrowsCheck_WithExceptionTypeArgument_OnThrowingLambda()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer, true,
                                                                           @"class TestClass { void TestMethod() {
    Xunit.Assert.Throws<System.NotImplementedException>(() => System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(0));
} }");

            Assert.Collection(diagnostics, d =>
                Assert.Equal("Do not use obsolete Assert.Throws() to check for asynchronously thrown exceptions.", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit2019", d.Id);
                Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Hidden, d.Severity);
        public async void DoesNotFindWarning_ForThrowsCheck_WithExceptionParameter_OnNonAsyncThrowingMethod()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer, true,
                                                                           @"class TestClass { 
void ThrowingMethod() {
    throw new System.NotImplementedException();

void TestMethod() {
    Xunit.Assert.Throws(typeof(System.NotImplementedException), ThrowingMethod);
} }");

        public async Task FindsWarning_ForThrowsCheck_WithExceptionTypeArgument_OnAsyncThrowingLambdaWithParamName()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer, CompilationReporting.IgnoreErrors,
                                                                           @"class TestClass { void TestMethod() {
    Xunit.Assert.Throws<System.ArgumentException>(""param1"", async () => await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(0));
} }");

            Assert.Collection(diagnostics, d =>
                Assert.Equal("Do not use obsolete Assert.Throws() to check for asynchronously thrown exceptions.", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit2019", d.Id);
                Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Hidden, d.Severity);
コード例 #21
        public async void FindsHiddenDiagnosticWhenProhibitedMethodIsUsed(string method)
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer, CompilationReporting.IgnoreErrors,
                                                                           @"class TestClass { void TestMethod() {
    Xunit.Assert." + method + @"(null, null);
} }");

            Assert.Collection(diagnostics, d =>
                Assert.Equal($"Do not use Assert.{method}().", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit2001", d.Id);
                Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Hidden, d.Severity);
        public async void FindsWarningForCollectionCheckWithoutAction(string collection)
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           @"class TestClass { void TestMethod() { 
    Xunit.Assert.Collection(" + collection + @");
} }");

            Assert.Collection(diagnostics, d =>
                Assert.Equal("Do not use Assert.Collection() to check for empty collections.", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit2011", d.Id);
                Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, d.Severity);
            public async void FindsError_WhenDuplicateContainsDefaultOfString(string firstDefaultOverride,
                                                                              string secondDefaultOverride)
                var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                               "public class TestClass" +
                                                                               "{" +
                                                                               "   [Xunit.Theory]" +
                                                                               $"   [Xunit.InlineData(1 {firstDefaultOverride})]" +
                                                                               $"   [Xunit.InlineData(1 {secondDefaultOverride})]" +
                                                                               "   public void TestMethod(int x, string y = null) { }" +

                Assert.Collection(diagnostics, VerifyDiagnostic);
コード例 #24
        public async void NonPublicConstructor_ReturnsError(string @interface)
            var code = string.Format(Template, @interface, "protected Foo() { }");

            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer, code);

                              d =>
                Assert.Equal("Class Foo must have a public parameterless constructor to support Xunit.Abstractions.IXunitSerializable", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit3001", d.Descriptor.Id);
コード例 #25
        public async void DoesNotFindError_ForMethodOverrides()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           "public class BaseClass {" +
                                                                           "   [Xunit.Fact]" +
                                                                           "   public virtual void TestMethod() { }" +
                                                                           "public class TestClass : BaseClass {" +
                                                                           "   [Xunit.Fact]" +
                                                                           "   public override void TestMethod() { }" +

コード例 #26
        public async void FindsErrors_ForStaticMethodOverloads_InSameStaticClass()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           "public static class TestClass { " +
                                                                           "   [Xunit.Fact]" +
                                                                           "   public static void TestMethod() { }" +
                                                                           "   [Xunit.Theory]" +
                                                                           "   public static void TestMethod(int a) { }" +

                              d => VerifyDiagnostic(d, "TestClass"),
                              d => VerifyDiagnostic(d, "TestClass"));
        public async void FindsErrorForDataClassNotImplementingInterface()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer, TestMethodSource,
                                                                           @"class DataClass : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<object> {
    public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<object> GetEnumerator() => null;
    System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => null;

                              d =>
                Assert.Equal("ClassData must point at a valid class", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit1007", d.Descriptor.Id);
            public async void FindsErrorOnCorrectLineReferringToInitialOccurence_WhenDuplicateIsSeparatedByOtherNonDuplicateData()
                var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                               "public class TestClass" +
                                                                               "{" +
                                                                               "   [Xunit.Theory]" +
                                                                               "   [Xunit.InlineData(10)]" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                               "   [Xunit.InlineData(50)]" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                               "   [Xunit.InlineData(10)]" +
                                                                               "   public void TestMethod(int x) { } " +

                Assert.Collection(diagnostics, VerifyDiagnostic);
                Assert.Collection(diagnostics, d => Assert.Equal(2, d.Location.GetLineSpan().StartLinePosition.Line));
コード例 #29
        public async void FindsError_ForStaticAndInstanceMethodOverload()
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer,
                                                                           "public class BaseClass {" +
                                                                           "   [Xunit.Fact]" +
                                                                           "   public static void TestMethod() { }" +
                                                                           "public class TestClass : BaseClass {" +
                                                                           "   [Xunit.Theory]" +
                                                                           "   public void TestMethod(int a) { }" +

                              d => VerifyDiagnostic(d, "BaseClass"));
        public async void FindsWarningForSecondValueParameters(string method)
            var diagnostics = await CodeAnalyzerHelper.GetDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer, CompilationReporting.IgnoreErrors,
                                                                           @"class TestClass { void TestMethod() {
    object a = 0;
    Xunit.Assert." + method + @"(a, 0);
} }");

            Assert.Collection(diagnostics, d =>
                Assert.Equal($"Do not use Assert.{method}() on value type 'int'.", d.GetMessage());
                Assert.Equal("xUnit2005", d.Id);
                Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, d.Severity);