public void Publish(string topic, string xmlMessage) { Debug.WriteLine("XmlBlaster.Publish()"); try { string key = "<key oid=\"" + topic + "\" contentMime=\"text/xml\" >\n"; key += "<sender>" + uniqueId + "</sender>\n"; key += "</key>"; string qos = "<qos />"; string result = xmlBlasterClientProxy.Publish(this.sessionId, key, xmlMessage, qos); //Debug.Write( "Publish Result :" ); //Debug.WriteLine( result ); /* * XmlBlaster.Publish() * Publish Result : * <qos> * <key oid='demo.csharp.drawing'/> * <rcvTimestamp nanos='1131972554614000000'/> * <isPublish/> * </qos> */ } catch (Exception ex) { XmlBlasterException.HandleException(ex); } }
public void Connect(string url, string username, string password) { Debug.WriteLine("XmlBlaster.Connect()"); this.Url = url; // Set xml-rpc server url // construct authentification data QosConnect qos; try { // try connect (login) qos = new QosConnect(username, password, this.callbackServerUri.ToString()); string result = xmlBlasterClientProxy.Connect(qos.ToString()); //Debug.Write( "Connect Result :" ); //Debug.WriteLine( result ); QosConnectResult qosRes = new QosConnectResult(result); this.sessionId = qosRes.SessionId; // TODO: sessionId should be secret ! // do something better ;o) Random rnd = new Random( ); this.uniqueId = rnd.NextDouble().ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { XmlBlasterException.HandleException(ex); } }
public XmlBlasterClient() { // Client xmlBlasterClientProxy = (IXmlBlasterClient)XmlRpcProxyGen.Create(typeof(IXmlBlasterClient)); xmlBlasterClientProtocol = (XmlRpcClientProtocol)xmlBlasterClientProxy; // Server for Callback //RemotingConfiguration.Configure("xmlrpc.exe.config"); HttpChannel channel = null; try { //int port = FindFreeHttpPort( 9090 ) ; //Debug.WriteLine( "FindFreeHttpPort() found port "+port ); int port = 0; ListDictionary channelProperties = new ListDictionary(); channelProperties.Add("port", port); channel = new HttpChannel( channelProperties, new CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcClientFormatterSinkProvider(), new CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcServerFormatterSinkProvider(null, null) //new SoapClientFormatterSinkProvider(), //new SoapServerFormatterSinkProvider() ); } catch (Exception ex) { // Listener config failed : Une seule utilisation de chaque adresse de socket (protocole/adresse réseau/port) est habituellement autorisée Debug.WriteLine("Listener config failed : " + ex.Message); XmlBlasterException.HandleException(new Exception("Listener config failed.", ex)); } ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType( typeof(XmlBlasterCallback), "XmlBlasterCallback", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton ); // Print out the urls for HelloServer. string[] urls = channel.GetUrlsForUri("XmlBlasterCallback"); foreach (string url in urls) { System.Console.WriteLine("url: {0}", url); } //url: if (urls.Length != 1) { XmlBlasterException.HandleException(new Exception("XmlBlasterCallback server, failed to retreive url.")); } this.callbackServerUri = new Uri(urls[0]); }
public void Disconnect() { Debug.WriteLine("XmlBlaster.Disconnect()"); // construct authentification data string qos = @" <qos> <deleteSubjectQueue>true</deleteSubjectQueue> <clearSessions>true</clearSessions> </qos>" ; try { xmlBlasterClientProxy.Disconnect(this.sessionId, qos); } catch (Exception ex) { XmlBlasterException.HandleException(ex); } }
public void Subscribe(string topic) { Debug.WriteLine("XmlBlaster.Subscribe()"); try { string key = "<key oid=\"" + topic + "\" />\n"; string qos = @"<qos> <local>false</local> </qos>" ; string result = xmlBlasterClientProxy.Subscribe(this.sessionId, key, qos); Debug.Write("Subscribe Result :"); Debug.WriteLine(result); } catch (Exception ex) { XmlBlasterException.HandleException(ex); } }