コード例 #1
        protected override Entity Create()
            var root = base.Create();

            spotMesh = new LightSpotMesh(GraphicsDevice);
            spotMesh.Build(GraphicsCommandList, LightSpot);

            spotMaterial = GizmoUniformColorMaterial.Create(GraphicsDevice, (Color) new Color4(GetLightColor(GraphicsDevice), 1f));

            spotEntity = new Entity("Spot Mesh of {0}".ToFormat(root.Id))
                new ModelComponent
                    Model = new Model
                        new Mesh {
                            Draw = spotMesh.MeshDraw
                    RenderGroup = RenderGroup,

コード例 #2
        public override void Update()

            // update the color of the ray
            GizmoUniformColorMaterial.UpdateColor(GraphicsDevice, rayMaterial, (Color) new Color4(GetLightColor(GraphicsDevice), 1f));
コード例 #3
ファイル: VoxelVolumeGizmo.cs プロジェクト: glepag1/stride
        protected override Entity Create()
            debugRootEntity = new Entity($"Voxel volume of {Component.Entity.Name}");

            material = GizmoUniformColorMaterial.Create(GraphicsDevice, Color.CornflowerBlue);

            box = new BoxMesh(GraphicsDevice);

            debugEntity = new Entity($"Voxel volume mesh of {Component.Entity.Name}")
                new ModelComponent
                    Model = new Model
                        new Mesh {
                            Draw = box.MeshDraw
                    RenderGroup = RenderGroup,

コード例 #4
        protected override Entity Create()
            var root = base.Create();

            var renderingSettings = Game.PackageSettings?.GetConfiguration <RenderingSettings>();
            var aspect            = (renderingSettings == null) ? 1.7778f : (float)renderingSettings.DefaultBackBufferWidth / (float)renderingSettings.DefaultBackBufferHeight;

            cameraParameters = new CameraParameters(Component, aspect);

            frustumMesh = new CameraFrustumMesh(GraphicsDevice);
            frustumMesh.Build(GraphicsCommandList, cameraParameters);

            var frustumMaterial = GizmoUniformColorMaterial.Create(GraphicsDevice, new Color(0.75f, 0.75f, 1f, 1f));

            frustum = new Entity("Camera frustumMesh of {0}".ToFormat(root.Id))
                new ModelComponent
                    Model = new Model
                        new Mesh {
                            Draw = frustumMesh.MeshDraw
                    RenderGroup = RenderGroup,

コード例 #5
ファイル: AxialGizmo.cs プロジェクト: Beefr/xenko-wd
 protected virtual void UpdateColors()
     if (IsEnabled && RedUniformMaterial != null)
         GizmoUniformColorMaterial.UpdateColor(GraphicsDevice, RedUniformMaterial, RedUniformColor);
         GizmoUniformColorMaterial.UpdateColor(GraphicsDevice, GreenUniformMaterial, GreenUniformColor);
         GizmoUniformColorMaterial.UpdateColor(GraphicsDevice, BlueUniformMaterial, BlueUniformColor);
コード例 #6
        public override void Update()

            // update pointEntity aspect
            pointEntity.Transform.Scale = new Vector3(LightPoint.Radius);

            // update the spot color
            GizmoUniformColorMaterial.UpdateColor(GraphicsDevice, pointMaterial, (Color) new Color4(GetLightColor(GraphicsDevice), 1f));
コード例 #7
        protected override Entity Create()
            var root = base.Create();

            lightRay    = new Entity($"Light ray for light gizmo {root.Id}");
            rayMaterial = GizmoUniformColorMaterial.Create(GraphicsDevice, (Color) new Color4(GetLightColor(GraphicsDevice), 1f));

            // build the ray mesh
            var coneMesh = GeometricPrimitive.Cone.New(GraphicsDevice, ConeRadius, ConeHeight, GizmoTessellation).ToMeshDraw();
            var bodyMesh = GeometricPrimitive.Cylinder.New(GraphicsDevice, BodyLength, BodyRadius, GizmoTessellation).ToMeshDraw();

            var coneEntity = new Entity($"Light ray for light gizmo {root.Id}")
                new ModelComponent {
                    Model = new Model {
                        rayMaterial, new Mesh {
                            Draw = coneMesh
                    }, RenderGroup = RenderGroup

            coneEntity.Transform.Rotation   = Quaternion.RotationX(-MathUtil.PiOverTwo);
            coneEntity.Transform.Position.Z = -BodyLength - ConeHeight * 0.5f;

            var bodyEntity = new Entity($"Light ray body for light gizmo {root.Id}")
                new ModelComponent {
                    Model = new Model {
                        rayMaterial, new Mesh {
                            Draw = bodyMesh
                    }, RenderGroup = RenderGroup

            bodyEntity.Transform.Position.Z = -BodyLength / 2;
            bodyEntity.Transform.Rotation   = Quaternion.RotationX(-MathUtil.PiOverTwo);

コード例 #8
        public override void Update()

            // Update the frustum mesh to match the changed light settings:
            bool lightingModeChanged = (LightSpot.ProjectiveTexture == null && currentProjectiveTexture != null) || // <- if texture removed
                                       (LightSpot.ProjectiveTexture != null && currentProjectiveTexture == null);   // <- if texture added

            // Check if we need to rebuild the whole mesh:
            if (lightingModeChanged)
                // Rebuild the mesh because we switched between textured and untextured mode:
                spotMesh.Build(GraphicsCommandList, LightSpot); // TODO: Does "Build()" properly release the resources?
                // Now assign the new mesh to the model component:

            // Check if we only need to update the vertex positions:
            bool GeometryAffectingParametersChanged = !MathUtil.NearEqual(currentAngleOuterInRadians, LightSpot.AngleOuterInRadians) ||
                                                      !MathUtil.NearEqual(currentRange, LightSpot.Range) ||
                                                      !MathUtil.NearEqual(currentAspectRatio, LightSpot.AspectRatio) ||                         // TODO: This will trigger a rebuild even if no texture is being used.
                                                      !MathUtil.NearEqual(currentProjectionPlaneDistance, LightSpot.ProjectionPlaneDistance) || // TODO: This will trigger a rebuild even if no texture is being used.

            if (GeometryAffectingParametersChanged) // TODO: PERFORMANCE: We're doing redundant work. If the lighting mode changes, we do a rebuild and then we also update the vertex positions (redundant).
                // Save the current state:
                currentAngleOuterInRadians = LightSpot.AngleOuterInRadians; // "AngleOuterInRadians" already contains the max value between "AngleInner" and "AngleOuter".
                currentRange                   = LightSpot.Range;
                currentAspectRatio             = LightSpot.AspectRatio;
                currentProjectionPlaneDistance = LightSpot.ProjectionPlaneDistance;
                currentProjectiveTexture       = LightSpot.ProjectiveTexture;

                // Rebuild the mesh based on the new parameters:
                spotMesh.Rebuild(GraphicsCommandList, LightSpot);

            // update the spot color
            GizmoUniformColorMaterial.UpdateColor(GraphicsDevice, spotMaterial, (Color) new Color4(GetLightColor(GraphicsDevice), 1f));
コード例 #9
ファイル: AxialGizmo.cs プロジェクト: Beefr/xenko-wd
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a material having a uniform color.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="color">The color of the material</param>
 /// <returns>the material</returns>
 protected Material CreateUniformColorMaterial(Color color)
     return(GizmoUniformColorMaterial.Create(GraphicsDevice, color, false));