コード例 #1
		//draw all the instances
		//Note this class must be drawn after all the instances, to keep drawing in
		//the correct order. Otherwise instance culling may appear a frame delayed.
		public void Draw(DrawState state)
			//get the instancing shader and bind it
			var shader = state.GetShader<Shader.Tutorial16>();

			using (state + shader)
				//in this case, Xen.Ex.Geometry.Sphere implements IDrawBatch - allowing drawing a batch easily
				//otherwise, a call to:
				//  vertices.DrawInstances(...)
				//can be made (internally, the Sphere class does exactly this)

				//Note that all prebuilt shaders in Xen supports hardware instancing, and could be used in place of the custom shader

				//Get a dynamic instance buffer from the DrawState.
				//Pass in the matrix array to fill the buffer with the matrices
				//(Alternatively, get an empty instance buffer and write each matrix one at a time)
				var buffer = state.GetDynamicInstanceBuffer(this.instanceMatrices, this.instanceCount);

				//draw the dynamic instances
				geometry.DrawBatch(state, buffer);

				//reset the counter for the next frame
				instanceCount = 0;
コード例 #2
        public void Draw(DrawState state)
            //bind the background filling shader

            using (state.Shader.Push(state.GetShader<Shaders.BackgroundFill>()))
コード例 #3
		private void SetupShadowShader(DrawState state)
			var shadowCamera = this.shadowMapTarget.Camera;

			//compute the view*projection matrix for the shadow map camera...

			Matrix view, projection, viewProjection;
			shadowCamera.GetViewMatrix(out view);
			shadowCamera.GetProjectionMatrix(out projection, this.shadowMapTarget.Size);

			Matrix.Multiply(ref view, ref projection, out viewProjection);

			//and the view direction
			Vector3 viewDirection;
			shadowCamera.GetCameraViewDirection(out viewDirection);

			//set the matrix and other constants in the shadow mapping shader instances
			var shader = state.GetShader<Shader.ShadowShader>();

			//non-blending shader
			shader.LightColour = lightColour;
			shader.ShadowMap = this.shadowMapTarget.GetTexture();
			shader.SetShadowMapProjection(ref viewProjection);
			shader.SetShadowViewDirection(ref viewDirection);
コード例 #4
		public void Draw(DrawState state)
			//switch rendering mode based on the TutorialRenderMode flag
			switch (state.DrawFlags.GetFlag<TutorialRenderMode>())
				case TutorialRenderMode.DepthOutput:
					//bind the depth output shader
				case TutorialRenderMode.DrawShadow:
					//bind the shadow rendering shader
					Shader.ShadowShader shader = state.GetShader<Shader.ShadowShader>();
					shader.TextureMap = material.Textures.TextureMap;
					shader.TextureSampler = material.Textures.TextureMapSampler;
					//no flag known specified

			//draw the ground
			vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList);

コード例 #5
		//return the shader to use:
		public IShader BeginGeometry(DrawState state, GeometryData geometry)
			//query the draw flag, 
			switch (state.DrawFlags.GetFlag<TutorialRenderMode>())
				case TutorialRenderMode.DrawShadow:
					//return the shader that draws the shadow
					var shader = state.GetShader<Shader.ShadowShader>();
					shader.TextureMap = geometry.MaterialData.Texture;
					return shader;

				//return the shader that outpus depth
				case TutorialRenderMode.DepthOutput:
					return state.GetShader<Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOut>();

				default:	//no flag is set, or it is in it's default state
					return null;	//do not change the shader
コード例 #6
        //return the shader to use:
        public IShader BeginGeometry(DrawState state, GeometryData geometry)
            //query the draw flag,
            switch (state.DrawFlags.GetFlag<RenderMode>())
                case RenderMode.DrawShadow:
                        //return the shader shader
                        Shaders.ShadowShader shader = state.GetShader<Shaders.ShadowShader>();

                        shader.TextureMap = geometry.MaterialData.Texture;

                        return shader;

                case RenderMode.DepthOutput:
                    return state.GetShader<Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOut>();

                    return null;	//no change
コード例 #7
		private void DrawSphere(DrawState state)
			//draw the geometry with a solid colour shader
			if (geometry.CullTest(state))
				var shader = state.GetShader<Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour>();

				shader.FillColour = lightColour.ToVector4();

				using (state.Shader.Push(shader))
コード例 #8
		public void Draw(DrawState state)
			//scale the mesh
			Matrix scaleMatrix;
			Matrix.CreateScale(this.scale, out scaleMatrix);

			Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillVertexColour shader = state.GetShader<Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillVertexColour>();

			using (state.RenderState.Push())
			using (state.Shader.Push(shader))
			using (state.WorldMatrix.PushMultiply(ref worldMatrix))
				state.WorldMatrix.Multiply(ref scaleMatrix);

				//setup blending
				state.RenderState.CurrentRasterState.CullMode = CullMode.None;
				state.RenderState.CurrentBlendState = AlphaBlendState.AdditiveSaturate;
				state.RenderState.CurrentDepthState.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

				vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList);

			//this is a hack :-)
			//flicker the scale

			//every so often, target a new scale
			if (random.Next(100) > 75)
				scaleTarget = (float)random.NextDouble() * 0.4f + 0.6f;

			//interpolate to the scale target
			this.scale = this.scale * 0.75f + this.scaleTarget * 0.25f;
コード例 #9
		//draw all the instances
		public void Draw(DrawState state)
			//get the instancing shader and bind it
			var shader = state.GetShader<Shader.Tutorial16>();

			using (state + shader)
				//draw everything in one go!
				this.geometry.DrawBatch(state, this.staticInstanceBuffer);
コード例 #10
		private void DrawBoundingBoxes(DrawState state)
			//First, get the animated bone transforms of the model.
			//These transforms are in 'bone-space', not in world space.
			var boneAnimationTransforms = model.GetAnimationController().GetTransformedBones(state);

			//Get a simple shader from Xen.Ex that fills a solid colour
			var shader = state.GetShader<Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour>();

			//set the fill colour
			shader.FillColour = Color.White.ToVector4();

			using (state + shader)
			using (state.RenderState.Push())
				//disable back face culling
				state.RenderState.CurrentRasterState.CullMode = CullMode.None;
				//set to wireframe
				state.RenderState.CurrentRasterState.FillMode = FillMode.WireFrame;

				//loop through all the geometry data in the model..
				//(note, the sample model has only 1 geometry instance)

				var modelSkeleton = model.ModelData.Skeleton;
				int boxIndex = 0;

				foreach (var meshData in model.ModelData.Meshes)
					foreach (var geometry in meshData.Geometry)
						//now loop through all bones used by this geometry

						for (int geometryBone = 0; geometryBone < geometry.BoneIndices.Length; geometryBone++)
							//index of the bone (a piece of geometry may not use all the bones in the model)
							int boneIndex = geometry.BoneIndices[geometryBone];

							//get the base transform of the bone (the transform when not animated)
							var boneTransform = modelSkeleton.BoneWorldTransforms[boneIndex];

							//multiply the transform with the animation bone-local transform

							//it would be better to use Transform.Multiply() here to save data copying on the xbox
							boneTransform *= boneAnimationTransforms[boneIndex];

							//push the transform
							using (state.WorldMatrix.PushMultiply(ref boneTransform))
								//draw the box
								if (boundingBoxes[boxIndex].CullTest(state))

コード例 #11
ファイル: Game.cs プロジェクト: apeape/Xen-Game-Client
        private void DrawSphere(DrawState state)
            //draw the geometry with a solid colour shader
            if (geometry.CullTest(state))
                var shader = state.GetShader<Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour>();

                shader.FillColour = lightColour.ToVector4();

                using (state.Shader.Push(shader))
                    //state.RenderState.CurrentRasterState.FillMode = FillMode.WireFrame;
                    //state.RenderState.CurrentRasterState.FillMode = FillMode.Solid;
コード例 #12
		private void DrawSphere(DrawState state)
			//draw the geometry with a solid colour shader
			if (geometry.CullTest(state))
				var shader = state.GetShader<Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour>();
				shader.FillColour = lightColour.ToVector4();
				using (state + shader) // this add operator is a shortcut for 'state.Shader.Push(IShader)'