コード例 #1
 internal void OnBeginningEdit(DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
     if (this.BeginningEdit != null)
         this.BeginningEdit(this, e);
コード例 #2
 internal void OnCommittingEdit(DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
     if (this.CommittingEdit != null)
         this.CommittingEdit(this, e);
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// React on begin edit item.
 /// </summary>
 public void BeginEditItem(DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
     if (!e.Cancel)
                                          (string)App.Current.FindResource("Order"), _parentPage);
        internal override void OnBeginningEdit(DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            object item = e.Item;

            // We throw instead of setting e.Cancel to True because we do not want to give the developer the chance to set it back to False.
            if (item is EmptyDataItem)
                throw new DataGridException("Cannot begin edit on an empty data item or on an item that has a pending commit async operation.");

            DataGridPageManagerBase pageManager = this.RootGroup.GetVirtualPageManager();

            if (pageManager.IsAsyncCommitQueuedForItem(item))
                throw new DataGridException("Cannot begin edit on an empty data item or on an item that has a pending commit async operation.");

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Beggining edit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Ignored.</param>
        private void _DataGridCollectionViewSourceBeginningEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            e.Handled = true;

            // If not canceled - raise EditBegun event and update editing status.
            IsEditingInProgress = true;
コード例 #6
    public virtual void EditItem( object item )
      if( item == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "item" );


      if( m_currentEditItem == item )


      DataGridItemCancelEventArgs itemCancelEventArgs = new DataGridItemCancelEventArgs( this, item, false );
      m_rootDataGridCollectionViewBase.OnBeginningEdit( itemCancelEventArgs );

      if( itemCancelEventArgs.Cancel )
        throw new DataGridException( "EditItem was canceled." );

      this.ItemEditionIsManuallyHandled = itemCancelEventArgs.Handled;

      if( !this.ItemEditionIsManuallyHandled )
        bool beginEditCalled;
        this.EditItemInternal( item, out beginEditCalled );

        if( !beginEditCalled )
          DataGridItemPropertyCollection itemProperties = this.ItemProperties;
          int count = itemProperties.Count;
          m_oldValuesBeforeEdition = new object[ count ];

          for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            m_oldValuesBeforeEdition[ i ] = itemProperties[ i ].GetValue( item );

      m_currentEditItem = item;
      DataGridItemEventArgs itemEventArgs = new DataGridItemEventArgs( this, item );
      m_rootDataGridCollectionViewBase.OnEditBegun( itemEventArgs );
コード例 #7
    internal virtual void OnBeginningEdit( DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e )
      // We throw instead of setting e.Cancel to True because we do not want to give the developer the chance to set it back to False.
      if( e.Item is EmptyDataItem )
        throw new DataGridException( "Cannot begin edit on an empty data item." );

      if( this.BeginningEdit != null )
        this.BeginningEdit( this, e );

      if( m_parentCollectionViewSourceBase != null )
        m_parentCollectionViewSourceBase.OnBeginningEdit( e );
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler commits editing (calls CommitItem method of appropriate ContextHandler).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Data grid control sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Item event args.</param>
        private void _DataGridCollectionViewSourceCommittingEdit(object sender,
                                                                 DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            DataObjectCanceledEventArgs args = new DataObjectCanceledEventArgs((AppData.DataObject)e.Item);
            if (CommittingEdit != null)
                CommittingEdit(this, args);

            e.Handled = true;

            if (!args.Cancel)


                IsEditingInProgress = false;
                e.Cancel = true;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when user press "Enter" on edited grid row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void DataGridCollectionViewSource_CommittingEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
                if (_isEditeStart && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_selectedProfileName))
                    ReportInfo editedInfo  = App.Current.ReportGenerator.GetReportInfo(_selectedProfileName);
                    if (null != editedInfo)

                        ReportDataWrapper selectedItem = xceedGridReports.CurrentItem as ReportDataWrapper;

                        string templatePath = ReportsGenerator.GetNewTemplatePath(selectedItem.Name, editedInfo.TemplatePath);

                        string fileSrcName = ReportsGenerator.GetTemplateAbsolutelyPath(editedInfo.TemplatePath);
                        string fileDestName = ReportsGenerator.GetTemplateAbsolutelyPath(templatePath);
                        File.Move(fileSrcName, fileDestName);

                        _selectedProfileName = editedInfo.Name = selectedItem.Name;
                        ReportDataWrapper.StartTemplatePath = templatePath;
                        ReportDataWrapper.StartTemplateName = _selectedProfileName;
                        editedInfo.TemplatePath = templatePath;
            catch (Exception ex)

            _isEditeStart = false;
            e.Handled = true;
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// React on committing edit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event args.</param>
        private void _CommittingEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            _geocodablePage.OnCommittingEdit(e, !_skipStartGeocoding);
            e.Handled = true;

            CurrentItem.Address.PropertyChanged -= new PropertyChangedEventHandler(_AddressPropertyChanged);
            CurrentItem.PropertyChanged -= new PropertyChangedEventHandler(_CurrentItemPropertyChanged);
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// React on DataGridCollectionViewSource CommittingEdit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Data grid item cancel event arguments </param>
        private void DataGridCollectionViewSource_CommittingEdit(object sender,
                                                                 DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
                var selectedItem = xceedGrid.CurrentItem as RestrictionDataWrapper;

                IVrpSolver solver = App.Current.Solver;
                SolverSettings solverSettings = solver.SolverSettings;
                NetworkDescription networkDescription = solver.NetworkDescription;

                ICollection<NetworkAttribute> networkAttributes =
                foreach (NetworkAttribute attribute in networkAttributes)
                    if (selectedItem.Restriction.Name.Equals(attribute.Name,
                        ICollection<NetworkAttributeParameter> paramColl = attribute.Parameters;
                        Debug.Assert(null != paramColl);
                        _UpdateValue(selectedItem, solverSettings, attribute);
            catch (Exception ex)

            e.Handled = true;
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when user press "enter" on edited grid row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void DataGridCollectionViewSource_CommittingEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            App.Current.MainWindow.StatusBar.SetStatus(this, null);

            Row parentRow = (Row)XceedGrid.GetContainerFromItem(e.Item);
            parentRow.Cells[IS_CURRENT_COLUMN_CAPTION].IsEnabled = true;

            ProjectDataWrapper editedItem = e.Item as ProjectDataWrapper;

            e.Handled = true;
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// React on commiting edit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Commiting event args.</param>
        /// <param name="canStartGeocoding">Flag for accepting geocoding start.</param>
        public void OnCommittingEdit(DataGridItemCancelEventArgs args, bool canStartGeocoding)
            Debug.Assert(args != null);

            _canceledByGrid = true;
            IGeocodable geocodable = (IGeocodable)args.Item;
            if (geocodable != _currentItem)
                args.Cancel = true;

            if (_isAddressChanged && canStartGeocoding)
                _StartGeocoding(_currentItem, true);
                if (!IsGeocodingInProcess)
                    _currentItem.Address.PropertyChanged -= new PropertyChangedEventHandler(_AddressPropertyChanged);


            _canceledByGrid = false;

            if (!IsGeocodingInProcess)
                _currentItem = null;
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// React on beginning edit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Beginning edit args.</param>
        public void OnBeginningEdit(DataGridItemCancelEventArgs args)
            Debug.Assert(args != null);

            // if geocoding in process and try to edit not geocoding geocodable object - than cancel it
            IGeocodable current = (IGeocodable)args.Item;

            // in case of deleting edited - cancel beginning edit
            if ((IsGeocodingInProcess && current != _currentItem))
                args.Cancel = true;
                _currentItem = args.Item as IGeocodable;
                _currentItem.Address.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(_AddressPropertyChanged);

                _editStartedByGrid = true;
                _editStartedByGrid = false;
コード例 #15
 private void DataGridCollectionViewSource_CommittingEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
     e.Handled = true;
     if (SymbologyManager.SymbologyType == SymbologyType.QuantitySymbology)
コード例 #16
        private void DataGridCollectionViewSource_BeginningEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            e.Handled = true;

            if (SymbologyManager.SymbologyType == SymbologyType.CategorySymbology)
                if (((OrderCategory)e.Item).DefaultValue)
                    CategoryXceedGrid.Columns[VALUE_COLUMN_INDEX].ReadOnly = true;
                if (((OrderQuantity)e.Item).DefaultValue)
                    QuantityXceedGrid.Columns[MINVALUE_COLUMN_INDEX].ReadOnly = true;
                    QuantityXceedGrid.Columns[MAXVALUE_COLUMN_INDEX].ReadOnly = true;
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Need to close current popup and open popup if current item has invalid property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="e">DataGridItemCancelEventArgs.</param>
        private void _CollectionViewSourceBeginningEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            // Do not show callout, when pointing on invalid cell.

            // If callout pointing at another item - close it.
            if (_InvalidItem != e.Item && _Callout.IsOpen)
                _callout = new Callout();

            // Remember edited item and subscribe to it's property changed event.
            _InvalidItem = e.Item as IDataErrorInfo;
            (e.Item as INotifyPropertyChanged).PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler

            // If current column have error.
            if (_dataGrid.CurrentColumn != null &&
                !string.IsNullOrEmpty((e.Item as IDataErrorInfo)[_dataGrid.CurrentColumn.FieldName]))
                // If callout is pointing at another column - close it.
                if (_column != _dataGrid.CurrentColumn)
                    _callout = new Callout();

                // If callout closed - open it and point at current cell.
                if (!_Callout.IsOpen)
                    // Detect column to show callout.
                    var column = _dataGrid.CurrentColumn;
                    if (Address.IsAddressPropertyName(column.FieldName))
                        column = _GetFirstAddressColumn();

            // If callout closed - seek for item's invalid properties.
            else if (!_Callout.IsOpen && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_InvalidItem.Error))
                _ShowCalloutOnInvalidItem(e.Item as IDataErrorInfo);

            // Subscribe to cell property changed events. Doing so we will know when user change active cell.
            DataRow row = _dataGrid.GetContainerFromItem(e.Item) as DataRow;

            // If grid view is table flow - even in editing state row can be null.
            if (row != null)
                foreach (var cell in row.Cells)
                    cell.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(_CellPropertyChanged);
コード例 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// React on DataGridCollectionViewSource BeginningEdit.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">Ignored.</param>
 /// <param name="e">Data grid item cancel event arguments </param>
 private void DataGridCollectionViewSource_BeginningEdit(object sender,
                                                         DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
     e.Handled = true;
コード例 #19
 internal void OnBeginningEdit( DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e )
   if( this.BeginningEdit != null )
     this.BeginningEdit( this, e );
コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// React on beginning edit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event args.</param>
        private void _BeginningEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            // If location has no or whitespace name - get new name for it
            // and turn on validation on address fields.
            Location location = e.Item as Location;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.Name))
                location.Name = DataObjectNamesConstructor.GetNameForNewDataObject(
                    _locations, location, true);

            (e.Item as Location).IsAddressValidationEnabled = true;

            e.Handled = true;

            CurrentItem.Address.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(_AddressPropertyChanged);
            CurrentItem.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(_CurrentItemPropertyChanged);
コード例 #21
 internal void OnCommittingEdit( DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e )
   if( this.CommittingEdit != null )
     this.CommittingEdit( this, e );
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when user press start edit name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void DataGridCollectionViewSource_BeginningEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            ReportDataWrapper selectedItem = xceedGridReports.CurrentItem as ReportDataWrapper;
            if (null != selectedItem)
                ReportInfo info = App.Current.ReportGenerator.GetReportInfo(selectedItem.Name);
                if (null != info)
                    if (!info.IsPredefined)
                        buttonDeleteTemplate.IsEnabled = buttonEditTemplate.IsEnabled = buttonDuplicateTemplate.IsEnabled = false;
                        _isEditeStart = true;

            e.Handled = true;
コード例 #23
        private void DataGridCollectionViewSource_BeginningEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            DataObjectCanceledEventArgs args = new DataObjectCanceledEventArgs((ESRI.ArcLogistics.Data.DataObject)e.Item);
            if (BeginningEdit != null)
                BeginningEdit(this, args);

            e.Handled = true;

            if (!args.Cancel)
                IsEditingInProgress = true;
                e.Cancel = true;
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// React on commit item.
        /// </summary>
        public void CommitItem(DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            if (!e.Cancel)
                _geocodablePage.OnCommittingEdit(e, true);

                Project project = App.Current.Project;
                if (project != null)

                DataGridControlEx dataGrid = _parentPage.OrdersView.OrdersGrid;
                if (dataGrid.SelectedItems == null)
                    string status = string.Format((string)App.Current.FindResource(OptimizeAndEditPage.NoSelectionStatusFormat),
                                                  _currentSchedule.Routes.Count, _currentSchedule.UnassignedOrders.Count);
                    App.Current.MainWindow.StatusBar.SetStatus(_parentPage, status);

                    (string)App.Current.FindResource("Order"), dataGrid.SelectedItems.Count, _parentPage);
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Edit commited.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Ignored.</param>
        private void _DataGridCollectionViewSourceCommittingEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            e.Handled = true;

            // Break changed, need to sort breaks.

            if (!e.Cancel)
                // If not canceled - saving project.
                if (App.Current.Project != null)

                // Update status label.
                IsEditingInProgress = false;
                e.Cancel = true;
コード例 #26
        private void DataGridCollectionViewSource_CommittingEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            if (CommonHelpers.IgnoreVirtualLocations(e.Item))
                var args = new DataObjectCanceledEventArgs((ESRI.ArcLogistics.Data.DataObject)e.Item);
                if (CommittingEdit != null)
                    CommittingEdit(this, args);

                e.Handled = true;

                if (args.Cancel)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                    var project = App.Current.Project;
                    if (project != null)

                    IsEditingInProgress = false;
                e.Handled = true;
                e.Cancel = true;
コード例 #27
    internal override void OnBeginningEdit( DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e )
      object item = e.Item;

      // We throw instead of setting e.Cancel to True because we do not want to give the developer the chance to set it back to False.
      if( item is EmptyDataItem )
        throw new DataGridException( "Cannot begin edit on an empty data item or on an item that has a pending commit async operation." );

      DataGridPageManagerBase pageManager = this.RootGroup.GetVirtualPageManager();

      if( pageManager.IsAsyncCommitQueuedForItem( item ) )
        throw new DataGridException( "Cannot begin edit on an empty data item or on an item that has a pending commit async operation." );

      base.OnBeginningEdit( e );
コード例 #28
        private void DataGridCollectionViewSource_CommittingEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            DataObjectCanceledEventArgs args = new DataObjectCanceledEventArgs((ESRI.ArcLogistics.Data.DataObject)e.Item);
            if (CommittingEdit != null)
                CommittingEdit(this, args);

            e.Handled = true;

            if (!args.Cancel)
                if (App.Current.Project != null)

                IsEditingInProgress = false;
                e.Cancel = true;
コード例 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler begins edit item (calls BeginEditItem method of appropriate ContextHandler).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Data grid control sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Item event args.</param>
        private void _DataGridCollectionViewSourceBeginningEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            e.Handled = true;
            if (e.Item is AppData.DataObject)
                // Define event args from editinf Item.
                var args = _CreateDataObjectCanceledEventArgs(e.Item);

                // Raise BeginningEdit event.
                if (BeginningEdit != null)
                    BeginningEdit(this, args);

                // Add handler to PropertyChanged event - need to support editing bool fields
                // by single click and save changes.
                ((INotifyPropertyChanged)e.Item).PropertyChanged +=
                    new PropertyChangedEventHandler(_RoutesGridObjectPropertyChanged);

                if (!args.Cancel)
                    _handler.BeginEditItem(e); // If action wasn't cancelled - begin editing
                // in appropriate handler.
                    e.Cancel = true;
コード例 #30
    internal void OnCommittingEdit( DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e )
      if( this.CommittingEdit != null )
        this.CommittingEdit( this, e );

      if( m_parentCollectionViewSourceBase != null )
        m_parentCollectionViewSourceBase.OnCommittingEdit( e );
コード例 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler commits editing (calls CommitItem method of appropriate ContextHandler).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Data grid control sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Item event args.</param>
        private void _DataGridCollectionViewSourceCommittingEdit(object sender, DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
            if (CommonHelpers.IgnoreVirtualLocations(e.Item))
                // Remove handler to PropertyChanged (was added before for support
                // editing bool fields by single click and save changes).
                ((INotifyPropertyChanged)e.Item).PropertyChanged -= _RoutesGridObjectPropertyChanged;

                // Define event args from commited object.
                var args = _CreateDataObjectCanceledEventArgs(e.Item);

                // Raise commiting edit event.
                if (CommittingEdit != null)
                    CommittingEdit(this, args);

                e.Handled = true;

                if (!args.Cancel) // If action was not cancelled - commit changes.
                    e.Cancel = true;
                e.Handled = true;
                e.Cancel = true;
コード例 #32
    public virtual void CommitEdit()
      if( m_currentEditItem == null )

      DataGridItemCancelEventArgs itemCancelEventArgs = new DataGridItemCancelEventArgs( this, m_currentEditItem, false );
      m_rootDataGridCollectionViewBase.OnCommittingEdit( itemCancelEventArgs );

      if( itemCancelEventArgs.Cancel )
        throw new DataGridException( "CommitEdit was canceled." );

      if( itemCancelEventArgs.Handled != this.ItemEditionIsManuallyHandled )
        throw new InvalidOperationException( "When manually handling the item-edition process the BeginningEdit, CommittingEdit, and CancelingEdit events must all be handled." );

      if( !itemCancelEventArgs.Handled )
        bool endEditCalled;
        this.EndEditInternal( m_currentEditItem, out endEditCalled );
        m_oldValuesBeforeEdition = null;

      DataGridItemEventArgs itemEventArgs = new DataGridItemEventArgs( this, m_currentEditItem );
      int index = this.IndexOfSourceItem( m_currentEditItem );
      Debug.Assert( index != -1 );

      object[] items = new object[] { m_currentEditItem };
      m_currentEditItem = null;

      // Only execute or queue a replace operation if the item is not already queued for a remove operation.
      if( !this.DeferredOperationManager.ContainsItemForRemoveOperation( items[ 0 ] ) )
        this.ExecuteOrQueueSourceItemOperation( new DeferredOperation(
          -1, index, items, index, items ) );

      m_rootDataGridCollectionViewBase.OnEditCommitted( itemEventArgs );
コード例 #33
 /// <summary>
 /// React on commit item.
 /// </summary>
 public void CommitItem(DataGridItemCancelEventArgs e)
     e.Handled = true;